
Space Race Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"This is going to lead to the enlightenment and then the modern age because the dynamic here is, as a result of Musk proving this, he has set off an entrepreneurial space race."
"The Space Race really began when the United States and the Soviet Union competed in the 20th century to develop greater space flight capabilities."
"I think that'd be the ultimate, like mic drop, would be beating the other companies to the Moon anyway."
"The real race to the Moon between Russia and America was to get their hands on ancient technology."
"Their incredible skills enabled them when the Soviets launched Sputnik 2 only a month after Sputnik 1 to discover something new..."
"On April the 9th, the day before Gagarin's first scheduled launch attempt, the British communist newspaper the Daily Worker reported..."
"India is determined to be a leader, not a follower, in the new space race."
"SpaceX may even be the first company to visit the moon before NASA or Blue Origin."
"The Nazis basically got us to the moon because that technology, the V2 rocket, ended up splintering off and becoming the ancestor to the technology that we threw into the Apollos."
"Warfare drives along technological change, a bit like the space race did."
"It's very unlikely that they would have been able to completely fake it, right? Because the U.S. and Russia were in a race to see who could get to the moon first."
"That's all something that's going to be taken into account here is who's going to win this space race."
"The moon is the goal by which each respective nation will test their strengths."
"Sputnik... a stunning technical achievement."
"By the time Starship makes it to orbit, Blue Origin will have done more promotion for it than SpaceX."
"Space suddenly a looming battleground in the building Cold War."
"The issue was not the 23 inch diameter sphere that produced a small radio beep per se, but the park surface explains the huge Soviet rocket that hurled the satellite into space."
"Nothing particularly wonderful has happened to me in my life but now it appears I'm going to be part of the Space Race."
"We really are seeing the beginnings of a whole new space race."
"We won the Cold War 'cause we went to the moon. And we said, 'Please don't do this anymore.' We went, (tssss). 'Sheesh.' We sheeshed our way to victory. We got ice in our veins. And we went to the moon."
"We're actually involved in an arms race in space."
"Chinese officials predict surpassing American capability in space as soon as 2045."
"The Soviet Union achieved the first successful launch."
"The Space Race had begun, and it inspired some incredible advances in science and exploration."
"This is a memorial to celebrate the Soviet space dogs and their contribution to the space race and space information in general."
"If we define the parameters of the space race by its actual political goal, the Soviet Union certainly won."
"Without Werner Von Braun and some of the other people he brought with him we probably would have been way behind in the space program would you agree absolutely um it had been the other way around uh the Soviets would have been on the moon."
"The real conspiracy theory is that the Russians got there first."
"The space race that began with Sputnik ended in July 1969 when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon."
"We didn't go to the moon because we want to eventually settle space we went to the moon to destroy the Soviets uh and so it's always been tied up with geopolitics."
"Her work as a human computer was made famous by the 2016 film Hidden Figures." - On Katherine Johnson
"Both the United States and Russia immediately after whatever they did in Antarctica the first thing they do is start sending stuff off to Venus and Mars."
"The potential escalation of the Cold War into outer space made many back on Earth extremely nervous."
"The race for space will not be a short one nor an easy one but it is one in which we must all participate. Help us go forward, then there is space for women."
"Why should Man's first flight to the moon be a matter of national competition?"
"The Soviet Union landed on the moon first in 1959, a decade before two American astronauts landed on the moon. The Soviet Union's Luna 2 became the first man-made object to reach the moon."
"If we're not willing to invest, then we may as well call the whole damn thing off and just surrender the moon and the solar system to the People's Republic of China."
"Horrible fire on the launch pad during a routine test, and there were serious doubts that we could beat the Russians to the Moon."
"Without Wernher von Braun, we would have not reached the moon."
"We're making more money than Academia, we're helping our country, we're participating in the Space Race."
"This is how India truly joins the Space Race."
"President Eisenhower reassures the nation that Russia's success with the first satellite does not indicate a serious lag in American rocket research."
"We're continuing to fund this to beat Russians to the Moon."
"The space race is certainly heating up."
"We never had a moment where we had such a perfect enemy because they were powerful, they were impressive. We wouldn't have gotten to the moon without them."
"We are in a space race today just as we were in the 1960s and the stakes are even higher."
"I would go again a lot on our landing on the moon. It put us far ahead in a very important technical race but it also put mankind far ahead in the possibility of exploration of the future. So, I think it was the most important story of all time."
"What Yuri Gagarin and the Vostok program engineers achieved that day was remarkable and an undeniable first."
"It would be some time before the U.S could match the Soviet rocket technology."
"The Space Race would more or less go down in history as an American victory."
"My first memory was really of the race to put a man in space."
"It really signaled the end of the Space Race and a new era of international collaboration between nations that have previously kept their programs very secretive."
"we did it we overcame the obstacles we overcame the fire the problems with the lunar module uh the problems with the Saturn V that we had and we did get people around the Moon before the Soviets"
"The space race is starting again."
"The space race was a time of incredible scientific advancement when two of the world's great nations and adversaries faced off on a front that had before only been dreamed of in human history - space."
"The Soviets also beat the Americans to achieve the first multi-person crude space flight in October 1964 and the first spacewalk on March 18, 1965."
"The Soviet Union demonstrated their missile capability with the launch of Sputnik. The US rapidly deployed the only operational missile in their arsenal."
"The greatest achievement that the Space Race possibly accomplished was the furtherance of international cooperation."
"The driving force behind the Soviet space program was still Sergey Korolev..."
"The Apollo program was good for the nation."
"Supremacy in space was vital; it said to the world we have the technological superiority over our rivals."
"Sputnik really put the United States into crisis; it was a global event."
"Every day it was orbiting the Earth 16 times, and every day it was passing over American territory; there was nothing they could do about it."
"We had the best looking flag on the moon."
"It's a bit Spacey, but you remember what was happening at the time, world history dictates... we were having the race to the moon."
"In an attempt to keep pace with the Americans, the Soviets copied the technology of the United States spacecraft with striking similarity, and called their version, Buran."
"The entire space program, you could argue, was a creature of the Cold War—a race for scientific supremacy that lifts humanity beyond Earth's atmosphere."
"Experience the space race at its most extreme in the dramatic retelling of Salyut 7, history's most daring space mission."
"The N1 L3 often hailed as the Soviet Union's lunar dream machine."
"Sputnik was earth-shattering, not only because it was the first man-made thing in space but because of the rocket that got it there."
"We were on a national mission, a mission that is today referred to as the Sputnik moment."
"President Kennedy vows that the USSR won't beat the United States to Mars."
"We're still the only country that was able to do that, that was a long time ago, and we're still, I think, way ahead as far as sending people back to the Moon."
"What occurred marked the culmination of nearly a decade's work, a definitive victory for the USA in the Cold War."
"The space race was not just about exploring space but also served as a symbolic stage for these nations to showcase their technological capabilities to the world."
"In less than nine years, the United States went from space amateur to technological hyperpower."
"This is a beast of a rocket and with the capability to put 50 tons into lunar orbit, it would give China the power they need to construct their own moon base and infrastructure with a sustained human presence."
"The Space Race is really a story of personalities."
"The Stratocaster, it was named after the space race was happening, the stratosphere, it was cool."
"The act of landing on the moon would cement American and Western dominance in the Space Race."
"A new kind of space race has appeared over the horizon."
"The Soviet threat, if you will, in the Cold War, provided an enormous motivation for those of us that were in the NASA program."
"Sputnik measured just 58 centimeters across, but every 96 minutes it crossed the skies of the USA like a new moon, a Russian moon."
"With this new revelation that there is an earth-like planet orbiting the closest star, that is the catalyst for the new space race."
"The V2 provided the technological base upon which the United States would build to develop the Saturn family of rockets that eventually carried Americans to the moon and beyond."
"Because that challenge is one that we're willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win."
"NASA was created for the US to explore space and for aeronautics research to win the space race."
"Let's win the Space Race. Launch!"
"Space exploration thrived during this time as the two countries tried to beat each other to new horizons."
"Russian tortoises actually beat man to the Moon in 1968."
"Chasing the Moon revisits the space race and moon landing for a new generation."
"I can still remember him sitting in that living room that night in '69, glued to the TV, watching the Soviets plant their red flag on the moon. The tears were rolling down his cheeks."
"The United States spent years and millions of dollars trying to develop a pen that will work in space. The Russians used a pencil."
"Sputnik causes an increase in spending on science and education in the United States."
"The biggest prize of all was to be the first to get a man on the moon."
"The competition... is how they're competing; they're competing in space and we have to understand that in order to be able to maintain the freedom and the free and open Pacific."
"1960s were the years of confrontation, the race between the United States and the Soviet Union."