
Cryptid Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Ogopogo is described as a serpentine creature with a horse-like head and a series of humps along its back."
"The Ogopogo is a snake-like creature that roams Okanagan Lake in British Columbia, Canada."
"This could be one of the most extraordinary captures of a cryptid ever recorded."
"Many viewers seem to believe this is a cryptid sighting and it was caught on live video, so I'm not sure how he could have faked this one."
"What is it? The dog man? Bigfoot? Or an entirely new Cryptid?"
"One of the strangest Bigfoot encounters." - Albert Ostman
"El Chupacabra: A lizard-like creature with green scaly skin, large bug-like eyes, wings, fangs, and quills running down its back."
"The Ozark Howler: A large creature with black fur, glowing red eyes, and often said to have long horns, capable of emitting a terrifying howl."
"Lobe is the first AI-generated cryptid, emerging unexpectedly from an unspecified text-to-image AI model."
"The Goatman is a cryptid and urban legend that has gained notoriety in various parts of the United States, particularly in Maryland and Texas."
"The Mothman is a cryptid and urban legend associated with Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in the United States."
"Real life Yeti: a huge dark furred ape-like being that made climbing a densely snowed hill look like a walk in the park."
"However, Nessie die-harders are certain this is yet another piece of evidence that an ancient cryptid is living in the murky waters of Loch Ness."
"We've cleared away the entire nation of chaining, which really is something."
"I am a firm believer that the dog man is a demonic entity that appears to be very physical when people see it."
"It's almost like dog man enjoys seeing you in fear and seeing you terrified."
"You don't have to have the answer, it's okay to say I don't know."
"Hey everyone, welcome to Mountain Beast Mysteries! In today's video, we're going to be talking about Mount St. Helens, the eruption, and the rumored Bigfoot bodies that were apparently recovered from the area back in 1980."
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"Probably the most well-known ocean Cryptid... well alongside another one which will appear a little later on."
"The photo shows a creature unlike any other known to humankind—a large, muscular, human-like physique with long hair and arms."
"I may have not personally encountered a Sasquatch but not seeing them physically doesn't mean I don't see the truth when it's smacked in my face."
"This thing is like a cross between a human and a wolf."
"Not one encounter has ever led to a direct confrontation with the creature."
"In the far Northwest reaches of the American continent, a massive gorilla-like biped... stalks the forest with slow heavy strides."
"Without a doubt, they're two Bigfoot, a male and a female."
"People need to care about the existence of the Sasquatch."
"I think they're flesh and blood I think they can be killed I don't think they're aliens anything like that I just think they're a relative of ours a relative of an ape."
"This park is where Debbie Marr saw the orang pendek and where locals can continue to see the creature."
"Stories of the small human-like creature have drifted out of Indonesia with the island of Sumatra at the epicenter."
"It means there's a Bigfoot in the area."
"Next up, we'll look at a missing dinosaur fish whose relatives have been mistaken for the Loch Ness monster."
"Mothman is picking up some steam and, you know, while it may seem like the Mothman only appears at night, there was one sighting that happened in the middle of the day."
"The bigfoot doesn't break stride as she does so."
"The Honey Island Swamp monster is said to be a hairy man-like creature."
"The hairy man of Vergas Trail has been described as being 8 feet tall, having long and straggly hair, a musty smell, and always barefoot."
"Many of the sightings involved the creature attacking or fighting with stray dogs, killing them, and possibly drinking their blood before flying or bounding away from witnesses into the night."
"We had heard of Sasquatch but none of us even considered nor did it dawn on us that we were in Sasquatch territory."
"Nessie is real, you heard it here first."
"The town of Grafton which is famous for one of the strangest cryptids in the United States the Grafton monster."
"Nestled in the heart of the Six Rivers National Forest, Willow Creek is known as the world capital of Bigfoot."
"Willow Creek is probably the most concrete base for Bigfoot."
"The conato, a cryptid believed to be a surviving species of pterosaur, has long captured the imagination of cryptozoologists and adventurers alike."
"...what he saw on this day, and what was trailing him, and what had caused the woods to go quiet around him, was none other than a Bigfoot."
"The Goatman is an enormous humanoid Cryptid, half man, half goat."
"The Amela Inuka is a massive, ferocious Cryptid that reportedly kills anything it crosses paths with."
"What we saw was a spider-saurus. To this day I don't know what kind of cryptid thing that was, but I really hope I never have to see anything like it again."
"The legend of the yakumama also includes tales of its interactions with humans, often with dramatic consequences. For example, a man traveling down the Napo River with his family encountered yakumama during a storm."
"One significant sighting by an individual named Mr strickler described the Mantis man as tall transparent with a small head and long thin arms."
"Despite the analysis of the Turner Beast photos and DNA results, many locals are convinced there is something still out there."
"There remains to be a mystery here in Minnesota, obviously by the fact that the trail cameras didn't produce anything, and again, we're very hopeful that it would, but certainly, things remain inconclusive."
"Whether it's a wild dog or something else in Maine and Minnesota, there is something out there killing man's best friend."
"...it is not difficult to imagine some undiscovered cryptid dwelling deep within the limestone tunnels and caverns that sometimes ventures out at night to explore or perhaps even hunt."
"Dogmen are being cited all over the country and in other parts of the world."
"...elasmosaurus...50 feet in length...no gills...big head just appearing out of nowhere...that's Loch Ness monster for sure."
"Existence of the Loch Ness monster is plausible after a fossil discovery."
"The lake is called Lake Labiner and the supposed sea creature has been cited multiple times over the decades."
"...this wasn't totally human... reminded me of cat eye syndrome but at least that is explainable."
"...a Bigfoot but not like any I had ever seen before... it was left lying on the forest floor shaking and confused."
"...the creature that left me shaken and confused."
"I'm unsure if this actually counts as a cryptid, but since black coyotes of that size aren't supposed to even exist, I think it might."
"There's no verifiable evidence of a big cat on merour, but it also couldn't be proven that such an animal didn't exist."
"The New Guinean Iguanodon, also known as the Papu Nanon, is a cryptid resembling a dinosaur with reports of its presence emanating from The Ring Forest Nan Village in Papua New Guinea."
"The Mantis Man, reported in Hackettstown, New Jersey, near the Musconetcong River, is a mysterious creature resembling a praying mantis."
"The Frogman is often described as a bipedal amphibian or lizard-like humanoid."
"The Grassman, a cryptid native to Ohio, has been a part of local legend for nearly 150 years."
"The Owlman, first reported in Cornwall, England, gained attention in 1976."
"The Lizard Man, a cryptid from Lee County South Carolina, gained traction in the late 1980s."
"Nothing, literally nothing, has ever occurred in connection with the Mothman that has ever been good."
"The Honey Island Swamp Monster is very alive and real."
"Already I knew this wasn't a bear, this wasn't a wolf."
"It did resemble a werewolf, I'll be honest with you."
"I have no doubt in my mind that what I saw was a Bigfoot. This thing was huge, easily around eight feet tall at least, and built like King Kong himself."
"He saw a creature that some people would say was a Bigfoot with a snout and a tail and backward bent legs."
"This animal could have easily passed as a massive white wolf, but it was too broad."
"Most of the stories I hear are things about Bigfoot or ghosts or something like that. Well, I saw something driving home one night that is even scarier than Bigfoot."
"This thing stood at least eight feet tall and had this jet black fur all over its body. I've never seen fur so dark. It was walking on two legs like a human but its head looked like that of a wolf's with pointy ears and these glowing yellow eyes."
"It wasn't until almost dark when one of them emerged from the cave. It was some sort of humanoid ape, maybe Bigfoot."
"An encounter that proves something monstrously real lurks in the dark, secluded forests of the American West."
"It was tall, at least eight or nine feet, walking on two legs. The body wasn't completely human."
"This was the first time I'd ever seen a creature like this with my very own eyes."
"Walter M. Silkey, a witness traveling along Route 20 in West Granby, glimpsed a creature resembling a panther."
"I have never in all my years came across anything remotely similar to the strange creature we all three saw that day. I firmly believe it was a wendigo."
"He said it looked like a man with horns. He told me that he never believed in Goatman until that night."
"I'm almost certain that there is a dog man or a small pack of dog men living out by where I live."
"They resemble very closely a German shepherd with very pointy ears walking around on two legs."
"I find it to be one of if not the most compelling pieces of video evidence of an alleged Sasquatch ever to come forward."
"The Mansi photo is still held up as the best evidence for the existence of a monster in Lake Champlain."
"I truly believe that I've seen him."
"I've been actually searching for the Hodag for 40 years."
"According to people who have seen the beast they also say its skin is either black or green."
"Somewhere just off St Simon's Island at the mouth of the Ultima River they saw a creature that was estimated to be 70t long and 8 ft in diameter."
"The legend of caddy still fascinates the enthusiasts of the Mysterious World of fantastic creatures."
"The best print had five very distinct toes and was flat, no arch at all, with toes straighter across than the normal human."
"Turns out what I think I saw is something called the mothman."
"Could this have been a mimic, some sort of a cryptid?"
"We had come face to face with a creature that defied explanation."
"It looked like a human running on all fours but much faster and not human, if that makes sense."
"It was definitely a Bigfoot; there was no question about that."
"My Bigfoot sighting happened in the Sam Houston National Forest."
"We know what it was now, a female Bigfoot."
"Whether this was a Sasquatch, I do not know. It will always remain a mystery to me, unless another one is found."
"It looked like a cross between a man and a bat."
"Over a century later, both the origins and ultimate fate of this enigmatic creature continue to remain shrouded in mystery."
"The story of the Van Meter visitor has grown into a global legend."
"Mothman is one of the most recognizable cryptids to many today."
"The Yeti is a bipedal creature located in the mountains of the Himalayas."
"I became obsessed with the idea of Bigfoot and spent every moment researching and studying the creature."
"Bigfoot is attested to be a big hairy upright walking ape that lives in forests in North America."
"The Loch Ness Monster is the supposed creature that exists within Loch Ness in the Scotland Highlands."
"I firmly believe that I saw a Sasquatch up here in the woods."
"Like other cryptids, Zobrock are strange and beautiful and terrifying all at once."
"That was my one and only encounter with an extremely rare monster, maybe the strangest cryptid I've ever dealt with in my life."
"Perhaps less fantastical than some of the other beasts and monsters to appear on this list, nevertheless belief in the blue mountains panther is incredibly strong."
"It was a bipedal dog-like creature, roughly six feet tall, reddish-brown fur, and standing on its hind legs."
"The creature is described as a bipedal humanoid standing between 7 and 10 feet tall with a foul smell and glowing red eyes."
"The beast of Bray Road is described as a wolf-like humanoid with greyish-brown fur, standing about six feet tall."
"The Rougarou didn't make any aggressive moves, it just watched us, its eyes never leaving ours."
"The Yu, also known as Uku, is a cryptid reported from the Andaman Islands."
"The Core is a flying reptile reported from Manus Island, Papua New Guinea."
"We saw what we believed to be a Bigfoot."
"The Chupacabra quickly became this media sensation."
"The skunk ape is described as a large, hairy, humanlike being inhabiting forests and swamps."
"Mothman is thought to be a bipedal winged humanoid being."
"I had encountered a bipedal Brown Bigfoot, something that I'd never thought I would see in my lifetime."
"The ahool is a winged cryptid often portrayed as a giant bat or even a flying primate."
"The Fresno Nightcrawlers... just some chill dudes going for a late night stroll."
"Chupacabra has been around whenever you find that your livestock has either gone missing or is found dead with all its blood sucked right out."
"The Hat Man... a spindly shadowy figure that appears to be wearing a hat."
"It's said that people who are visited by Hat Man are those who are already struggling with something emotionally resonant."
"A large hairy humanlike creature came out of the woods... reached out long arms and rescued the dog."
"The Oklahoma Octopus is a cryptid that's said to live in freshwater lakes in Oklahoma."
"The Black Demon is a mysterious shark that's said to be roughly 20 to 60 feet in length."
"We here at Top Five Scary Videos firmly in the belief that the Meg is real."
"Through the Moonlight, I could finally see the thing that I had spent an entire week searching for: Bigfoot."
"Bigfoot remains a mystery, with some believing it to be an undiscovered species."
"The Mothman is a humanoid creature that was reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area of West Virginia."
"I once saw a 7ft tall Dogman cross the road right in front of my vehicle."
"I've heard of Bigfoot but didn't think I'd ever actually see one before in my life."
"Yowies rarely seem to exceed seven feet tall."
"It had all the physical characteristics of a Bigfoot, except it walked on all fours and was very, very ugly with a flat human face."
"I believe that it's possible that there could be something like an Ogopogo in our lake."
"Locals living near the mountains of central China say a wild man walks within the forests of Shennongjia Nature Reserve."
"A massive creature arose from a fetal sleeping position; it was a Bigfoot."
"Seeing that hulking form glide across the darkened highway left him with no other choice but to conclude that the Bigfoot legend was for real."
"We knew it was a juvenile Bigfoot."
"I really believed in the existence of a strange creature in Lake Windermere."
"Sarah couldn't believe her eyes; she was staring at a real-life Bigfoot."
"I've always been interested in the supernatural and cryptid hunting."
"I am not a liar, what I saw was a Bigfoot, period."
"Looking back, I was astounded how beautiful this creature looked."
"It stood about 8 to 10 ft tall, its hair was long and matted."
"We could see it was very tall, at least seven feet high, and the width of the body from front to back was thicker than a man suited up in football gear."
"Was it Bigfoot or Sasquatch? I don't know, but what I do know is it wasn't a bear or a man or any other animal or being either of us had ever seen before."
"The dog man, or sometimes called a skinwalker, is one such cryptid that has been sighted all over the globe."
"Bigfoot: a giant ape-like creature walking through a U.S. forest."
"This reptilian cryptid... was around 10 ft tall, grayish to green scaly skin, sharp teeth in its mouth."
"The Mothman is definitely one of the most famous cryptids out there, right up there with Bigfoot."
"The Mothman has always been known to appear before tragedies or before something terrible happens."
"When I was young and first reading about the Mothman, I found it crazy."
"It had big red glowing eyes and was looking straight at her."
"She believes 100 percent that she saw the Mothman."
"Do you think that the Mothman was indeed at Fukushima and was a harbinger of what chaos was about to unfold?"
"As always, I ask, do you think that Bigfoot is real?"
"That's what I saw, that's what I saw, it looks just like it."
"So what do you think about Glimmer Man?"
"I hold strong that I truly saw the creature and had a sighting. I am a believer."
"I do believe that what we saw was Bigfoot."
"I am truly convinced that there are Bigfoot in this area."
"The creature reportedly straightened up to a height of seven feet and fled into the undergrowth."
"Flick said they're chasing me again. I mean no harm. Goodbye friend, come back. I am lonely."
"I always believed in Bigfoot and now I'm a true believer; I've seen him."
"I saw this huge brown hairy man-like creature running up the hill after us."