
Fluidity Quotes

There are 621 quotes

"This is a very fluid and very competently put together game."
"Time isn't linear like we think it is; time is actually more fluid than we usually understand."
"When you start to erase those seams, that's when the decision-making becomes so much quicker. They're so fluid in their transitions."
"It's important to not dictate gender expression to the binary, where someone is either feminine or masculine, with no real room to be fluid."
"Wing Chun movements are analogous to water, which follows the path of least resistance."
"Human experience is far too complex and fluid for strict borders around identity."
"English is not one big mass; English is fluid and is constantly evolving."
"When you actually go through the motions of completing missions and assassinating targets you will be surprised at just how fluid the gameplay Loop can feel."
"He said he feels like his style is beautiful that means he feels looks like an artwork he's in he's out he's very fluid with his movements."
"Wealth is not static but dynamic, a resource that flows, changes, and evolves."
"Gender is all the social stuff we've built up around sex. It's a messy, complicated set of norms and expectations that's always in a state of flux."
"Sexuality is fluid and can change throughout someone's life, and that's okay."
"Nightmares are a fluid terror... nightmares instead are a fluid terror."
"I definitely don't think it's fixed. I think that it's fluid. I think that it's moving. And it's very, very... It's a really intense experience living in one of those stargates."
"You basically don't like being pigeon-holed. Exactly you know I'm fluid you know and yeah everything I am I'm not kind of and that's the way it is with all people."
"The boss moved like water, attacking in complex dance-like movements."
"Men and women, male, female, that's been feminine, like there's fluidity within those roles, exactly."
"Encouraging gender fluency in every stage of life."
"Humans we are malleable and fluid creatures we can literally decide who we want to become and then make it happen."
"Membranes show characteristics of fluidity, crucial for processes like exocytosis and endocytosis."
"It's animated with flash noise and movements are almost too fluid for Butch's style."
"There's a fluidity going on here that this is fluctuating energy."
"The combat fluidity, the visual effects... improved immensely."
"The other legendary would represent the opposite of that, which is the concept of being fluid and moving on and adapting."
"Flowing and moving like your favorite athlete."
"Life is so chaotic and fluid, and allowing space for that and letting go of some of this feeling, the like I gotta figure it out, letting go of some of that can be really helpful."
"Names have meaning to us certainly but they're completely fluid within our society."
"Our true self is dynamic, fluid, and constantly evolving."
"All y'all haters, all your trolls, close your eyes."
"Being transracial is actually the least crazy because race is fluid in a sense."
"The best thing about Barcelona: they look really fluid."
"He's just got such a smooth rhythm to it, it's like he's dancing through the corners."
"It just makes this really fluid feel to the combat quite a bit better."
"It's not about time travel. It's really not about time travel at all. It's just about a place where everything comes together and you hear different things echoing throughout time, because it's all fluid in that moment, in that place." - Dave Filoni
"It's a nice fluid experience when you scroll through the menus."
"All of these abilities in traversal all of which can be combined and integrated with one with one another extremely fast and extremely fluidly."
"Combat feels much more fluid than in Dragon Dogma 1 and many RPGs for that matter."
"The most important feature of the fluid: arguably that it flows."
"Jake just brings me so much joy he's just so weird and unpredictable and all of his attacks feel like they flow into each other so seamlessly."
"Everything is very fluid, my religion is fluid, my gender is fluid, my sexuality is fluid."
"There’s such a fluidity to the gameplay in The Messenger that truly makes you feel like you can do anything."
"Sexuality is fluid, my sexuality has definitely changed."
"There's nothing like fast-flowing football things that are like you're intending for it to happen, you know what I mean?"
"You gotta be like water bro, you not controlling this [__] bro you just gotta let go you just flowing bro you literally you're just water just flowing you don't control the current stop trying to control the current."
"I truly cherish the fact that I am able to present myself as a traditional man or a woman. Cherish it."
"The gameplay compared to the first game is even more fluid."
"He just feels more fluid and the teams look a lot better when he's at the lead guard."
"If truth is fluid, morality can be fluid, and then gender can be fluid. Here we are. They're so confused."
"We just want it to move as fluently and natural as possible."
"Keep things fluid, and draw from your shoulder."
"Every bullet I shot every move I made in combat was polished it was fluid and the game mechanics never got in my way."
"Time and energy are fluid, so take what resonates here today, leave the rest for someone else."
"You move with this sense of fluidity."
"Identity is fluid, that's the case if you're progressing forward in exploration and trying to expand your domain of responsibility."
"It's more lighthearted, it's more loving, it's more fluid like you could just flow throughout the day."
"It's not a guarantee that things are going to go well, but there's a fluidity in a really encouraging way about it."
"...and it has a more of a slanted design, a bit more fluidity in the overall design."
"When it comes to the Android, I feel like there's just that fluidity throughout the whole entire phone."
"The Tao is like water, it flows with the gradient and touches both shores."
"As soon as they started dancing, it flowed so well that everyone was impressed by their performance, causing a loud applause."
"These networks could recombine to create unique new and fluid forms of a cult."
"It's a style of music that really encourages experimentation, that's very fluid, and it doesn't actually have its own set of rules to follow."
"The animation becomes a lot more fluid, a lot more expressive."
"People are coming out look it just it was like like you're old school with it like I I think nowadays kids are a little more fluid I think."
"It moves so fluidly, this is probably the most tablet-like touchscreen I've ever used in a car."
"Jaden Smith revealed that he has had romantic relationships with both men and women and described himself as genderfluid."
"Every moment's a new moment, and there's none of this once and for all, this. I think we need to get rid of that concept. Everything is fluid, everything is new."
"Everything flows; not only does it suggest there's a difference between the meaning of flow and just the succession of things, but also it contains within it the important idea that when things flow, they both are different and the same."
"Be formless, shapeless, like water."
"Everything is fluid, and when it's stagnant, it's not in flow."
"Empty your mind before shapeless, be like water my friend."
"...the frame rate has been pretty consistent throughout the game actually... it's felt very fluid throughout."
"The androgynous characters Togashi has an affinity for making are indicative of the fact that gendered expressions can be fluid and open to interpretation."
"Enhanced nav is a way of getting the kind of fluidity that you have with a client-side router even though you're doing server-side page loading."
"Try to make this movement like a wave, you wave it forward, open, and then release it all the way back through your body."
"It's all blended with a general handling fluidity that might even remind long-time BMW owners of previous combustion models they've loved and enjoyed."
"The motion is extremely lifelike and natural and smooth."
"Rotational movements are so powerful towards fluid flow."
"Our personalities are not set in stone. They're fluid."
"Time and energy are fluid as well."
"There's no absolute distinctions; things bleed together. You can't keep them apart by the knife edge of logic."
"Do you think women in general are more open for having a relationship with a woman and then going and being with a guy or vice versa?"
"Be everything and nothing at the same time."
"You move like water, very graceful."
"Every movement matters and brings you seamlessly to the next movement."
"As saans have shown, everything is fluid and adaptable."
"The game feels so much more fluid, so much more immersive."
"Running water never grows stale so you got to just keep on flowing."
"It feels really smooth, kind of watery like you could dive into it just like the metaphorical swimming pool full of alcohol that Kendrick is rapping about."
"Everything flows which is not quite the same as the Buddhist idea that everything changes it includes that that it makes an important distinction between the large spread of the idea of change and there are other specific idea of flow."
"The only difference between an artist that's very dynamic and fluid versus an artist that can be a little bit stiff is just going through this process."
"At the end of the day, she's lied. This is the notion that, you know, 'I'm black today, I'm white tomorrow.'"
"everything exists on a continuum. there are no boxes within this system. it's lateral and it's fluid"
"Flow with compassion and understanding."
"I just go in with the whirl and come out with the swirl because I don't resist the water. I entirely identify myself with water."
"Emotions are feelings in motion. They're not meant to be stagnant."
"You don't let yourself get caged into expectations or societal constructs of any kind. You are fluid in any way that you can take that."
"Sex is just meant to be this fluid exchange between mind and body."
"We're talking about binaries and we're talking about um either ores and doing something that we're told we need to do to produce or uh support this structure that's in place and what we really need to come back to is the fluidity of humanity and life."
"Matter is fluid and flows like a stream constantly changing from one thing to another."
"He talks about himself as a shape-shifter, saying 'I do not have a specific identity.'"
"Non-binary isn't a new thing, it's just a new term. There's just basically someone that doesn't feel like they are either masculine or feminine. They kind of float between the two."
"Just kind of giving it the appearance that, you know, it was made with a fluid type of substance."
"I don't have it figured all out... I don't label myself... I'm just fluid in sexuality, love, gender, all of it."
"Your attitude should be large or small according to the situation. Upper, lower, and middle attitudes are decisive; left and right side attitudes are fluid."
"It's nice to see with Nate, he was just flowing through the course, nothing forced."
"Desire is not a fixed biological essence but something capable of infinite recomposition."
"In the absence of it, you find the fluidity, you find the grace, you find the freedom."
"Water speaks to a certain aspect of our life: fluidity, yielding, flexibility."
"Everything is just getting more malleable, like things are moving."
"The more you experiment, the more fluid your rhythm will become. And that's what rhythm and timing is all about."
"But you my dear, you have learned how truly to be water."
"Magic offered a fluidity that didn't hinge on pinpoint precision."
"A sudden transition, a smooth transition."
"...the animation was like even at a higher frame rate... it just felt way more fluid."
"Inside and outside lose meaning here because it's just the continuous flow of ever-changing experiencing forms, shaped sounds colors."
"We already know now that the text of scripture was for them much more fluid than it is for us."
"Most other identities, and particularly in the 21st century, are more fluid than they've ever been."
"Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
"There's something really sultry about you. Think of water—it cleanses and anything that goes into water becomes part of its flow."
"It's almost like an ever-changing artwork."
"You put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend."
"We need to move beyond gender, beyond rigid categories."
"It's not going to be absolutely hard edge where one stops and the other one starts."
"Reality is perception, perceptions change, reality is fluid."
"You're hard to figure out because you're hard to Define, you're hard to put in a box."
"...the whole game is really a tutorial for something bigger and the more fluid and seamless you can make the tutorial the kind of better I think the game will fa in the jam I think people resonate with that..."
"Poetry in motion, that's it there you go."
"Your emotions are not fixed, they're not loyal to you."
"It's pentatonic harmony, and it's moving the formula around and being fluid as you shift positions."
"The biggest benefit I saw was more empathy. Life is a lot more fluid than that. There's no right way to be."
"I am fluid like the ocean I am soft I am strong I am powerful and I am graceful."
"Fluid, make this smooth, that's where the challenge comes in."
"These tools are great for gently encouraging the fluid to move."
"This team was looking extremely fluid till they started the climb."
"I love the term gender fluid, I think it's exciting."
"The use of the dolly in the scene allows us to smoothly follow the action free from the distractions of camera shakes."
"Stabilizers allow a shot to move with the blocking of an actor more organically than a dolly."
"It's always changing who we're supposed to love and who we're not. The only thing that stays the same is that we want who we want."
"It's constantly shifting and swaying and changing, and that's the beauty."
"This underlying idea is that sexuality and our sex is not fixed anymore."
"Damn, it was fluid, it looked good."
"The natural world is much more fluid, much more dynamic than we ever realized."
"When I met her, it was like a fluid, natural thing."
"The water is not only a reflection of the waterfall, but it's also the movement of the waterfall."
"These guys are absolute masters of keeping the momentum going while they slide."
"Gender-fluid who's having the last laugh now?"
"It's about fluid motion, it's not about effort."
"The feminine energy operates predominantly from sensuality, sensitivity, fluidity. Movement and flowing increase feminine energy."
"There's fluid creativity where things happen more spontaneously."
"Fluidity is key. Feminine energy is all about fluidity."
"You are still water, whether you are a wave or there is no wave in the ocean."
"Gender fluid, imagine me and Williams, we were genderfluid."
"We're constantly shifting and changing."
"The bike just flows between bend and bend."
"She was fluid as water, precise as lightning, fast as a star hurtling to Earth."
"it's like you're going to glide through it"
"I try to follow the Bruce Lee philosophy as much as I can of be like water and just try to move with the times."
"This new generation is a lot more fluid, open to sexual fluidity."
"It is just fluid, it's just me, it's just you."
"It's like either you're like this it girl or you're like this home and I just like I'm such a fluid woman you know like I'm a Southern girl."
"Water has infinite octane, so that's why it adds power."
"Change is the key to new life, be water my friend."
"You're allowed to change your mind. It's okay for you to grow. Feminine energy is about fluidity, flowing, and movement."
"Symbols, signifiers, they generate their meaning out of the submission of energy from the believer, they're fluid rather than stable, they mean different things at different times."
"The moment you let go, the moment you open up, the moment you give, that's when everything becomes fluid and things flow into you."
"Everything can be fluid which is pretty crazy and something you really can't do without database systems."
"I would only say no because it's not a requirement for me. Like, that's not my... I'm fluid when it comes to relationships. The ethics is way more important than more than anything."
"Neither each person's identity now a collective identity are fixed and established once and for all."
"I think like making these spaces as fluid as possible will also mean that the work can evolve to exist somewhere that is free from more binary constraints."
"That's why it's called the dance."
"Be like a jellyfish, just allow yourself to be taken where you need to."
"It's like a river, it's not, but it's like part of this crazy convoluted flowage."
"Reflect on its fluidity, adaptability, and its vital role in sustaining life."
"When you create a script, I kind of feel like you limit yourself to whatever the script is. But if you have a conversation, then you pretty much flow to where it takes you."
"Played around with the easing a little bit to make sure it doesn't ever like fully come to a complete stop."
"So even when just scrolling, but especially when working with quick brushstrokes or working with videos and animation, you will realize that it really stands out as a really fluid impression."
"Everything just kind of flows together."
"Gender is not fixed and formed, gender is fluid and formless."
"Fluidity defines this generation, breaking down traditional categories and norms."
"You can do anything with them. There's no limitations to that. They flow fluid fast."
"Life is fluid, things are fluid." "Yeah, don't let anyone put you in a box, it's rubbish." (Cheering)
"I'm just going with the flow of life."
"There's no such thing as sexuality."
"Fluidity comes down to practicing dynamics, making every note intentional."
"As you move through the rowing stroke... there's really no beginning or end point."
"The art is so fluid that I could feel the characters just gliding around."
"It's all good if you're not with my rhythm, but move in a way that feels good, that feels fluid."
"Gender is fluid, very, very bedazzled."
"If the breath is not smooth, then our movements cannot be smooth."
"Embrace the fact that life is fluid."
"Fluidity, that's what we're looking for, one with the motorcycle, like slow dancing out here."
"This water flow is all about finding fluidity, moving past resistance, and surrendering into your truest, deepest flow."
"Water is fluid but water is also very strong over time."
"Slowly, slowly, not forcing our body deeper, but gently encouraging our body to move fluidly to create more space."
"He moves like a smooth combination of water and smoke."
"Your sexuality, the way you feel about yourself, changes."
"I think very very few people are like 100% fem or 100%."
"Try that out, practice all this stuff, make sure it makes sense, make sure you're fluid in your process."
"I'm being water baby, being water."