
Game Difficulty Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"Every combat encounter is dangerous but also slow enough that it allows for mistakes to be made especially early in the game and, most importantly, it has to be fun."
"Something can be both difficult and have a good suite of accessibility features."
"It's such a big difference and just because of that reason, this game is gonna be a much more difficult and a much more detailed experience."
"I want these bosses to be brutal. I want to be stuck on these bosses for a long time and have no recourse apart from getting better."
"The higher these levels go, the bigger the gaps are."
"We've never had more difficult stages to test characters out in."
"These are tough games but they are very rewarding games as well."
"The enemies here are perfectly fine... the threat in Dying Light comes from sheer numbers."
"Elden Ring might have perfected video game difficulty and defied the trends of modern gaming."
"Overwatch is a far less forgiving game than Paladins."
"It's not like Dark Souls. Dark Souls is a very well-made game and it's a very hard game but it's fun hard."
"Flappy Bird: the most frustrating game possible."
"The game isn't easier for later players, it's just challenging in a different way."
"Difficulty isn't even the fun bit games as Monster Hunter World proves is the ways in which they interact with and test us."
"This game is very difficult so it's completely understandable if you want to take the opportunity to focus well and perform."
"The legendary difficulty showed us a vision of destiny that fully functioned."
"The legendary difficulty itself is the most important addition to this game that the Witch Queen expansion makes thrilling law nerds and casual cutscene skippers alike."
"It's significantly harder than the first game in the series."
"That extra difficulty just made all those mechanics so much more tense."
"Every decision truly has to be tactical and strategic on a higher level than anything you've done in previous modes."
"Forest starts out where it's leisurely, I'll say, but it's not to say that the speed run won't be as challenging."
"If you played this game, you know that it is quite difficult."
"Even outside of the story, the game's difficulty tracks with its mental health metaphor."
"The golden strawberries tested my willingness to grow and learn."
"Cuphead will kick your ass. You're gonna die in this game a lot."
"I hope I've accurately portrayed why this is the hardest game I've ever played."
"I think that Capstone dungeons being really hard and then things getting a bit easier after that it's probably going to be a little bit more relaxing and a lot cleaner so I'm glad to see that for sure."
"Floundering is it, the opening of the game gives you literally zero guidance, no obvious NPC to talk to, no goal, no questline, no tutorial."
"Dark Souls was unapologetically challenging."
"Clearing every milestone and earning every potential reward is harder in Payday than 99% of games on the market."
"Cyber Shadow is old school masochism at its finest."
"Elden Ring's open world emerges as a new tool to help players navigate the game's difficulty."
"Rain World is brutal, it is a game that boils down to exploration and survival."
"Bewick Saga is a ruthlessly difficult game for sure, but it's also a fair game."
"Playing a necromancer can be a bit more challenging than some of the other classes available in the game."
"Every 10 days there will be a new event in the game to make the game slightly more difficult. I hope you enjoy."
"This game might look easy, but it's really not."
"Do not panic. This doesn't have to be as difficult as what the game says it's going to be."
"In other words, classic difficulty comes from before the poll and retail WoW difficulty comes from the actual boss fight."
"The small crit soldiers... consistently some of the most dangerous robots in the game."
"Sans becomes the player's worst nightmare, and there's no doubt from the start that you're gonna have a bad time."
"The challenge scaling of Hell Divers is pretty much spot on."
"It's not about balance, it's about how freaking hard can we make this game."
"The combat in Jedi fall in order is hard without being punishing."
"It's not an easy game even after all the patching."
"I think something like that is something we could definitely do for hard mode."
"The enemy is faster than you. It is stronger. It is eternal. It will tear you to shreds."
"Shout out to hell key and Scullion! Rule one: don't lock the difficulty level."
"Completing Metroid Zero Mission was incredibly satisfying but also pretty damn brutal."
"It really does make very hard difficulty extremely easy."
"Difficulty matters in this but think about design being way more important."
"Returnal issues a warning about its challenging environment from the get-go."
"It's like a legitimately anxious sequence even if it's not that difficult to get through."
"Characters that have like stacking guard damage reduction revive type abilities are very effective when difficulty is pushed forward."
"Fighting games are hard but so is every other genre... if you care to get good at them."
"Revival materia is a must-have in hard mode."
"One of the hardest characters to play in this game."
"Insane difficulty but for all the right reasons."
"Pandemic is incredibly intense. It's exciting. It's unbelievably difficult. But I've had more fun losing this game then I have had winning a lot of others."
"This hard difficulty feels hard in the right way."
"I personally think Kislev should have one of the most difficult playthroughs."
"This game is absurdly difficult, requiring a different skill set and offering a challenge for everyone."
"The enemies aren't slouches either, you'll be hard-pressed to survive in a good amount of the encounters you come across."
"A hard mode that is too easy isn't automatically a bad thing."
"This game was mega problematic, it was beating me up left right and center, it was insane."
"There are five difficulties here, each one turning a separate dial to make things that little bit harder."
"The boss is insanely difficult but it's not the difficulty itself that's the issue, it's why the boss is difficult."
"This is such a dangerous mod pack, everything just wants to get you."
"Dark Souls rewards exploration and punishes those who are not prepared."
"Save as often as possible; SMT is a series full of frustrating deaths."
"Veteran players shouldn't have to handicap themselves in order to be challenged by PVE content."
"I just think that Pokemon needs to be really hard sometimes."
"Overall I think they've stepped up the difficulty level dramatically."
"Sonic 2, Sonic CD and Generations are probably the easiest ones I've played, and yet they're my favorites."
"The intent is that Ashes of Creation will be on the higher side of difficulty when it comes to engagements."
"The game isn't afraid to beat you down and treat you like a low man on the totem pole."
"As you ramp the difficulty up, this game goes from a fun, casual game to play with bros while hanging out on the weekend to a sweaty, terrifying mess of screaming over Discord."
"At this point, it feels cruel. But even now mourning these two losses, I'm worried that things will get darker. Still, Champion Iris will be our hardest challenge yet."
"It's pretty impressive how they've subtly managed to make the game so much more challenging."
"Escape from Tarkov offers some of the most hardcore FPS mechanics around."
"The game doesn't really get much harder at this point. Instead, it sets out to make the player weaker."
"This is a starting setup for sure, 49, one of the biggest food levels in the game guys, if there's ever a level that's going to destroy your face off it's going to be around 49."
"This dude exists to suggest otherwise. He is not just one of the hardest secret bosses in the series, he's one of the toughest bosses period."
"I'm totally on the camp of people getting frustrated that it's hard. We need hard game modes."
"The difficulty level of Elden Ring is legitimately like 2x Dark Souls."
"Okay, now we both got that one right, that was max difficulty."
"I always said that about Minecraft, I said it wasn't hard enough you know it was too easy yeah give me a challenge challenge made."
"Games stop being games pretty quickly if a player will never be able to beat a challenge that the game puts in front of them."
"It actually got scary partway through the fight when Shadow Ball dropped our special defense."
"It's a very solid system for black, is very easy to learn, and it's pretty difficult for white to play against."
"That just shows you how tough a game this is."
"The game's hard enough, we don't need to make it any harder."