
Game Narrative Quotes

There are 448 quotes

"Ghost of Tsushima's narrative is fantastic; it ties together the combat, the world exploration, everything thematically works extremely well."
"Faye's involvement is the catalyst for fate changing."
"There are drastic consequences based on your decision. In saving four people, you ended up killing dozens upon dozens, if not hundreds more."
"The amount this game talks about mental illness by name and with the empathy it does is frankly fucking incredible."
"Undertale's story is a perfect blend of simple plot and effective use of theming."
"There was a noticeable decrease in dragon-type Pokémon, and there are even some dragon types that became extinct because of Team Berserk's actions."
"Getting the opportunity to live the simple life is actually fairly refreshing, especially because the opening dozen or so hours of Kingdom Come: Deliverance are pretty exhausting both emotionally and in terms of the taxing gameplay."
"The AI does a wonderful job of presenting the game's levity but dialogue that accurately strengthens her ill-will while making people laugh."
"The decisions that I make will change the story and the fate of the kingdom."
"This entire concept of this unwilling passenger tagging along in your head feels like a genuinely original idea for an RPG."
"Stanley's sad endless and futile search for meaning and hope becomes all the darker when it's seen as a metaphor for the desperation of working-class people escaping into a fantasy."
"I spent a good chunk of the game questioning what exactly was going on, but rest assured there is one hell of an emotional payoff at the end of this rabbit hole."
"Yeah, the mutants are on their own Fallout quest, locating their own water chip, their own waters of life, just that their waters of life happened to be green."
"Wait, Ruby, you, uh, your snow golems, they're acting weird again. I think they built some machine that throws poop at your house."
"Some of the best stories you'll find in enshrouded are the ones that you yourself create through your exploits."
"Black Ops 4 marks the beginning of a brand new storyline, separate and distinct from the Aether story. A new world with new characters and new enemies."
"Undertale isn't the first game that allows you to make it all the way to the end without killing anyone but the options and the choices make each monster feel like a fully fleshed out person."
"Final Fantasy Tactics shines as an example of how to truly humanize antagonists, making them simultaneously abhorrent but believable."
"With Death Stranding, Hideo Kojima says something genuinely important about the discomfort and discomforting nature of a destroyed future."
"If the right is not fighting to protect human life then the right is not doing its job."
"We can finally put Five Nights at Freddy's to rest."
"Disco Elysium confronts you with fundamental choices over and over again."
"Dead Space 3 for all intents and purposes had a really cool story."
"Now you are locked away, helpless and alone. Game over!"
"Doki Doki sinks into the player's own worldview and makes them question their own personal ability to make free choices."
"It's these down-to-earth humanizing choices that your players make in this game and the consequences are real and the story is very real and it's really good."
"There's so much drama, plot twists, surprises, depths, betrayals..."
"It has been a lifetime, hasn't it, professor? Oh jeez, you scared me. Yes, I thought so too."
"There's way more to the story in SOMA; it's honestly huge and everything is written within the gameplay."
"A fairly serious affair just because its plot is sober though it doesn't mean that the Witcher 3 is completely without a sense of humor."
"The story is enjoyable to follow and completely silly."
"The Abyss Watchers came to the realization that their mission was unsuccessful."
"You enter a giant cavern and who else to greet you down there but the trustworthy and admirable Mr. Nutters."
"The game captured what it's like to get to know someone new and slowly over time get close to them."
"Hollow Knight's story will easily be able to Captivate you the same way it did to me."
"It was like an emotional journey there, honestly."
"Aperture Science Research Facility, Portal: Cast players asked, child a young test subject constructed to complete puzzle-filled rooms using a portal gun."
"It's going to be a different weird fun chapter in Warframe."
"Half-Life has an incredibly captivating story."
"Final fantasy VII it's not my favorite at all but I do respect the willingness to pull something like the aerith twist."
"Soma is all about asking the hard questions and leaving it up to players to find their own answers."
"Cyberpunk feels fresh and unique because its side content structure feels indistinguishable from its main story."
"It's a tragic shame in Modern Warfare Zombies specifically because there are aspects of the story that I do feel like I want to investigate right now."
"The core narrative... might be the absolute best part of it."
"There's so much potential here for genuine social criticism."
"Half-life 2 answers very few of the questions that have asks and it ends on a hell of a cliffhanger."
"No game about time travel these days can resist name-dropping. That shit's DPO."
"Catching the killer in danganronpa is often more tragic than anything else as most cases give you reason to feel sympathy for the killer as and after you have them dead."
"The Stranger slipped right through our fingers." - Nick Valentine, Fallout 4
"The actual lore explanation behind this perk as provided by Zimmer is that the Institute has developed an advanced technology that could be implanted in one's brain."
"The Dark Brotherhood's quests often involve real choice in how you carry them out, which cements them as the game's best."
"The story here is the best part of the game and its execution elevates its impact so much more."
"Majora's Mask isn't really about the dungeons, it's more about its worlds and its characters."
"The entire level is dictated by your actions from Samuel send off to the very weather of the set piece."
"It's so crazy that a cod game has such dynamic endings."
"Finally back home, things are back to normal. Dominique shows up and is gleeful that he is now wearing the pendant that she got from at the beginning of the game."
"I love how crime takes place after the original Metroid but before its sequel and the whole trilogy fits here and it's such a bold move that could potentially link so much more context to the entire series."
"Saving Jay was the choice that is just and honors age. Saving H was the emotional and selfish choice."
"Who are you? Where are we? Why are we here? Who are we fighting? Stop asking questions! You are blessed. This is unleashed. Go and unleash your bless."
"Throughout Innocent Sin, we learn what makes him tick, and the fact that he’s the only character in Eternal Punishment to remember the events of Innocent Sin means that both games form one continuous story for him."
"Neither of the main characters make good decisions in this game... and in the end neither one finds the peace or resolution they were hoping for. No one wins, everyone loses."
"The little pop-up text that says 'The way the world ends' is a reference to T.S. Eliot."
"It's quite an emotional and heartwarming story and it explores themes of family love."
"The universe of Genshin feels so rich because it combines traditional storytelling with deep world-building."
"I really, really love to see the game letting them continue on in that way."
"That's probably the most effective moment in the whole game."
"At some point the battle for Azeroth is going to flip from factions to life versus death or versus void or something like that."
"I really enjoyed the story, it had some great moments, I was interested in the world, I think the story is well told, they handled choice and consequence exceptionally well, and combined with the game's atmosphere I think they did a fantastic job."
"The choices you make and the things you say can open or close off opportunities later down the line."
"The outrage over cyberpunk 2077 is a paradox because the materials stirring that outrage is designed to do exactly that within the framework of a video game narrative."
"All of the holdovers realize her strength too, and Togami himself refuses to participate in the killing game any longer."
"Danganronpa was from the very beginning a game not just about the worst humanity was capable of, but also its undying capability to face those things head-on, to identify and acknowledge them, and to overcome them."
"The miracle works in mysterious ways and as you continue playing you become more and more eager to learn about this miracle."
"Moments like these take your natural curiosity for the universe of outer Wilds and slowly trickle gasoline on it. It makes World building and a clue feel like a long-lost secret that you have uncovered of your own volition."
"Overall, Mob of the Dead is by far one of the best because if Weasel kills the three other characters, the cycle breaks."
"You can't erase it from the hearts of Outworld."
"There’s nothing a CRPG can do more to impress me than to give me a choice to talk my way out of the final boss confrontation."
"I'm getting on that train, I'm getting out of here."
"I really do appreciate this lore dump, this is cool."
"When a story asks me to understand a relationship between two characters and it being the foothole for the main game, I do expect to see some actual reason."
"The Kratos of God of War Ragnarok is a man yearning for peace, unflinching in his refusal to compromise when it comes to the integrity and well-being of those he loves."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 exceeds in almost every way with telling a great story."
"The game doesn't half make you feel bad about it. Those debt collecting missions for Strauss make you go through some pretty uncomfortable lengths to get the money owed to the gang back, which never made me feel good."
"We see the seasons as a real opportunity to tell the story as well."
"After all of this, Dina can barely stand on her feet and needs Ellie to drag her into the theater. Was she infected by those spores from earlier? Nope, she is dealing with very early signs of pregnancy."
"It's enough to chill any player to the bone: she's not Lamb's messiah anymore; she's a very naughty girl."
"The whole point of the game is the Blair Witch manipulates you, Ellis, into becoming Carver."
"He's not just a cameo, he's throughout most of the game. He's a significant character, the secondary main character of the game."
"The ability to time travel is a cool aspect and adds some meat to the gameplay."
"Absolutely insane crap happens as a result, usually makes no sense whatsoever."
"This game has a heart and soul beyond any other MMO currently available its only flaw is how unfamiliar it can be to newcomers."
"This final three minutes also changes the whole theme of the game... Mass Effect 3 and possibly the trilogy has always been about Organics vs synthetics."
"Here we go. This is the story of a man named Stanley. All right, one last run."
"The story in Final Fantasy 14 is so well told that when twists happen, they make perfect sense because of the foundation laid in the level 1 through 50 experience."
"She sacrificed herself so he could live... It moved me in a way that a game hasn't moved me since I was younger."
"I really dug how the game tackled its own setup in that."
"Infinite's main story is mostly linear with an engaging narrative."
"Adios is a quiet beautifully written game that is more about the space between words than the words themselves."
"It's the journey, not the destination, with a game like this."
"When Simon gets out, it's raining now, and backtracking doesn't feel like padding but a reminder that I [__] made it."
"My ideal system consists of three essential planner sections in one."
"The twists are insane but also they're good."
"It managed to retain that feeling of mystery... while also explaining some things and not leaving the player completely in the dark."
"Joker slides in at the end and reveals he's been manipulating Batman the whole game."
"The final stage of Subnautica fails to live up to how good the first 2/3 were."
"Metal Gear Solid 3's storytelling approach is defined by literary hyper-realism."
"Every playthrough of this game is canon; it's just a different universe, you know, like a Marvel multiverse, exactly."
"It is without a doubt one of the best games of the year."
"The storyline for this game is amazing and disturbing and creepy and enthralling and weird."
"Every level is talking about the same theme."
"I just chalk it up to Kratos really stepping into the role of a dad and never asking for directions."
"The progression of robbing a bank, escaping prison, and the pulling of a heist made a lot of sense."
"It brought me to tears, Amori. Sunny clearly loves and reveres his sister so much that even in black space..."
"The game's ending is so powerful not just because Nova breaks free of her purpose and becomes her own being that gets to experience the wonders of a meaningless life with all the freedom in the world."
"I really need a deep, rich story narrative game, and if Vampire Survivors came along and I was like, 'Oh, this is it, turns out this is exactly what I needed.'"
"A body has been discovered! That was great, everyone okay? You got me."
"The Evil Within’s strongest attribute is its story and yet it won’t mean much to you if I try to cut corners in describing it."
"But I think the most egregious thing that Halo 2 does by itself narratively is conclude on such an unsatisfying cliffhanger."
"Those are the types of games that stick with me... that express something genuine and from the heart."
"Final Fantasy 10 likes to sprinkle in clues of things to come."
"It's an explosive cinematic by-the-numbers military action game that plays out nothing like your typical by-the-numbers military action game."
"That's when it hit me, the true terror hidden within the rules."
"Every character is good, none of them stand out as bad."
"Characters feel like people instead of a lot of games past where the characters don't really feel like people."
"I find the characters here to be more relatable and deeper than the previous title."
"Uncomfortably dark: Xenogears delves deep into themes such as trauma, transhumanism, and various sexual atrocities."
"Final Fantasy 7 story has always been one of the most compelling things about the game for me."
"The combat sequence in this first act, again maybe a bit of a throwback to the first game, has Snake teaming up with Meryl alongside her Rat Patrol squad."
"They get introduced in this cinematic where they make short work of a large group of rebels."
"Halo 6's story may be the most human involved and artistically engineered."
"The story of Ecco night 2 follows the Clancy family Jessica Clancy has fallen deathly ill leading her husband and the game's main antagonist Albert Clancy to follow an ancient ritual in order to save her life."
"The real treasure in Uncharted 4 were the relationships we've formed along the way."
"Diablo 4 has the best story of any Diablo game yet."
"This is it, this is the part in the game where you try and figure out what it means to be human."
"Once you destroy Oblivion Joshua is finally able to rest and Danielle takes over as turoc again."
"Mew tried to kill me in the virtual world to make us think it happened in the real world."
"Children playing in the frost, a reminder of the innocence amidst chaos."
"The game is fascinating like Rachel, and that link between Rachel and the game itself is worth paying attention to."
"There is one person that did offer the most interesting moments for me this generation and that was n a character that has a deeper connection to Pokemon"
"The birds are happy, they took the cake, the pigs are breaking us down because I don't think that was next and I think that was a pig planned purposeful action."
"Ellie losing two fingers is a sufficient consequence for her horrendous actions."
"He then speaks more directly, outright revealing the password to bomb number 1 which Zero claims will help save billions of lives."
"Persona is pretty much just all story straight through... worth the wait overall."
"A game that will make you feel feels... a very compelling and very thoughtful experience."
"Todd Howard believes Starfield's endings may not be for everyone."
"Experiencing the story from the beginning to end should be your priority."
"In the world of Fable, bad people are bad and just live to be bad and good people are good and encourage good alone."
"I think the story here and the world building is exceptional."
"I know it's huge information and a huge big change for everybody in the storyline."
"There's almost an extraordinary amount of organic storytelling in the game, delivered through vocals."
"From a lore point of view, Zhongli has a vibrant story."
"The story behind your Avatar character is that they lived in Eggman-occupied territory and joined up with Sonic to take back the neighborhood."
"Seeing the gate of Jotunheim at the end of the game... works so amazingly well."
"Cyberpunk 2077: redeemed by the humanity found within."
"Deceptive appearances: Necromorphs aren't just monsters."
"All of this builds up to an exciting final battle that isn't actually the final battle."
"Final Fantasy 16 presents the utopian equality of Ultima as being equivalent to the real world of the atomized individual."
"By the end, the game becomes a disarmingly gripping and eloquent tragedy."
"The post-credits scene, which again introduces us to Spider-Man 2099."
"I love how they have a romantic moment after brutally fatality."
"The game's plot pulled from an obscure area of the source material."
"After their scuffle, Monokuma breaks Usami's magic stick, stripping her of her magical girl powers."
"Tranquility Lane: By all definitions the best main story quest of the entire series."
"The Power of Choice: Blowing up or saving Megaton, a major city in Fallout 3."
"Bullet is very important to the game, story-wise. And yes, you can pet the dog."
"A beautiful and cruel new land, twisted monsters, an array of magical abilities, sentient jewelry. Welcome to the world of ForSpoken."
"Oh no, Dialga, this is not good. Why is the floor black? Uh-oh, fantastic, beautiful, it's the creation of a new galaxy!"
"The world of Elden Ring makes sense, is intriguing, and I would very happily read books set in the Lands Between."
"Psychosis sees the unnamed protagonist tormented with visions and voices lamenting him for his sins."
"The storytelling of Wastelanders is far more interesting because there's actual humans."
"This game's plot is very easy to follow, it enthralled me pretty well, and I enjoy playing it."
"Anthem's story has been the best one I've experienced so far."
"You know, I actually doubted my officers when they said they'd captured a prime normal," says Lou. "It is so nice to see you."
"The Alliance story is like an emotional tale about a mother and daughter and you're like I was not even prepared for this in Warcraft."
"This is one of the best slices of Kiryu's character in Yakuza 5."
"This game has not forgotten who Kiryu is and what he stands for."
"Pyramid Head embodies his dark side, that's why it later chases him, leading him towards the truth."
"The Old Republic is at its core a story-driven game."
"The world and the characters of Final Fantasy 15 are some of the greatest that Square has ever produced and are unquestionably the main draw card of the Final Fantasy 15 experience."
"Swear to me that everything you've said about the fireflies is true." - Ellie
"A solid storyline can bring a city builder to life, and the option to play in a sandbox is always appreciated."
"The opening hours in particular really nailed the desperate fight for survival."
"This act starts really strong because it's all about exploration."
"The way the gameplay and plot intertwine actually gets you involved in the Rivalry with Nemesis in three making the resolution exciting and impactful."
"Now that is what you call a really cool hidden storyline message that is phenomenal."
"I want this game to say something if it's going to try to wrestle with being political."
"Wrath of the Lich King felt like everything built up to that Lich King fight."
"Thanks to its horrific and haunting conclusion, A Bright Bouncing Boy is undoubtedly one of the strangest side quests of all time."
"Captain Cutter's speech to Isabel is almost like a criticism of the way the UNSC has been handled in new Halo games, making it clear he's going to be bringing the soul of the UNSC back to Halo."
"The Witch Queen was praised as being the definitive Destiny 2 campaign."
"The whole thing basically boils down to the game starts and whoops look there are aliens gotta go kill the aliens."
"The game gets very serious and very dark and takes a lot of interesting turns that will be sure to surprise and inspire."
"An epic journey that balanced eccentricity and seriousness with considerable finesse and proved emotionally affecting like few other games in its genre."
"Mega Man has finally had enough of Wily escaping... He's had it..."
"I think that plot armor is not necessarily a bad thing."
"Cyberpunk knows that we love its characters and it uses those feelings to create difficult choices for the player."
"Starfield is still largely a mystery when it comes to the game's story."
"It tells its story well, the quests are fun, it introduces new and unique characters, has major lore significance, has a satisfying conclusion, and tells a complete story while also setting up future events. It's pretty much the perfect zone."
"If you defeat her, you will be remembered forever as the savior of the planet. If she conquers, it will be as if you had never been born."
"It's thought-provoking to say the least and it's a pretty decent twist for a platforming game for children."