
Historical Mystery Quotes

There are 364 quotes

"The American Antarctic snow cruiser disappeared into the snow and, aside from a few reappearances in the 1950s, has been lost ever since."
"Rayleigh knows where the One Piece is, he has indicated that he knows what the 100-year gap in history is and what caused it."
"Opinions have differed over the centuries as to whether Plato invented Atlantis as an allegory for the ideal society or if indeed such a lost continent really did exist."
"The pyramids were truly divine, something that would attract people to them like nothing else before."
"It's one of the things I find most striking is the presence of Antarctica on ancient maps because we didn't discover it until 1820 and yet it's on maps drawn in the 1500s with great detail."
"Between the years 1110 and 1120, the Knights Templar found a great secret hidden under the Temple Mount in Zion, Jerusalem."
"One of the real important synchronicities here... is that in this country, the guy who initially brought the Rennes-le-Château mystery to our attention had the name Henry Lincoln."
"The discovery of a mysterious coin bearing a Templar cross near The Money Pit on Oak Island has sparked a thrilling debate."
"The discovery of a large quantity of coconut fiber at The Money Pit, despite the nearest coconut trees being located 1500 miles away, has left experts scratching their heads."
"One of the world's biggest mysteries is the Great Pyramid of Giza is the only pyramid on our planet that has eight sides and not actually four."
"The stone ruins of the Northeast were not the only archaeological mysteries which interested the antiquarians."
"It's a book that was found wrapped around a mummy, and if that is not worthy of a spot on a list of mysterious manuscripts, I don't know what is."
"This was the truth behind the riddle of the pyramids."
"The ancient Maya civilization flourished with a mysterious brilliance that continues to captivate the world."
"William Morgan disappeared in 1826 after allegedly being angry with the Masons and planning to publish a book revealing all their secrets."
"They found a document in the cabin that was labeled 'Phil Powers is finished 1932.'"
"Nothing is what it seems when most ancient civilizations were still in their stone age."
"Many scholars believe that his work intentionally provides clues to a powerful secret, a secret that remains protected to this day by a clandestine Brotherhood of which da Vinci was a member."
"My best guess about the Patience Worth case is that Pearl Curran was a kind of dissociative virtuoso."
"Atlantis, described as one of the earliest and most advanced civilizations of humans, has virtually disappeared from the earth's surface."
"The Voynich manuscript: an enigmatic record of secret knowledge or an elaborate hoax?"
"The Shroud of Turin: a centuries-old enigma challenging scientific explanation."
"The Amber Room is one of the most famous examples of wartime looting and its mysterious disappearance is a historical mystery that has yet to be solved."
"Will we ever know how and why this kingdom ended?"
"Blizzard are going hard to weave a serious historical mystery connecting Elementals, dragons, Geraldine, reichels, and ultimately humans."
"The Babushka lady's identity remains one of history's unsolved mysteries."
"Richard’s coup against his nephews was complete, the fate of the boys, whom history would remember as 'the Princes in the Tower' remains a mystery."
"I think that the true history of my doom and the history of most of the Old Kingdom sites is something that's still very much an unknown."
"The hint of much greater antiquity surrounding the entire Giza complex won't go away."
"The Dyatlov Pass incident: a fascinating subject in modern history."
"The origin of this deep sea train wreckage remains an unsolved mystery and in all likelihood we may never know the underlying truth behind the New Jersey wreckage."
"History would always raise questions about the outfits involvement in the Kennedy assassination which would also piss off Sam's boss Accardo."
"The myth of the sword Excalibur holds a clue to what really happened in Britain ad."
"Out of all the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, there is only one that remains a mystery to this very day."
"How could this be possible? Long before humans had the architectural capacity to construct what had been found."
"The Voynich manuscript challenges researchers across several fields, including machine learning, botany, and linguistics."
"The phenomena in the Uinta Basin has been going on since before the United States government existed."
"The Coso artifact is a very special mystery."
"Was Robin Hood a real person, or just a character based on the stories of other outlaws? Still unknown to this day."
"The caves of Qumran have given us some amazing secrets from the past yet while answering many questions these fascinating writings still hold many mysteries today."
"For all intents and purposes, the man who called himself Dan Cooper had successfully completed his criminal operation before he disappeared into thin air."
"This photo alone for years afterwards propelled multiple Expeditions and searches for the truth of the Yeti or the abominable Snowman in this area."
"The voynich manuscript is perhaps the most discussed book of all time."
"Whoever created Puma Punku had very advanced lost ancient high technology."
"Probably not. I'm not convinced that they're artificial much less Atlantis, but do I leave the possibility open? Yes, it deserves a lot more investigation."
"A sunken city that has lain submerged for over 9,000 years."
"All these years the unsettled and controversial nature of the Roswell event is still the focal point of humankind's biggest unsolved mystery."
"A shipwreck filled with lost gold is solving a mystery from the 16th century."
"Not only are many of these ancient unexplainable structures built with the utilization of seemingly impossibly huge megalithic blocks but they also display masonry techniques and refined stone carving."
"If the age of the bones can be determined... perhaps we can get closer to the mystery of the origin of the community."
"The purpose of the Hornet balls remains shrouded in darkness."
"The Legend of the lost city of Z: one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century."
"For him and others, Atlantis is not a fictional device but a truth which, if brought to light, would shatter everything we claim to know about pre-history and thus ourselves."
"In 1975, Jimmy Hoffa drove to the parking lot of the Marchus Red Fox Restaurant and waited. 90 minutes later, a car with several men inside picked up Jimmy Hoffa and he was never seen again."
"The ancient mystery of the dodecahedron persists."
"The Ark of the Covenant is arguably the most sought-after treasure of all time."
"But even in real life, like this conversation,"
"Christine Collins continued searching for Walter until her death in 1964."
"No one really knows what was going on with pumapunku when it was constructed or when it was at its peak... Well, I can't say really no one because we do and you will know what went on at pumapunku as well." - Courtney Brown
"Kennedy's assassination continues to mystify and intrigue."
"Astonishing ruins, a place like many others around the globe which also display seemingly impossible Feats of engineering."
"Its purpose and origin have been under debate for years. We may be able to get some answers from its namesake."
"To this day The Disappearance of the Roanoke colony remains a giant mystery."
"Together we will investigate the conspiracy surrounding the biggest band of the 1960s, the Beatles, and the question which plagued a nation for years: Did Paul McCartney die in a car accident in 1966?"
"Four competing theories exist behind the treasure of the Copper Scroll."
"The Voynich Manuscript is the most mysterious manuscript in the world."
"Somehow the bones just went missing about 50-60 years ago. We've never seen them since."
"No one can figure out how the people of the Dogon tribe were able to discover that Sirius has a secondary star orbiting around it."
"She vanished in the South Pacific during around-the-world flight."
"Could this Chariot have been a UFO—an unknown glowing flying object that must have boggled the minds of us Muggles on the ground?"
"The story of Gil Perez might just be what changes your mind about teleportation."
"It's very interesting what happened in Roswell."
"The strange tale of the lost children of the Alleghenies began on the morning of April 24th, 1856."
"The adult response to that is to take it instru St to try and learn from people's input not to form an entire sociopolitical movement around not wanting to hear how you could improve yourself."
"The question of how and why Amy died has gripped generations of writers and historians."
"The Roman dodecahedrons: Mysterious ancient artifacts found in various locations, their purpose still unknown."
"The st. Augustine Monster remains unresolved."
"In 1971, out of nowhere, came the revelation that Evita had been secretly buried in a cemetery in Milan, under a headstone bearing a different name."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza may very well be one of the most mysterious and visited historical sites in the whole world."
"A land built upon an ancient mystery--where a Brave New World was forged from the fires of something long forgotten."
"Oak Island Money Pit: centuries of mystery and wild theories."
"The once thriving civilization that built these structures around 1,000 years ago mysteriously vanished."
"As long as people are sensible, and of course the vast majority of people are, we should be able to nip this in the bud."
"The strange glow was dubbed Angels glow and only in 2001 it turned out that the glow was produced by bacteria."
"The truth of the matter is we have no idea who first discovered America."
"How could it be that our ancestors managed to create something so far ahead of their time?"
"I think the Church thought the Templars were about to reveal this secret."
"What started for me as a mystery of a single symbol, the Hooked X, has turned into so much more, including a search for new clues that we're finding right here in their humble church."
"The Terracotta Army isn't without its mystery."
"Templar and the Freemasons believed that the treasure was too great for any one man to have."
"It's a very poorly kept secret that there's a hidden room behind Mount Rushmore in South Dakota."
"Baalbek is truly an enigma besides that of the Great Pyramid."
"The big void is a mystery, but it's there, 40 meters long and according to Morishima, it looks to have a roughly four-meter square profile."
"The real mystery is not what the object was used for but who were those who had the skills required to format it."
"It's probably still hiding somewhere in Alexandria, but nobody has the slightest notion of where."
"Plato wrote about a landmass called Atlantis that disappeared approximately 12,000 years ago."
"The One Piece can only be one thing: an entire city that has been lost to time."
"Because if time travel actually exists, it would certainly explain how a man named Stan Hart looks so similar to Pietro Loredan."
"The Costa Rican stone spheres: A great unexplained mystery."
"The lost city of Atlantis is one unexplained mystery that has stood the test of time."
"While we can't say for sure if this thing ever functioned as a portal and allowed in otherworldly visitors, it's certainly one of the places on Earth that looks like it could have."
"The grand Gallery is probably the most enigmatic feature of the Great Pyramid."
"There is an island in the North Atlantic where people have been looking for an incredible treasure for more than 200 years." - Narrator
"The great pyramid mystery only deepens as two startling eyewitness accounts from 1837 may well change the narrative."
"For eight decades, a southern Mississippi family has pondered the mystery of what happened to Private Andrew Ladner."
"Nobody really knows what happened to Raul other than that he was most likely murdered by the Russians."
"Stonehenge is arguably the most mysterious Monument on Earth."
"Don't you just love it when a murder happens in your backyard and nobody knows who did it?" - Aiden Mattis
"In February of 1957, something very strange was discovered across the street from a home for Wayward girls." - Aiden Mattis
"The Voynich manuscript, which gets its name from the Polish book dealer who purchased it in 1912..."
"The Sodder Children Disappearance: their house caught fire and the bodies of the children were never found."
"Unfortunately, her attempt failed and she disappeared over the Pacific Ocean near Howland Island."
"Whether it was a hoax, hysteria, or something more sinister, the legacy of the black flash is a chilling one."
"The Great Pyramid was a type of Time Capsule that protected and concealed an advanced yet original theology."
"The Great Pyramid was like a building let down from heaven Untouched by human hands."
"No one can agree on how so many diverse cultures share similar stories of a cataclysmic flood."
"All of this time the island has pointed that the location of the treasure and all this time Freemasons have profited from fruitless endeavors to unravel their traps."
"Did ancient civilizations possess knowledge that was more advanced than what we possess today? Truth."
"Much more interesting questions about the fairy coffins were, well, who made them and why?"
"One of the most pressing questions that researchers have is whether or not the Sphinx is simply a large Monument or if it may contain something buried deep."
"The collapse of the Moche civilization around 700 A.D. is also a mystery."
"That's exactly what the landowners, the Irishes, would like us to find."
"What if I were to tell you that cat is from 200 BC?"
"The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster continues to fascinate millions around the world."
"Amelia Earhart's sudden disappearance remains a massive mystery to this day."
"The mystery of rongo rongo, a system of illustrations and graphs derived from Easter Island."
"The mystery of the Mary Celeste continues to baffle."
"It is actually considered a masterpiece of engineering."
"Scientists have no idea how stones of this size were transported to the site and then manipulated into place because the stone isn't local."
"The Voynich Manuscript is an illustrated codex written in the Voynichese writing system, otherwise unknown."
"Could there be a genocide of these elongated skull people at one point? There was a massive grave found of these practice skulls all with their skulls crushed in as if they were murdered and they were put into a pit."
"To this day, nobody is 100% sure what the Nazca lines were really used for."
"This entire hotel is said to be haunted by children who have stayed there."
"Baffling ruins hint at lost advanced civilizations."
"The Voynich manuscripts: an old text that no one can figure out."
"So, somebody or someone is building this in 1953 that can absolutely outpace our highest-performance jets at the time."
"Why on Earth was this volume of coins buried? That's The $64,000 Question."
"Despite the storied legacy of Muhammad Ali, it seems the mystery of whether outside figures influenced the 1965 fight between Sonny Liston and Muhammad Ali will remain unsolved."
"The arrow in the bag is big news, not just because it could explain how Otzi died, but because it suggests the possibility of murder."
"Oak Island continues to reveal a fascinating array of objects."
"The incident known as The Wall Street bombing of 1920 remains unsolved as no group claimed responsibility."
"This site stands alone as just jaw-dropping proof that something well beyond our understanding was happening and it was happening deep in antiquity."
"The long-lost grottoes: their origin is a complete and utter mystery."
"Our civilization emerged out of nowhere, something that was built in a very divine place."
"This was the material that had come from the New Mexico crash in 1947."
"The Hanging Gardens of Babylon: were they simply a myth or were they real and have just been lost to time?"
"The Caplicious is an ancient tomb located deep in the mountains... a hidden architectural wonder and a great puzzle."
"The Gate of the Gods, also known as the Puerta de Hoya Marca... a sacred place, and no one, not even archaeologists can pinpoint the period when the first settlers began to worship at the door."
"There is a definite connection between Antarctica and the Nazis."
"But the exact purpose of the masks is a mystery they may have had a ritualistic use possibly for funerals or worshipping ancestors."
"What happened to them remains one of the greatest mysteries of all time."
"The full story of Venus may be forever lost to us, but we have been trying to stitch together what few clues we have to try and better understand what likely transpired."
"There's so much we still don't know about Stonehenge."
"The basanovars would be rediscovered back in 1988 and continue its streak of mysterious deaths."
"It's so hard to believe that a former U.S. president would have anything to do with the death of a fellow general."
"What happened to Shakespeare during these Lost Years?"
"The Great Pyramid is probably an extremely old structure, maybe 100,000 years back."
"Humans built it, and we're literally looking at a monument from Atlantis."
"The Great Pyramid is the Hall of Records in a certain sense."
"There's something really eerie about finding 200 skeletons located in the catacombs beneath a church."
"Machu Picchu still is something of a mystery, and perhaps it always will be."
"Reluctant to divulge its secrets, the site has puzzled scientists since its discovery in 1911."
"Joy Boy is a legend passed down among remnants of the ancient kingdom."
"Despite these secondary events taking place in the same day as Mantel's death, the Air Force report does not seem to consider that this very strange object might have been involved in his death."
"The disappearance of Walter Collins... Experts found the dismembered bone fragments of little boys at the alleged crime scene..."
"Australia's missing Prime Minister... it was finally ruled in 2005 that Holt accidentally drowned."
"To this day nobody knows where his body is buried."
"The definition of an out of place artifact is an object that ought not to exist in the time or place in which it was found."
"The most mysterious people in British history."
"Legend has it that on a warm summer day in 1944 Waldemar Josra was walking through the Hills near the edge of Akambaro."
"Searching for Atlantis: A quest that continues to captivate minds."
"I would truly want to know what happened to Madeleine McCann... I want to know the truth."
"The mystery surrounding the Labyrinth has transformed into a captivating Enigma that continues to challenge our understanding of History."
"The most spectacular sculpture on earth was built at a time when there's not supposed to be any civilization at all."
"What was the purpose of these seven-thousand-year-old stone structures in the Saudi Arabian desert? Are they, as some people believe, evidence of a prehistoric cattle cult?"
"What happened to the Maya? Here are some new clues that may in the next few years illuminate an answer to this long-standing mystery."
"The haunting became a sensation back in its day, due to gripping details involving spontaneous fires."
"Easter Island is truly one of the world's greatest mysteries."
"Joan Gay Croft was only four years old when she mysteriously disappeared during the chaotic aftermath of the tornado."
"It's one of the greatest mysteries of all time."
"What happened to Amelia Earhart? Her remains have never been found and her disappearance has been the source of many controversial theories over the years."
"The story about Amelia Earhart's disappearance essentially birthed an 80-year-old conspiracy theory."
"How old is the Great Sphinx of Giza? This is where things get incredibly interesting."
"Why did the Ripper never take another life after his killing spree ended in November 1888?"
"How did it get there? How could this little boat survive crossing the southern ocean?"
"Aliens... yes, this is the mysterious Thule Papyrus which some people believe to be proof of alien existence as recorded by the ancient Egyptians."
"The mystery behind the Nazca Lines remains unanswered."
"The Baghdad Battery, also known as the Parthian Battery, is a mysterious object that's left many scientists scratching their heads."
"The biggest issue is Texas fever, the disease that's been killing northern cattle ever since the first drives came up from Texas. To the farmers, it's as big a mystery as ever, and it will remain so for decades."
"For 500 years the Inca Maiden has guarded the secrets of how she died."
"A building or location only has a story so long as there are people around to tell it. When a place becomes abandoned, it can become something of a mystery."
"The disappearance of the Beaumont children remains one of Australia's most haunting and enduring mysteries."
"A lost chapter in human history, one that recorded the Earth with surprising accuracy and detail." - Graham Hancock
"Why did Joy Boy break his promise to Poseidon?"
"It's true that nobody knows enough about Stonehenge to really understand its full history but what we do know is that it was clearly man-made so that should debunk many of the lies right there."
"This 2,300 year old murder mystery has baffled paleontologists since he was found."
"Whatever happened to you, however you died, it seems your friends and family would have disposed of you in a way that has left little archaeological trace."
"Is Bathsheba Sherman actually gone, or is she simply waiting for the next viable host?"
"We may never be able to fully understand what exactly the Perron family endured all those years ago, but whatever was or wasn't cast out from the Arnold Estate that fateful night in 1974 will continue to remain unsolved."
"Would you believe that for almost a century researchers were baffled as to what the carvings entail?"