
Game Longevity Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"The only game that can kill Genshin Impact is Genshin itself."
"The Casual player base keeps this game alive."
"An MMORPG is built on longevity, so the game doing well the first month is important but not as important as doing well in a year, etc."
"People being so anxious to jump on that 'this game is dead' bandwagon, people have been saying that about Siege for its entire life cycle."
"I want this game to play out for the next two years."
"That's a dope poppin to me that it has that kind of replay value almost a year later."
"Quake 2 for PlayStation still holds up beautifully today."
"Dishonored survives because it's cool and awesome, and it survives because of Blink."
"Fortnite is not dead, it's not dying... it is going to be around for a long, long time."
"Bethesda games are kept alive for decades because of the modding community."
"It's all important for the game for longevity."
"It's not a sprint but a marathon when it comes to MMOs."
"Games with dedicated servers and the ability for there to be community-hosted servers have a much longer shelf life than games that rely on the game developer to maintain stuff."
"When all is done and dusted, I think that unique connection is going to be the biggest driver that keeps this game alive."
"EverQuest 1 slow death wasn't as much indicative of its lack of quality so as much as this inevitable result of the passage of time and changing market landscape."
"The important thing is a good game will last a long time, then everyone makes money overall in the long term."
"The modders in the Elder Scrolls scene are so good. They do help people get longevity out of the games."
"Regardless of its quirks of what works and what doesn't, it's finally clear to me now why the appeal of Symphony has lasted for almost two decades."
"Melee is only alive and it's only great because it was a good game that people kept working on."
"The sky is not falling, there are a lot of healthy and strong years left for commander."
"I don't think Call of Duty is going to die anytime soon."
"A game over 10 years old tends to have a rich history on YouTube, especially when that game is as popular as Minecraft."
"If you told me anybody was going to care about any game for 15 years I would have said you were nuts. I get emails from people all the time that say they are still playing it."
"Halo had so much life to it and it was vibrantly flourishing."
"Halo Infinite is starting to look more and more finite."
"The game is gonna keep dying without something major."
"Customization can benefit the game's longevity and therefore player numbers."
"MapleStory has been incredibly popular for much of its life."
"The community is just not keen to let the game die."
"It's amazing how well it still holds up today."
"Half-Life 2 remains an impressive achievement worthy of all the rest in the world over 15 years later."
"Ubisoft has listened every step of the way and it's kept this game rolling."
"Gathering is something that casuals do, and if you make the game fun for casuals, the game will live. If a game's not fun for casuals, it's a dead game."
"Elden Ring remains a glorious game, one that established fans are going to savor for some time to come."
"The beauty of it is you'll be playing this now, you'll be playing this two months from now, you'll be playing this six months from now, you'll be playing this a year from now because there are so many things to do in this game."
"Combat in this game feels fantastic, from smooth mobility and dodging to the satisfying sense of impact."
"It's just so fascinating to see how prevalent a game like Bloodborne still is in terms of general conversation in gaming."
"I know I'll be happily playing it for years to come despite its flaws."
"Imagine a Mario Kart game where you're constantly getting brand new missions for a couple years at bare minimum."
"It actually still to this day has a pretty solid multiplayer scene."
"What's important is how they handle the post-launch months that's what really determines how good the game can be within the long term."
"This game, even though I am playing it as a part of the Bioshock Collection, still looks great. While some games from 2013 have aged like a block of cheese sealed in a mason jar, this game is not one of them."
"The gameplay could potentially run stale if it wasn't for the story."
"Name another game that still has this many subscribers after 11 years."
"There's a reason why people are still talking about that one serial killer mission in swat 4 for instance almost 17 years later."
"People doing YouTube and making content on games is the thing that keeps games alive the longest."
"Games like this never age even when the graphics do because it's simply a tried and tested formula that's never been done better."
"This is a really interesting look into a five-year-old game."
"When it comes to multiplayer shooters, I don't think anything has aged as well as Halo 3."
"Vice City continues to live on in no small part due to the steady stream of ports and remasters released by Rockstar over these two decades."
"It's one of the best survival games out there and it's still being consistently updated."
"Being able to cater to the more hardcore crowd and giving them the tools to be able to survive at that level of challenge is what's really going to make this game stand the test of time."
"Modding community keeps a game healthy; hell, games like Elder Scrolls Skyrim or any Elder Scrolls in general is alive and healthy to this day because of mod support."
"Caves of Cud will give you an absurd amount of hours."
"Communities over time, essential for longevity."
"Shout out to all the modders out there, keeping the game alive."
"Skyrim is 10 years old but honestly it doesn't feel like it."
"Payday 2 had a very, very strong foundation that gave quite a bit of staying power to the game."
"It's worth playing 20 years later and it's still going to be worth playing 100 years later."
"It's kind of refreshing to play the game at level 99 and see how they've kind of evolved it over all this time."
"If you continually support a community they will show up. This game has enough players to live forever because smaller games have done it and bigger games have done it."
"Yakuza zero almost feels never-ending because at every turn, there's more to do or further to go."
"Surely I can't get that much fun out of one game, but here we go."
"If there wasn't a Soul Calibur six at Evo, I would be extremely concerned for the future of the game."
"Once you reach max level and upgraded all of your equipment... there needs to be something to do."
"But that's even if I believe something to be utterly wrong, that does not change my attitude towards them."
"What I think is so miraculous about Halo-- Reach is the fact that it's still played today."
"It's insane how old this game is and yet how fun it is, it truly is a glorious experience."
"A dying light has been alive for four years now... they keep putting meaningful worthwhile content in it."
"Path of Exile is always on this list somewhere, constantly adding radical new updates."
"There's enough optional quests and tasks, high powered weapons, vehicles, and enemies to keep gamers returning long after the story missions are done and then some."
"Forget about updates, forget about where they're going to take the game, fundamentally Clash Royale is going to be here for a long, long, long time."
"Wow is not going to die... it's not going to happen."
"This is what's gonna make the game last longer in my opinion and make me play the game for a longer period of time and keep me interested for a longer period of time."
"The game still holds up, the game still looks amazing."
"The part that I want to focus on is the cyclical nature of Minecraft."
"If it's one of those games that you pick up from time to time once you get tiresome once once it gets tired throw it away play something else and pick it up later on because it's always going to be there."
"If Halo Infinite's a platform, we got Forza as a platform."
"Dead Space 1 is 10 years old and it still stands up as a freaking great horror game with really good mechanics."
"Chapter 2 season 2 was a really hard season to choose for it is one of the longest seasons in Fortnite history so we got a lot of really amazing items."
"Skyrim is a timeless game that I can always go back to."
"Spec ops has the legs to keep up with Warzone and multiplayer."
"Will this have longevity will this last will this be the next destiny with his kill destiny brothers it is so early it is so tough to tell but I guarantee I will be playing this for a while."
"You can expect hundreds of hours out of this game."
"Games don't become boring just because they're going on for a long time."
"Some games' gameplay just holds up though, you know?"
"This game is about to be 12 years old, but I still think it looks pretty good."
"I do worry about the long-term jevity of this game mode."
"I'm definitely enjoying myself with this so far... I think this is the battlefield game that's gonna keep me around longer than ever before."
"Every game community goes through a period where people are saying 'dead game'."
"The reason why Skyrim had the legs on it that it did was the modding community."
"Mods drastically increased the game's lifespan."
"I have a good feeling about Multiverses; I think it's gonna have a big lifespan."
"That game is still going strong to this day; that's how well it was made."