
Game Experience Quotes

There are 178 quotes

"It's phenomenal... it's a fantastic touch and even now, like I'm talking, it gives me chills."
"This area alone made me smile upon seeing it. This was a very heartwarming part of the game, and I loved it to death."
"Snowpeak encompasses everything that Twilight Princess is to me."
"Designer Gary Napper noted that 'we needed something that would look very different every time you played it. You're gonna die a lot, which means restarting a lot. If the alien was scripted, you'd see the same behavior that makes the alien become predictable and a lot less scary.'"
"Dark Souls is a testament to how the entire game can be used to tell its story and how, if you do it well enough, you won't even need players to read or understand a single word for them to still feel like they get it."
"Like the film, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a comfortable experience that does everything well, even if it does little perfectly."
"Gothic, on the other hand, wastes no time showing you just how insignificant you are, and then spends its opening hours repeatedly reminding you of this."
"Captain Sonar... there's no other game I've played like it."
"Last Raven's missions were a delight. Actually the best I'd experienced so far."
"The atmosphere is different. It's my first playoff game. We lost that game, but the atmosphere... it's just different than like a regular season game."
"This game had like such, oh, I don't even, the interiors were super detailed."
"This game was not really a game to me. Like it was, I guess it was a serious game because we didn't get to laugh at all."
"It's very very important for darkest dungeon that that you were not in control."
"We wanted you to experience those in darkest dungeon."
"An incredibly successful endeavor to make the player miserable."
"I can think of at least one moment where the game did legitimately freak me out in the way Rockstar was intending."
"Doom is such a blood-pumping aggressive game."
"Everything works in unison to form this compact experience that lends itself to being one of my favorite fan games of all time."
"Nobody cares how the character runs, it's about the feeling."
"Every 15 minutes, like, you could give somebody that game anywhere 15-minute chunk have at it they're all going to have a very exciting unique experience no matter where you put them on the map."
"I couldn't believe that I was looking at World of Warcraft."
"These moments where you are able to take a breath, and enjoy the music in between those stretches where the stakes are at their highest… are the ones I cherished the most."
"You feel agile, you feel skilled, and stealthy like a moving shadow."
"If even Samus Returns can momentarily give me that giddy satisfying feeling only Metroid can, I honestly can't wait to see what they do with Dread."
"Walking around to detective music just makes you feel more badass."
"To actually be having like a good time while playing solo is kind of uh cool, it's kind of refreshing."
"Night City is a living, breathing thing. The verticality, the winding streets, the markets, machines, gang hideouts, and side jobs all come together in a way that makes you not only feel but know that the city exists without you."
"Undertale is one of the most Lively games I've ever had the pleasure of playing"
"The music is always three times better in Genshin."
"I really enjoyed the boss fight and this level was not too bad at all."
"It's definitely a game to play... it's definitely something to experience." - "It might just completely reframe the way that you think of gaming... this game will also reframe a lot of people's ideas of what gaming is."
"Absolutely loved it. Everything from the music, the Vibes, the Aesthetics, the characters, the story."
"I liked the game but wasn't having fun playing it."
"The voice acting is charming when you're going through a minor side quest or something that's intentionally goofy."
"The more you play, the more things start to seem subtly off."
"I played the expansion already... incredibly exciting."
"More often than not, there's so many more games that are extremely close, which are always the most fun no matter if you win or lose."
"You still feel low to the ground and all that stuff but you get that little spring in your step."
"Devil Engine feels best with the SNES or either of the Sega pads."
"When Simon gets out, it's raining now, and backtracking doesn't feel like padding but a reminder that I [__] made it."
"It does not want you to feel triumphant. And I really appreciated that it actually did it."
"Just everything about the game is just so incredibly satisfying just to experience it's one of those games that's just kind of a joy in of its own."
"I'm really glad I played it. I had so much fun."
"This game doesn’t need any words to tell you what to feel, because the environment says it all."
"An emotional, complex, and anonymous voyage told as an interactive parable..."
"The sailing is fantastic, polished, and just works really well."
"It all just comes together when you fight the godskin noble himself, and it makes perfect sense."
"That was genuinely I think one of my favorite games in a long time."
"It was so great to see a game and not worry about the puck going in for no reason."
"Neo the World Ends With You is a quality experience... one that doesn't deserve to be forgotten."
"It was very cool... it was that moment when you're like I get it."
"The soundtrack is probably the best part of the experience, a commendable effort on all three fronts by the artists involved."
"If a system is just increasing passive stats one percent at a time, then you've pretty much lost me. But if each point I allocate drastically changes the way I experience the game, then I'm sold."
"Seeing the half-empty stands in the background always makes it a bit more special for me."
"I loved it and had a fantastic time with it."
"Had this feature been successfully implemented in the first game, it might have significantly altered how players experienced the game."
"Breath of the Wild is different... it's relaxing, peaceful, and beautiful."
"I found myself kind of unconsciously bobbing up and down to the rhythm of the combat due to the music."
"I'm all for fights with insane pacing if they can design it in a well-communicated way, but I equally enjoy moderately difficult battles that are bursts of brilliance in between moments to catch your breath."
"There's a feeling while you're escaping the planet that Samus really is a threat to the universe."
"Who am I to judge, right? Needless to say, I was sad that I had already lost my first dragon."
"This game punches you in the mouth...makes you say thank you afterwards."
"It’s chaotic and tense even though the tension is kind of fake."
"The anfield atmosphere is incredible, it's unbelievable mate."
"Combat in this game does [expletive] feel so good even after all of these years."
"It feels warcrafty, back to its roots, while simultaneously being like the most modern WoW has ever felt."
"Overall, the core gameplay of Warframe is still incredibly fun in 2022."
"I actually feel like a villain when I'm playing this game."
"This is not a fun experience, but it's a really engrossing one."
"The Order 1886: Once you get past the hype, you'll find a fantastic atmospheric shooter."
"Skyrim was everything that I had hoped it would be and more." - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
"Much closer to what it was like than the base game."
"Zodiac Age is a great remaster keeping the core gameplay and story intact while also improving the overall experience."
"Tankian poker really ruins the game because when you take a long time for mundane decisions then it ruins the experience for the other players."
"The game disarms the audience's sense of safety within the first two hours."
"The opening hours in particular really nailed the desperate fight for survival."
"Max's journey in the sequel is about him stumbling into a murder case involving Vladimir Lem and Mona Sax."
"The music will be the first thing that draws us back into the fold, back to the battle, back to Halo."
"I was worried that it's not gonna be as good if they can't pace where I turn around a corner and there's a giant snake looking at me. The reality is the absolute opposite."
"There's no such thing as a negative emotion."
"For being such a low level, I'm quite happy with how we did against the enemy."
"Every moment of this game had meaning and purpose."
"Playing the game in two to four player co-op is where it really shines."
"If I get 90 Day Fiance stars cameos, it's whatever, right? But if we get a Lord of the Rings star's cameo, big up. That's a game changer."
"The grind is minimal, I wouldn't even call it grind."
"Just a great overall multiplayer experience."
"It's a bit of an eeriness and I personally really enjoyed it."
"I grew up watching Studio Ghibli films, so I got borderline emotional when playing this game. It just felt like I had landed in the world of Ghibli."
"The whole game is just so pleasant to roll through."
"I go from liking the game to dislike in a single line of dialogue."
"Control is a waking dream that happens to play like an extremely quality third-person shooter."
"The shooting is incredibly visceral... it's really satisfying."
"It started very strong, I was very excited about it, I was enjoying it a lot."
"I've killed a lot of people. I'm having fun, you know, good."
"We all know pets can be an important part of the Minecraft experience."
"A reimagined experience that's sure to scare and surprise both newcomers and veterans of the FNAF series."
"Character performance and animation have also improved tenfold."
"Increase experience... adds a sense of urgency... trying to survive... challenging."
"Yes, look at these skills guys, such skills."
"I loved it because my experience of it was very impactful."
"DLSS works really well in this one and it is 80 FPS on average like that's it's really good."
"Archimedes: The deeper you go, the more frightening and personal it will become."
"I've been playing Minecraft long enough to understand that these things are not a coincidence."
"Nothing beats life is strange... it's peak life is strange..."
"This car is really, really nice to drive on pretty much any track within the game."
"They've simplified it to the point where it has that earlier COD feel."
"It's great, I really do, I liked it. I liked it, I played through it, I loved it."
"We want the primeval fight to feel like an epic boss fight."
"Ravenholm was and still is one of those locations that changed the way I view video games."
"This is one of those games that has just not stopped surprising me from start to where i am right now."
"Classic Resident Evil games feel like you're controlling a character in a movie through the lens of the camera."
"I like that overall feeling of atmospheric change that's there."
"It was always about the people playing the game."
"And it's still kind of stuck in my head and that kind of experience even though I got the bad ending is still really impactful because I'm still thinking about it."
"Oh my goodness that was actually awesome this is kind of well done guys I'll be honest this is this is pretty cool."
"Navigating the chaos of 2b2t: A quest for survival, friendship, and epic loot."
"These challenges have really fast quarter times interesting although I kind of like that especially early on like let's run through some games let's gain some experience let's figure out what we need and what we're gonna do."
"Life is Strange delivers an emotional experience that elevates the sum above its parts."
"I feel like the experience of Elden Ring is greater in its sum than any individual moment."
"It's incredible it really affected me in a big way and I'm very glad that I played it."
"Street Fighter 6 blew us away with how wonderful it is. The expected 1v1 mechanics felt just as good to experience as in past entries."
"Either there needs to be much more variety or a rotating roster to ensure the player experiences maximum variety."
"This game gives you a sense of pure adventure."
"The Malay combat feels really nice in this. I think for a multiplayer game in particular, it feels really good."
"Push the button really is a fully featured experience - suspenseful, engaging, impressively produced."
"This is gonna sound melodramatic, but I can’t describe how amazing it felt to be able to use other weapons."
"Resident Evil isn't just a game, it's a quintessential survival horror experience."
"It's honestly hard to put into words my experience with this game the level design enemies bosses."
"This game feels almost unending when you're playing it."
"I still remember that three years ago over three years ago that [ __ ] happened that's how good loot is in that game."
"Still though even though it's easy even though like we're getting easy levels now it's still super stressful."
"We're all sat there today watching the game, we want United to score three or four goals, aren't we?"
"I love that no matter how familiar I am with the series, Dark Souls continues to subvert my expectations."
"Experiencing Subnautica with a friend is really, really cool."
"The gameplay was really fun, you know, for what it was intended to do."
"Kingdom Hearts looks great, sounds great, and feels great to play."
"This Pokemon is awesome... I think I did a great job."
"My time with Babylon's Fall was a strange one. I don't recall ever disliking a game so heavily only to fall in love with it moments later."
"I'm playing Halo Infinite and it feels cheap now."
"It was the best of games, it was the worst of games, a tale of two campaigns - the sandbox and the railroad."
"Seriously, just play Hades, you will not be disappointed."
"Let's start with addressing an annoyance I have with a system CD project themselves are addressing in a future overhaul."
"Most games you just move on to the next bit. The way Fear is structured, it pushes you to admire your handiwork after a combat encounter."
"How can one lich give me so much pain and joy at the same time?"
"From the moment I loaded this game I was amazed: the great storyline, the atmosphere, and immersion."
"It's a gut punch in the best way, and it lets everyone walk away from the gaming table with an oddly life-affirming sense of victory."
"It's a very immersive and kind of calming and relaxing game."
"Oh, this feels like very classic Overwatch... it's even steeper than that."
"Embrace the complexity of Dwarf Fortress. It's not about winning or losing; it's about the journey and the stories you create along the way."
"I stumbled upon this unexpectedly. I will take it."
"The save system took away that feeling of tension for me, and that to me is core to the experience."
"There’s a certain melancholy the game can evoke."
"Tears of the Kingdom actually felt like a game to me."
"The experience of Pandemic Legacy was fantastic... I'm really pumped about Pandemic Legacy too."
"It's a wildly chaotic romp... crazy chaotic insane fun!"
"10 out of 10 would Ford Raptor again. Bloody brilliant. This may be one of my favorite vehicles in the game, straight up."
"Let's start with one of my absolute favorite parts of this game: the soundtrack."
"I pick Cyndaquil since that's the first starter Pokemon I picked when I first played through Gold and Silver."
"These aren’t fatal flaws, and I was still having a magical journey most of the way through."
"Feels like in this game when you finally escape one place, you get that sigh of relief, only to then realize that instead of escaping the dangers, all you're actually doing is moving further and further into the center of it."
"The game just feels more alive... it just feels alive."
"It's a truly disorienting experience that takes all of your muscle memory, all of your visual adjustment and throws it out the window."
"A happy and charming game can feel like a horror experience just by applying the right music."
"The opening moments are always gripping, but the first time it was genuinely terrifying."
"The enemies in this game are amazing, that kind of variety you need in a Doom game."
"It wasn't a scary game after all, Mommy. You tricked us."
"I'm a big sports fan, so watching last night's game was a lot better than the last couple of years."
"I certainly hope that they deliver the game that they promised and that your second play through is what they've hopefully had intended in the first place."
"I like to make the game a little bit interesting, you know, make it better for the fans at home."
"The game is great, but it is nothing without the fans."
"What an incredible game that was, so cool."
"They just automatically generate the quests, and they all make sense and they're not boring or repetitive."
"Think this is the way this game is supposed to feel, they on the brink of nauseousness for three and a half hours."