
Thematic Elements Quotes

There are 242 quotes

"We have this phrase that we use to describe the combat in the game: 'mud, blood, and steel'. We want it to feel really, really grounded and lethally precise."
"How could an incredibly G-rated musical coming out this holiday season possibly remind me of a violent dystopian train cannibalism film that came out 10 years ago? Well, they're both movies about eating bugs."
"Edelgard recognizes Dimitri as a fellow victim of Talus and those who slither in the dark, just like her."
"To maintain life and love and freedom, the point of Chainsaw Man."
"We're evil! Villainy is like blowing up land, there's nothing like it."
"The theme of Jennifer's Body... is about the horror of being a teenager."
"As a result, game mechanics and design space have expanded, and flavor has been reinstated into the card frame in much the same way that Alpha utilized its potential."
"The most glaring and obvious theme throughout wano is that of hunger."
"This series has always been about breaking tradition or breaking cycles."
"The mojito scuffles in the series have given birth to a lot of memorable stuff."
"Necrons: undead Egyptian skeleton robots that carry enslaved gods into battle. How is that not the coolest thing ever?"
"The true hook of Zombie Island was what the reality of the monsters meant for the stories and messages."
"Rayman would then visit his home locations which are inspired by the first Rayman game to rid the rabbits of their homeland."
"Rian wanted the sacrifice, he wanted the WW2 bombers, he wanted the tension."
"One of the best quirks MJ has is her constant reading of books that are secretly related to the movie that she's in."
"Hope is one of the main themes of Star Wars that George Lucas has taught me."
"Call of Juarez brings to mind the themes and characters of Clint Eastwood's Unforgiven and pale rider."
"Everything I love is in this film: American frontier history, dark humor in spades, gruesome violence, homoeroticism. Oh baby, yes."
"Oh, I love it. Yeah, it's really cool. It's a cool vibe and it's a little more dark. Well, I don't know, I think all of our characters are just a little more like less heroic."
"Composer Basil Polidoris worked on the soundtrack for over six months generating themes for the film that were both dramatic, catchy, and vaguely military sounding."
"Most superhero movies suffer from a lack of a compelling villain."
"Star Wars is about heart, feeling, and compassion."
"The damsel in distress in both Vivi and Rebecca, the shadow of the protagonist in Blackbeard. The cast is so."
"One theme that constantly pops up time and time again throughout the series is how the seeds of war are often planted during times of peace."
"There's normal enemies and then there's the big dog wolves that wear the masks, 'cause they're into weird stuff, crazy."
"There's always a touch of lightness in Star Wars."
"The Sith trooper is meant to evoke kind of the muscles, kind of the internal strength that you might find in a soldier."
"It may not have been like the most Halloween-themed, but it's still spooky."
"Every character deals with loss in some way."
"So, it's not just about making sure the number of moons over a planet is correct. It's more about, you know, thematically, what are you going for and what's the best way to achieve that with Star Wars?"
"The dungeons aka palaces focus on the villains' hearts."
"All the little Easter eggs and details here are just so good."
"All the elements of this film work pretty well for me."
"It felt very much so like, okay, it kind of reminds you of the Pain arc on the surface level. It gives you that vibe, but at the same time, I felt as though it was kind of a debate of destiny."
"Ghosts are around every corner, and we don't mean the friendly type that revives you after taking too much damage."
"This movie highlighted what was missing: a real sense of danger, stakes, impending doom, dread."
"Assassins and Templars will be important to this game there'll be so much law and it will be there they will be present."
"Humanity tried and failed miserably to fight back against a parasite."
"We've taken a cactus design and the little phrase that came with it and turned it into a really fun cactus pop-up card with a lot of design elements."
"Neil Burger used a lot of reflective surfaces throughout the film to illustrate the theme of identity."
"Cascade Falls... it gives me like a Star Wars vibe."
"The central theme of A Song of Ice and Fire is intergenerational conflict."
"The living must oppose the dead; the only thing we should fight."
"It's fun for everyone, beautiful design and some weird post-apocalyptic themes."
"Motifs are used to convey character, places, or ideas."
"It's deep and complex but it's still gadgets and costumes..."
"The main theme is a good piece to start with... the emotion of 'we will survive no matter the odds'."
"Every area has its own design, painting the picture of a fascinating city."
"A good league has all of these elements together, plus a cool theme to go on top of it."
"It's debatable as to whether the entire restaurant burns down."
"Slap on some mushrooms and moss, and I want to read your book."
"It was such a full-circle element for all of us with the Malick wedding season 1."
"Naruto was a little more grounded in its concept, focusing on shinobi in a war-torn world."
"Squirtle's alternate costume is Shinobi Squirtle, dressing him up as a ninja."
"I think my only real complaint is that Boros, they just kind of shoehorned it into, 'You love equipment, don't you?'"
"The best part of waking up is running through an animatronic Pizzeria."
"I really love how different all of these spirits feel. Spirit Island doesn't have that many verbs but specifically which verbs you have access to and how intense they are gives every single spirit a kind of thematic asymmetry."
"The movie's themes of gods and spirituality are actually the very first words spoken in the film."
"It looks really awesome, reinforcing the whole stained glass aesthetic."
"Having that exact type of zord very clearly feeds into the idea of legacy."
"Every Western gets so much better when you lay a gay subtext in."
"The crux of the game is constants and variables."
"Sometimes subtly, sometimes not, love is what Harry Potter films are all about."
"If you want to change the world think about the real world if you want to change the world to what lengths would you go yeah what are you willing to do right"
"I think memories and time and history is definitely one of the things Oda wants to emphasize."
"It wasn't really a theme, it was just a motif for Khan."
"Each of their stands have the word king somewhere in their name: paper moon king, king nothing, california king bed, speed king, nut king, call, walking heart, awaken."
"The themes and stuff are the icing on the cake."
"Season 7 centers around an icy cold glacial theme... with a new vehicle in the form of a fighter plane called the Stormwing X4."
"Greed is a running theme in the world of AAA corporate gaming."
"It is a deep movie... This is a movie that is about a coming of age, like acceptance of loss, acceptance of death, taking responsibility for your gifts."
"Martin Hollis wanted to fill his game with aspects of the James Bond universe."
"The core themes of the original concept revolved around food, greed, and consumption."
"Personally what I loved about this game the most was just the overall theme."
"Black Panther stood out on how it dealt with these elements of the superhero story."
"Falling prey to sweetness was a running theme throughout the arc. Hoecake Island was largely about people being lured into a trap."
"It was like a great revenge flick like a movie right."
"This is very Mad Max, I'm getting Mad Max vibes."
"With its cotton candy tail and unicorn horn, it was revealed in a really creative way."
"Alright, so it wouldn't be Diablo without going to hell, right?"
"And though I'm biased, I can't help but feel just that little bit of streak and grime makes this zealous tabletop themed space marine all the more ready for some grim dark battle."
"The theme of the threads of fate is frequently invoked throughout the film."
"And I honestly have no doubt in my mind that this show will continue its gay spin."
"The Sun shot seems to convey three things: astronomical change, leading into hell, and blood being spilled."
"In other words, it always comes back to romance."
"Freedom is the single most important theme in One Piece."
"The stars of the show are most certainly the demons."
"Thor's outfit here is filled with easter eggs."
"A restaurant can close down and still exist as a building full of Pizzeria stuff."
"If this game is actually built off of love and connection, then what was this?"
"The film seems to argue that assimilation is preferred over annihilation."
"The gothic, the atmosphere, the tragedy, the spookiness, the ghost, the heartache, the heartbreak, it's just gorgeous."
"Mercury's aspects emphasize communication themes, especially when angular."
"Doom is absolutely metal in every single sense of the word."
"It's a series about the dangers of bigotry and prejudice."
"I really loved the nightmare scene. Felt very eerie and gave hints on where the series could go."
"The less dark way to do it is that Galadriel is just simply unable to let go of Revenge, let go of Middle Earth."
"Godzilla is Nature's way of maintaining balance and is a necessary force in the world."
"Film noir is a genre and the style, so yes it would be structural and stylistic."
"Sanji's priority list: cooking, enemy threats, women, naked women, and women in danger."
"Despite how dour the world can get, the game still has this optimism to it."
"Brazil is the world that the Evil Genius from Time Bandits would make if he gained all control."
"Perception is absolutely a central theme in the work."
"The poetic justice in the film I thought was wonderful."
"Themes of imperialism, colonialization, Marxism, and workers' Revolution are very much baked into what this game is about."
"This is a movie about determinism versus free will, that's the big thematic element of the story."
"Remember, it's an instant kill and it really brings some more Western shootout vibes to the gunslinger."
"Marvel just making it fun for the fans that every place where an infinity stone has been found as a letter in the word Thanos."
"Post-apocalyptic settings always make for a great video game."
"The king's slow rot could be one of these deaths by design."
"Teen vampires: fitting and inevitable choice for teenage narratives."
"Some of the imagery and characters involved in this arc whether that's the espada or the white sands of Hueco Mundo are considered to be synonymous with Bleach itself."
"Hockey is now a fundamental building block throughout the entirety of the One Piece world."
"The song is wonderful, it highlights both Charlie and the show's playful and fun themes."
"The book's leitmotif is 'for every downfall in life, there is a rise.'"
"Every level stands out with memorable themes and unique aspects."
"Because who doesn't want werewolves in Call of Duty zombies?"
"There's always a man, there's always a city, there's always a scientist, there's always a girl."
"Huge guns, over-the-top violence, metal music doesn't tiptoe around hell or demons."
"Zorro's backstory and his goal are indirectly a Revenge plot against the course of nature."
"Secret identities are one of my favorite things to read about."
"Curiosity of humanity is the perfect setup for the horror element."
"The fishbone shirt is another basic shirt but i again really like this color of blue and it has fish bones which are the closest thing to dry bones in any of these costumes."
"The hero is part of the force that makes order out of chaos."
"In the end, Game of Thrones is about the characters."
"The cyberpunk sub-genre of Science Fiction can be broadly characterized with the theme of high-tech and low life."
"It gave me that vibe of like so many different things I've seen in Shonen manga and anime history."
"Death troopers are great new designs... they live up to their name in Rogue One."
"Carpenter said, 'For me, it was essential that the vampire slayer be as savage as the prey he's after.'"
"There's this running theme of technology or dystopia through technology that really kind of ties it all in together."
"The beauty of homecoming is how it elaborates on that by bringing the familiar the high school drama and couple that with the hero worship of Tony Stark."
"It's like the wild battle has a dark undertone, you know?"
"I have a craving for blood and booty, and there's only one game that can satisfy my needs: Total War Rome 2."
"They designed the psychopaths around the seven deadly sins and have their motives stem from there."
"Waves are this motif that connects to sand dunes and is also connected to descriptions of time."
"The lore is sprinkled all over the entire movie."
"Crystal Isles, a map filled with, you guessed it, crystals."
"Nihilism is probably the biggest, most recurrent theme in Rick and Morty."
"In this unconventional sci-fi black comedy, filmmaker Nacho Vigalondo uses a giant city-destroying creature to tell a surprisingly small and intimate story about addiction, toxic relationships, and personal responsibility." - WatchMojo.com
"So everyone will get the lunar cycle, but of course we made sure that for our werewolves specific lunar phases will affect them more."
"Light and dark, order and chaos, good and evil."
"Love in other words is childhood friends too estranged to lovers."
"It's really fun, like it's very endemic twists."
"That's one of the great things about the show: there's always this chance for Renewal."
"Star Wars is about the force, this power that binds us, connects us."
"The story arc is always about what George has always said: Star Wars is about the dark and the light, selfishness and selflessness."
"This is a Grixis good stuff deck with a bit of a dragon's theme."
"This isn't a supernatural story but like most of his movies it contains three major elements: fear, anxiety, and a sense of humor."
"Nightmare is the only animatronic to have an entire night named after him in Five Nights at Freddy's 4."
"I was gonna have to bring out, but Sarge of War provided deck that's all about bringing cats back from the dead."
"Yuji is going to die; it adds more emphasis to the concept of rebirth, which has always been at the core of Jujutsu Kaisen."
"The bloke will undercurrent of the film is that these heroes and heroines are living in a fascist utopia."
"The maze itself won't be amazing but it doesn't matter right cuz it'll be filled with traps."
"The disappearance of the god, the goddess, the savior-type figures, etc."
"In Riverdale, music may not be the underlying element, but it does reintroduce music as an important aspect of the show."
"More mature, more violent - what I love about this show."
"This is a game I wanted to like because first of all, it's beautiful. Second of all, I love underwater, water-based themes."
"Enchanted highlighted the differences between reality and fantasy, but also where the two overlapped."
"People listen to music over and over again because they get something out of it thematically."
"It's like 'Jurassic Park' for me: if there are dinosaurs and they're eating people, guys, it's great."
"The movie ends with the conclusion that isolationism and nationalism are bad, war is bad, conquest is bad, radical identitarianism is bad."
"It's got like hot chicks, um, hot dudes, savagery, eating people guts, incest, all these fun topics."
"Plankton being evil is a given, but he's very much about order being corrupt."
"We wanted a funny element at the same time. We had to find a balance of cool ones, serious ones."
"It crafts corruption-themed furniture from lesion blocks."
"Megaman X isn't just a boss rush though; each of their levels are themed after their particular abilities and they're beautiful to look at."
"Malevolent intentions lurking in the darkness."
"Come for the sci-fi, stay for the friendship and chuckles. I'm sad to be done with the Blood and Ice Cream trilogy. It's a special one."
"And the magic gods gave us the world tree which I guess is fitting since world tree is what we're built around."
"Burtonesque" is a unique blend of surrealist nightmare and childlike whimsy inspired by German Expressionism, suburban Americana, and a gothic sensibility.
"Costner and Reynolds wanted the Mariner's boat to have a 'Swiss Family Robinson' like feel."
"Bombastically creative levels with their own unique gimmicks, tropes, music, and theming."
"It's funny how these things always pertain to conflict, climate, and contagion."
"It definitely had a very strong girl power message."
"They love fire, so if you want to take a lot of flamers and weapons that just melt armor, Salamanders."
"Far Cry 5 has the same open-world choose your own carnage approaches as the other Far Cry games except this time you're fighting Christian cultists in the mountains of Montana and you have a dog."
"Capturing the class fantasy with one ability... it's only going to get better from here."
"Themes of rebelling against creators and finding a home among family."
"It really accentuates the horror, doesn't it? Because dark is dark."
"Horror is supposed to be frustrating, that's a big part of it."
"Game of Thrones is about revenge, betrayal, double-crossing, and intrigue."
"Sunrises are often symbolic of Hope, rebirth, and even Resurrection, which all play a role in this finale."
"If there's one thing this series has always been good at, it's water."
"Pagode, it's like a big spaceship landing here in the middle of the park."
"Sonic's world is full of things designed to help him... like elaborate hamster wheels for Sonic to run around on."
"Once the unsets came back, squirrels in magic became inevitable."
"Towns in the game should be themed on location and evolve over time based on war, plague, factions, etc."
"Wow, I was not expecting the scorpion vibes."
"It's all about the guns and killing Mecha Nazis, what can I say?"
"It's a pirate story. Did I mention that? It's a pirate story."
"So we already talked about the base, it's a danger room base black and blue floor."
"Well Tolkien said it because he said in several letters but particularly in the letter he wrote to his uh friend and potential publisher he wasn't in there but Martin Waldman when he said that all stories are about a fall."
"Signifying that she's not done with the Crusade just yet."
"The number 42 is clearly laced throughout the movie."
"Circular shapes and movements are so prominent throughout the movie to bring our attention to the concept of the o face, things go well, I might be showing her my oh face oh oh oh no circles."
"There's a lot of just fun and thematic stuff that all comes together."
"A lot of it is kind of like mistreatment of animals, but I would say even bigger than that is the theme of moving on and forgiveness."
"Admiral White Snake you know like that that it works it works."
"Let's get weird because this game is about to be rated PG for psycho Gorman."
"A movie is better when it has thematic threads that run through it. This movie is like James Cameron's Titanic but if Rose and Jack travel back in time to stop the boat from sinking."