
Nature Connection Quotes

There are 257 quotes

"The dignity, the beauty, the connection to nature, the honoring of spirit, the welcome, the love, the resilience was also just absolutely humbling to behold."
"Rangers are incredibly skilled outdoorsmen who have learned to commune with nature to cast a limited selection of spells."
"We are hard-wired for nature, to be outside, to live connected with our environment, to feel it, to play and struggle in it, to be challenged by it and therefore challenge ourselves."
"Reconnecting to nature as soon as you see a problem. Depression, headaches, anxiety, cancer — reconnecting to Nature."
"We are losing the most precious thing that nature has given us, which is the connection to her nutrient base through soil systems."
"One thing it definitely does is it grounds us. We feel connected to Nature. Going barefoot can actually help you gain a greater appreciation for the natural world."
"One simple thing that in the United States people can do, if you have a garden, just spend at least one hour barefoot in the garden... your immune system will work very, very well."
"Nature is our home; we've just forgotten that."
"You guys are gonna be so connected to nature, you guys are gonna be so connected to your own healing and through that, I think that you guys are gonna be healing other people."
"In the end, the forest was a part of himself, and only the most intense fire could burn the branches that connect the lost kingdoms."
"If you're interested in understanding or even interested in forming a relationship with the land you're on, 'Braiding Sweetgrass' will get you started on that path."
"There's nothing better than leaving humanity behind for a few hours to reconnect with nature."
"The fact there's so many people struggling with anxiety and depression goes to show how far removed from nature we are."
"This thing takes you to your nature, to get to know who you are."
"Faith, hope, curiosity, and then you can fall into nature."
"It is every man for himself. Teaching self-resiliency and independence is a virtue."
"It's the perfect end to a foraging day: pick something in the wild, we eat it."
"I was getting scratched up by the brambles, getting my hair cut in the trees, and it felt great. I felt alive. I felt connected with nature."
"I think you feel really connected to the Earth if you don't use electric lights and you just kind of realize hey it's going to be dark now."
"If you lie on the grass, you can feel the heartbeat of the world."
"I feel like people just really feel like more connected to like earth there."
"I found a bee. Sydney's been here." - Maggie Sutherland
"Nature is very important; we are part of nature, and we lost this connection, especially in medicine."
"Connecting with nature gives a perspective of being part of a larger system of life and energy."
"Our task is to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all of nature and all living creatures."
"Lulu was the first thing, so the anteater really, really, like, unlocked a level of intensity and intimacy with the Amazon that I didn't know was possible."
"I think that's half the fun of gardening is connecting with nature and connecting the family together outside."
"Get outside, walk barefoot on the grass or barefoot on the beach."
"Water represents cleansing, spiritual awareness, and connection to nature."
"I want to be a farmer... I want to learn how to bake... knead the soil with my hands..."
"Having a connection to nature is important... observing trees, mountains, and rivers."
"Nature is truly what got me here, listening to nature, being in service to nature."
"His tale is one of resilience and of wisdom and a connection to the Natural World."
"I cannot live without plants and animals. I'm just so connected to life."
"Farming is like one of my main skills. I love farming, not only because you get the food, but it's just connecting with nature."
"So many of these healthy habits are not about ramping up intensity and taking things to the extreme. They're about slowing down, being more gentle with yourself, tuning in with your body, tuning in with nature."
"Connect with nature, find clarity and peace."
"We are cosmic ocean water, we are not separate from the ocean."
"The only right thing to do is to be in tune with the existence and the creation."
"Elune is the central figure of night elven religion... reverence of the moon and connection to nature."
"Being able to hear the birds and outside noise just makes me feel really happy."
"A return to righteousness returning to the land."
"Brown was strongly associated with a deep connection to nature."
"Life is very simple, cost of living is really pretty low, people are connected to the earth."
"The friendship and reciprocity between them and the land spirits is valuable."
"In this beautiful setting, you can almost imagine the much-loved saint preaching to the birds."
"It's more than a connection with nature, it's a connection with the past and a connection with the power of redemption."
"It's between you and nature. There's no ceremonies, religion, there's no hierarchy, there's no organization. You know what I mean? It's between you and nature."
"Touched by a wild mountain gorilla: a rare and beautiful moment of connection."
"It could be also that the two of you have a strong shared connection to nature."
"Let your nature be the witness, not your avoidance."
"The opportunity for every individual on the planet to connect again with nature is right there on our doorstep."
"Survive and thrive in the future with proper prior planning. Go back to homesteading, go back to nature. You become healthier, happier."
"It's the renewal of the earth also during spring, so Mother Earth is waking up, and it's also a great time for spiritual growth."
"Diving to new depths, going deeper with the whale energy here, I feel like you're raising your vibrations."
"Nature is calling, so you're going to be spending more time in nature."
"It began for me to nature and animals and understanding that they were sentient beings."
"So much truth is coming to you... stand in a garden and be thought-free."
"The air is so fresh, you can just feel that oxygen from the nature."
"Only those who can be like the trees can call out to Krishna with genuine devotion."
"We are just part of the flow of Nature and the flow of water and the importance of keeping ourselves in a very positive state of love because it affects the water so dramatically."
"It's all about connecting, to connect with the world around them and to experience the value of our relationship with nature."
"The car expands your senses and lets you experience the environment and the beauty of nature around you." - Veera Schmidt
"A meaningful technology should be one that connects us to nature, the biosphere, because we are a part of this nature."
"You're being called to go outside and connect not be a homebody all the time."
"People who are happiest usually live closest to nature and are more disconnected from this kind of machine we've created and more connected to other people."
"Living close to nature is living life in full." - Unknown
"When nature is out of sync, your emotions, the way you feel, is very much affected by that."
"How can we embody our own wild unique nature?"
"With this Empress energy you'll take a break and really you know this may be time for you to really get grounded get back to earth get back to nature or that your natural habitat is what I feel like that at trip."
"Nature: It's time to unleash your inner hippie and step outside of that man-made box."
"Hunting makes something happen and kind of taps into some calm, some peace of nature."
"Recognize and invite the animal guides and nature's medicines into your life—they are powerful helpers on our spiritual journey."
"The connection with nature that you get in a yurt that you don't get in a stick frame structure."
"Connecting with nature rejuvenates their energy and enhances their connection with the universe."
"I felt like the trees were loving me back... we're doing this together."
"Nature is a profound teacher and a deepened connection to the Natural World often signifies that your higher self is urging you to reconnect with the Earth's wisdom and energy."
"Open your eyes to the natural world, to the animal kingdom because I do think they're going to be guiding you guys."
"Let me return to the Earth like a cow and just... the sun will heal me."
"If you eat an animal but you won't kill it, you're way disconnected from nature."
"The more you can get back to communion with the living soil and with the trees and with the oceans, with the clouds, with the skies, with the sun, moon, and stars, then this is the way we each of us can begin this reverse programming right now."
"Life is not just a testing ground, we're connected to nature."
"Some people just have a connection with nature and they just want to go out there and try to be a part of it."
"When you feel Gaia's sweet energy, stop and give her your love."
"Connect with nature as much as you can, it's rejuvenating and will help you find answers."
"It's so important to try to connect yourself with nature. By just like having a connection with these, rejuvenates us so much."
"You have the wisdom within your soul, the secrets of Earth, the secrets of life."
"Connect with nature, spend time outdoors to recharge and reconnect."
"We really hope that people would start to think about the natural world in terms of what it means for our hearts, minds, bodies, and spirits."
"Whenever I pull plants I like to walk out into the field... nice clustering."
"Fishing is a searching for proof that something irreplaceable still exists."
"Go outside, get some fresh air and connect with nature. Relieve stress, gain new creative ideas."
"The divine feminine is doing the work out here, nurturing themselves, tapping into nature, planting those seeds. There is growth, that is why the divine feminine is rising like a phoenix."
"Surround yourself with nature, with Allah's creation. Move away from the creation and move towards the creator."
"Connection to nature reminds us of the beauty of life."
"Walden offers a deep source of inspiration for living in accordance with nature and detachment from the material world."
"It's time for you to reconnect back to your roots and the earth take some time out in nature special spend time in the garden of lie or light among the trees feel yourself being held and embraced by earth."
"Getting in touch with nature again... that's where we will find ourselves."
"We're only scratching the surface... of what's possible for us when we are reconnected to the Earth."
"Seeing or even hugging trees is a form of therapy."
"We need to bring it back somehow, you know? And I think it has to do with being connected to nature."
"Think about how fortunate you are to be able to experience something like this. There are just not that many people that have the opportunity to sail and connect with nature like this."
"The weaker our connection is to nature, the less likely we are to advocate for it."
"I think they are just a really wonderful way of connecting you with nature, grounding you in yourself, and just kind of bringing you back down sometimes when you need to be brought back into your body."
"I would like to see us as a part of nature but I'm not so uninformed concerning the historical adventure that I don't know that what is called Gnosticism is a very strong strain in the human animal."
"The trip was subsiding but the coloration of the sunset before me was still very enhanced and I still felt the vibrations of nature."
"Perhaps through the predatory fish, we hope to discover something about our own inherited nature."
"On the mountains she was fearless and in tune with nature."
"You're finding your own connection with spirit, with the earth."
"There's something about this deck that I feel like connects me with the natural world."
"Time and again, we have to take some time and be with nature."
"At the end of the day, we are nature, our bodies, our systems, and now when it's spring and nature is so full of life and full of energy and things are starting to awaken up again."
"Make the forest part of your story at a park near you."
"We need faith, we need ritual, we need a body-soul synergy which shapes our lives to enable us to attain a connection with nature and with our natural and ancient selves."
"Feel like coming on a walk like this really makes you feel in touch with the seasons."
"It's good for us to be out here and land, touching the soil, smelling the air, feeling the rain."
"We are part of nature and we need to be resilient."
"They're reconnecting with nature, which is the one outlet that people have now to not go insane."
"The Celtic Church was more open to women, it was more mystically spiritual, it was more connected with the natural world."
"I feel the presence of the wolves; I don't see them right now, but I know they're right there."
"I really want to connect with nature, you know, it's what you come down here to the Mekong for, all the greenery right on the river, it's nice, it's quiet, it's peaceful."
"It's something that really connects you to the natural world, and it's endlessly important."
"I can make friends with almost any animal."
"When you see a tree, you hug it; when you see a ladybird, you bless it."
"If I'm stressed or upset or down or whatever, where do you think I go? I go into the bush by myself. That's where I have my power, that's where I have my connection."
"When I say indigenous, I simply mean something inside of us that is indelibly earth-based, a mirror of what nature is."
"We are all one of one mind on our place in nature."
"You feel so free when you were out there on the pond and what you love."
"With every seed I sow and plant that I grow, my roots grow deeper."
"Nature is, I think, fundamentally...we are all biophilic."
"Follow Mother Nature's prescription; connect with nature, get grounded, especially first thing in the morning looking at the sun."
"There are sacred places every world where the world is still our holy grove, where we wander hunting for The Tree of Life under which we already live."
"We need to redevelop connections with the land, the place around us, nearby, that we interact with our senses and not just through a screen."
"I have come to the Lake District pretty much every year of my life."
"I grew that tree from when I was a kid."
"I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name."
"If Earth contact with the Earth can have this effect on your being, your health, and your physiology, then you really have to back up and say what have we done to ourselves and how are we going to fix it."
"Go outside into Mother Nature; she's calling you to connect with her."
"When you don't wear shoes, you're like one with the Earth; it balances you."
"When I cast that lure, it's a dance with the unknown."
"I always recommend people to just go outside and connect with nature."
"Nature is like us, its essence is like our heart, listen closely and you can hear its heart beating."
"Nature really makes you feel at one with yourself."
"Wishing that every morning could be this way, a coffee, river, in the Smoky Mountains."
"I've always been at heart a daughter of the soil, one of nature's handmaidens."
"We can always come home to our connection with the earth beneath us."
"Learning to trust yourself will help you connect with Mother Nature."
"You don't need a huge space but you do need a really strong connection with the garden."
"Shell Island is an ideal spot for families trying to connect with nature as well as each other."
"Living simply in a way that promotes more personal happiness and connection to the outdoors."
"It's the time with loved ones, it's a sense of purpose, it's the ability to be outdoors and connect with nature—those are the things that matter much more."
"Love in the round is the perfect place to reconnect with nature and disconnect from the digital world."
"This is Mike wishing you a year full of adventure and a deepening connection to our precious wild spaces."
"Land diving... is believed to symbolize the cycle of life, the connection between man and nature, and the bountiful harvests of yams."
"Find a sanctuary in nature; connect with the elements."
"People often come away from those experiences with a more profound sense of connection to nature."
"Grounding into the earth with those hands, connecting to mother nature, that amazing divine energy that we have from nature."
"They're communing with nature; they're the sort of early ecological warriors."
"If I can influence someone to take interest in plants or start caring for them, that means they're just one step closer to nature."
"The birds in the sky and the beasts in the sea, they will come to you, little lion."
"Nature is almost there for us to connect to. It's an aspect of the beloved, it's a gift."
"When you're out alone in the woods, you're in charge. You're safer in the warm embrace of your own solitary freedom."
"We are we are meant to connect with nature."
"Touch the sun a little bit, of course, feel alive."
"We are an inseparable part of the whole of nature; we're in relationship with it."
"For me, I just need to be able to see the sky and feel the atmosphere and feel the time change."
"It's just so nice to be back in the woods."
"Just floating on the breeze and I feel I'm falling like these leaves, I must be Cornerstone."
"I feel a true kinship and harmony with life out here - sand and sun and sea and wind."
"Everyone deserves to howl at the moon at some point."
"I love moving and dancing with the earth and just visualizing my body receiving light codes and energy and cleansing from the earth from the bottom of my feet."
"Being by the ocean has really been a big part of my life."
"By learning how to become one with nature, you also gain full control over nature energy entering and leaving your body."
"He won. She sees spirits rising from the bark, the sun peeking through the clouds and perching the spirits from the forest."
"We need nature, nature needs us too."
"We wear all white and go up into the mountains to find this connection with nature."
"Absolutely gorgeous, and you actually get to feel like you're part of nature."
"You're going to become a lover of life, really feel so connected to Mother Nature."
"The mountains and Big Timber are such a part of me, I can't stay away from them."
"Let the sand be your seat as the waves hit your feet."
"You just need nature, and I think that will help you build and bring that connection back as well."
"Seeing him really connect with nature... has been the absolute blast."
"It just frees your mind, getting back in touch with nature."
"There's something about that style of camping that does really good for the human psyche; you become very intricately connected to Nature."
"Last time I walked in the swamp, I stood upon a cypress stump. I listened close and I heard the ghost of Osceola cry."
"The further we get separated from nature the more ridiculous some people think what is just science and nature really is."
"YouTube memberships will help us to continue with our mission of connecting people with nature while giving you access to lots of our amazing content."
"You can feel the air, your senses are heightened, you can smell, you hear the birds, you actually start to connect."
"It really was genuinely me connecting with that tree, and I think that's why the emotions shone through."
"Being simplistic, being in nature, rejuvenating, being in water, and being in a sense of stillness so you can really connect to your emotions and connect to your body."
"Enjoy your hunt, be present, get connected to the Earth."
"It's connection to other people, connection to Nature, feelings of competence and agency, those are the sorts of things that improve our well-being and absolutely not consumption."
"We play this game where we stay completely quiet on some sections of the hike to feel more connected with nature."
"And I think this is part of the fascination of hunting."
"I'm just happy to have the environment to raise my kids and to keep them connected to the Earth."
"It felt great to get out to where I belong, the woods."
"I felt drawn to the trees, I could see and feel their strength."
"It feels pretty cool to have planted some tree roots in the ground."
"Being part of the world where you grow food and where you take notice of the things around you... that's just such a joy."
"We are not separate from nature; we are all earthlings."