
Thought Process Quotes

There are 440 quotes

"We evolve thinking so our stupid thoughts could die instead of us."
"Everything begins with a thought, and then comes the action."
"Thoughts turn into words, and words turn into actions."
"Your thoughts become words, your words become actions, your actions determine the quality of your life."
"Your every act, every conscious act, is preceded by a thought. Your dominating thoughts determine your dominating actions."
"Your thoughts become your feelings, and your feelings become your actions. Your actions become your life."
"Your mind doesn't spawn ideas from nothing. Your brain is more like this forever moving Segway where it jumps from idea to idea via what connects them."
"Creativity can grow out of it; you just need to have stuff to be thinking about and digesting."
"Because a thought, if you repeat it again and again, especially you know every day, it becomes a belief."
"We must learn to think about what we're thinking about."
"Whatever you're having emotion about is what you're thinking about."
"The quality of your thinking determines the quality of your decisions and choices, your decisions and choices determine the actions you take, the actions you take determine your results, your results determine the quality of your life."
"You cannot think your way into right acting, you have to act your way into right thinking."
"It is actually the manifestation of the process of thinking that's more important than the conclusions that are generated."
"Everything starts in the mind, then in reality, it forms twice."
"Writing is thought crystallized on a piece of paper that can then be reviewed."
"My mind is often feels like a very wild storm. I have a fountain of ideas."
"Our thoughts control our feelings, and our feelings control our actions."
"Often, advancements in thought are made when deep-rooted assumptions are challenged."
"The subconscious mind is the creative mind, and it responds to the nature of your thoughts."
"What if what you call your god heard everything that you thought and considered that thought or request to give you that as your experience, would you change the way that you think?"
"The emotions behind your thoughts determine the speed at which you manifest."
"Thought is past. There's no future thought, there's only the past."
"Your reach is determined by the level of your thoughts."
"You have a cup of tea instead of your coffee, you go, 'Oh, this is British. Oh, the queen died. Who else is old? My grandma. I should call my grandma. Boom, you're in the will.'"
"Switch it up... because when you switch up something... you're going to have thoughts that you wouldn't have had."
"The slow process of journaling... is actually a good thing because it allows you to slow down, process better, and think clearer."
"You stop overthinking because instead of thinking the same thoughts again and again, you document your thoughts on paper."
"Physically writing slows your thoughts down and helps you to process things a little bit more."
"Albert Einstein said the most extraordinary things, like he said that muscular feelings were a major part of his creative process."
"It's the way people think. I don't think anybody thinks in 100% anything."
"This is a fascinating window into your thought process."
"The thought process is important because it can lead you to really scary conclusions in the future."
"If you want to create a new life, a new personal reality, you got to change your personality which means you better start thinking about what you've been thinking about and changing it."
"Thoughts are what you hear, but thinking is what you say to yourself."
"Our brains are very unreliable, we're very unreliable narrators. So it's good to have an external thought process to monitor the internal one."
"That ball of light has to revolve in your mind with proper awareness."
"The only way society is going to improve is if people understand the thought processes."
"You might find it interesting to notice how your thoughts meander, how one thought leads to another, sometimes in unexpected ways."
"Mind wandering is an absolutely crucial form of thought."
"Mind wandering: crucial for making connections."
"The more we learn to accept the rising and falling of thoughts, the less we overthink."
"The more you get people to accept terms like that, the more it's going to affect the way that you think."
"Your mind is going to always be innovative, thinking about new progressive ways of doing things."
"It's hard because I think even I can lose it sometimes I very much wish that people would absorb thought processes from me I don't really care as much about the conclusions."
"I do hope you've enjoyed our little journey through the thought process and the methodology."
"Worldview makes a difference in how you communicate, how we think."
"The battle of our minds... ultimately become reflected in our behavior."
"What if the thought you're thinking is actually a new thought, a new concept, a new technique that you've never thought of before?"
"Our thoughts not only lead to actions but our actions lead to thoughts."
"That sort of thought process... that's what's going to get you some serious freaking results."
"I no longer think in English and no one else currently living speaks the language I do think in now."
"I think his question is just flawed at its heart from the get-go... it wasn't a full-baked thought."
"What must you say? Even a teeny tiny itty bitty deduction can drag your brain into a new space."
"The freakiest thing for me is that the thoughts are indistinguishable from a living person's. The only difference is they're not live thoughts, they're recordings."
"By beholding we become changed, and as a person thinks in their heart, that is who they become."
"It's okay to be wrong dude I'm wrong all the time now let's develop a better thought process and thinking forward and you know creatively problem-solve it's just like entrepreneurship."
"Pikachu is like mega Pichu, it's just an evolution, it's almost like you had a thought and the thought I thought wasn't the thought that I thought I thought but I thought thought, you know what it's funk a word."
"Your brain's so much stronger than I think people understand. Like, I can start thinking of things and a couple weeks later I'm like, 'Hey, I heard I was just thinking about this the other day.'"
"I feel like there's less of an urgency to you you're thinking more"
"giving yourself permission to go wherever your thoughts take you"
"Through self-inquiry, we begin to wonder who is aware on whose behalf are these thoughts arising."
"I wasn't thinking, I was letting it come to me."
"We're in a prison of our own thought forms unless we become aware."
"Understanding our thoughts in a completely new way goes beyond the law of attraction."
"I always have a stream of thoughts in my head; I always do have something going on."
"Worrying is a thought process that happens in your head it has no effect on the world around you."
"The secret is just not having stupid thoughts."
"No thoughts, I have no words at least I have lots of thoughts but no words."
"Together with your thoughts, blending it... you're going to be able to create something beautiful."
"To retain youth, man must think continually and only of the processes of renewal."
"You know, yes it may look like a completely irrational thought process to you..."
"The mind is so powerful, we have so many thoughts throughout our day."
"Not thinking things through too deeply... It works both ways."
"We're just going to use our mind power and be like she's thinking about guppy right now."
"An answer comes to nothing if it has not come from your own thinking."
"The thinking process is the most important thing if you want to build a career as a data analyst."
"Thoughts become formed; they shape our reality."
"It's cool to see the wheels turning and the light bulb moments."
"Start becoming aware that you also have a part to play in whether or not you are thinking negative thoughts or thoughts which are serving you."
"At least think about it when it comes to your draft and use this thought process a little bit and then determine what is going to be the best for you."
"You cannot take a thought out of your mind, you can only replace it with a greater thought."
"Some similarities are gonna crop up... parallel thought, was somebody inspired? Whether they knew it or not, subconsciously or consciously."
"Your life is an expression of what you think."
"Is engineering about typing? Yes. Is it about thinking? Yes."
"You're never going to quite catch up with your thoughts."
"Interpretation is the work of thought which consists in deciphering the hidden meaning in the apparent meaning."
"Quitting first starts as a thought. We all get that thought."
"Be very careful what you think about, be very optimistic."
"Meaning arises in the combination of representations in your head."
"We've got to start thinking about what we're thinking about."
"Free speech isn't the ability to speak truth to power, although it is also that. It's way more than that. Free speech is how you think."
"I'm in control of my thoughts, that's what's going to determine where I'm headed next."
"Music changes your intent, emotional state, and thoughts."
"My mind was going very, very quickly and I was trying to ascertain what was happening."
"The act of actually typing it out as opposed to simply thinking it is even more effective."
"Every thought is a meditation, every moment you're meditating."
"Thought is just an interference because all you do in the state of presence is you see, you look."
"The method employed is what I have called the method of the necessary statement."
"Your mind might be racing, you might have a lot of thoughts, a lot of ideas, a lot of inspiration coming through."
"I have a feeling and then I have to quantify it."
"I'm not here to tell you what to feel, I'm not even quite here to tell you what to think, but I am here to explore with you what it is you think and what you might yet think that you don't and how to make sense of the things that you feel."
"Curiosity leads to... eventually it's all you think about."
"What I'm doing when I'm lecturing is trying to figure out things better, and so I'm thinking I don't know what the consequence of the thinking is going to be but I hope that it'll be more clarification of the proper path through life."
"It's how the language that you speak shapes the way that you think."
"So I'm not gonna have to think about it, it's good, and people are gonna, and if I do manage to get that right, people are gonna be like, 'Oh, how did you think about, like, the anatomy thing?'"
"Our brain gets wired in a certain way every time you have a thought, you actually fire brain cells."
"Mesmerizing, like I can just watch them think."
"People often think about their decision-making right, the thoughts that go on in their head."
"Every thought that you have simply appears in your mind."
"It's what you do with the thought that's the part that matters."
"I'm just here to share my thought process and people can bounce their own thought processes off of that and sharpen it, make it better."
"Learning just a little bit of that thought process."
"Your identity is the thinking that you're doing."
"It makes a lot of sense if you think about it."
"First comes thought; the beginning, as you will observe, is in the imagination." - Napoleon Hill
"There's an opportunity for a new beginning in your life when it comes to the realm of thought."
"Learn to write why? Because that's the same as learning to think."
"Everything that eventually becomes manifestation that you call real life is thought first."
"Rene Descartes noticed he could only think one thought at a time and guessed it must be the pineal gland."
"I want to make it so we can explain my thought process as much as possible."
"We have to be able to hold two competing beliefs or thoughts at the same time."
"You have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, and 80 are negative."
"I decided to mention it earlier as well just because I uh don't know in my mind it's just it can wonder and I didn't know if I'd be on some random tangent about something."
"Once again it was a creative process, you know, if you want to think in those terms."
"This is the part where people like me able to see the thought process that goes into this."
"Imagine what type of crazy human being would have and what type of mentality this person would have and if this person could think so fast that he can keep in touch with his own thoughts..."
"Everything in life always begins with a thought."
"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality." - Napoleon Hill
"Cultivate things that lead to a resolution of thought, not just an annihilation of thought."
"AI will think differently than humans do."
"Our emotions are often fueled by our thoughts, and by changing the way we think about a situation, we can alter our emotional response."
"The base level of your thinking is not language, it's something else."
"I don't think in English or Japanese, I just think in raw concepts, just raw ideas."
"Use your mind to think about things, not of things."
"Good thoughts are always positive to bad ones, and bad ones always negative to good ones."
"Reasoning involves a chain of thoughts; it's a sequential process."
"If it looks like thought, then it is thought."
"I think one thing that we all have to remember is each of us have our own identity, each of us have our own thought process."
"When I was married, you know, I was operating in that thought process."
"My brain has always been a little bit more analytical."
"And it was through such a series of thought processes, that I arrived at these two scenes."
"Thought after thought after thought describes what we call in our world the stream of consciousness. Blocking consists in letting the stream become connected, chained together in such a way."
"The common response ain't no originality in that. The technical thinker doing as is the creative thinker abstract."
"For a second, my head had just gone completely empty."
"Detaching from thought is really about understanding that you have too many thoughts every single day to be consciously aware of them, but it also is about recognizing that a thought is just a thought."
"When that thought pops up, that stressor or that thought, but oh my gosh I hate my boss or I can't believe XYZ happens, and we identify with that thought unconsciously, that thought guides us directly into our normal coping behavior."
"Women are like spaghetti because their thoughts noodle all over the place. Men are like waffles because their thoughts are in boxes."
"They don't expect you to know the right answer, they just want to know how your mind works, they want to know the full process, how do you get from A to B."
"Nobody makes it because everybody is one. It's just a sequence of thoughts you go through as you start to meditate."
"Critical path analysis," he thought. "Gosh, I'm doing it without thinking."
"All of that's always, that's all thinking is, it's a series of questions that you're asking about whatever's on your heart."
"It's hard to get the inner thought process, at least in fiction or even non-creative non-fiction. It's hard to read something with the inner thoughts of an ENTP. You'll see them in a show maybe, but you don't get their monologue, you don't get their full thought process."
"I'm not interested in the movement per se, I'm interested in where your thinking is."
"I was thinking, honestly, first thing that came to my mind was Bono."
"I want to see like what his thought process was in that situation."
"I just had a thought. Give me a second. I just need to double-check."
"...the information that'll be in the book coming out will be able to advance you in your thought processes and your training because it's a way of thinking."
"Thought is a process, and one key thing Hegel said was, 'Pay attention to thought as a process, as you would to anything else. Pay attention to the order of the process.'"
"Most of what I'll be talking about is the thought process behind how we get to the end result rather than specific steps that you must follow every single time."
"You are not your thoughts. Your thoughts are just there. They're a byproduct of your feelings and your external stimuli and the way that your brain is perceiving things that constructs a thought pattern."
"What you can do is acknowledge the thought that comes in and let it go through its natural past but don't try to resist it."
"Your thought travels 930,000 times faster than your voice."
"It doesn't have a thought process like we have in human. It is impacted by the thought processes that disrupt energy fields."
If you leave with anything, I'd say the most important thing to leave with is, "Oh, you know what? From now on when I'm drawing, I understand that there's thoughts that go behind every mark that I put down on the piece of paper."
"I'm just getting it like really right, solidifying my thoughts. And I love that all of your thoughts are, they're like solid life [ __ ] thoughts."
"Your thoughts have so much information for you and very, very little of that information is actually true."
"Your inner voice lets you keep a nugget of verbal information active in your head."
"This is probably the best representation of how my brain actually works, chaos."
"I just wanted to focus on this while I'm thinking about it before I forget it."
"He's gone," Mitsumi thought. "What just happened?"
"Our ideas lead us to concepts, our concepts lead us to beliefs, our beliefs lead us into states, and our states lead us into identities."
"He's starting to come to a way of thinking. What the hell is wrong with him tonight?"
"From that we have an important message. People who are creative spend a lot of time in kind of free-floating periods of thought."
"When I'm buying things, what's the thought process behind that?"
"Our ideas are for ourselves now until I've formulated them properly."
"We started out doing service for this stuff, it was like, 'Oh yeah,' and then remodels, and then whatever, and that's kind of drove our whole thought process."
"Trying not to have a thought is a formula for freezing it, sticking it, and keeping it in your awareness."
"A large part of your thinking process is to unfold an implication of your thought which leads to another one."
"The model Nietzsche gives us of the self and thinking of mentation is that what you're thinking is not just a drive to knowledge, but rather it's something instrumental, employed by a more fundamental drive."
"That's like, but thinking after all of them."
"Mind is equivalent to restlessness. It is popping up thoughts after thoughts after thoughts and keeping you busy in your life from one thing to other to next and to next."
"Our minds are like a skillet full of hot oil, so the moment of kernel of thought hits it, it pops."
"An idea started to form in his head."
"Your brain sometimes generates more than 48 thoughts in just 1 minute. That's almost 3,000 thoughts per hour and 69,000 per day."
"You're switching the polarity of the thought."
"And that was the scariest thing about it, was such clear thinking."
"...the thought process is what's really important."
"It's just stream of consciousness."
"I think people, especially in the city context, think in fragments opposed to a country person who thinks far more in a linear form. Sentences entire, center, farm. While city folks think far more in terms of maybe a thousand different images at any given time."
"One of the ways you can know and be sure that you're thinking about the right thing is you got peace. If you have no peace, you've lost your peace. It's obvious you're thinking about the wrong thing, and you need to stop it immediately."
"A change in the course of our thoughts is a blessed evidence of a change of state."
"There is a great deal of difference between idle thinking and constructive thinking."
"Can you think about something without worrying about it? Yeah, you can."
"Rational thought is really value-based."
"Anytime you think about noise, what's the next thing that comes into your head? It's probably filtering of some type."
"Mind mapping will unlock your mind and stimulate your creative thought."
"What first causes and then work from there because it is true that thoughts create feelings and feelings create thoughts."
"I wanted to be able to compartmentalize my thoughts a little bit better."
"ESTJs need to digest their thoughts outside of their heads and think aloud."