
Transitions Quotes

There are 410 quotes

"Endings bring new beginnings, growth, change, liberation, transition."
"You ever have those moments in your life that feel like turning of pages, and you know that a chapter is closing, or something about it is changing?"
"The eclipse is a grand finale, showing the results of big shifts and changes over the last two years."
"Endings are merely the start of a new beginning, and we are with you through each phase and cycle."
"Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas naturally."
"The twilight of the gods...a world age ends."
"Transitions are important... you don't want the person you're passing it off to, to be standing still from a stop. You want them to be already in the race."
"Where there's an ending, there's always a beginning."
"This card signifies a completion of a major life cycle and the accomplishment of what you envisioned in the first place."
"According to Dobb, there were three decisive moments in the process of transition from feudalism to capitalism."
"We're going to be working through smooth transits from Leo into Virgo season."
"And that will do it for this case lettings for the next case on the way."
"Endings and Beginnings are ending and beginning now."
"Lord Jupiter, the god of prosperity, wealth, luck, abundance, and goodness, will move into the sign of Taurus in 2023."
"This might look kind of sloppy, but it's another well-hidden transition in my opinion."
"Every ending brings a brand new beginning and it's usually a little better than how the ending feels."
"There's nothing more important than the season we're going into."
"Now, to add any transitions to any of your B-roll or overlay footage."
"Every end is a promise that a new beginning awaits."
"You're going through a new phase, some situations are ending."
"I'm going to catch you guys on the next one, peace out."
"Saturn moving into Capricorn marks the start of a new karmic cycle, a rebirth of Father Time."
"Sometimes when you think it's over, it's not, it's just a sort of doorway into what's possible."
"We're in a different time zone now, and we're at the point of contact."
"The power and the principle of exits: Entrances into New Seasons must be preceded by exits from old Seasons."
"I used to watch Joe Montana, him and what was the other guy took his place over, oh Steve Young."
"The idea behind a stinger transition is that it is a video that plays between two different scenes, so that it seamlessly switches between the scenes with the graphic coming over the top."
"Transitions are more than just fancy edits and ways to make your footage look better."
"Using video transitions has been my favorite way to do this and I'm here to share 10 go-to transitions that I still use to this day when it makes sense for my edit."
"What is coming to completion or an end in some area of your story..."
"The border system will go away with Overwatch too."
"Spring is the season of meeting and parting."
"Transitions are necessary and uncomfortable... we only grow when we're uncomfortable."
"It's the end, everything after this is a new story."
"Moving on gracefully: 'Leave with a clean conscience and keep that bridge open.'"
"Congratulations on getting your nails done. Good luck with the HRT."
"Nostalgia helps us deal with transitions like when young adults move away from home or start their first jobs."
"There isn't really a goodbye, it's just a new beginning."
"Coco's graduation was the end of an era, but also the start of a new chapter in VTubing history."
"It's the end, but the moment has been prepared for."
"When one door closes, a larger one opens. Last day on set."
"All good things have to come to an end but not quite yet."
"There's a lot of money coming, an end of a matter and a beginning of a new matter, there is abundance coming to you."
"The wedding is the end of the Little Mermaid... it's the beginning of the Incredibles."
"It's not just about how you ride a bike, but it's about transition."
"There are some entrances that are determined by how well you make some exits."
"Exciting New Beginnings or happy endings are just around the corner."
"Wrap up something so that the new cycle can start."
"The message from una provides yet more details into the incredible planetary transitions we are soon about to witness."
"New doorways of opportunity are opening for you as you transition on."
"It's been great. I'm glad that's the case because it was kind of sad to see things going."
"You're allowed to be peaceful and trusting during these transitions."
"Moving into Virgo season, it's gonna be time to start piecing things back together."
"It's finally time to say goodbye to Shadowlands as we head into a brand new adventure."
"June as a month to me feels like the last page for a lot of people in a chapter or in a book."
"Take care, spread the love, and look at that beautiful transition."
"Just like all good things, you must come to an end."
"The end of each chapter is the start of the next, duh."
"The world represents brand new cycles, huge life changes."
"The journey card is about learning a lot through all of your journey in life... some things come to an end so new things can begin."
"It's been a good run... but it's time to close the curtains."
"This is somewhat coming to an end but I don't see it as the end, I see it as a new beginning."
"This is not an ending but rather a new beginning."
"Unexpected shifts, changing the way we interact."
"It's sweet to be wrapping up Valguerre, but it's bitter as well."
"Endings are always a sign of new beginnings."
"I don't know if I've ever heard a band that can transition as smoothly into different grooves."
"Over in Spain, Barcelona are currently finding out that it is about as difficult to replace Lionel Messi as one would expect it to be."
"Kratos joins Frank West and Snake in questionable switch-ups."
"We're gonna add a transition on all properties."
"It's more sweet than bitter for me personally."
"Football season is over. This is easy money. It's basketball season now."
"We're excited to start this new thing and cleanly end our chapter at Nintendo."
"Something's coming to an ending, but it's also bringing in a new beginning."
"There's a feeling of a significant chapter closing in one area of your life. Be honest with yourself about where you want to go next."
"Every time you reach a new level in life, it feels like you have to burn bridges or you have to move on."
"This is just the end of the Beginning. No Doubt."
"Never before has there been a greater jump from elation to absolute disappointment."
"The beginning is always kind of slow so anyway we are in a different town."
"It's a new chapter, and I think all of us are slowly starting to realize that."
"You're single, you're dating, you're engaged, and then you get married. They're all different seasons of life."
"Endings and beginnings, the old must be released so the new can enter."
"The end isn't really the end, a new beginning is being formed."
"These are specific times of endings and new beginnings."
"This is the thing about switching teams, you know, you don't know who you go to."
"So much about beginnings and endings. It's very much this energy of kind of clearing out the old."
"This isn't goodbye, it's just goodbye until next time."
"With big endings come big new beginnings that can be more beautiful than they were before."
"Life is all about cycles, and that cycle is about to end."
"Bray Wyatt is indeed about to become all elite."
"You can't get the new offer without closing down the cycle with something else first."
"Endings and beginnings are very much connected, and an end is just like a semicolon; there's something else, there's a continuation."
"Well done, well done! I like the transitions between all the clips. It works really, really well."
"The first half of the year is about finishing what we've been experiencing."
"You can't write a better transition than what he just had."
"No such thing as an ending, only a new beginning."
"I love the transitions between everything. This is the best presentation I have ever seen."
"All great eras do eventually come to an end."
"The improvement year on year is unlike anything I've ever seen."
"He's leaving his four years as gracefully as he entered, which is pushing it."
"Painful transitions don't have to be the end of the world. Transitions happen all the time."
"Fresh, I liked it, a lot of good transitions."
"That was a lot of good transitions in there. Yeah, that was the whole story right there. That was pretty good, I like that for me. That'd be a top five and I like the outfit too. That's the top five, gg."
"You're going to make a transition of boundaries where you draw the lines with other people."
"There's a cycle that's wrapping up, there's a cycle that's closing out here."
"I'm gonna go ahead and end this part here. The next part's gonna be all about Candice and what she wants to do."
"Judgment signifies finalizing decisions and transitions."
"Something can be both starting and ending at the same time."
"This is a time for endings and new beginnings."
"When we're in that space in between, it means anything's possible."
"This connection is definitely coming to an ending of a cycle."
"Something is coming to an end. There's a transition."
"Something ends in order for something new to begin."
"Many of you are in a transitional period, which is a period of letting go."
"One world is ending and the next world is opening for you."
"Something has come to a major ending for you."
"Six months, yeah, it's a real title reign. To win it clean for Randy, then transition from there to AJ, then Shinsuke, then AJ."
"Ultimately, it's actually kind of a positive transit here. Eclipse, sorry, that's working out to give you what you want in long term."
"Play, don't take it so seriously: Life and death are transitions, not final destinations."
"Full moons are all about culminations, transitions, endings, and evolution."
"New beginnings are happening, just take everything as it is."
"Every ending is a new chapter waiting to be written."
"You're burdened and challenged here because you're like all right, I need to end, stop, or complete this."
"Returning to port between two alerts or operations is strange."
"Old cycles have ended, new cycles beginning."
"They know there's endings and there's new beginnings."
"Life happens in the transitions."
"This is a time of integrations, where we're really going to start seeing and feeling shifts, especially after Eclipse season."
"I think what really made me popular in the beginning was doing these like transitions."
"Scene transitions just add a little bit of umph to your branding and make the viewing experience a little more exciting."
"When there is an ending taking place, there is a beginning happening as well."
"We still have to do the same thing with adding and subtracting one; we want to save the transitions."
"Struggling with transitions is actually a sign of autism."
"Just because something is ending, it doesn't mean that it's the end."
"CapCut has loads of transitions, and a ton of the stuff in here would be paid extras as plugins for the likes of Final Cut Pro."
"Transitions between clips can add a professional touch to your videos."
"You have to make sure that it doesn't cost you too much time or energy in your transitions."
"Life is made up of meetings and partings. That is the way of it."
"Every new beginning arises from the end of something."
"There will be a transition period where you are going to think to yourself This is not working for me what in the world is going on."
"It was Brett Favre's final year as a Packer."
"Let's talk about Edgar Wright's Transitions and how they're as unique and recognizable as Star Wars screen wipes."
"You're looking at a totally new beginning here that's coming up for you after that cycle of burdens has ended."
"The time between tasks or the transitions between tasks are super important."
"Transitions are hard for ADHD ears."
"It's amazing how transitions can make your video sleek."
"I love using timers for transitions to give a visual when students are working at center rotations or working independently."
"There's some great characters in the NFL who I think could make easy transitions over."
"Smooth and swift transitions of confirmed leadership are central to the defense of the United States and to the full strength of the most lethal fighting force in history."
"This beat is already a masterpiece. I love the transitions."
"Now often this is triggered by hitting a transition on the freeway."
"Often, if you have some kind of big shift in seasons in your life, it often signals a change in habits too."
"Transitions, I don't know, we just like transitions, this was so smooth, so well done in this one as well."
"There's a bit of a magic about your transitions when you focus on the quality of the movement."
"Smooth transitions, ultra-smooth transitions, that's what you need. No jagged lines, no jagged edges, just smooth transitions."
"You've got to be smooth, you've got to be a smooth criminal, like Michael Jackson. Smooth with those transitions."
"You like that? You like that transition? Smooth!"
"Oh, the transitions feel like anime."
"One of the other things Sorkin discusses is launching from one scene to the next."
"How many more games will he have in Broncos colors?"
"I kind of like how it's the sunset in the distance over there all the lighting throughout this place is incredible the transitions between the areas is really good too."
"Seamless transitions... it does really make changing programs a lot smoother."
"Reminders that life, like a good liminal space, thrives in the in-between and the transition, in the journey."
"Liminal spaces mirror our journey through life, our transitions from one stage to another, our personal and collective transformations."
"Jupiter in the ninth house just maybe I should have started with this guys it's a really, really blessed time."
"Jupiter in the ninth house is by house I would say one of the best transits to have."
"Blessed time, lucky time, it's by house, one of the best transits to have Jupiter through the ninth house."
"Jupiter trining your ascendant is actually making the Eighth House Cycles not so heavy."
"Starting off right at the beginning here we have the first of many seamless little Transitions."
"Transitions basically, we're going to move from one clip into the other in a little bit more of a subtle kind of graceful sort of smoothness."
"Svelte.js: Animation and transitions out of the box."
"It encapsulated one of the great challenges in evolutionary biology: understanding the transition from life in water to life on land."
"Practice smooth transitions between topics to make the conversation flow better."
"Old chapters you're walking out of, walking into a bigger place of Faith."
"How can the kids in the bed because the next time we're in the vlog mom won't be with us it's just gonna be me and the kids."
"I love it when the transitions are seamless like this."
"Your person is ending a lot of cycles in their life as well."
"Risers, cymbal swells, or synth hits can help bring in transitions and let the listener know that something new is coming up."
"I never get tired of these transitions."
"It's to do with like a negative situation that you're actually going to be really grateful for one phase of your life it's about to come to an end and wherever there is one phase of your life that comes to an end another phase of your life it's about to begin."
"Some of these transitions are so flawless."
"Transitions, timing transitions, and committing to transitions, that's one thing that I still have coming through."
"From the Marine Corps to Pinterest, you can't write it."
"It was hard, yeah, um, after my track and field eligibility ran up, uh, and then I worked on a book proposal, I was writing for magazines, I had like a column for a couple years with Maxim magazine, oh wow."
"Something is ending or needs to end in your life, and there is a new beginning that is ushering in."
"God's Miracles aren't solely reserved for our beginnings but are present even as we transition to new chapters of Life."
"The choices they made, choices through transition good and bad."
"Can you believe our time on the California Zephyr has come to an end? Welcome to Richmond."
"The effect is also beautiful now we get a sort of diamond transition fading across the screen."
"999 relates to endings, completion, transitions, forgiveness, and release."
"There is life after bodybuilding and there's life while you're bodybuilding."
"The faster these transitions can be made, the more effective the force becomes."
"...sometimes the person you are meeting is not the one you're going to marry, they are just going to be the bridge to the person."
"I just think it's, it's so cool even the little shorter tracks like 'Nevermore' and 'Funny How Love Is' just perfect little segues from song to song."
"...transitions will definitely be a lot smoother than the preview here in the studio."
"Jesus [__] those editing transitions, man that's so good."
"McFarland's really connecting the dots on these scene transitions."
"Transitions between one section of your song and the next section is such a powerful way of making your track way more interesting to the listener."
"Anytime we cut to something else, it elevates every individual involved."
"How can I level my presets so that when I'm moving between snapshots everything is kind of a consistent volume and feels right, transitions nicely?"