
Strategic Analysis Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"The David Brafords doing is it's a top to bottom strategic review where you're going to be speaking to people over the last 10 years about everything that's gone wrong."
"However, if we stamp out monarchism, we cease to be an unrecognized power, and we win the Opium Wars, then we do well."
"Anthony Joshua saw every single hole in that defense and just exploited it easily."
"It's just devastating too by the way the cook political report moved 10 new seats into the Republican column today all 10 of those seats were hard Biden districts."
"It will cost the Russians dearly for generations to come by checkmating their Ambitions in the north."
"Russian advances stretch Ukrainian lines, accelerating losses and operational crisis."
"Putin's back is against the wall right now. There's no more room for him to go."
"You see all of the strengths and weaknesses, and [it's] a comparison to the Nemesis system directly."
"Chelsea and Man City are over the season by far the top defenses."
"API cybersecurity is a real threat and by looking at the Peloton case and applying the principles of Sherlock Holmes we've learned about know your resources, know your situation, and know your adversary."
"Only time will tell when we're trying to analyze moves by the world's powers and predict how those moves will play out."
"China poses a greater threat to US interests than the Sandinistas and other communist-backed groups ever did."
"There are only downsides, there are zero upsides for them to use a nuclear weapon."
"The troops that are presumably been withdrawn and those troops that have been presumably sent to replace them they're having to travel along these country roads and across those fields."
"The United States is strategically squeezing China and Russia at the same time. It's arrogant. It is pushing China and Russia together to strike back."
"Strength of Morata's forces was not more than fifteen thousand men."
"BJP should be 270 280 plus if they lose they are no less than 215 any worst case not sure."
"Given how important of AFA was... this Russian operation overall has been progressing quite fast."
"What if we asked not which type was the strongest on its own but which two types are the strongest when combined?"
"A lot of these L1s that I like to think of it like a money ball."
"Rare earth elements aren't the secret weapon China thinks they are."
"The only organization on this planet that could actually defeat the world government in all-out war is pirates."
"Does that look like an army with 1,500 tanks? Clearly not," - narrator.
"I'm here as an elite color analyst. I'm able to everybody's game plan here. I see it. I understand everybody's move set. You understand me? Do you understand the test?" - Elite Color Analyst
"Does a move perform well because of its inherent strengths or because some other move enables it?"
"Violence is morally and strategically wrong."
"It does look as if the situation in chuar is now very bad indeed..."
"The Holocaust and treatment of POWs were not only sad but also strategically misguided."
"To understand what's happening, you have to understand the players."
"Complexity of 18th-century warfare: maneuvering, flanking, strategic positioning."
"If sixth army had received the manpower replacements it was entitled to, it could have won the Battle of Stalingrad."
"This is not about practice foreign." - Commentator on political maneuvers
"The evil plan that Vladimir Putin is trying to implement has backfired."
"He's gonna make sure he sees that there is no third base this medevac flies by the spot that would be another third base sees nothing and is now gonna make its way to the main base I think there's some widow mines aside here"
"Roman power extended much further than the size and mobility of its army would initially suggest."
"The monumental weight of the Pentagon's disclosure left not just lay people but also analysts, politicians, and strategic thinkers pondering one pivotal question: why now?"
"The RAND guys are the smartest people in the room, that's the whole point."
"Disney, unfortunately, has two really bad problems right now."
"So in a short fight Itachi absolutely but unfortunately I think the only person with higher battle IQ than Itachi is moderate."
"Any military incursion by Russia into Ukraine would be a strategic mistake."
"I find it hard to believe that anybody today will come out and defend what Donald Trump did, attacking Canada."
"Shaman looks a lot better like if you looking at this screen you're like oh no Shaman's going to be so bad and then it's like oh they're so good now especially calamos with all the Elementals they just printed for Showdown the Badlands."
"They just couldn't climb that touch in the midfield."
"I think it's fair to say the vast majority of my faction and legendary board speculation has proved quite accurate."
"This is an approach to military history sometimes goes by the name the physics of the battlefield."
"The people creating these plans work in the military, they're on a salary and they're told ok look at these crises, find out what's going on."
"The machinations that led to war are a master class in how power really operates in society."
"Trump is not a great strategic mind... there's no real long-term strategy for how his life is going to be."
"If we are weak and they're getting stronger, they will soon attack us."
"Ukraine is the battlefield upon which this gigantic clash of titanic proportions is going to be settled."
"The leopard is truly one of the best if not the best sniping medium tanks in the game."
"Fantasy booking... does make you want to play the historical what if game."
"Putin is not doing well...presently on that battlefield they are losing the war."
"The siege of Mariupol was a pyrrhic victory for Russia."
"One storage versus eighteen hog riders, a baby dragon, an archer queen, and some wizard firepower. No, I think it's gonna go down."
"Lucian destroys these matchups... basically unplayable."
"Hitler understood that this war was a war for resources... This was the first war for oil."
"We've fallen behind completely in weapons technology, not just to China but to Russia."
"The outcome of any engagement really mattered more on the skill than any hard performance stats you might find on a piece of paper."
"The Russians went through Mariupol like a knife through butter."
"For me, the best version of this team is 2018 g2 or you've got two strong solo laners they've got a common two jungler and you've got a bot lane that you never go to when those he plays Heimerdinger."
"It seems to be the defining pattern of your history fall then rise again I wonder of this points to an underlying weakness or an underlying strength."
"The tactic we're seeing from these people, it's the same thing in different ways."
"I think a large part of that answer is obviously with that but I think one part of that answer is also with the West."
"Giving people who rank more information and context of wins and losses and strengths and weaknesses... makes the rankings better."
"You have an entire clone Force which is probably the most efficient fighting machine."
"The ice climbers can create devastating zero to deaths and other insane combos to quickly take stocks."
"The truth is trying to predict the way the next great conflict will play out is almost always a losing effort."
"So yes I give this battle to the MC 90 and I say the Mon Calamari come out ahead nine times out of ten."
"Another thing you can do here is not just see how many views these have but which ones seem to have the most acceleration meaning the most views in a short period of time."
"For me, it's between Spurs and Chelsea, man."
"The Imperial response worries me. It was fast, too fast."
"I'm a sweater. If it does happen, I don't just rage like a bunch of fortniters, I analyze why."
"Every time that I lost, I obsessed over it and I broke that trade down and compared it to everything else that looked like it."
"This is just becoming the s-curve now it's just going vertical."
"There's not a being alive that could defeat her through conventional means."
"Geopolitics is this wonderful game of fractal information."
"It's very clear to us that Russians will not be able to win this war."
"In sheer practical terms, it means that the British have literally hundreds of thousands of men to continue the fight."
"Exactly what about alham has enabled him to have one of the most consistently impressive resumes for a DPS character."
"The Ukrainian Army has a significant Edge over the Russians."
"Now, people, we gotta understand when people are being strategic. All right? We gotta understand when people are being strategic or when they're being genuine allies."
"China is definitely the biggest dog out there and they're just waiting to see how the U.S responds... they are going to push things and see what they can get away with." - Unnamed source discussing geopolitical tensions
"It's very important to study and deeply read what a lot of these imperial strategists are saying."
"It's a no-brainer look at EG's comp it's really well-rounded really good scaling good engage good team fight fantastic early game through both."
"I'm just saying that from a strategic perspective America is doing a lot better than the commentary would superficially suggest."
"Game theory can be used to analyze international conflict and find best strategic plays for both sides."
"Some of my recent work on Russia is focused on Russia's grand strategy, the big picture of what they're trying to achieve in the world."
"I think when you break it down that way, it's easy to see how I come out on top."
"I think a lot of people... tend to look at a team's failed win condition and say, 'Oh, it's bad' instead of imagining what happens when it works out well."
"Here the Twitter universe plays... King to D3... the advantage for black after only playing Seven moves black has only played Seven moves has an advantage of -20 according to stockfish."
"The Niners only last real test is going to be the Ravens."
"Just being down 0-2 to the Gorillas, to me, is just never a position you want to be in."
"We're gonna break down the key points of all the maps."
"I feel like we're watching a classical chess match in fast forward."
"The biggest fights are the ones where we analyze every step."
"Which canonically Speaking makes it the strongest weapon in this game."
"Russia is fully capable of conducting an extensive military operation using air and sea transit."
"Bloodhound's going to go eight uh S tier um these are the legends you see in competitive and these are the legends you will see in competitive."
"Pearl Harbor ended up being a much more effective way to get his way than to can you kind of poking Germany until they finally, you know, did something that we couldn't walk away from."
"Strategic shallowness of the American European Empire."
"I think it's the only company really in retail that could go head-to-head with Amazon."
"At the end of the day, they're just holding open fields and demolished towns."
"Big system-selling games remain the Achilles heel for Microsoft."
"Even though they were hit relatively hard, I still think they are a very strong faction."
"The losses that Russia incurred there, you know, losing a dozen tanks at one time, it would seem like an awfully callous, brutal calculus."
"Bruce should win. It's the battle of the genius billionaire playboy philanthropists."
"Moving onwards and another couple of units that I feel have a very similar issue are the custodians alabus Terminators and the custodian wardens."
"If somehow you knew any of the 10 players I do show you... you're smarter than all the students." - RV Team
"Comparing Fnatic to the old Fnatic lineup is a mistake. They're a different beast now."
"It's literally doing the Doctor Strange thing of figuring out so many factors."
"Let's focus on what's going on on the pitch."
"This will be like the definition of a Pyrrhic victory if we even end up winning it."
"Maybe if we have all the eight coming in, if we have all the appropriate weapons, if we have decided on our own problems, we will be able to counterattack on degraded and exhausted Russia next year."
"He is a manager who can deconstruct what an opposition manager is trying to do."
"I think these changes are all in the right direction."
"It's a very close game all things considered, a thousand gold up for EG right now but not that significant."
"We're looking at 60 plus pickups in the house."
"In trading, mindset is 80%, analysis is 20%. Your mental game matters most."
"You go to who sold the launch codes, who put the deal together. And when you take apart this Iran nuclear deal, you basically unfold how to take down the network."
"It's so technical too where people are seeing openings in each other's attacks and like utilizing that, you know."
"Chess is a game of constant evaluation. What looks good on the surface may not hold up under deeper analysis."
"I think that Russia is is the deciding factor I think they're one of the probably the most important country in world war one."
"Porter's Five Forces model is a terrific model to use to support your answers."
"Not by speculation or conjecture, but by analyzing the play and strategy used by the best pickleball pro players on the planet."
"These documents are vital in not only learning where we were back then and how this all came about but it also can also shed a lot of light on the weaknesses of our enemy."
"What makes Kise special is not just his physical ability, but his ability to analyze his opponents and adapt."
"Organizing is motivated by concerns for justice; it's the strategic sense comes out of an analysis of the situation that's objective."
"The strategic situation in which nations find themselves... those are crucial matters about which we need to inform ourselves."
"The American victory had been completely decisive, and although the 17th Army didn’t know it yet, Yamamoto and the IJN now considered that the Island of Death had been lost."
"I love how they analyze every aspect, it's like they're playing chess."
"Will anyone rise to contest this massive behemoth in South Asia, or will they run a rampage across the entire continent? Well, let's watch and find out."
"The whole notion of creative analysis was central and knowledge for the purpose of advancing your cause."