
Social Media Impact Quotes

There are 690 quotes

"If you are somebody that wants to achieve excellence in your chosen field, get off social media in relation to what people are saying about you."
"If your mood is driven by how many likes a picture you post gets, we're creating a vulnerable generation."
"If we have a generation that grows up with the need to be loved by strangers, we're creating a vulnerable generation that is giving their power away to people they don't even know."
"Because of you, my life has completely transformed over the last five years... it's all come as a result of me making these silly internet videos and you guys continuing to watch them."
"Teen depression has doubled... right as social media moved from optional to mandatory."
"Inspires innovation in the waning hours of February 17th, 2019, a YouTuber under the alias of Matt's What It Is uploaded a video that would send shockwaves across the entire site."
"Social media has been rocket fuel for everyone's career."
"The truth is it [social media] affects all of us... pretty equally."
"Everybody's journey is different, and I think that's part of the problem with social media."
"This is a civilizational type of thing we're dealing with. This is the Public Square."
"Get off social media for a bit... stay in your lane because you could be really excited about something and then you see somebody has something that you want, and you don't feel as good about the progress you're making."
"Phones and social media aren't all bad things, but if they are causing an interference on your mental health or they're a detriment to your self-esteem, then that's the time where you have to question if this is a good thing for me."
"Getting over the humps of social media and people being [negative] all the time... you just have to choose to ignore it and focus on your dream and do what you want to do regardless of what other people think."
"Most of us get so slimed by YouTube and social media that we don't feel good afterwards...it leaves us feeling slimed and not good about ourselves."
"The reason there are tensions between Hindus and Muslims in India predates Facebook, but it is certainly the case that when there's sectarian tension, Facebook can be a dangerously powerful tool."
"Social media is devastating Gen Z's mental health and is making democracy untenable."
"Haters increased my rates with their comments, and my videos appeared on the list of recommendations."
"You see, so many of us start our days on our phones, checking social media... but a great best practice and routine is to change this habit and start your day in the word and in prayer."
"Fear of missing out and excessive social media use are not only related to issues with psychological well-being but can have real-world negative effects as well that might actually harm one's career or personal life in serious ways."
"All of us can feel it when we interact online, how it bleeds into our personal lives and hurts friendships, it offends feelings, uncomfortable conversations at Thanksgiving, everybody knows what I'm talking about."
"Maybe social media might end up ending the world."
"For posting these videos you helped me discover what I had and made me figure everything out. Thank You Bubba."
"It slowly morphed with social media started finding out how much more popular their clicks were when you got angry."
"That picture has more than 350,000 likes, I mean, it's crazy!"
"The fear of missing out that Millennials experience on a daily basis from browsing social media has created a damaging culture of unfulfilled youth."
"Police officers are not and never will be perfect because they are human. Their errors are certainly magnified in a social media era far more so than they ever have been before."
"Girls take social media seriously, bro. If your IG is subpar, it's gonna hurt you more than help you."
"Tick Tock is on autopilot and Tick Tock on autopilot is still pretty devastating."
"We're giving life-changing surgeries for clout and not to help people just because it's for clout doesn't mean it doesn't also help people."
"Social media is just making things real, and people are connecting to that way more, and they get more involved."
"The James Gunn controversy started in 2018 when a group of right-wing Twitter users delved deep into the director's Twitter feed."
"A TikTok comment that brought down this man's entire world, and in my opinion, rightfully so."
"TikTok has changed the internet; it's become the most popular app in the world."
"TikTok is a creation engine, providing all the tools, inspiration, and gratification necessary all in the same place."
"Social media has rapidly progressed the destabilization."
"Each and every single person that comments, that likes, that comes across your channel matters."
"The biggest thing that I could ask of all of you is to share this... and you never know when your share will be the share that helps save her."
"And my channel views actually went up 53% in March, just like all time, which was ridiculous."
"I want to know in today's age of social media when we're filming everything and now TikTok is a huge app why is there no TikToks of this type of [ __ ] happening?"
"Facebook, not to mention YouTube, not to mention Twitter, together pose a meaningful threat to the stability of democracy."
"The atmosphere has become so toxic in politics, why so many ad hominem attacks? There I think there is a clear answer: it has a lot to do with something that dominates the lives of young people—social media."
"Trump without Twitter is somewhere near 50% in the approval ratings. Trump with Twitter is at 38% in the approval rating."
"Please share that content the fact that you share it on your personal social media pages helps tremendously."
"Social media reflects the outcome instead of affecting it."
"Validate, boost confidence - that is so huge."
"I challenge you to make a list of all the things that you've been wanting to pursue but just haven't had time for, then delete social media off your phone for seven days."
"I was like let's share and then a couple of my videos went like 30,000 views, a hundred thousand views and I was like oh shoot, this is not what I want to do."
"Jake Paul is brilliant. I think he's brilliant and he's going to keep doing what he's doing."
"Literally my phone turned hot and shut off like every person on Earth on Earth literally every single person every single subscriber of mine like every single person sent me that clip this second."
"Once something is out on the Internet, social media will latch on to it."
"Tumblr in its prime: 'not just a blogging platform, but a staging ground for an array of political movements.'"
"I just came to believe that my engagement with Twitter was making me a worse person. It really is as simple as that."
"You got terminated for my social media. The George Floyd video only put my social media on, you know, like basically on their target board." - Jacqui Williams
"It's not okay to do that to a 14 year old. To anyone who's been triggered by this 14 year old girl, if you're too emotional to ignore her or too mentally incapacitated to refute her, then you've pretty much failed as a person."
"There's some kind of recognition there, I think one of Elon's tweets actually said, 'the people have spoken.'"
"In this day and age of social media, we still have movements like this which can really help a lot of people out there suffering from skin conditions."
"Tim's helped us reach 1 million subscribers."
"I've had personal information shared about me, videos made berating me, fearful for my kids and grandkids' safety."
"I'm a big believer in chaos theory so tap the like button, leave a comment because they have resounding fractal consequences that you may not see even in your lifetime."
"Social media is like a hammer. You could either build a beautiful house with it or you could just f***ing murder somebody with it."
"Imagine being that person who's sitting on your stock, then there's this fake tweet, and your assets get sold off automatically."
"Peer pressure nowadays with social media is literally like peer pressure on steroids."
"The idea that someone can make an allegation against you on social media without any evidence and the next day you can be fired from your job because of it that's scary to most of us."
"It's already a touchy even if I wasn't in social media and I had to rehome my dog."
"This video is going viral! It's gonna get like a billion views!"
"If 7.7 million people on Twitter pay eight bucks a month he no longer needs those 750 million dollars that are advertisers I'm willing to say if 30 million people pay eight bucks a month on Twitter it's game over."
"A single tweet can start a massive misinformation wave on covid, Election fraud conspiracies, and more."
"This whole effort originated on social media and it's completely organic."
"The offensive and hurtful tweets did some irreparable damage to her career."
"He drew more backlash after he claimed to buy a $90,000 Tesla in a tweet."
"For every 30 minutes that someone watches Tik Tok every day they become 177% more anti-semitic."
"Social media platforms and the influence of gen Z users like him have democratized political messaging."
"The yearning for traditional women and pushback against matriarchal culture explain the meteoric rise of social media influencers."
"It's going to ruin your life to get in trouble for something these days. It can ruin your life to find out, you know, you tweeted when you were 14, something like homophobic or racist, or even a joke."
"Teenagers say the things don't feel real till you see them on social media."
"If you become a YouTube star and get a million subscribers you're making a lot of money."
"Twitter has outsized influence in shaping both public discourse and industry-wide platform governance standards."
"Social media has had an accelerating effect on the de-legitimization of our sense-making institutions."
"When I got started I had a window and a web cam, and those videos generated millions and millions of views for me."
"We wouldn't be talking about George Floyd if it wasn't for social media."
"I feel bad for him because you know his wife tweets stuff and stuff like about her sons her sons have to go to school and hear that their dad's being called West brick and stuff like that and I like to me that's just so sad."
"If there was ever a time that they just wanted to capture the hype... do you know how like this [ __ ] was trending on Twitter, it was trending on YouTube, it was trending everywhere?"
"Pissing off your fan base can result in social media tirades, review bombing, and organized mass boycotts."
"The kids born after 1996... are the first generation in history that got on social media in middle school."
"Absolutely just wow though, like one of the rare cases where the internet and social media actually helped a case and helped further a case along rather than hurt it."
"I love a little boring, minding your own business."
"Facebook was instrumental in the election of Rodrigo Duterte in the Philippines in 2016; it was instrumental in the Brexit referendum in 2016."
"Twitter has been instrumental in amplifying the voices and demands of traditionally marginalized groups."
"Lies fly six times faster on social media than the truth."
"I never ever imagined the impact and the effect that would have on Twitter on bitcoin on me personally as well."
"Fanny Willis is going after Donald Trump for his tweets, seems like this could absolutely Boomerang and could potentially hit big."
"Yo, this was the player that blew my channel up, man."
"I thought everyone knew that she did like song covers and [ ] yeah they're good though like I still see people use them for like a tick tock and stuff yeah Nana's is the goat."
"Final Fantasy 16 could just be YouTube algorithm but I see a lot of them with a good amount of views."
"Cities used to be really cool, a lot different, prior to the social media age."
"After writing a controversial post, his bail was immediately revoked, and he was sent back to prison."
"We have weaponized social media and outrage culture. It's a literal culture war now."
"Every like is a slap in the devil's face and every share, every comment helps us get the message out to more people around the world."
"Collectively, this digital fallout of addiction, teen depression, and suicides, polarization, breakdown of truth, we think of this as a collective digital fallout."
"This AI threat is going to be the biggest threat that faces our country, and you're bound to see it. You're going to see social chaos all over social media."
"I don't think JoJo Siwa has ever had a TikTok with 36 million views."
"So yeah what's the probability you're gonna risk your entire [__] social media image your entire career on the fact that the organization testing you is not going to show up randomly."
"Honestly, after the Lego designer actually took to Twitter to explain the logic and thinking behind this wave, I actually started liking it a lot more for what it is."
"The rise of TikTok during the pandemic created a perfect stage to spread the good word."
"The shiny mom influencer and fear-based parenting culture are actually connected."
"There's been a five to six-fold increase in self-harm amongst young girls, corresponding directly with their use of Facebook and Instagram."
"Marty's post severely impacted my professional and personal reputation."
"If you want to save your life in this world, if you want all the likes on social media, if you never want to be politically incorrect, you've sold your soul."
"It's crazy how viral Daddy chill went. This thing went so viral, it's crazy how that works."
"Tik Tok is brutal when it comes to canceling people. If you have any sort of following and you show weakness or make a mistake, thousands of people will be ready to tear you down for content and clout."
"What's more subtly damaging about Tik Tok is the culture that it gets kids involved in on the app."
"You could literally have zero followers, post one video and get a million views."
"I value myself more than that. If that means I have zero followers at the end of this, I don't give a."
"TikTokers are now reading Bin Laden's word and are finally discovering about war crimes."
"There's more and more research... It shows that it triggers in your brain that you've done something meaningful simply by posting about something."
"I think our generation is heavily misinformed sometimes because of social media."
"It just felt like that's the crazy thing about online hate is that like almost none of our followers knew what was going on, but it still felt like everyone in the world hated us."
"It's not easy to deal with and I'm sure it's one of the hardest things because I hear a lot of up and coming rappers talk about how much they are affected by social media."
"For a platform as large as YouTube to be actively D incentivizing controversial material I think that's going to affect the flow of history."
"Mr Beast who would receive an almost equal 20 million upvotes on a video titled make this video the most liked video on YouTube breaking the record for the most liked non-music video."
"Trump attacking Yovanovitch on Twitter somehow amounts to an impeachable offense and witness intimidation, according to Pelosi."
"Your life can change just by hitting upload."
"Facebook advertising and Instagram Story advertising is the most under priced real estate grab of human attention in America ever, period."
"Emily's video opened the floodgates for a wave of testimonies against Creepshow to surface."
"I think we're in this [ ] up clout era where violence is essentially being rewarded by clout and attention."
"YouTube was how I found myself, but it won't be how I lose myself."
"At this point, everything I say, every comment, every 'like,' it's going to become a headline."
"Elon didn't just break Twitter, Twitter broke Elon Musk."
"Nipsey Hussle said, 'Experience is the biggest teacher.' You know? It's pros and cons to social media, just, you just gotta let your kid know what the pros is and what the cons is."
"Twitter and Facebook have outsized influence. Their activities have a public impact and certainly they should be held accountable."
"Social media has flamed up everybody's mental illness."
"You love to see it, I really am, you know, Trillion Boys is a big social media team."
"We are living through one of the first major crime stories of the social media age."
"It's pretty cool to see what a 'like spike' can do."
"I firmly believe social media, but in particular Twitter, makes us meaner to each other. It magnifies divisions and forces confrontational interaction in ways that it wouldn't necessarily need to be."
"This is crazy. It started probably like three years ago when I started to see posts about myself and about my friend SerpentZA."
"Every time we free an island from Sister Ye's control, she loses more subscribers."
"If Russia is saying that they're all intercepted and nothing happened here nothing to see gov then what against this storm of social media saying yeah they definitely got hit."
"I have no doubt that Reddit is improving my life."
"Twitter noise gets results, so that's some bullshit that's going on with some friends of mine if you could please please signal boost that I would appreciate it."
"Critical chance, critical damage, how about that?"
"There was a clip that we talked about the other day which was the Jeep logo getting cut out. I think it's at like 15 million views now."
"The long-term potential for Twitter in my view is in order of magnitude greater than its current value."
"For every retweet of this, donate a dollar to the World Wildlife Fund."
"There's kids six years old on social media and get and it's like a scientific fact that getting text messages or likes on a photo or whatever all that induces dopamine."
"If you keep doing what you are doing on Twitter with this censorship, it will result in violence and chaos and you know maybe even civil war."
"So obviously if you're gonna control people you have to lie I don't want what's the biggest lie you could possibly lie to them about this is it."
"The silent majority exists and it's been emboldened and embiggened by what these social media companies have done."
"I thought we did something. I was like, 'Why am I getting so many mentions?' Then I was like, 'Oh, 'cause we're witches.'"
"That speech has gained widespread praise. It's been viewed over four million times on Twitter."
"Don't allow what you see on social media to make you feel like you're not doing enough."
"A lot of people still I guess don't know that. Oh wow, yeah I'm super impressed by the way you've only made two tick tocks."
"But it turns out he could sort of just had to overinflate the numbers by spamming it on everyone's feed."
"Stop wasting your time over television and radio on social media looking at these cotton candy fellas."
"Imagine if social media responded even a fraction of this way for the literal thousands of missing people from marginalized groups."
"The power of social media led to the discovery of Gabby's van, tragically on their son's birthday."
"Teenagers know this is making them unhappy. Teenagers feel trapped."
"The world before social media was a picture."
"Teen depression as brought on by this dangerous cocktail of overparenting and unfettered social media platforms."
"The fact that she wanted to live is something that really shone through in so many of her TikToks."
"One million people really watch me. One million people clicked subscribe on my account. That's insane to me."
"If the gluten-free diet works for you, go for it, but please just remember don't compare yourself to anyone else on Instagram."
"I don't have the same motivation I had before to go there, and it's not just because of the hashtag. It's also because I'm not as excited."
"Women love attention, and social media is the ultimate form of it."
"Social media accelerated both sides of our business at such a rate that we soon became Mega busy."
"Just one TikTok could completely change your life."
"For example, this YouTube channel called Sockey Tech has gone over a million subscribers and gets 2.4 million views per month. That could be as much as $10,000 to $20,000 per month."
"Elon Musk's Twitter takeover has already sparked a full-scale return of unchecked misogyny, racism, and anti-Semitism to the platform."
"Be prepared to handle the truth, y'all breaking up over likes on social media?"
"Friendship is deeper than that; it's way beyond social media."
"Social media algorithms funnel refuse back into the mouths of people in a human centipede of ideology."
"Elon Musk buying Twitter and turning it into X...enabled a new dynamic online for people to interact and meet each other in ways that really does threaten that monolithic power structure."
"Being able to say something really hateful and then watch it rise the charts triggers something in your brain."
"Thank God for cloud chasing and social media. Thank you Lord because that tape is really what broke this whole case open."
"The more time that passes on this social media detox, the less I miss it."
"Police said that Pamela was found as a direct result of public involvement and social media awareness."
"These kind of videos and these kind of posts do in missing-persons cases, they're really powerful."
"If you're not willing to go and disrespect a group of people to their face, keep your damn comments to yourself."
"Don't define yourself by your social media success. Make sure that what you measure is important."
"Five thousand retweets don't make it great. You can have something with one view and a hundred thumbs down, might be great."
"This trial was unfair because of the tick-tock storm."
"It's really important what we choose to share, promote, pass around, it has meaning and it has consequences."
"Tick tock is part of the reason why Dosha Cat's career is gonna skyrocket now."
"So I when I started posting the videos, the videos went viral. Wow. And I was like doing like, you know, the contour stuff at the time when like not a lot of people were doing it."
"Stop reflecting on mean tweets and personalities, start thinking about policies."
"Thanks to social media and especially YouTube, people like Justin Bieber were discovered and their lives have never been the same again."
"I'm not saying that I've had the same trauma as some people but when you do have this large platform on social media and you have people attack you every single day about your race about your ethnicity yeah it can become a little draining."
"No one is honestly going to go out and say, 'Well, I was going to buy a PlayStation 5, but then I saw some people on Twitter making fun of the size of the console.'"
"Billions of dollars can be lost over a single tweet."
"Social media can go a long way, shares on social media can expose the story to a new audience."
"Every time you hit share or post something, it exposes the story to a new audience."
"It's a sobering reality that if it were not for Tik Tok the name Jeff Jackson would be utterly inconsequential to The Wider populace."
"I just want you guys to know that it's really serious, you guys can't just like send hordes of hate towards somebody without it having an effect on a person."
"It's not that people have lost their minds, it's that social media has created structural stupidity."
"Growth hacking is real. It's real. And so it's been amazing because so many people will message me now... 'Hey, where'd you find out about the School of Greatness?' So many people are saying YouTube."
"That's plainly incorrect and there is no denying the impact that social media posts and viral content can have on our real world."
"Are we getting Dumber teasing because of things I spoke and Twitter and all that multi women you imagine was there Twitter in the Bible that Jesus tweet after the crucifixion going to see dad back in three days."
"Facebook, this is a company that has been growing users still pretty strong."
"This is the selfie narcissistic generation, we're all caught up in it, all of us, this dopamine that comes from social media and comes from just getting attention by any means necessary..."
"Sometimes almost you could say aided and abetted by a certain selection of stock trading investment youtubers who are deeply deeply irresponsible."