
Knowledge Transfer Quotes

There are 142 quotes

"Once you understand why, now you have a scientific method to reproduce it and to teach that method."
"We're able to take accumulated experiences of thousands of previous generations, dilute it, distill it, and pass it on."
"We grow up slowly. We hand down knowledge. We empathize and deceive. We shape the future from our shared understanding of the past."
"If we just get this knowledge transfer thing in a transferable formula, we can really save some lives."
"This guy's 70 years old, he just gave me accumulated knowledge of 50 years. I just saved 50 years in one hour. That's a mentor."
"If you don't know and you don't know by the time you die, you leave it for the next generation to pick up."
"Knowledge itself...it takes one generation, and we need to understand that we're not going to get back 300 years in one generation."
"There's nothing quite like someone taking an extremely complicated topic and condensing it down and showing you only the most important things that you actually need to know."
"It's now his job to leave the game better than when he found it by passing on all of his knowledge to the Next Generation."
"It's our job as coaches to take unconscious knowledge at world championship level and make it conscious."
"The true test of knowing a topic or knowing a subject is if you can now take what you learn, truly understand it, repackage it in your own way, and teach others."
"You create this system where you infantilize, you strip them of the generational knowledge, so parents aren't passing down anything to their kids anymore."
"We will pass the future Generations the knowledge that they can further on build on that and go beyond where no one has gone before."
"She's a chemist, she knows way more about that than I do."
"They taught me everything they know about Etsy."
"Letters are many, words are more, secrets passed down."
"Eventually, everyone has a little bit of knowledge, but when the foundational people disappear, then you're left with like, uh oh, no one knows how to do anything anymore."
"We're getting a download of information from the future or from maybe real time."
"It also shows you that you can transfer knowledge from the binary exploitation playlist."
"There's not enough passing on knowledge from generation to generation."
"One of the fastest ways to learn something is to teach it to somebody else."
"People need to know that in entity constructs."
"Pass on what you have learned. I want to see that."
"As we move through time and space, how have African people passed on knowledge, experiences, memories of their moment in time?"
"Education is basically downloading data and algorithms into your brain."
"We need to instruct our children in the widest sense so they can use the knowledge we pass on."
"My goal was to take my brain and dump it on those pages so that people could literally read that book and figure out how I think."
"You can't just give people information. When it comes to a personal understanding of reality, it has to be personal."
"When you read a book written by somebody... you can absorb 50 years of knowledge education and experience in one book."
"Hope that gave you lots of clarity, information, and knowledge."
"I will not leave this earth without transferring all this knowledge to somebody, somewhere, somehow."
"Finally, I have someone I can pass on all my wisdom to."
"Craftsmen were the ones who passed on the skills and knowledge."
"The battle is about information and knowledge transfer."
"The curse of knowledge makes us forget our own history of abstract chunking."
"There's a corporate knowledge that gets passed even year to year."
"You cannot teach what you do not have. That is the primary spiritual law."
"Indian knowledge has been disseminated and transferred from generation to generation through the narrative mode."
"I just always say, pass it on, you know? Pass on all this knowledge to the next generation."
"He guarantees The Immortal that he'll teach him everything he knows about ancient magic."
"The stock market has a way of transferring cash from people that don't know to the people that do."
"The passing of knowledge doesn't always mean you pass along good knowledge."
"Once you've kind of learned a certain amount with a neural net, being able to transfer the learning to a new neural net to give it a kind of head start is very important."
"I get more of a sense of purpose teaching and passing down my knowledge to law enforcement who are still in the mix, military who are actually in there."
"Transfer learning is a machine learning method where a model developed for a first task is then reused as the starting point for a model on a second task."
"With transfer learning, we typically exchange only the last layer and do not need to train the whole model again."
"It's okay to change careers. And a lot of times what you've done before is so helpful for educating people about some reality that you've worked in."
"Isn't this an amazing thought that for centuries languages and history and geography have been taught using tiny sea creatures from the ocean? We're passing knowledge on through the medium of sea creatures."
"I think one of the important roles of academia is the the transfer of knowledge through the ages so to speak."
"It's about mentorship. Mentoring the Next Generation, mentoring the Next Generation that take our place. The importance of passing on accumulated knowledge, that is something that we work on every day in our restaurants."
"I think that the transfer of our not necessarily our knowledge but our war stories but just the philosophy you know that we're coming up with because it spans the test of time I think and will continue just expand the test of time."
"Hopefully some of what we've found will be picked up by younger scientists."
"...the engine of science begins to move west from the Islamic world to Europe."
"Transfer learning: you focus on storing knowledge gained while solving one problem and apply it to a different but related problem."
"This is the kind of stuff that you want to teach your children and your grandchildren how this stuff works so that they don't have to struggle for their whole lives."
"The idea is to teach and carry on knowledge with the next generation and use any tool possible. If the coins are the tool, fine."
"'Well kid, I've taught you everything I know...'"
"Pair programming is really effective when it comes to knowledge transmission."
"Education should encompass more than just schooling, embracing traditional knowledge transfer."
"So, basically find someone else that's used these layers, use something similar, and see how they do it and then kind of apply it to our own data."
"Grab a drink grab a snack this might be a lengthy video because there's so much knowledge that Ivan shared with me that I don't want you guys to miss out."
"Let them benefit from your experience and your knowledge."
"Pass on what you have learned. Strength, mastery, but weakness, folly, failure also. Yes, failure, most of all."
"We need to also be generating new knowledge and ideas that sort of are transportable or exportable to other locations."
"In meta learning, we want to transfer information from multiple source tasks to a new test task."
"...a game in all its complexity can travel from one continent to another just in somebody's head."
"This passing of knowledge from one generation to the next is the most human experience available to us."
"With patience, Bong guided him through the intricate art of stitching, imparting invaluable knowledge."
"The Moors caused a massive movement of knowledge into the places where they settled."
"I understand how people learn online. Using this knowledge, I work with a professor, a faculty member, extract the information out of their heads, and then put it together to create a meaningful learning experience."
"How do I get the information from my head and my experience into your soul so that you can interpret it or ramp up and really become good at those things that are important to you?"
"The knowledge you learn in this course will actually be able to carry over to potentially other programming languages as well."
"Perhaps they were worshipped, feared, loved; perhaps they brought gifts, a new world of knowledge, or simply the principle of the lever."
"You're going to get the benefit of all that knowledge so you don't have to go through any of it."
"...we are starting out to partner with a lot of other cities to be able to transfer some of the learnings that we have seen from traveling this BSF waste management project."
"People tend to be reasonably good at learning from their own experiences but they are not terribly good at learning from other people's experiences."
"Revelation is when what you already know in your spirit is transferred to your understanding."
"The AI could dump knowledge content from an external source to your brain."
"If somebody has decades of experience... and they put it into a book, that means you could download decades into days."
"We wouldn't have computers today if that civilizational knowledge was not borrowed from the Arabs by way of the Indians."
"Knowledge portability... it's a great way for low-level players to graduate to mid-level players."
"When you understand the absolute basics of how something is constructed, it just makes it so much easier to transfer that knowledge to other boards."
"We carry into earthly life what we learn in the spiritual world."
"The best thing I can do is to try and pass on what I know right now to the next generation."
"That's what a serious educator does, they offer education to people and then they engage with them and make sure that they understand the things that it is that you're trying to teach them."
"I loved the idea of passing your information to the youth like a baton, so they can get to where you are a lot sooner and carry on."
"...you can learn powerful features and reuse that for other tasks."
"Transforming lives, influencing society, and transferring knowledge."
"Immerse yourself in the world of business, entrepreneurship, and life as we pass on the baton of knowledge, empowering you to sprint towards greatness."
"I must pass on all that I know so that he can enhance the family's reputation."
"I took all of that knowledge from Dukes of Hazzard and moved into Knight Rider."
"Making sure the next person that goes into your build has a really good understanding of how it works."
"Help them to understand the information, help them to be able to recognize these concepts that they see it again, to be able to think through them critically."
"Mentoring is magical because it moves information from one generation to the next."
"Everything you're going to learn about Python should be readily transferable."
"Learn what those who came before have done, where they succeeded, where they had difficulties."
"Kenya is a developing country and to reach to the state where United States and other developed countries are, we need minds that go out there, study, take the knowledge there, and bring it here in the country."
"All the knowledge I possess, I inherited from my master, and he from his. Legacy."
"I'm really excited to take some of the lessons we learned from this and bring it back to my teaching back in the United States."
"My goal as a teacher is to teach, connect, and transfer the information that I share."
"The really important thing is that students should be able to take knowledge away from one context and apply it in another."
"You could download everything you know into a flea, that's genius."
"To really make progress in that setting, a lot of that is because of transfer between modalities and interacting with very high-quality sources of supervision like other people."
"Expert systems can be developed and updated in phases and they allow easier knowledge transfer to remote locations."
"Learn as though you're going to teach it to the next guy."
"What you have heard from me before many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also."
"Instead of having to teach him all of these things and get him up to speed, you literally can hand over playbooks and roles that they can leverage."
"Is there a rewarding job being passing on knowledge to children?"
"We have to educate ourselves so we can actually educate our children."
"New ideas don't typically just pop out of the ether; they come from people applying well-known fields into new areas."
"It's hard to imagine how that would have happened without an educational institution that transferred that knowledge."
"I am transferring my football knowledge to the bot."
"It's important not just to train one person but to train a group of people, a succession of generations that can then come along and train the next people so that the knowledge stays within your farm or your organization."
"By no means Jedi and Padawan, but maybe just passing the torch a little bit, passing the knowledge."
"You can have all the knowledge in the world, but if you're a bad coach or a bad teacher or a bad parent, you're not going to pass that on and you're not going to be able to nurture someone."
"One of the main functions of language is to get the knowledge that's in my head into your head."
"Imitation is a completely acceptable method, in fact, one of the best means of transferring knowledge from one to another."
"My goal is to transfer all my knowledge of WordPress to you."
"There's something to be said about hearing or learning something and then also translating that into written word."
"Once you understand the principles, you might be able to just take those and bring those over to your other applications to deploy."
"The right knowledge is the best gift we can give to the next generations."
"There's a massive skills gap because we are losing the foundation of the people who are going to pass on that knowledge."
"Digital computers have a much better way to share knowledge."
"My master Rayleigh taught me everything that I know."
"Every failed generation is the generation that has not passed and transferred the knowledge of God to the next generation."
"This passing down of education, information, and knowledge has been lost sight of."
"Learn I did a path I may one day teach you to follow."
"We have developed a technology that allows you to transport a certain piece of knowledge to another person's head."
"Once I have completed my course, I will return back to my home country to work with the knowledge and skills I have acquired."
"I've been doing this for a long time and I'm getting older and now it's time for me to just pass information down and hope that other people can learn and benefit from the things that I've learned."
"Training is the development and delivery of information that people will use."
"Additionally, this extra time would allow the aging population to pass on knowledge and help train younger workers in their respective fields."
"Everything I'm learning and sharing with you can easily be transferred over virtually into any market."
"Knowledge transfer is the most critical process in any large project."
"For generations, Native Americans traveled this continent, finding the best routes and passing that knowledge from clan to clan."