
Algorithm Quotes

There are 782 quotes

"It's not just the algorithm driving this; there's also then this bigger hand that comes in that then picks who the algorithmic winners and losers are going to be."
"The more likes a video gets, the more likely the YouTube algorithm is to recommend this video to a brand new audience."
"You have to create a different algorithm, and that's going against the grain."
"You now have a broad understanding of an algorithm that most people won't see unless they take a graduate level computer science class."
"The GJK algorithm beautifully combines each of these perspectives to create an incredibly efficient solution to the problem of shape intersection."
"It's kind of amazing that anybody who's a YouTuber has their entire career determined by an algorithm."
"What the algorithm is designed to do is follow the audience and make them happy. That is exactly the same as what you need to do."
"In addition to letting the algorithm decide what goes viral, staff for TikTok and ByteDance also secretly hand pick specific videos and supercharge their distribution."
"Consistency is key - post consistently and feed the algorithm."
"Know the platform... what makes it breathe, what makes it come to life... have an understanding of the algorithm."
"It's heartening to know that if you do real in-depth journalism and you bother to go deep that you can be rewarded by the algorithm as well."
"Fine! God! The algorithm requires engagement."
"Hitting the Subscribe button essentially gives the algorithm a happy signal."
"Comment for the YouTube algorithm and like for the YouTube algorithm."
"Gradient descent is used everywhere in machine learning."
"Strategically, it was just hitting the algorithm better at that point than Ian and Anthony sketches."
"All the comments helped the algorithm, they're much appreciated."
"Algorithmically suppressing what they're saying."
"And then the more like, uh, commentary based thing being promoted heavily within the like YouTube algorithm itself."
"It's not like, 'Oh, you upload more, the algorithm is gonna favor you.'"
"Meaning if I double the length of the list in the worst case, it's going to take me twice as much time to find that it's not there."
"You just smash that like button... it pushes us further out into the algorithm."
"If you like our content go ahead and hit the like button because apparently there's this thing called the YouTube algorithm that definitely helps us."
"Credit is just the algorithm based off of your financial behavior."
"Hitting the like button and putting a message in chat helps... it helps the YouTube algorithm say hey this is something that other people should be watching too."
"As soon as you get a handle on the algorithm and you're able to manipulate has a negative connotation but you're able to make it work for you rather than against you I found that it's actually really really easy to grow on Instagram."
"Merge sort is also something that you've probably seen... it's a very pretty algorithm."
"YouTube suggests videos based on two main factors."
"With a big YouTube channel that gets good views, the YouTube algorithm is gonna push it and bring in new viewers."
"We're almost about to cross another thousand threshold again, help us get there, it does help with the algorithm."
"Viola-Jones face detection is a very famous algorithm." - Bruce Tannenbaum
"Understanding and cracking the YouTube algorithm should be one of, if not your number one priority when trying to grow your channel."
"Instagram is not going to change and if you want to make Instagram your platform you have to succumb to the algorithm."
"Understanding the training data and algorithm context is key to explainable AI."
"It seems easy but to get in the algorithm, get those viewership and subscribers, a lot of work into it."
"Upload every three to four days because the algorithm loves this and so do people."
"It helps me out a ton, the algorithm. We're shooting for 1k likes in the first 24 hours."
"The ranking network takes all the possible videos from the candidate generator and scores them based on what it thinks you're most likely to watch for the longest."
"This is not speculation. These are the secrets of the algorithm delivered by the people who made it themselves."
"YouTube's algorithm is constantly closing the door and opening a different door. You just have to figure out where that other door is."
"Feel free to leave a like for the algorithm."
"There's no algorithm to please, the extra video can really take its time and show a lot of interesting details."
"Gradient descent in particular has a slower rate. It's one over k."
"Creators with excellent long-form video skills need to figure out some way of feeding the shorts algorithm without polluting their brand and channel value."
"Comment below and hit the like button because that helps with the algorithms."
"I'm not going to pretend that all of these tactics can be found through some algorithm I know that people look for that it doesn't exist."
"Y'all don't forget to smash up the likes. Smash those likes up, put it in their face, fam. When you smash those likes up, it helps with the algorithm."
"YouTube promotes videos that keep people on YouTube, and longer videos do that best."
"What makes YouTube YouTube is their AI algorithm."
"Enjoyed this video click the like button I'm pretty sure it does something in the algorithm."
"We live in a society where an algorithm can make you famous."
"The overall goal of the YouTube algorithm is to help viewers find exactly what they are searching for, to find exactly what they want to watch, and then retain them and have them stay on that platform for as long as they possibly can."
"We can't make it an algorithm. If we were looking for something algorithmic, we're fundamentally misapprehending the ontology that has to be at its basis."
"Integrating video into your ongoing content creation... is currently getting a lot of reach and engagement within their algorithm."
"The ability to train through algorithmic advances plus machine learning hardware much larger scale models and much more capable models."
"This triangulation algorithm actually has a name, and it's called the ear clipping algorithm."
"The magic is in the algorithm; that's where it all started from."
"The algorithm we've ended up with makes the individual layers have more interesting mountainy shapes."
"These rewards tell the agent what's good and bad, and the agent uses some algorithm to try to maximize rewards over time."
"I'm going to teach you another approach: we'll generate a corridor around the shortest path."
"Don't forget to comment, like, share, and subscribe; liking helps with the algorithm."
"Guys, I am facing the most powerful enemy any YouTuber can face: the algorithm."
"Every time you do, we attack that algorithm and we drive it back until it can no longer defeat this channel."
"The next era of exploration is not out; it's in, and it's not our minds that will run reality; it's the algorithm."
"Again this is an algorithm it's not perfect so you're going to have to edit and use that as a starting point but great new feature if you're just learning to train your ears."
"The implications are really mind-boggling when an algorithm knows such an important thing about you before you know it about yourself."
"I think it's not quite right to say that you have to fight between what the algorithm wants and what the audience wants because the algorithm and the audience are one and the same."
"Once you learn the algorithm, it's about to be flowing in."
"Please don't forget to like this video, share it with your friends, and leave a comment so the hungry monster that is the YouTube algorithm doesn't devour my channel."
"If you like the video like subscribe to the channel if you don't hit the dislike button leave me comments down below because the algorithm God is hungry and we must feed her."
"I love to use random forest as my default model for most machine learning for a few reasons."
"And if you guys are getting some value from this video it would mean the world to me if you could drop a like down below for the algorithm."
"The algorithm is literally just a reflection of people watching it to a large degree."
"Hit the like button as well that just helps the channel to float to the top of the YouTube algorithm and hopefully I'll see you next time for another video thanks for watching."
"Can I get a thumbs up for the YouTube algorithm? It will really, really help us out."
"In this case, we're using the most secure encryption algorithm practical to prevent the encryption key from being cracked by attackers."
"...an algorithm knows exactly what makes your skin crawl."
"When we focus on our customers instead of the algorithm, the algorithm just ends up working in our favor anyway."
"I wish the algorithm was better at realizing that yes you do like variety."
"Remember, you're playing in someone else's sandbox, and if those set of rules are constantly changing, you're going to want to be informed and be updated on the new algorithm updates."
"Anything that has a runtime complexity of O(1) will take the same amount of time regardless of the data size."
"As the data size increases, this algorithm is going to be more and more efficient compared to the early stages with a small data set."
"Otherwise, please like, subscribe, hit that bell for notifications, leave a comment for the algorithm."
"If you have not liked the video already, make sure to like it for the YouTube algorithm."
"Your audience determines if the algorithm pushes your video."
"Who doesn't love an algorithm that's being helped, right?"
"The Spotify algorithm likes when you are bringing people onto the app from external sources."
"The YouTube algorithm is always striving to understand your entire audience."
"The algorithm's job is to make YouTube money by trying to keep users on the platform for as long as possible."
"That's what's so amazing about the algorithm, it's able to say okay it looks like Tiffany is trying maybe to attract this person because she's making content similar to this account."
"I survived every algorithm shift. If you listen to my advice for those trying to be a full-time YouTuber, you have to remember and understand 2013 through 2016 was a different culture. It's a different vibe back then."
"For every video that you keep uploading, it'll only help you with more chances that it might get picked up in the algorithm or more chances that you're going to keep building a community and reaching more people."
"I do actually know the literal guy who runs the YouTube algorithm. His name's Todd."
"Feeding the algorithm is called feeding the audience. It's like people want more content. They want to consume content. If you don't feed them, someone else will."
"Engagement really drives the YouTube algorithm."
"Every move I make takes a very long time to apply now and weaving each individual algorithm into my current environment is very messy."
"The best performing algorithm by far is discrete delta PPO."
"Guys, make sure you guys like today's video. It helps me in the YouTube algorithm."
"...if you enjoyed this video please subscribe to the channel, comment below if you want to see next, throw a like down it helps the algorithm, see you guys in the next one, goodbye thank you, oh and good decade."
"Dynamic programming is a powerful design technique that combines the correctness of brute force and the efficiency of greedy algorithms."
"I feel like we never paid for the clips. I do think that these days that is the thing, and you know algorithms and all of that stuff has changed on social media and so these days it's harder to be visible and I think you do have to pay to be seen, unfortunately."
"Each level of recursion, each iteration, cutting things up slashes the volume in half."
"Make sure you like, subscribe, hit any bells, all that stuff, follow everything to feed the almighty algorithm so that way you can see more of this content, you can be further educated, but also going back to it, being further exposed to help educate others."
"I manipulated the algorithm. That's why it's always good to collaborate and partner with other platforms."
"Drop a like on this video; it only takes one second and it makes a massive difference in how this video performs in the YouTube algorithm."
"It helps boost the algorithm so it's a favor for me."
"Software developer who is creating a dating algorithm so people can find true love."
"Instead of like, oh, I'm gonna follow the like few people that I don't care about that Twitter makes me follow when I sign up."
"...here's our little bit of power over the algorithm."
"If you enjoyed it, then give the video a like. It tells the algorithm that this video is good; it should be recommended to more people."
"There's always a particular section, a particular window that we care about at any given time, and it kind of slides right and grows and shrinks as it processes the string."
"That's why if you're looking up solutions for this problem you'll see a lot of things about a sliding window algorithm."
"Even though we do have two pointers, we only have one Loop through the string, and that makes this algorithm a linear time algorithm or a big O of N."
"All those little interactions really help to show the YouTube algorithm that this video is a quality video that it should show to more people."
"An algorithm is just a list of instructions. If you were to write your grocery list and the order of where things are located in the store, you've created an algorithm."
"I'm trying to get my videos to beat YouTube's algorithms, so I'd appreciate it if you press that little like button."
"I reviewed one product. Usually when I review a product, it will be in my algorithm."
"It's not necessarily an eraser of History rather it is a way of to stop promoting the history so it will no longer be pushing the algorithm."
"The more likes a video gets, the more widely YouTube will distribute it on its platform."
"Daily vloggers used to be a daily vlog. I think daily vlogs would hit if you brought them back though because I feel like putting out a video every day could just juice the algorithm for you."
"Rosc is not the end of the cardiac arrest algorithm."
"If you enjoyed the video, drop a like and let me know down in the comments if you made it all the way down to the end. Of course, give praise to that YouTube algorithm in hopes that it promotes this video to everyone else."
"Comment and share, it helps YouTube's algorithm when you guys do all that stuff."
"This is the Boost algorithm we're getting like 1,50 megab per second something like that that's pretty interesting"
"Algorithmic monetary policy: a human did create monetary policy in Bitcoin, he just threw away the keys."
"BetterHelp has an amazing algorithm that can help with this and in most cases, it will pair you with a therapist within 48 hours."
"I hope that you enjoyed, I think that's all I got so if you liked this video please do give it a like, it's super duper helps the algorithm."
"For everything else, subscribe button, like, comment, you know what to do to please the algorithm."
"...a complete algorithm for computing the 3D Vector corresponding to a triplet of spherical coordinates is given by this tight little expression."
"The more likes we get and obviously the more comments we get, YouTube's algorithm likes the video a little bit more."
"Given the mountain array return the minimum index such that index is equal to target, such an index does not exist for return negative one."
"The pros and cons of the Supermemo 2 algorithm: it's tried and tested, very simple, but it doesn't really attempt to predict the retrievability."
"There was no Silver Bullet it needed actually 32 component algorithms described in 60 pages of supplemental information."
"It's great for the YouTube algorithm I love it YouTube loves it and you'll love it too."
"Stop trying to fight the algorithm or trick the algorithm and give people what they want because all algorithms really are at the end of the day are trying to approximate what people want."
"Your algorithm is giving you the things that you actually want and don't cost you pain."
"Even if it's not your first slide of the day that gets a ton of DM replies, if you post something later on that does, that'll really signal to the algorithm that dang, this is some really engaging content."
"So as you can see when we're writing JavaScript, we first figure out what steps we need to do. This is called an algorithm and then we convert these steps or this algorithm into code."
"If all things are equal, what is Google going to use to determine who should rank? They have to look to external sources, they have to look to external factors to determine which pages are best."
"An algorithm is a set of steps to complete a task or to solve a problem."
"The TikTok algorithm somehow sees deep into your soul and understands exactly who you are and what to show you."
"It's sponsors like Onusaver.com that allow us to present the type of content we want to without having to worry if the algorithm likes it or not."
"That really helps me out with YouTube's algorithm so more people can see this."
"The Sindhi algorithm is great. It's based on simple sparse regressions, so it's very extensible, very powerful."
"Please, please do that, it really helped me out a lot and it will also let the YouTube algorithm know that you're enjoying the content."
"What about binary search? How many steps does binary search take on the order of according to this chart? Yeah? Log n."
"So binary search indeed would be on the order of log n."
"So this is to say when a computer scientist talks about, thinks about the efficiency of algorithms, we just throw away the constant terms that when n gets really large just don't seem to matter as much."
"Smashing a like on this video helps out a ton with YouTube's algorithm and it truly does make a massive difference."
"...let your legacy cause my video getting promoted a little more in the algorithm."
"Execute the inner loop for every value of the outer loop."
"If the algorithm brought you here, we are reacting to the old MCU. You guys can go check that out."
"Realistically, n log n is one of the best you can do unless you really wanted to do something clever with a bucketing type solution."
"If your path remains unaltered, you will forever be slaved to the algorithm."
"By the way, do me a favor. If you see something in this video that you enjoy, click on the 'Like' button! It really helps out the channel with the YouTube algorithm."
"An algorithm is computable if and only if it can be encoded as a Turing machine."
"...I am facing the most powerful enemy any YouTuber can face the algorithm and I need your help to defeat him."
"If you guys are subscribed, you've hit that button, you hit the notification Bell and you're not seeing two to four videos a week here on the channel you are being censored by an algorithm from my content."
"Hashing is a technique that takes any number of inputs and maps them to a finite number of outputs."
"...if you do like these videos hit hit like for me, bump that like button up so this gets going in the algorithm."
"Smash that like button for the algorithm, thank you."
"The other thing that TikTok does really well that YouTube is obviously catching up as like one of the original platforms, the algorithm is a little bit different."
"This is totally going to break the algorithm and get you on the first page of Airbnb."
"When you hit that like, it actually moves us up in the algorithm."
"The algorithm favors people who are active. So if you're commenting back, it does boost your post."
"...if you found it helpful will you please give it a thumbs up it really helps the algorithms to start suggesting it to more viewers like you."
"I go home and I put on YouTube and it's just like the algorithm just starts pouring in about everything I need to be watching I'm just like [ __ ] I'm gonna tap in and watch it all like let me just check in this Hell's Kitchen coming up in those things."
"Because at the end of the day, I'm the algorithm, you know what I'm saying? That's what it is."
"Shorts are a very powerful way to get yourself into the algorithm a little bit more."
"Great work on the Twitch algorithm. I just love the amount of anime and Bobs and vtubers I get. Really reminds me who the people are that watch My Stream and that they're all the generates."
"If you upload 21 shorts in 21 days, at 2:21 in the afternoon, that are 21 seconds each, it'll break the YouTube algorithm."
"Data dominates. If you've chosen the right data structures and organize things well, the algorithm will almost always be self-evident."
"You're niching down to an audience and that's how you beat the algorithm."
"I just felt like everything was failing for me I was like surrendering to like algorithms and almost accepting failure and defeat but I just felt helpless because sometimes these things like YouTube and performance and Views and metrics like it's out of your control."
"Clearly, if we want block sort to be efficient on relatively small sublists, we need a different implementation."
"Now we just have to turn this merging algorithm into a sorting algorithm."
"The algorithm achieves optimal in-place and stable merging, a significant accomplishment in sorting."
"The algorithm that does achieve optimal in place and stable merging is block sort."
"Instagram's algorithm was designed to benefit people who have a defined niche."
"Instagram will literally tell you why they ranked that post higher on your feed."
"How the algorithm ranks your default feed is similar to how it ranks your story bubbles up top."
"I invented an algorithm to determine whether or not there was gender bias... and one of the specific things was against black people."
"YouTube is shadow banning some of our videos, and we were very high up in the algorithm. One of our videos was about to go viral, and then they took it and crushed it all because we requested a monetization review."
"Every day I let algorithms decide how I'm feeling about the world that day, which is troubling for me."
"...give it a thumbs up helps us with the algorithm."
"You can't just buy an algo and trust that it's going to make you rich. You have to actually test it, evaluate it, make sure it's stable, make sure it's robust, monitor it, and make it your own so you can really trust it."
"Whistleblowers who have left the engineering team of YouTube have come out and said listen this algorithm isn't directing you to the best content."
"Gradient descent: XK plus 1 is XK minus SK times the gradient of F at X."
"Gradient Descent is way more efficient."
"They're tired of chasing the algorithm."
"Once upon a time, this was a decent watchable commentary channel, but this past year I stopped trying to appease the algorithm."
"The algorithm has forced me to curate a channel that I absolutely hate."
"Humans always have to be in the loop because they've obviously got to be the ones who choose the algorithm, decide whether the algorithm might itself be biased or misleading."
"In all these cases, I think if a judicious use of algorithmic results could lead in much better judgments."
"Possibly saving lives medical diagnosis being the paramount case."
"If you enjoy my videos, make sure to give it a thumbs up, it helps the algorithm."
"The results up to this point have been really interesting but I think that they updated their algorithm recently because some of the results that we've seen over the last week or so have been fantastic."
"The algorithm is giving the people what they want."
"My entire TikTok algorithm is like 'let's test your reflexes' and it's like a girl with her PJs. I don't get that many titties ever since, yeah, ever since Persian Smoochie, she got her con like account version."