
Cost Reduction Quotes

There are 479 quotes

"The cost of space launch is going to continue to go down. We are on the brink here of the beginning of a golden age of space exploration and settlement."
"SpaceX has cut the cost of space launch literally by a factor of five."
"You can do things to reduce the cost of military equipment and improve its efficacy."
"The most cost-effective means of cutting health care costs in the most humane way is to prevent health care need by focusing on wellness initiatives."
"Electricity is going to go to zero. That's what's going on, that is what the EV Revolution, the Green Revolution is."
"As president, I'm going to build on it with a public option, slashing premiums and deductions and drug costs."
"What we need to do is decrease the cost of education."
"Nike also announcing a goal to cut costs by about $2 billion over the next years."
"Solar and storage are some of the lowest cost energy, getting cheaper at 11% a year."
"Space travel is incredibly expensive but it’s already gotten way cheaper in this century, mostly from reusable rockets."
"Hundreds of thousands of Medicare patients will see their insulin costs capped at just $35 a month."
"Imagine you've seen a company who you previously wrote off as just some idiots from Silicon Valley... and they've just unveiled plans to reduce their cost to manufacture a compelling vehicle by $10,000 to $12,000."
"The last time that I did look at those stats, it was showing that the price of power in South Australia, ever since they've been introducing renewables, has been decreasing."
"The price of wind energy has gone down by 66% and solar by 80% from 2010 to 2018, thanks to technological advances."
"I honestly think that if we succeed, everything is a lot cheaper; it's going to power new forms of transportation, reduce the cost of healthcare."
"Raw materials become the majority of lithium-ion costs...creating a circular supply chain...will be one of the biggest long-term cost reduction drivers."
"Participating plans will cap cost at just $35 a month per type of insulin, and some plans may offer it free."
"We brought all the parties to the table—insurers, manufacturers, and other key players—and reached an agreement to deliver insulin at stable and drastically lower out-of-pocket costs for our seniors."
"It's reasonably simple to reduce the costs in most, if not all, of these areas without reducing the consumption or the enjoyment of the person in retirement."
"The cost of power generation has fallen by 90% when you look at renewables."
"By having a fully reusable system you vastly increase capabilities and reduce costs."
"My plan to fight inflation will lower your costs and lower the deficit."
"These floating wind turbines could reduce the cost of offshore energy by up to 75%."
"Blockchain technology can lower verification and networking costs."
"Tesla's lower lithium battery cost to slash EV operating expense."
"Reusability essentially opens the door for reducing the cost of spaceflight by a factor of 100 or more."
"Bring in all these different types of energy and you reduce the prices."
"We need to get the income up, find a cheaper place to rent, and get rid of this debt."
"Starship could take that a hundred thousand dollar price tag for a flight down to eighteen thousand."
"How do we own real estate free and clear? How do we reduce the cost of every rental by over 25 percent?"
"As hydrogen technologies like electrolyzers, fuel cells, and storage systems improve, the overall efficiency will increase and the costs drop."
"Reduce your regular spending. There are a lot of ways that you can actually reduce your monthly bills."
"2021 was the best year for Trucking growth jobs growth since 1994."
"Rocket Money will even try to negotiate and lower your bills for you by up to 20%. Yeah, you just have to push a button and it goes away."
"Making humanity multi-planetary... SpaceX is on track to reduce the cost of rocket launches by a factor of 10."
"This can cut down on the time between tests, which reduces costs and also can really accelerate the speed of innovation."
"Solar is now 85% cheaper than it was just back in 2010."
"Reduced maintenance cost in 2021: Hertz reported 'The cost of maintaining its newer Tesla EV Fleet is 50 to 60 percent below their ice Fleet.'"
"It's not just about dropping costs... it's about enabling new things."
"We need to change a lot of things, but having access to healthy foods through programs like SNAP can decrease healthcare costs by $1,400 per person per year."
"He voted against legislation that would help reduce the cost of prescription drugs and help cap the cost of insulin."
"Our productivity went through the roof and our cost structure compressed."
"The whole point is to be as cheap as possible. That's, uh, I know obviously in the future, I think it will be, um, you know, will be cheaper on something like Starship eventually."
"They've already driven down the cost of getting a kilogram into low earth orbit by 44 fold."
"It'll change the satellite industry when the vehicle is more capable and cheaper."
"By focusing on preventative healthcare through AI and data science, HealWell is poised to make a substantial impact on healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and costs benefiting patients, providers, and the healthcare system at large."
"Efficiency is the key driver to drive down costs."
"Average basic Part D premiums have dropped thirteen point five percent and average Medicare Advantage premiums have dropped twenty seven percent."
"This right to repair legislation reduces costs for end-users by creating more competition in the marketplace."
"Instead of focusing on 'orange man bad,' let's focus on lowering costs and boosting the economy."
"Hypothetically, a pooled testing system designed by machine learning could lower the cost of a test to just $3 to $5, meaning the frequency of testing could increase dramatically."
"We are currently saving up to 30% in electric cost just by using what we have now discovered."
"Ding technology helped to make the heating in Sonia centers more efficient with almost 30% Energy savings."
"Smart controls have also been implemented to offer support for the grid as well as reduce their running costs."
"Unless you're moving forward in how you're going to make your battery cheaper to produce and more efficient you're going to be stuck with higher costs."
"We need to lower costs... housing costs, energy costs, child care costs."
"In Arizona you get a one-time credit for planting up to four shade trees... any amount of shade you can put up outside is going to save your home on air conditioning costs."
"Smart concrete is filled with micro capsules of bacteria that germinate whenever water enters the cracks... reducing repair costs by half."
"The average EV is now $14,000 cheaper than a year ago."
"Reusability is the key to affordable space travel."
"So barring that genius 10-year plan, should Hunter just pay less for coke?"
"New technology is cutting costs and increasing launch frequency."
"We've approved a record number of affordable new generic drugs."
"We need the ability to turn the rocket around quickly, reuse it again, bring down the cost of access to space."
"Blockchain technology could reduce banks' infrastructure costs by between 15 and 20 billion per year by 2022."
"Take something that already exists, cut the price in half, make our own version."
"But what is central to this package and what is very important to the president is lowering costs for the American people."
"Advanced Launch vehicles and structures may help seriously reduce this cost, you can see those in our Upward Bound Series."
"It's reduced the overall cost of installing a Tesla solar roof by about 40%."
"You can tap it, the next face-down creature spell you cast this turn costs three less to cast."
"EV prices will precipitously decline over time."
"This sort of opens the doors for potentially less expensive development."
"I think it's a really cool example of how over time, once we get familiar with the design and the manufacturing concepts, the price, the economy of a technology like this can really drop."
"We're going to be able to reduce Ethereum's fees and help Ethereum be a better network."
"Our Common Sense plan will incentivize cities to speed up and lower the cost of building."
"Solar was 10 times the cost of normal power from a gas plant or something. But over the last decade, due to supportive policies, alternative energy technologies are now cheap and mainstream."
"You must look at companies and how they're harnessing AI to lower their cost structures."
"The president's top priority is to bring down costs, including lowering the cost of the internet and gas."
"This new tech could have the cost of a Model Y battery saving more than eight percent."
"This makes abundantly clear that the key to making electric cars cheaper sooner rather than later is efficiency."
"Reducing the cost of space travel means that we could really bring people to Mars."
"How about the crazy thing of curing people and making the health care prices dramatically lower through technology through disruption?"
"Lowering the cost of access to space by a lot--and starship will be another huge step in that direction."
"We had to do something to get the cost of these airplanes back down to a reasonable level."
"Tesla bot... the cost savings can be massive for Tesla."
"We were spending 150 a week on grocery. Now we're down to like 35."
"Every version of this rocket becomes less expensive to produce."
"Tesla's bringing down the cost of this technology, always about 300 miles a range to make it more accessible."
"The president's committed to lowering costs."
"Their new battery tech will be in the new Model Y, helping bring down costs and increase range."
"Gas prices bringing down more than a dollar and 30 cents a gallon."
"Legitimacy is essential for monarchies, otherwise you'll be looking at a civil war."
"Reliability needs to be reset and made cheaper."
"For every degree that you raise that thermostat, you save between one and three percent on your utility bill."
"We combined errands and dropped our overall gas bill by 30 percent every month."
"GM hopes to reduce the cost of vehicle cells by at least 60 percent."
"President Biden really has been particularly focused on reducing costs for American families, especially energy costs."
"What do you need to do first as you're building affordable housing? You need to bring the price down, you need to include the community."
"LMFP battery can replace some of the industry's nickel Cobalt cells with the same performance but at lower costs and better safety."
"So, at the end of the day, finding any and all ways to go ahead and decrease your costs is crucial."
"Reducing the cost of transportation by a factor of 10 will have knock-on effects across the economy."
"Technology lowers costs, freeing up capital and energy."
"Lithium iron phosphate will lead to a much lower-priced car."
"If we get close to nature, the lower and lower our costs are."
"Primal Amulet: Instant and sorcery spells you cast cost one less."
"Folks continue to ignore the fact that the cost to produce electric vehicles will plummet...think about the implications."
"Reusable rockets make the cost of launching things into space an order of magnitude cheaper."
"We reduced the cost of his Berserker cancels during Instinct by 30%."
"Overall, reducing that wage bill so much, it's good business."
"Every kilogram saved by removing the pilot and the cockpit is a kilogram that could go into payload or eventually fuel."
"Text2MD: Drastically reduces the need for in-person follow-ups, unnecessary visits, wait times, and all related costs." - Text2MD
"Tesla's manufacturing footprint today is evident of this with four vehicle factories capable of producing around 2 million vehicles with the fifth announced in Mexico."
"Tesla aims to take costs out across multiple fronts: the vehicle, the battery, and the power train, plus manufacturing and Manufacturing."
"I capped out-of-pocket costs for insulin at $35 a month."
"There's a lot of agreement on lowering costs for American families."
"Battery prices to fall to $99 per kilowatt-hour of storage capacity by 2025, a 40% decrease from 2022."
"Services back to the grid, which effectively reduces the price to the customer and reduces the prices for the grid."
"SpaceX's utilization of its renewable Falcon 9 rocket dramatically decreases the cost of sending satellites into space."
"That's what Starlink is for, that's what all the reusability is for, it's like how do I make it cheaper and less expensive to get people into space so we can get to Mars?"
"It'd be nice if they could bring that cost down a little bit, that would certainly be better."
"Solar panel prices have fallen 85% over the last decade."
"The cost of innovation using open source is very low... sinking the costs of innovation... it really reduces the costs of a product."
"Build Back Better will cut premiums for more than nine million Americans by an average of six hundred dollars per person."
"Depreciation is such an insidious covert car ownership cost and here's how you can cut it in half."
"Automated robots can help farmers reduce the highly variable cost of manual labor."
"Christology going from two mana to one mana, that's a 50% discount and a giant deal."
"Luna's Pocket Galaxy going from seven mana to five mana, wow that's a pretty big deal."
"One of the big ones is that the costs for them different things is much simplified in the new one."
"Reusable rockets have reduced the cost by an order of magnitude."
"We're constantly looking for what we can do to reduce cost."
"Every time you battle barbarians, the cost goes down by two."
"With more than a third of operational cost that trucking companies spent on drivers and a yearl long driver shortage self-driving is going to boost profitability at these companies exponentially."
"We could save tremendous amounts of money by making people more functional."
"The cost of grinding is cut by a huge margin."
"You get cash in which moves the books and you reduce your wage bill."
"What this package will do is lower some of the most important costs what they pay for health care for child care. It's anti-inflationary in that sense as well."
"Tesla effectively drove the cost of their vehicles down by about 50% over the span of a decade."
"Electric city bus helps the company cut its fuel costs by 68%, maintenance cost by 50%. So let's call that 70% less in fuel, 50% in maintenance costs. That's a pretty good incentive."
"We were taking action from the inflation reduction act to reduce prescription costs to seniors."
"Tesla has been able to drive down the cost of their vehicles by more than 10%."
"Urban Development - decreasing construction costs of all residential buildings by fifty percent."
"You're forcing the Russians to use a different weapon system, a more expensive one."
"You save a shit ton of money under a single-payer system because you take out the profit-making middleman; it's that simple."
"What it aims to do is create an ecosystem around the Internet of Things and it wants to reduce costs of supply chains by boosting traceability and efficiency and giving the users a lot of control and transparency of supply chains themselves."
"As Tesla increases their production, their costs per vehicle sold will actually be lower overall."
"If humanity will be a multi-planet species, if we get cost per ton to orbit to a point where we can afford to become a space race civilization and a multiplanar species." - Elon Musk
"Production costs will be slashed by taking the famed Toyota production system into a new era."
"Tesla's goal has been to drive prices down and increase EV adoption."
"There are ways to make it less expensive through financial aid or grants or scholarships."
"We have reduced Heating and electricity bills so folks have more money in their pocket."
"Spells with a chosen name you cast cost one less to cast."
"The cost of offshore wind power here in Europe has dropped by more than seventy percent in the last seven years alone."
"Lowering the cost of prescription drugs so people can afford medicine."
"The model Y has now become a whole twenty thousand dollars cheaper."
"If you could simplify your material supply chain, drive down the cost of that material, and then come very close to removing labor altogether, I think all of a sudden you get very fantastic architecture for fractions of the price."
"Lab-grown meat used to cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, now it's down into the tens of dollars per pound."
"Recycling has a huge part in driving down costs."
"In short, the cost of AI are plummeting, not declining—plummeting, falling off a cliff."
"Tesla’s new cathode manufacturing process will allow them to create a new, lower price floor."
"Almost everything gets cheaper, which includes building stuff like solar panels, batteries, and greenhouses for food."
"Elon Musk announced that the engineering team at Tesla are now starting work on a Next Generation electric car platform that he says will cost about half the price of the current model 3 and model y platform."
"What the president's trying to do with his economic agenda is do exactly that cut the cost for the American people."
"Under my plan, hundreds of thousands of Medicare patients will see their insulin costs capped at just thirty-five dollars a month."
"Tesla is working hard on their third vehicle platform... which should be half the cost of the Model 3 and Y platform."
"Anything that makes healthcare less expensive is a huge positive."
"Sea salt batteries could dramatically reduce costs."
"Pricing's been reduced and so they get discounts if you're a team Apollo member."
"The cost of rent per item goes down as I become more efficient."
"That's going to make Tesla be able to offer lower cost Tesla insurance."
"Blockchain technology is already being used on Wall Street to help lower the cost of their back office."
"I remember when each one of those walls was one million... just mind blowing how much cheaper the game has become in time."
"Reducing the cost of our vehicles is our top priority."
"Cancel your subscription services if you're not using them. Trim down on unnecessary expenses."
"As you guys saw, there are a lot of features and the Samsung is scrapped just to be able to drop the price point by $50 and include the S-Pen which is a pretty cheap pen and it's not even that great."
"Tesla's going to significantly reduce their battery manufacturing costs with this dry battery electrode technology."
"It's probably never been cheaper to build a higher performance budget gaming PC."
"SpaceX plans to apply that same technique to rockets hopefully lowering the cost of launch by up to 30%."
"There's a lot of money to be saved here if you're carrying a balance on your credit cards."
"Batteries are getting much cheaper very quickly."
"The cost of wind and solar electricity has fallen precipitously over the past decade."
"Our ultimate goal is to say, after 18 months, 80% of our clients were able to reduce their whole health care cost expenditure."
"Tesla's Battery Day presentation made it clear: reducing cost and accelerating manufacturing speed is paramount."
"Better factories for less money in less time. That's what Tesla has done."
"With skillful negotiation, she successfully secures a lower price for the seeds."
"It will change that one fundamentally limiting factor in the Spaceflight industry, which currently limits spaceflight to very expensive niche products."
"Our leaders must protect the progress we've made and commit to expanding health care and lowering cost for everyone."
"To drop the costs... dramatically changing the sort of carbon footprint as well."
"...having settlements on the moon going to Mars going to the moons of Mars whatever that all happens when you get to lower cost launch as opposed to putting everything on a big giant rocket which is what Apollo did."
"Every 10 years, we reduce the cost of computing by about 10 times."
"The cost of creation is dropping to zero."
"For every cumulative doubling in the number of whole human genome sequence costs are dropping 40%."
"We will reduce costs as much as 50 percent."
"If we could reduce the marginal cost of computing down to approximately zero, we might use it to do something insanely amazing."
"The results: 65% reduction in cost and time of production."
"The digital twin has enabled engineering and construction decisions to be taken quickly and efficiently, reducing overall costs."
"Developed and implemented a Predictive Analytics model that reduced customer churn by 15% within six months, resulting in annual cost savings of five hundred thousand dollars for the company."
"It will make green electricity production three times cheaper."
"To create a space elevator would reduce the cost of space travel by a factor of a thousand."
"...learn your propagation skills, that's one of the best ways to reduce the cost in your food Forest."
"It greatly reduces the amount of money that you have to bring out of pocket to actually close it."