
Social Media Dynamics Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"It's not just the algorithm driving this; there's also then this bigger hand that comes in that then picks who the algorithmic winners and losers are going to be."
"Who is benefiting from all of this? It's not women... It's the corporations. Outrage equals engagement, and engagement equals profit."
"This is ridiculously awesome. If you love it, smash that like button below."
"Create and consume - the two parts that make social media super important."
"The only way you actually effectively cancel someone... is when you convince their audience to leave."
"The longer a post is, the less likely people are to read all through it."
"Hate brings money, hate brings likes, hate brings views."
"Conservatives keep complaining about social media. Look how they're working the refs."
"To those telling me to move on or stop dragging it out, I'll move on once I stop receiving thousands of hate messages daily. You move on first, you freaking weirdos."
"Nobody embarrassed me... y'all need to get off my dck with that... I'm a real btch at the end of the day."
"You pissed off the internet, you cannot piss off the internet."
"Tik Tok is brutal when it comes to canceling people. If you have any sort of following and you show weakness or make a mistake, thousands of people will be ready to tear you down for content and clout."
"Crush the like button, crush it, destroy it, absolutely annihilate it! Let's get 10,000 likes on dude, what okay, 10 likes, my bad, 10 what am I, what am I, some big YouTuber please."
"Everyone that goes on socials wants their views, feelings, and opinions to be heard."
"Nobody tweets or posts a video that doesn't want attention."
"The input output hypothesis: the more effort you put into it, the less likes it gets and the less effort, the more likes you get."
"It's a thankless job, you know what I mean? A lot of people listen here's the deal if you can't hit the like button for me okay then hit the like button for the moderators."
"Social media is rigged against you, but that very fact can work in your favor."
"I hate it when other YouTubers say 'Oh, you're just jealous' or whatever when you criticize."
"Social media is all about building off each other's ideas. That's exactly how Taylor started too."
"There is an incentive for people to be inflammatory, to be angry, and it's not even necessarily that people are faking it, it's just that those who are more angry, more inflammatory are more likely to gain followers."
"The Internet is the only place where if you cry too much, you're a victim."
"Social media is all about waves, troughs, and peaks."
"Because it would get me trending hello I mean getting cancelled is basically like a quick way to get publicity but not the good kind of publicity."
"I would love to see Leafy come back and try to exist in the landscape today... You have to adapt and overcome." - Henry the White Boy
"Facebook, I don't know whether you know that or not but you don't actually own me."
"We want the drama, you don't answer, you just go like be active, and I want there to be a little bit of fear instilled, you know?" - Sierra
"What's a YouTube drama without allegations am I right guys?"
"What absolutely destroyed anti-SJW YouTube was so many [expletive] people that were like finally fighting back against this [expletive]."
"Every time I get canceled, my [expletive] blows up and I make more money. Whoops!"
"Black content creators have been calling out his behavior and other people's behaviors for years and they went ignored."
"Twitter happens to be where we are right now... the most incendiary by nature."
"James Charles blocked me on Instagram and I realized that I was winning and I'm ahead at life."
"Unlike the one-way street of broadcast, people are able to interact, critique, and refute whatever he or anyone else may say." - Elon Musk
"So many people build their platforms off of negativity and hate and there's no longevity in that."
"I hate the fact that we live in a world now where like, I literally can say that just don't be racist and don't use bad terminology and somehow, on social media, that's considered a hot take."
"The landscape of social media influence is an evolving economy where the presence of fraudulent methods, actors, and profiles is far larger than most people understand."
"Everybody's trying to take from influencers instead of give them."
"Why do people on Twitter get mad when you tell the truth? People just get very, very mad."
"I understand again, it's that content that like bangs, right? So I can't see why you do it and also people are, I feel like people get on board with negative stuff more."
"Much like this is the same dynamic that happens with sort of political Twitter, which is you are exposed to a lot of people who think just like you and you are also exposed to people who have the extreme opposite view."
"Thanks so much for watching, comment down below if you're in a social media situation."
"What grinds my gears the most, I guess probably is when people manufacture drama for the sake of views."
"It's all about the ebbs and the flows, the peaks and the pits. That is what social media is now and will probably be forever."
"I guess my final thoughts on all of this are social media is so unique because our success is quantified in a way that has never been before."
"If he wants to keep you a secret on social media, it's goodbye."
"the more that you just do what it is that you want post what you feel like those numbers are gonna fall you're gonna be left with the core who [ __ ] with you"
"I've just been seeing people being nice to each other in my comments, being nice to me, it's just like a big area to spread love and like that's so, so amazing, I'm so glad about that."
"Join the fam then moment of silence for the haters. That's enough now, run the likes up. That's all we need you to do."
"Nothing's created the amount of hostile social media attacks like Johnny, not even close."
"It's just people cherry-picking goofy photos of mine and then making them out to be weird when it's just me posting random photos because that's literally part of our job."
"With your help, we can beat social media, we can beat the media."
"We're the product. Our attention is the product being sold to advertisers."
"All the comments, all the likes, all that stuff is what fuels me on."
"I honestly hope that you find those people on YouTube and you support them and you subscribe and you are engaging under all their videos."
"Social media, they are all dating applications."
"Outraged culture that exists on Twitter has a half-life of like three fucking days, it's gone."
"You can become internet famous in a day if you post something the general public is hungry for and they eat it up like the K-pop Idol fan cam."
"Real recognize real, and real don't chat in comments."
"For people online, the angry angry tweet threads that condemn contra points or me or whatever for having this bad take this in their mind this is praxis this is as good as praxis gets."
"Twitter's algorithm shows popular content but even suggests content appreciated by people you follow. This is a phenomenon called echo chambers."
"The thing about all those people too is like they made their tweets but like nothing happened like I just ignored it."
"There's something going on that's protecting tick tock."
"Like a mass Exodus, this is like [__] Rapture for redditors."
"Social media moves so fast that people want to demolish you before you even have the opportunity to grow, educate, and learn from your mistakes."
"I'm at war with another Sims YouTuber, fake gamer girl. We got YouTube beef, some of you guys might have seen my videos or some of her videos addressing this situation, definitely catch up on the tea if you guys are not fully caught up."
"Stories on social media are absolutely everywhere and is what creates this social media stratosphere that we now live in."
"Since Heard brought allegations against Depp, social media users have ferociously defended Depp."
"Social media, which could have maybe been a way that we could all talk together, has become this place where we just gain likes by being angry and get heat instead of light."
"LinkedIn, more than any other platform besides TikTok, overly rewards content that people actually want to see."
"Internet outrage isn't remotely representative of normal people."
"My issue with it is not the troll game like I respect his troll game he's he got me ratioed real hard like I got ratio to hell like it was crazy I have to give him props for that at least you know troll respects troll I guess."
"We all make missteps, and I think something that we tend to do especially on book Twitter is one thing happens and then it's attack mode."
"I think people like that villain crap on social media. I mean, it looks like it's not be everybody's friend."
"YouTube thrives on drama, people talking shit in comments... they want people sitting there arguing and getting in a thousand comment threads."
"People who say they're afraid to come to the show to have a debate with us are the same people who [ __ ] debate and try to change the mind of [ __ ] a thousand people on Twitter, so shut the [ __ ] up."
"I feel like I naturally analyze influencer behavior and I think a lot about their motives, their delivery, their presentation, their public personas."
"I'm devastated that after my video with 2 million views got mass reported by Corpse stands, YouTube deleted the video for harassment and bullying." - Shampoo
"Attention equals money and good or bad attention it doesn't matter. Views equals money."
"Let's all send Elon our prayers and hope he can be the first to deal a fatal blow to the ADL. Godspeed Elon #ban the ADL."
"Social media is a game, and the faster you realize that, the more equipped you'll be."
"The worst part of social media is having people cluster who are kind of outraged."
"Honestly, I love it or hated it. I'm having so much fun, comments hating to everything you say."
"It's interesting how many commenters are saying that Verge is being unfair to Twitter."
"Bullying is good bullying's good bullying's funny especially on the internet and when you put yourself out there on the internet you're allowed to get bullied and you're allowed to get bullied back it's free reign uh for the most part"
"Don't you love it when a subreddit becomes self-aware? I mean it's the best. A lot of people realize just how not serious 'not like the other girls' has really become and just leaned right into it. And I'm loving it. I'm loving it."
"Internet beef should never be serious or else both parties look [expletive]."
"The internet's going to do what it's going to do."
"Have you not just lived through everybody saying Facebook was dead for the last three years?"
"Sorry that I'm living my best life and outrage moves swiftly on TikTok."
"I've never been canceled before. It was cool. I was canceled and then uncanceled in the span of 24 hours."
"Thank you haters. Thank you trolls. You guys are actually helping me out, so thank you haters. Thank you trolls."
"You do radicalize me bro I started as a hate watcher."
"No offense Kyle, please destroy his comment section with positivity."
"Drama on YouTube gets views so why not take advantage of it."
"So, every time I see these SJW's sharing my videos and calling me every name in the book, am I supposed to listen to those people and change what I am doing? Hell no!"
"You say something two weeks ago, you changed your mind two weeks later, welcome to the world of football Twitter."
"Nothing but love and light in the comments. What you guys do, you guys are amazing anymore. It's like all the trolls are gone."
"That will be the day you lose, oh yeah, because you can't be like an e-thot anymore, right?"
"Social media is a moving target; things are constantly changing."
"I think it was the kind of... you know when things go viral, it's definitely a timing thing."
"If you blocked me and you don't want anything to do with me, why are you still watching my videos?"
"Social media's backwards; haters help you on social media all of the time."