
Game Realism Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"We have this phrase that we use to describe the combat in the game: 'mud, blood, and steel'. We want it to feel really, really grounded and lethally precise."
"It didn't feel like they were all specifically assigned idle animations; it really felt like everyone was just kind of inhabiting this space."
"The handling feels more accurate and more realistic."
"One of the most, if not the most, realistic game that we have probably played here on the channel as far as horror goes."
"Marquee fighters will have unique movements, adding to the realism and diversity of the game."
"Half-life 2 has gone to such incredible lengths to make not just the journey seem real and meaningful to the player, but also the world and its inhabitants."
"The map design is the most authentic yet in a Rockstar game. It doesn't feel as gamey as RDR2 or GTA 5."
"Feels like Rockstar's ultimate game, a game so big and realistic they could retire in peace and never make another GTA."
"I don't like it when bodies in games disappear during fights, I like it when there's clutter and it starts looking like a battlefield."
"No game has captured weaving through traffic bouncing hand balls between runners nearly as well as this game has."
"The attention to detail here is absolutely exquisite."
"One thing that I have to praise that I feel like this game does a really good job of is like the gun realism."
"Having drivers or staff members have injuries adds depth."
"Special running back animations further help elite running backs stand out."
"Slice-of-Life mod: a massive overhaul adding realism I adore."
"Each character feels real... they don't feel like summoned or mindless soldiers."
"Bethesda's ability to make even human conversations feel like an inhuman task is truly impressive."
"You can see the raindrops on the camera already and it will have an impact on how you play."
"I realized just how much I've underestimated the intelligence and instant reaction that these things possess."
"Woohoo wellness and pregnancy overhaul for realistic gameplay."
"It's very important to us that items actually feel meaningful and real."
"The weather, particularly the storms, is done amazingly."
"It just makes the world feel more alive, right? It adds noise, it adds some movement. It just makes the world feel more alive."
"Zoning in City Skylines 2 offers more flexibility and realism than ever before."
"Getting mad or irritated that people want a sports simulation game when it's described as such is wild."
"The final game actually presents a more realistic take on ambient shadowing here."
"Cars will behave differently on tarmac dirt deep dirt gravel deep gravel and grass."
"rFactor 2's physics model is one of the best in sim racing."
"Everybody in the game will have their own unique daily routine."
"The game believes the world is real and it just makes it all the more better for the player."
"Minecraft is about to get more and more realistic."
"The rats were a way of adding reality to the game and to create the atmosphere within the base." - Hideo Kojima
"It brings a little bit more of gritty realism to the game."
"The production design in the show was particularly fantastic. It matched the game to a really specific degree."
"The map design is great... after an iconic city nine out of ten map design, I really enjoy it, it really benefits the gameplay and it really makes me feel like it's a great replica of New York City."
"I think the thing we want to do different with the Megalodon is make it feel more like this wildlife in the world."
"Not only will you feel the difference you'll also see the landing gear react naturally to the weight of the ship relative to the planet's gravity as you come in for landings sometimes the smallest things make the biggest impact."
"The world does not revolve around you and NPCs are not solely Decor or Quest givers."
"Left 4 Dead 1's weapons are tactical, gritty, and loud... extremely believable and fit into the universe perfectly."
"Elite Dangerous, it's like finding a road trip, you have to think about getting back."
"I realized how important npc performances are in making you buy into the world and believe in the world."
"The real Aviation fans are Going Crazy about the level of Accuracy in this Game."
"Everything in this game is like accurate to real life, I feel like."
"Death Stranding is not like that. Just navigating the world, crossing rivers, climbing up mountains... takes actual planning and thought."
"This is well modeled but I think the very next level of precision might be to more accurately to pick the rounds in the magazine."
"In a multiplayer game I want to feel like I'm in a living, breathing world which is exactly what Guild Wars 2 is currently giving me."
"The combat system in Ghost of Tsushima is realistic."
"The famous assault rifle was iconic... but Kojima was pressured to remove it for realism purposes."
"Firewatch says that this is not a fake world, this is a real one."
"Players no longer float around beds when sleeping."
"That looks like it's straight in the game that looks like it should honestly be in the game already."
"It wasn't just like a game, it was like you were actually there."
"Projectile weapons add a level of realism and challenge."
"This is a real thing. That's a real Pokémon."
"Shenmue isn't necessarily true to reality but it is a reality you can trust as if almost real." - Yu Suzuki