
Spiritual Gift Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"How much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"
"I believe the greatest spiritual gift is kindness. Statistics show that when a divorce is imminent, when a marriage is on the rocks, the first thing to go is the kindness and politeness."
"The Holy Spirit is the greatest gift you will ever receive this side of eternity."
"The Quran is the greatest gift you will ever have in your life."
"You cannot buy what Jesus gave us for free. You cannot sell it. It's for free and anybody can access it."
"Joy is something you can't obtain on your own; it's a gift that's offered to you to be received, and it comes through a relationship with Jesus."
"I am in awe over the gift God has entrusted to you, a prophecy."
"Your gift is going to help bring a message of freedom to someone who is bound by a demonic power."
"It's the gift of salvation, but you must receive that gift by faith in Christ."
"You don't have to demonize sex and sexuality and sexual expression and sexual art as something that should be despised because it's actually a gift from God."
"Peace is a precious, precious gift from One person, and that's Jesus."
"What if the greatest gift was not a thing but it was what God placed on the inside of you being unwrapped to the world?"
"Singleness is a gift from God, that's how the Bible talks about singleness. Not like it's some sort of second class status, but rather that it is a gift."
"God gave such a beautiful gift to a young man that longed for it for years and years and years."
"Discernment isn't vague, it's sharp, pointed, and specific."
"Your life is God's gift to you and who you become is your gift back to God."
"The gift of the Son of God as our Savior, Lord, Master and the hope and the promise of Heaven forever and ever and ever."
"The gift of righteousness and the abundance of grace."
"God will give you a love for lost souls, a passion to reach them, and that is 90% of the gift of soul-winning."
"A prophet was given the ability to communicate in a way that others can understand."
"Each of us will experience the afterlife... received the gift... asking him to be Lord."
"I believe Ryan that you have that anointing... for giving freedom to those who are captive."
"We're gonna pray for importation. Importation means the gift that is upon our life as a staff, as a ministry. We're gonna pray that that is imparted to your life."
"The eternal life that he gives... begins the moment you put your trust in Jesus."
"Why wouldn't you? That's why it's called a gift. Receive the gift and be saved before it's too late."
"The best gift your heavenly father could give is the Holy Spirit."
"The gift of eternal marriage and family, is a gift that all faithful will receive, either in this life or the next. And what greater gift could there be?"
"I saw the heavens open, I believe you were one who is opening heavens for sure through your intercessory gift."
"Regarding moral purity, I look at it as a gift that we get to give to our future husband or wife."
"If you are a practitioner of your faith, you will do what is necessary to value the gift that we all have been given on this side." - Reverend Jeff Carr
"The power that he's offering us as a gift is the power of his resurrection."
"God gave you this gift and it's unbelievable."
"God's law as a part of the everlasting covenant is a true gift indeed." - "His will and his law are one. God says that right is right because it describes the best possible relationships."
"God's free gift of Grace was given to all, regardless of our ability to comprehend it."
"The word of knowledge is a supernatural thing you need to lean into it trust God."
"Empathy is a gift that you ask God for, and when God gives you that gift, you nurture it."
"The people do the speaking as the spirit gave them the utterance."
"More than ourselves, more than just people who believe, but this gift of the Holy Spirit that actually makes us martyrs, it actually makes us witnesses."
"God wants to give us the gift of the Holy Spirit. You do not have to be afraid of seeking the Holy Spirit or seeking a greater experience with the Spirit."
"The gift that proves that God is for you, not against you, is the gift of his son Jesus Christ."
"Grace is a free gift that we could do nothing to earn."
"It's going to be very emotionally fulfilling. This is a gift from spirit."
"All you need is a ticket to get on board... and the ticket is Faith."
"If we can reach beyond ourselves and help awaken others, it is a great gift that we can offer."
"The best thing you can receive is a new heart, and it's a gift from God."
"You are something special, spiritually gifted."
"It's a gift from Jesus who represents Grace from above."
"It's by the blood of Christ and the free gift of God that you were saved."
"Ultimately what you're being given here by Uriel is the gift of love, the gift of love and light into your heart."
"He took my disgrace and gave me his amazing grace."
"I believe that God is going to impart to many a gift of faith in this new era."
"Eternal life is a free gift of God and it comes because of God's mercy not because of anything we do."
"Salvation is the most valuable gift anyone can ever receive."
"It's not a human character trait of submission... it's a God imparted, a God gifted humility."
"Inside of you lies a very beautiful gift, the Holy Grail."
"Even the faith that you have today is a gift from God."
"A gift from the universe, good karma headed your way."
"Sharing the gospel is the most powerful thing that we can give to somebody. It's a gift to be able to share the gospel and it's a privilege to be able to know the gospel."
"God's word, spirit, however you see the divine, the universe is handing you a gift of prosperity."
"You're being given a gift from the divine, from God, from your spiritual team, and it's all empowering."
"The most powerful gift you can give to your children is to lay your hands upon them and speak a blessing over them."
"Humility is called for now, as grace is an unearned gift."
"You're being offered a spiritual gift from the divine mother, Leo. Let yourself receive her loving gifts."
"When it comes to any spiritual gift, if a man does not believe in the power of the Holy Ghost operating in a church then that cuts out the quickening."
"The discernment of spirits is a vital gift in the body of Christ."
"The need for the gift of discernment."
"The ability to know things that you can't just read based off of somebody's body language or cues, like that knower, that's a spiritual gift."
"Your gift is a missionary gift, and it will change this country!"
"So, salvation by grace through faith. And that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God."
"Untold thousands of lives can be touched with your word."
"You are going to operate in your divine gift beyond your ability."
"Stress-free living is a gift, it's a blessing, it's a blessing, it's a blessing that comes from God."
"As you have given him authority over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as you have given him."
"The gift of faith puts you in the realm of helping people receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Inspiring faith, a dimension where you just simply believe things are going to happen."
"The truth of God is a gift to you in these last days."
"Happy birthday, Jesus. Thank you, Lord, for the greatest gift ever."
"You have a faith that was given to you as a gift."
"God knows exactly who he's called to be these certain offices of ministry so he's put those gifts inside of people. They're born with it but many people do not know they have this gift inside."
"I leave the gift of peace with you, my peace."
"We will overflow with gratitude towards our Maker and Creator for His great gift to us: theosis by grace."
"If you knew the gift of God and who it is that says to thee, give me to drink, you would have asked of him, and he would have given you living water."
"Each believer is a special gift from the Father to the Son."
"You have a powerful healing gift. Have faith in your abilities; stay true to your path as a Healer."
"It's that intuition we all have, it's a god-given gift for us."
"This is the gift of eternal life; it is eternal life begun. Those who have it can never die."
"You got an intuitive nudge, you have the spirit of discernment, that is a gift."
"A Tarot reader would tell this person that you are a true gift."
"For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you a spiritual gift."
"Repent and be baptized each one of you for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"When God anoints you, it is an oil that cannot be hidden."
"I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."
"She's a tremendous gift to the body of Christ."
"God sent His son Jesus to help us, that's a lot of love."
"We have been gifted with grace without responsibility."
"My peace I leave with you; not as the world gives do I give to you."
"The capacity of being ‘quick to observe’ is a seemingly simple and perhaps underappreciated spiritual gift."
"Fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands."
"Fan into flame this gift... it's a gift that you received through the laying on of hands."
"God’s greatest gift—eternal life—will be given only to a comparative few: those who respond to Jesus’ invitation, 'Come, follow me.'"
"It is the gift of being able to judge between good and evil spirits."
"Knowing that I'm known by my Creator, what a tremendous gift."
"The greatest gift God can give you is evangelism because you're snatching someone out of the kingdom of darkness and bringing them to the kingdom of light."
"...we are justified by grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."
"This is a fresh start, this is a new beginning, and this is a gift from spirit."
"We are to take prophecy as a gift from God, not to work out a timetable, but that we may be comforted."
"The women in our family are gifted with susceptible feelings; they are born with a veil that allows them to see things that others cannot."
"Repent and be baptized every one of you, that you might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"My peace I give you, not as the world gives, do I give unto you."
"Condemnation has been dealt the deathblow for those who simply receive the free gift of Jesus."
"My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give."
"She had a very amazing gift of discernment."
"The real gift of discernment comes from knowing the Word of God very well."
"Being an empath is one of the most common spiritual gifts because it's so commonly needed."
"The best gift I ever received was my salvation."
"There is a prophetic remnant rising up in the earth who want to be called out, trained, and activated in their gift to hear God's voice and deliver His messages to His people."
"He claims that he has a gift which enables him to talk to souls in between life and death and help them make a transition."
"The gift of helps is a powerful gift because He has to anoint you to be able to help anyone."
"My peace I give you; not as the world gives do I give to you."
"Open your heart and receive this peace that I give you today."
"That was the gift that is available to us even now, the gift of Naam."
"Accept the free gift of Salvation."
"Salvation cost us absolutely nothing; it is a gift."
"All is self; this realization is the diamond and a gift from the guru."
"You see, that gift of faith was on me; I had the mind of God."
"The AME Church is the best gift that God has given African Americans."
"It's not faith that your own Spirit generated; He took of His own faith and made it yours."
"We have a gift from Arjunus, 'God bless you, brother.'"
"The Holy Spirit was the highest of all gifts that He could solicit from His Father for the exaltation of His people."
"Hillsong was a gift to this earth, to us."
"The love of God is poured into our hearts by the Spirit who is given to us."
"I exchange my sinful life for His perfect life, and I receive His free gift of salvation."
"I've got a gift from God, I can heal."
"The principle that was revealed to us in Jesus, apart from law, is that God has done it and He's given it to us as a free gift."
"We must forgive in order to receive his gift of atonement."
"May the spirit of Faith be your portion in the name of Jesus."
"When the spirit comes upon them, they will be able to devise artistic designs."
"They all received the gift of the Holy Spirit."
"Your spiritual gift is your creativity."
"You may think you're going crazy, but it's always been there, this gift you're hearing voices for."
"Thank you, Jesus, and thank you, God, for giving us the gift of Jesus Christ."
"Jesus is the best and greatest gift ever."
"Observe in silence... spirit's going to gift you the eyes of spirit."
"You are the biggest gift that Spirit God could ever give me."
"They feel like you're a gift, a precious gift from God."
"A spiritual gift is on its way to you, the celestial rose of the divine mother is a precious offering of sacred love to the soul."
"As you move forward, there is a sense here of getting a gift from spirit."
"You are this person who's spiritually gifted."
"You have the spiritual gift of healing and a desire to share with others."
"This is truly a gift, as the information you receive here can aid both you and others through life."