
Personal Reaction Quotes

There are 389 quotes

"It's phenomenal... it's a fantastic touch and even now, like I'm talking, it gives me chills."
"I can't control how people perceive me; I can only control how I react."
"I was devastated by it. It's a really beautiful film and completely emotional."
"What I do know is how I felt, and I was absolutely blown away."
"Well, that was about the funniest thing that I've ever learned or read about, and I'm very happy about it."
"It's just absolutely wild to me and very, very frustrating."
"I was not expecting this at all... I am so happy with it."
"This is too sick bro this is too sick oh my god."
"It's weird to be starstruck among the stars."
"I can't believe that happened... that's wild."
"This month is about finally understanding why I feel the way I feel, why I react the way I react."
"There were some really cringe-worthy moments for me watching it back."
"I think what you've done in this aspect is despicable, but you don't seem like a bad guy by any means. However, your response was reactionary, quick, and undereducated."
"It's not a small thing films don't work so many films don't work and this film works and I was just really happy as you got through it."
"Personally, the peng whale freaked me out with its teeth."
"Absolutely devastating. I have never gotten through the ending without crying."
"I kept thinking to myself, 'Wow, she's a very good writer.'"
"I can't stress it enough, I am literally impressed."
"I am getting goose bumps over here, is this an exciting moment."
"It was so strange, so wacky... I just really found it really funny."
"Triggers are very, very, very real. I've been triggered once so bad that I punched a hole in the wall."
"I thought that was quite frankly a breathtaking editorial."
"I was thoroughly shocked because I was not expecting that at all."
"The problem with discussing these matters is that people become triggered because they think it's a personal attack when it's not."
"Three hundred million dollars domestic I cannot if that were total that would be like yeah but the fact that it's just here Wow congratulations new line congratulations it makes me smile to see Clark this happy about it."
"This really got me a lot at a loss for words."
"I was actually laughing out loud which takes so much more."
"I feel like an idiot doing this, but I just heard that there was a shooting over on Trescott, and I promise I'm not trying to be dramatic or nosy."
"So yeah, there were a lot of just very gross things that were happening in the movie that I didn't expect and that I wasn't prepared for."
"It was from Johnny. Can you imagine getting that? God, dude, oh my god, heart-stopping moment."
"She nervously laughs as the magician walks off stage and looks back at her boyfriend when she realizes that it's an engagement ring."
"My mind has been blown apart. I felt like I was a person going to an orgy and then when I got, I was like ah I'm not ready for any of this."
"Unbelievable dude, oh my god, this is amazing."
"It's absolutely insane how surreal it really is, just undescribable."
"My jaw is actually open for real as i write this and that's a rarity let me tell you i classify this as a glpt which is a god level plot twist i didn't see that coming a mile off."
"Dragon Quest Builders 3 would make me jump up and down on my chair."
"It kept me at the edge of my seat the whole time."
"Listen, but you don't have to react to that. Like how you react to it is optional."
"Just take the L, admit it. Listen, it was a shock, he's still processing it, whatever, but anyway, we'll get into all of that."
"Okay, yo, it's pretty good, oh my God, it feels like I'm about to carnival!"
"Yeah, I'm in awe right now, man... every time I walk into the building."
"I'm literally freaked the f*** out, I really don't know what to do."
"I was very smart because you just kind of like shrugged it off."
"Call me a cynic, but even as he walked up to the microphone, my skin just started crawling. I just thought this is gonna be so cringe and sure enough on and on he went for several minutes. I think it was eight minutes altogether."
"I just pulled Leonard Williams in a limited egg out of like six packs... Am I just out of my [__] mind or what?"
"I just couldn't believe it when I was listening to it late last night. I was just like, oh my God."
"I'm just really happy it fucking worked out."
"After arriving in Mexico, I pulled out a chair by the pool, started reading these scripts and found, to my shock and joy, that most of them were actually quite good."
"I stopped breathing for a moment when I caught my breath."
"I'm shocked, to be honest, of how crazy this stream has been."
"It's shocking, it's actually shocking to me."
"This was the first book that I read for my English Lit degree, and it genuinely made me consider dropping out."
"This is a nightmare, I woke up this morning like, damn, Will, like, what the hell is going on?"
"How we react is what determines our character."
"At that moment my initial reaction was, 'I'm gonna do something about this.'"
"How people react is more of a reflection of their own inner experience."
"What Kamashita has done is disgusting and unforgivable."
"When I first played FNAF 4, I was genuinely mortified."
"That scared me and made me angry and did all the emotions to me when I thought about that idea."
"The first time she was like, 'This is the coolest cartoons can ever be.'"
"I'm just gonna take my lumps guys, and I'm just gonna react to this."
"The way that this book broke me and had me legit hyperventilating."
"Old people on Netflix... within the first five minutes I was like literally gagging."
"I've been known to get upset like, 'Oh, I would have killed that thing.' It doesn't matter."
"A Mixture of Shock and Excitement Washed Over Him."
"Wow, that watermelon left me a little speechless here. I'm blushing. So delicious!"
"Hereditary is one of the scariest movies I've ever seen."
"I would either be fired up from those words and motivated by those words or annoyed or pissed off a lot but never scared."
"That's exactly how I responded, my agent when she called and was like, 'Did you say?' I was like, 'No, I wouldn't say that.'"
"I cried the very first time I saw the show and I still cry like a baby."
"It scared the everluting crap out of me anyway."
"The devil knows how to act through people. This was Will's breaking point, and he broke."
"I'm suddenly excited to see this movie." - Erin
"It's a great movie and I'm angry, it's a great movie and I'm disappointed."
"I was like, 'Oh, [__], this is gonna be good.'"
"This is the realest video I've ever seen in my life."
"This was absolutely crazy, oh my god, okay, it's happening."
"Meanwhile like Lola is so unfazed everything bad is happening and Lola's just like so chill."
"Wow yeah that's that's hot yeah yeah that's the bomb beyond insanity... okay I'm right with you right with you I'm still going no milk."
"Fame came to me and it all hit me all at once and like people were just making allegations of me like oh you paying these people to think and I'm like no I'm not paying them."
"I'm just gonna sit back and I'm gonna watch whoever this individual is and I'm gonna see their ego melt away."
"I lost my mind watching that trailer" - Mark Riley
"So good, this one. I cried though. I just got wrecked by this one."
"Literally, this is insane. Like, I'm so excited!"
"This is a huge big [ __ ] deal and I am just really excited about it."
"It's like getting a little shift, super subtle but oh, it gets me."
"Oh my god, I can't believe that just happened to me."
"That was amazing, I mean I'm shivering, I've got chills."
"Five million, I would be like wow, that's impressive."
"I felt so weird I'm like whoa these are real people at one point there were alive like I wanted to see that hole exist."
"I suddenly was like, 'This is catnip to me.'"
"I never thought I'd be able to kill someone. The first time, it felt wrong, which is good, right?"
"I've never seen a movie that hits me the way Koko hit me."
"They literally Ryan Johnson my expectations."
"My initial reaction was 'no, hell no,' something along those lines."
"I'm just so speechless right now because this is just so beautiful."
"I feel amazing. I wasn't absolutely not expecting this."
"I'm ecstatic, I just I seriously cannot believe this."
"Who am I to judge, right? Needless to say, I was sad that I had already lost my first dragon."
"The truth will be revealed, and it's all about how you choose to react to it."
"Yo, I was watching Cubo and then this showed up. I started panicking when I saw at the end it said 'this was my fault.'"
"I don't want to say white men aren't dangerous, but my body goes girl run, girl run."
"I just continue to be shocked by everything that's happening all the time."
"God, when I saw this in the theater I was like, 'oh I see what you've done here.'"
"That was brilliant; it really got my face to react when I first saw it."
"This is probably the creepiest place I've ever been in my life."
"Can you comprehend? Can you fucking comprehend, oh my lord, it's fantastic."
"It could be me, but how did I feel? I wasn't really that shocked."
"Wow, this is scary dude, something about this is kind of scary."
"Oh dear lord, help me. Anthem has gotta be one of the weirdest things I've ever seen."
"Dude, I've got goosebumps right now, this is epic!"
"I was not very interested in hearing any more from the good doctor."
"I can't get over how cute this is, like, seriously."
"I didn't think I would care, but for some reason, I'm just really emotional."
"It brought about a lot of joy, man, I'm not gonna lie."
"As a Total War fan, this makes me moist inside."
"It's the panic moments where I'm just like, like I do, I don't know."
"I didn't know that... I like that, I didn't know that."
"I'm watching this music video, you know I'm bobbing my head like hey this [ __ ] lit."
"This is freaking awesome, and to think that this is only like one out of so many other careers."
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, man."
"If one of these characters gets announced, you'll see me losing my mind."
"Is it weird seeing yourself on TV? It's crazy."
"I had a great time watching that movie. I did not expect it to hit me right in the feels like it did."
"How did this happen? Oh, there you go. I did not see that coming."
"I'm so excited for that, oh my God, that's so sick."
"I was laughing more often and way harder than anything I've really done since the modern era began."
"I knew when I read the script it was different and it was special."
"My face is hurting from how much I'm smiling."
"I'm happy Messi's won, but I feel like I got robbed."
"This is just chaotic, it's giving me a headache." - Unknown speaker
"Carolina's mind is blown to the point that she's scarcely able to articulate how impressed she actually is."
"Oh my God, what did I just do? What did I do?"
"Wow, this is exactly what I think it would be."
"This looks so good I had to pause it. This is incredible."
"The story was the thing that really got to me."
"I am lost right now. Wow, okay, this is cool."
"This thing cost $18,000. Would you be impressed? I know I was."
"I saw the blood and then I saw the doctors. I'm like, oh [expletive]."
"I'm just staring at the ceilings I'm just in awe at this point I'm just like holy fuck this is insane."
"I desperately want to know what happens next."
"Thor and Frigga's scene was amazing, made me tear up."
"If this mayor picks one of those other things i'm going to be so mad and we will have to do something about it i'm not going to say what it is but we're going to do something about it."
"It was a little bit of a different tonal quality for me."
"This album to me is damn dude, like I listen back and I'm like 'Ah, wonder!'"
"Molly finds something awe-inspiring. Just look at her eyes."
"If you think I get heated watching it, it's because I've seen people fall for scams like this all the time."
"I'm not bragging at all when I do these videos. I am still in shock every time I get sent any kind of parcel when it's got like any brand name to be honest on the front of it."
"Raw was garbage, it mocked you, and it made you look like a fucking goddamn idiot."
"That's pretty awesome man... And I'm a little bit jealous about that."
"Oh my gosh, if we see a 12, then it's just gonna... I think I'm just gonna like shout."
"This is literally man I thought it'd be a quick war this is like world war three man."
"This just felt weird for me, felt really weird."
"Oh my gosh, that's the ugliest looking fish I've ever seen in my life."
"You see how worked up I get over this. Something's going on here. We're in a parallel universe. It's tripping me out."
"I got my 'never saw this coming' moment right now on the stream. $100, what the heck man, holy [bleep] that's awesome."
"Some of you have got to go, and I mean holy [ __ ] what he did honestly."
"I'm so excited, my whole chest is shaken right now."
"Oh my god, guys, I'm literally gonna cry right now."
"I kind of want to cry during that that scene there."
"Those purple power things, man, they really get to you."
"I'm always like, 'Oh, it's such a nice reaction!'"
"I gotta feel like I got hit by a [ __ ] bus. I cried so hard in that theater."
"A big jump there. That's a great sign for dogecoin moving forward because we know when bitcoin has a little bit of a pump, a dogecoin pump is often not far behind."
"They do a really good job with what they have, like there's a lot of cool stuff in this movie and cool sequence of the action is great."
"It's shocking, it's absolutely shocking business."
"I just got so freakin excited over nothing guys."
"Apparently they're putting something in my body. Must be a way to track me. That's kind of cool actually."
"That was the first time I watched an election map and I was like, 'Oh God, oh [__].'"
"It's insane that this is even happening right now."
"Goodness oh I have never seen anything like this, Bobby."
"This hair makes me want to die a bit because it's too cute."
"I absolutely loved that... what a fascinating read honestly."
"What the hell is going on with you Mega Ma Matt, man getting ready to scream at the top of his lungs after seeing a quality item."
"When I first stood in front of the Grand Canyon for example it was a power chord it just brushed me back like Ching."
"For the first time, for me reading that script, I was like wow."
"Absolutely outrageous what he's just done there."
"I cannot believe this is real. What in the world?"
"This is getting crazier by the minute. If I woke up and dreamed all this, I wouldn't believe it."
"That seems like a brilliant, really good deal."
"The figure of Mohammed as portrayed in the Islamic sources is an amalgamation of various existing Arabic folktales which explains many of the embarrassing or contradictory stories."
"You're a human being who can respond and the difference is the respond means to positively react to appropriately react."
"Darko's actually crazy, okay, Darko, oh, Darko, oh ****!"
"LeBron, okay, that's how you feel, LeBron, that's how you feel."
"It is impossible to drive without a big idiotic grin on your face."
"Oh, this is... I didn't think I was going to like this."
"Negan assassinates Alpha, sorry girl, you're kinda hot but you're too crazy."
"That was a good scare though, right? Like, that was, oh my gosh, it's rare that it scares me that much, that was a good one."
"Oh, I was just intense, man. Was intense right there."
"I like that, mate. I [ __ ] like that, mate."
"This has been extraordinary. I have never seen anything like it."
"It was worth it, it was an amazing film and it left me shattered."
"Existing for a while now in physical reality time that might be just a few seconds but in your time as you're sitting there and experiencing this it might feel like an eternity."
"I cannot overstate how much teenage me freaked the [__] out when this teaser trailer hit."
"Nevertheless, when he proposed at the table, I was really turned on and struck by his directness."
"Something about this car makes it get a little bit freaky, man."
"I remember that day I sort of got kind of heated."
"It's the first gold I've ever found," the stunned 30-year-old told the Daily Mail. "I was so gobsmacked, I just sat down on the ground staring at it for about 40 minutes."
"Imagine being the person recording that, oh my gosh."