
Visual Appeal Quotes

There are 4083 quotes

"The world is gorgeous, there's no other way to put it."
"It's so easy to get lost in Hyrule, so easy to get distracted from your main objectives, so easy to fall in love with the visuals, the towns, the characters."
"I think visually it was beautiful, gameplay wise it was very interesting."
"This looks great, and then they're more populated too."
"It looks badass, you know, when you see it for the first time."
"It's visually impressive, it's highly intuitive, and it's even to some degree appealing to somebody that really isn't into this particular genre."
"What makes an emotionally compelling image? Well, we do that through combining three techniques: presenting story information in a shot, movement, and visual beauty."
"Cherries are iconic. You know, I feel like even just the visual of a cherry makes me think of art."
"When it comes to branding, don't force the products. Have something that looks nice, is visually appealing, and makes people want to look at it even more."
"The book's design is also very nice and has great visual appeal overall."
"The overall look of this film was fantastic."
"The picture is everything guys, it really is. If somebody likes the way it looks, they're gonna be more inclined to sort of stick around on your website."
"Now I'm totally loving the look of these stands and the different heights give you visual appeal for this set."
"This gallery is looking so beautiful and it is increasing our visual effect."
"People like to click on pretty things, and if your art's not super great, then you're already kind of sabotaging your trailer in advance."
"It looks ridiculously good, yeah, it's a 10 out of 10 for me."
"It's always important to make sure your food is visually appealing."
"It's just satisfying to look at melting, shiny, glossy chocolate."
"Our pumpkin picture holder. Do I really have to explain? I mean, look at it."
"That makes you want to walk. That is visual interest."
"This right here is the whole kitten kaboodle; my Lord, these environments look unbelievable."
"It's realistic but also like it's it's nice to look at as well."
"Cyber Junk Project built this incredible, mesmerizing, jaw-dropping, gorgeous setup that can transform."
"They need to start innovating in the visual and cosmetic direction if they want people to feel their characters progress."
"Frankly, I have never really been an Imperial supporter, but with this mod, I am tempted, just so I can walk around in the Imperial armor."
"Has so much texture and movement that it really does flatter; it's beautiful."
"It's there to wow your eyesight, and it definitely satisfies."
"Look at the bokeh...I just think it's nice when you have that kind of control over the background."
"It looks real, you know, looks like candy, right? It looks like you could eat this stuff, looks like you'll reach in and grab it and take a bite out of it."
"A visual twist, an extra reason to collect the premium versions."
"It looked really cool especially from far away."
"I think our armor looks really, really sick and our swords are super strong."
"This is a solid platformer that's a pleasure on the eyes and pleasure to play."
"Combat is also exciting from a visual perspective."
"Well, that was a beautiful hole, the lighting is so cool right now."
"Food porn relies on a phenomenon called supernormal stimuli, which exaggerates qualities we're already hardwired to love biologically."
"Visually, I think this is easily the best-looking card game that's ever been made on any platform ever. The game is just beautiful."
"Visually, it starts to not matter because this is just so pretty."
"Space is incredible, it's so vast, it's daunting, and yet it's so filled with dazzling sights."
"Add fades at the beginning and end of the video for a polished look."
"Balance is really important in composition if something feels like it's tipping toward one side of the or the other it's gonna feel off to your viewers."
"Emphasize the vivid colors in your favorite foods."
"I mean, look at this character design. Maybe it's my 90s kid millennial consumer brain rot talking, but something about these designs is just so... they look delicious. I want to chew on them."
"The sea Diamond might now forever be known as how it affects lives today not for what it was sailing the Mediterranean but for what it is at the bottom."
"It looks deep rich much better great it is a little bit more time it is taxing on your shoulder."
"The LEDs are a huge part of this because I feel like without that it would look pretty bland."
"It's a beautiful display, and I thought it's probably one of the best bands I've ever seen from any company."
"X and Y are bursting with color and creativity at every turn."
"The lighting system drapes your island in a warm orange glow."
"Sparkly Wild Berry Bunnies. Okay. All bunnies. And he's a little bit purple."
"A visual feast, so I don't see any problems here."
"This handle is going to be made from lapis lazuli. It's got a very rich deep blue color."
"I've finished shaping the lapis lazuli handle and it is looking absolutely amazing."
"This guy looks unreal... looks like a fantastic option guys."
"I just think it looks so cool you're able to fully customize the message on screen or the image."
"Anyone with eyes can agree that the true peak of Pokemon is this little right here."
"Little character notes, like cute buns on the side of her hair, just make it pop."
"He just looks so happy with his little pearl shell."
"This is like the cover of a graphic novel I would have seen in Borders." - Julia
"The character design looks great, including the hair."
"Right off the bat the street scenes look great."
"I think Starfield looks genuinely beautiful."
"Chun's classic costume a lot of the youngify her face too jeez dude this looks amazing."
"The Fantastical worlds you'll explore... almost defy logic and yet it's so captivating."
"I think it's absolutely gorgeous despite its technical problems."
"Visually impressive and fundamentally the same game."
"You really can't deny that Hong Kong, especially Hong Kong Island, is a very cool looking city. It's undeniable."
"If you're pretty on YouTube, you get all the views."
"Red hair stands out and it's rare so it's going to catch your eye."
"Combat looks really spectacle-driven and flashy but it's also quite strategic."
"The sheer spectacle of these encounters, man, I just couldn't get over how cool it looked."
"I loved it. Can we get this shot right here? I mean look at that, look at that, how nice is this?"
"It just pops... there's such different colors especially with the orange stripes."
"Wielding an enchanted sword is always a cool thing because if the glows and looks like looks like you're just so cooled and beast."
"The game looks like potentially the best thing you'll ever see if you're into the anime aesthetic."
"It looks and feels fantastic from a visual perspective."
"The animations you see in Pokemon camp, the overworld, and all the characters in the game are amazing."
"Every design should be summed up into one single basic appealing shape."
"Holy hell, that's beautiful! The Necrotic Grips with my glaive!"
"It looks amazing, it's a platformer, it's silly, it's crazy, it looks awesome."
"Oh it's so pretty I love this look at that it's all shiny and like gorgeous gorgeous."
"I love the ultra long Spears on them, they look amazing."
"I like what they're doing with their shapes, I like what they're doing with their designs."
"In terms of wow factor, you come into this cabin and it's hard to top really."
"It's visually probably my favorite moment in the whole game."
"The defining character of this dish to me is the beautiful sheen of bright red chili oil."
"This one is fantastic looking as you can see."
"Why don't we have those teeth naturally? They just look so cool, right?"
"It's got great graphics... feels very well polished."
"This is the most adorable thing I've seen all day."
"I'm gonna make a street fighter tier list based on strictly visuals strictly how cool do they look."
"Balrog is a very well-animated, good looking heavy character. I think this is a very cool version of him as well, a better evolution of his just like ripped shorts gym look. I think they did a damn good job on Balrog."
"Lost in Play is a charming looking adventure game that tells the story of two siblings lost in a dreamscape." - Narrator
"This looks really cool, it's going to be mostly CSS that we're dealing with."
"The monsters look really [ __ ] cool. I just need the monsters on screen for 100% of this movie."
"It's great to have different teams and different color schemes."
"Honestly, when you add flags to these towers, the place just comes alive."
"How dare they make the ending so sad but then actually make the actual ending super beautiful looking."
"Game looks better during the daytime, map design is beautiful."
"The very simplistic design of Buck gives him a charming demeanor and is easy on the eyes."
"She looked like an angel in a cloud and it was so beautiful."
"It's not the most flattering, but it's the most informative."
"Avoid stagnant colors...subtle shifts will make a huge bit of variety in the work."
"Making it luxurious and delicious, over-the-top looking yum yummy-ness."
"Perhaps even more eye-catching is the contraption Sam is wearing on his back."
"I Am Mother: tight, engaging, and visually stunning indie sci-fi!"
"We're always building things up to make them look a little bit better."
"It looks absolutely gorgeous, seems to have a great sense of personality, and like its predecessor seems not to get mired in procedurally generated missions and maps."
"As soon as I see a ship flying towards like a planet I'm sold, I'm such a sucker for sci-fi."
"A lot of a good illustrative style is about making stuff look appealing and just using pleasing colors and shape language."
"Adventures with Barbie: Ocean Discovery: Ocean Discovery is visually impressive for a Gameboy Color title and the vibes are chill as you float around exploring the ocean without any danger in sight."
"Damn these colors are just looking so nice with one another."
"The game itself just looks phenomenal regardless."
"Any spell animations that they show off are just ridiculously good looking."
"This is an incredible looking game with some great artistic touches."
"Every female character in this part is so fine. I think it's the art style change. Just everyone in general looks hotter."
"Her Majesty Queen Ramonda, daughter of La Mumba, ah, please. She looks so freaking good. Oh my God, look at the definition, look at the muscles, and she looking like that at 60, bro."
"You can really exaggerate the spacing in animation, getting more contrast between the slow and fast parts of a movement, and this is a great way to make animation more appealing."
"Overall, I think the game visually looks extremely appealing and obviously, the Fidelity of the game is very high."
"The colors in here are stunning and I love how they all kind of layer together."
"Things just pop out, they just look amazing."
"Fiction with the actual science and then the feel of the you know the graphics and everything kind of makes it a little bit more fun."
"The scene is really visually cool as well, and also the scene has the huge buildup of tension."
"Mechanically satisfying, wonderfully creative, visually stunning—it might just be my favorite Pikmin content there is."
"Wow, this is very much like a painting come to life. Indies can come up with something that looks like this."
"Silver Surfer is looking absolutely bonkers and in the best way possible."
"Just look at that spoiler in the back, look at that how it just kind of comes out right there." - Phil
"Able to do a million art styles means everybody sees something they love."
"Utilized color rainbow... it really upped our value."
"Everything looks more vibrant, colorful, and just bright."
"It's totally possible to turn a very average shot into something that looks much more professional, creative, and engaging when you understand the basics."
"Just a dope fire shoe, especially with that lace swap, yellow guy, it looks so nice in that black case."
"The game provides painted graphics and lush, gorgeous color with a whimsical acoustic soundtrack."
"Most of the time people look at, let's put it this way, pretty images characters need to look good."
"It features a snow-covered temple that actually does look really good."
"The characters look unbelievably clean now, the animation is top freaking notch too."
"Every location just looks so amazingly good."
"My favorite thing about this fruit isn't that you can spam Spirits it's this end of times move that just looks so cool."
"It's nice seeing something at the top and bottom of my screen again."
"Visually, the game is appealing. I have a lot of moments where I'm saying like, 'I just feel like that looks really cool.'"
"I love this story thank you so much Marvel Meg this is gorgeous I love love love the freckles."
"Microsoft Flight Simulator: it's simply relaxing and fascinating to fly around and take in the graphics and atmosphere."
"The color palette in this game is also excellent."
"Revelations 2 was a really eye-catching game thanks to the impressive engine."
"Gorgeous packaging, absolutely colorful, colorful, and just pops off the shelf."
"That actually looks really outstanding, take a look at that."
"Proof so cute a cheese puff butterfly... we all agree cool it's also got super psychedelic colors."
"Look how great that looks. Tell me that doesn't look amazing. Get you closer take a look at that. It's absolutely outstanding."
"That looks amazing, like that, wow! I can't say enough."
"Wow, that looks great just like that! That looks absolutely amazing!"
"The front end is bluff but stylishly engaging."
"Damn, that's so cool, it looks so good, man!"
"Scarlet Witch looks badass, I can't lie to you."
"It's very sexy to have a full range of value. Don't be shy."
"Visually it actually looks good, it's a nice looking game."
"Something about the character rendering though actually reminds me of the Order 1886 in a positive way."
"The show doesn't shy away from detail; the sets, the scenery, and the makeup are all very intricate."
"I think it has a really cool visual style that still holds up today and it's just it's a neat looking game."
"There's no way that you do not love the way this looks."
"You can see how it sort of made it look a lot more organic and a lot more like real piece of food."
"It's like a balm treatment that's super shiny and it just does something to make your lips look a little more juicy, which I love."
"Top of being so visually thrilling and such an action movie but like talks about what it is to be black in the United States and around the world."
"Their stunning Aesthetics earning them a spotlight that no other lion can match."
"It's definitely not a wearable look, but it's very glittery and chunky."
"Constructed from the greatest pleasures of gaming: hitting buttons and seeing cool stuff happen."
"It looks delicious, it looks like it should be in a painting, very authentic, everything's imperfect now, enjoy the food, okay, delicious, oh my God, wow, bravo."
"Valhalla is a beautiful game from woodlands to cities to mountains, there's plenty of visual diversity in this world."
"Looks really incredible, looks really great."
"Advent Rising’s story is, in a nutshell, the interstellar conflict and space magic of Mass Effect merged with the colorful animated look and heart of a Pixar movie."
"Playing this game in 4k on a huge TV... pixel art isn't meant to be seen in 4k really but it just looks so tantalizingly beautiful in 4k."
"I also played it, and I loved how colorful it was... presentation was awesome."
"God of War Ragnarok is every bit as breathtaking as you'd hoped and then some."
"Big head, loads of features, expressive face which you can do subtle stuff with and then a great body that's tiny underneath it - people love that, they just love it."
"This platform is actually designed after dog day sun charm it's very well known and it looks so awesome."
"I like the graphics, I like how colorful everything is."
"The experienced suction cup. The one heart. This is the most satisfying thing we've seen today."
"Obsidian is glistening right now. This looks crazy."
"Erased: Few anime out there are quite as captivating to behold."
"I just love how this car looks so much, cars don't look like this anymore."
"I think with Windows on this council it just it looks nice it's very appealing to the eye the colors are not too exuberant but they aren't too like faded out and grainy they're just that right balance"
"Damn, this all looks real good aesthetically."
"Bad boxing is still good visuals, really bad boxing."
"There's just a world there that's incredibly compelling to look at."
"I like the colors, I think it's just all around really, really good-looking flag."
"In terms of a figure, this one will definitely stand out on the shelf."
"I think what really holds this entire biome up are these new Cherry leaves."
"Alternate art adds a little spice to your deck because the card looks normal but it's like wait, is that art just different? Where's that coming from? That's great."
"It looks so much better because it isn't flat color."
"It's Shonen, it's stupid, it's gorgeous, and it knows it."
"So if you haven't watched it yet I definitely recommend checking it out it is so so beautiful."
"The ice blue and pink petal is such an eye-pleasing combination."
"The pictures always come out so high quality."
"She's kind of like velvety and fuzzy and just beautiful."
"Everwild by Rare, if this is what it looks like in game, this is breathtaking."
"The graphics no longer seem exaggerated, they seem clear, they pop from the landscape and they are vivid."
"Every punch is lovingly crafted to be satisfying to watch and it just makes this whole fight rather striking."
"These women's joggers are really catching my eye I love the colors and they look very comfortable."
"The visually stunning and heartfelt Soul is one of Pixar's most acclaimed films to date."
"Looks surprisingly good uh yeah especially when they go into the little tent area."
"This game is looking like it's going to have pretty damn good cinematography."