
Renaissance Quotes

There are 575 quotes

"We're having a renaissance. In the first decade or so of spaceflight, we made tremendous strides."
"It's going to be a Renaissance. We're gonna have something that will be an incredible thing taking place."
"There will truly be a revival in Africa; there will be a renaissance."
"It's time to move on... but whatever is going on, I feel like there's still a chance for a renaissance for you."
"Humanism, individualism, secularism, commerce, and invention are going to drive the Renaissance."
"Philosophy and human thought as perceived by Renaissance Europeans before the close of the 15th century show how much Aristotle and Averroes stand out as protagonists."
"The triumph of Petrarch's ideas we get the School of Athens of 1507 where Islamic culture becomes a sideline."
"Irish whiskey is going through a bit of a renaissance."
"This is genuinely the best Disney film since the Disney Renaissance."
"Literature and art saw a Renaissance with works like the tale of Senu reflecting a more realistic and individualistic portrayal of life."
"We're in an existential Renaissance... we're watching it crumble."
"We just need to go through a gaming Renaissance."
"Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance."
"I'm here for the cottage cheese renaissance."
"Renaissance translates as 'Rebirth' and... a renewed interest in ancient Greco-Roman culture led to an intellectual and artistic rebirth."
"Italy reached its great heights under the Roman Empire and during the Renaissance, a powerhouse of art and culture."
"Through his efforts, he accumulated one of the largest libraries in Europe."
"For the price of this yacht, Lorenzo fueled the Renaissance for 30 years."
"A new Disney Renaissance has started with this movie."
"Florence was the epicenter of the Renaissance, that cultural explosion that propelled Europe out of the Middle Ages and into an economic, intellectual, and artistic boom time."
"Brunelleschi's dome... showed how art and science could be combined to make beauty."
"Renaissance fashion: sober, restrained, tasteful... except for the codpiece."
"But the Renaissance was an age when people began to exalt artistic genius almost as much as religious virtue."
"If this really is a pointer of things to come from Maserati, then they might just be on for an Italian Renaissance."
"And many people think it is with the Renaissance that modern culture actually begins."
"Da Vinci and Michelangelo, while best known for their works of art, also worked as military engineers during the Renaissance."
"I still find myself hoping that I'll watch some movie that has the potential to spark a teen film renaissance..."
"Maybe they are on the precipice of an animation Renaissance."
"It's a psychedelic Renaissance, a third wave of psychedelics."
"The Renaissance had many positive aspects in the fields of art, philosophy, architecture, and science..."
"The Renaissance began with Florence securely at its center."
"Giotto, considered the first modern painter, painted scenes that were more realistic and human than anything that had been done for a thousand years."
"I honestly believe that America could be in an American Renaissance in the 21st century."
"Gutenberg's technology spread across Europe like a benign virus. It gave new ideas a ticket to ride and kick-started the Renaissance."
"Towards the middle of the 14th century under the influence of art architecture and increasing commerce with the Orient Tuscany led the way essentially before the rest of Europe by being home to the Renaissance."
"What we need is a renaissance of the working class."
"There will be a renaissance, and we see it already."
"It was like discovering the Sistine Chapel if you didn't know there had been a Renaissance."
"We're entering the brink of a sort of cultural renaissance."
"It's been nearly 20 years since she has passed and her discography should have already gone through a renaissance period in a few archival campaigns." - Narrator
"Florence: considered to be the birthplace of the Renaissance."
"We stand at the threshold of a philosophical renaissance, tasked with creating meaning in a godless world."
"This industry is going to absolutely explode, and it is a renaissance to say the least."
"But of course, the ultimate Renaissance man was more than just an artist."
"Renaissances don't last forever... maybe we just lived through the renaissance."
"Artificial intelligence is a renaissance; it is a golden age."
"We need a renaissance in this ummah. We need the brightest young minds to be the most educated in their religion."
"The Renaissance gave us nuanced characters tied to powerful themes captivated animation and melodic music."
"With construction fast-tracked by papal clout, the town was transformed in just four years from a medieval jumble to a jewel of Renaissance architecture."
"It's a rebirth of perception, a Renaissance of your soul."
"A diagram drawn in the 1480s by one of the greatest creative talents of the Renaissance has gone on to become a world-famous image."
"It represents a synthesis of architecture, anatomy, and geometry."
"The Dark Ages have ended it's time to enlighten all of us the Renaissance has begun it's a time of rebirth classical sources t just optimize architecture art science music and let us think out philosophical ideas views and opinions."
"Florence is located in the heart of Tuscany and is the birthplace of the Renaissance with a population of around 400,000"
"Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in 1503, which is considered the greatest emotional painting ever done."
"The Ultimate Marvel Brand is experiencing a Renaissance."
"We're on the precipice of a Renaissance... we're going through a massive transition globally."
"It all suggests to me that this is Italian, a late Renaissance period painting."
"This is absolutely legitimate, this is the original New Renaissance that was commissioned by the Vatican."
"The Renaissance, literally meaning 'rebirth' in French, refers to the renewed interest in classical Greek and Roman scholarship and art."
"The Sistine Chapel ceiling is more than just a painted surface; it's a priceless treasure trove of Renaissance artistry."
"What we are told is like the Renaissance with the beautiful Renaissance paintings."
"We however live in the firm conviction our times will see not the decline but the Renaissance of the West."
"The Cheetah Girls would start a true Disney Renaissance."
"We need Renaissance the movie and the live album."
"If you or anyone else on the planet have seen one film from the Renaissance, chances are high it’s this one."
"I think he was a giant thinker, I think he was one of the giants of the intellectual Renaissance, and I think he was a giant of modern science."
"He was seen as a true Renaissance Prince."
"The mighty Queen of the sea is on the verge of a major Renaissance."
"That was fantastic, so yes, that is the album and I'm glad I got to show it to you. Renaissance is fantastic and I'm [__] mean it in my heart, man, that was so good."
"...the time when Disney started to create storytelling similar to the Renaissance."
"...the Disney identity and the identity of the Revival that matched the explosive power of the Renaissance in a completely different way."
"Beyoncé felt that we deserve to dance, and that's how Renaissance was kind of birthed."
"I don't want another revival. I don't believe God is going to do a revival again. I believe that we're ready for a renaissance of change, something that has never, ever led to live before."
"Renaissance ideals eventually opened the door for more scientific advancements."
"The promise of new technology catalyzed a global Renaissance."
"I really pray for a renaissance of real homemade music where people actually play together and play off each other."
"When we look back on the era of the Renaissance and we ask ourselves, 'What did the humans of that era give to us that's important to us today?' I think we would all agree it's great art, great architecture, great music."
"Born in 1452, he was the consummate Renaissance man: painter, sculptor, scientist, engineer, and thinker."
"Leonardo lived in an uncertain, violent age. Renaissance Italy was constantly at War, racked by internal disputes and under threat from other states."
"Leonardo da Vinci was an inventor pushing the boundaries of what was technologically possible at the time."
"We're navigating this Renaissance and this world, and all the permutations of it."
"Kimo de medii emerges as a pivotal figure transforming Florence into a cradle of Renaissance art and culture."
"Lorenzo deichi emerges as a pivotal figure transforming Florence into a cradle of Renaissance art and culture."
"William lived during the Elizabethan era, also known as the Golden Age, which represented the English Renaissance."
"You can't spell renaissance without AI."
"The Renaissance changed the world forever."
"It's a fantastic movie that gives me high hopes that DreamWorks is in the middle of its own Renaissance."
"This is of course the Renaissance fantasy, Petrarch begins in many ways his humanist enterprise by writing letters to Cicero."
"Palazzo Davanzati is the perfect destination to experience Renaissance Era in Florence."
"Hopefully that's what's in the plan, and if that happens then boxing will have a Renaissance period."
"Tati could be the renaissance of what people loved about the beauty community back in the day."
"In Lorenzo's era, the Medici family became synonymous with the flowering of Renaissance art and culture."
"We need a literary renaissance, we need a cultural renaissance, we need a black family renaissance, we need a spiritual renaissance."
"The Little Mermaid started what would become known to the world as the beloved Disney Renaissance."
"Thus, we can surely agree that all Renaissance portraits of beautiful women, including Ginevra, operate, as Elizabeth Cropper has said, to a greater or lesser degree in a Petrarchan context, and assume knowledge of it on the cultivated viewer's part."
"His seminal work The Divine Comedy marked the beginning of the Renaissance and inspired generations of poets."
"The passion for making portraits that inspired so many artists pervaded Italian society and culture in the 15th century."
"Their work has opened up for all of us one of 15th-century Italy's magnificent obsessions--its artists' and patrons' passion for the portrait."
"Lorenzo's rule, his intelligence, and his dedication to the arts elevated Florence during one of the most important eras in our history, ushering mankind out of the Dark Ages and into the light."
"This book, Quran, woke up sleeping Europe and it caused the Renaissance among the European people."
"She is giving Renaissance painting."
"Portugal is kind of like Western Europe's Underdog having a Renaissance now."
"The high Renaissance remains remarkable for achieving a more human and a more superhuman image of man."
"What made the Renaissance differ from the preceding period was the idea that man was in control of his world. He could operate... harmoniously with nature, with man in the center."
"The Hunger Games Josh Hutcherson Renaissance from this past month."
"The Renaissance was a period between the 14th and 17th century, specifically in Europe, that was characterized by developments in art and culture and science."
"2024 we don't know what's coming, but we do know that the ideas and the philosophies of the Renaissance permeate through society and in success in multiple realms from money to relationships to health."
"Why have we not stopped to consider the Renaissance woman and what that might look like in today's world?"
"We believe that right now there is a new Renaissance happening in the world. We believe that right now we're about to step into a new epoch, a new era where the artists will be the king and the queen of the world."
"I really appreciate your taking the time today. I'm very cautiously optimistic about this Renaissance that we're witnessing."
"We're in the renaissance of the souls."
"This timeframe was like the Renaissance."
"Venice had been the home of some of the greatest painters of the Renaissance."
"Florence, the birthplace of the Renaissance, is incredible."
"Welcome to the second renaissance."
"What had begun in Florence a century earlier was coming to a peak, an exciting time known as the high Renaissance."
"The essence of the Renaissance: Art and Science creating great Beauty."
"I think the fantasy renaissance that I think that we're going through right now."
"...artists are really endeavoring to do during the early Renaissance is to secularize these holy subjects and to make them a lot more human."
"Renaissance is much more of like a human experience, yeah."
"The fact that I'm going to be a part of this renaissance is even more crazy to me."
"A really really good example of somebody riding that awake of the Renaissance period."
"You will not know how special it was until you lose it. There was a Renaissance for comedy between 2016 and 2020."
"Are we currently in the eye of a second wave tarot renaissance?"
"Leonardo was working at the court in Milan and his employment gave him the time and money to pursue his very wide interest both in the arts and sciences, so it was a very important time for his work."
"Durer exemplifies the era associated with artistic rebirth."
"What people can't understand is that in Renaissance, those incremental advances in the field of financial mathematics translate into money."
"He really was the Renaissance yeah yeah yeah Marvis."
"In 1948, a young man who was 25 years old wrote an article for a journal called 'Present African' asking the question: 'When shall we speak of an African Renaissance?'"
"Leonardo's notebooks are a treasure trove of scientific observations, sketches, and ideas, capturing the essence of the Renaissance spirit and influencing generations of artists, scientists, and thinkers who followed."
"The Renaissance starts stressing the ethical side of rhetoric much more, seeing it as a means of forming individuals into good people."
"If we have a Renaissance, we get to retrieve all the stuff that was repressed in the last Renaissance: women, paganism, nature, mushrooms, cyclical understandings of things."
"Raleigh was almost the complete Elizabethan man: gentleman, soldier, mariner, adventurer, poet, philosopher, orator, historian, martyr."
"Artists in the Renaissance didn't work independently and alone. They usually had busy workshops with assistants carrying out all sorts of tasks."
"The tea ceremony... evolved... extraordinary confusion... but produced a renaissance... in pots."
"The dawn of the Renaissance brings a wondrous new machine, the printing press. Now books and authors flourish as never before."
"...the high Renaissance was a time not only of synthesis but also celebration of European culture."
"We're emerging from the dark age into what I'm calling the dino dark renaissance."
"Then there will be another Renaissance of gasifier vehicles."
"500 years ago, one Flemish painter, Hieronymus Bosch, took the northern Renaissance in a direction that seems radical even today."
"We are probably entering into a new renaissance period in the art world."
"Austria has massively changed their industry with very strict and stringent measures to produce wonderfully complex wines today. It really is a country in a renaissance."
"Leonardo da Vinci, widely considered the archetype of the term genius and the greatest inventor who ever lived."
"We're really entering a Renaissance with Sonic right now"
"Now is a time where we get to change the game, now is the Aquarian Renaissance."
"The first — the last great Gothic painter, and maybe the first of the modern painters, is Giotto."
"There's an alertness, it's still a church dominated world, but there's an alertness, and Europe is ready to step out of the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance."
"These festes compared to the naturalistically painted ones around the Oculus, this is the world of the Renaissance Paragon of the Arts."
"The most famous piece in the palace is the ceiling, painted by Mantegna, giving the illusion of a roof open to the sky with little putti and angels all around it, and three-dimensional paintings on the walls, a masterpiece of Renaissance art."
"The Renaissance is... well, it's the Renaissance."
"We made money we've done things we did right but when three people or four people or five people or six people coming together and it's a renaissance going on for every last one person."
"I think there's a creative Renaissance happening that's unprecedented as a result of the technology and the economics that are unfolding."
"We're really in the midst of an AI Renaissance."
"We have another Renaissance waiting right before us."
"I swept the interior of the cathedral with my eyes... devouring its rich history dating back to the Renaissance."
"Professor Campbell's 2006 book redefines the social space of the Renaissance studiolo and the social meaning of the practices of commissioning, collecting, displaying, and viewing artworks."
"Art in the Renaissance cannot be divorced from the concerns of literary, intellectual, and political history."
"Florence should not be deprived of the praise due to her... there began the study of painting, sculpture, and architecture."
"Vasari starts out talking about artists of the 14th century like Giotto and duchi oh he actually does talk about some artists who were earlier."
"Vasari is one of the first people to use the word Renaissance."
"...the creator of architecture that we can call Renaissance."
"...it really says and Brunelleschi says I can do it."
"...Brunelleschi invented different devices for example new kinds of winches and other tools that could be used."
"...what we're going to find out is that this is really Renaissance in engineering and concept."
"Renaissance architecture takes classical architectural elements and then uses them in new ways."
"The Renaissance architects use classical architectural elements, things like classical columns, domes, and rounded arches."
"Linear perspective is a mathematical or geometric method of creating the illusion of three-dimensional space on a flat surface."
"Linear perspective became completely widespread, characteristic of Renaissance art."
"Here we have these harmonious mathematical ratios, harmony is something that's very important in Renaissance art."
"This painting will come to New York for a wonderful show on Renaissance Italian portraits."
"Interesting people than George Lucas we all know. He's a filmmaker, but also a genius at technology and he understands music and art. He is a true renaissance man."
"Any time a sleeve has like a cool detail or a puff on it that indicates that it will automatically be pretty cool for Ren fest because the Renaissance time period they were all about the puffs and the ruffles."
"Thanks to the invention of the printing press during the Renaissance, written music can now be shared around."
"Madame du Pompadour, my favorite woman in history."
"She was this amazing Renaissance woman who was like good at everything."
"Pittsburgh is a metropolis really it is and it's we are coming at a time when Pittsburgh is going through this Renaissance."
"But that began to change in the Renaissance."
"The Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci was painted between 1503 and 1506."
"Bruno lur is truly the representation of a renaissance man."
"This period of cultural and political revival."
"He was taught music and astronomy, archery, the writings of Machiavelli, and seems to have been able to grasp the theological Catholic and Protestant debate that was raging throughout Europe during that time."
"Folk music is enjoying a renaissance among American youth, characterized by acoustic instrumentation and themes of social justice."
"Florence was the heart of the Renaissance and there was a new freedom to explore theology in less traditional ways as both scholarship and art flourished."
"For that week, modern visitors had the opportunity to see the chapel as it was 500 years ago when the best of the Italian Renaissance Masters Had Each contributed to the decoration of this astounding building."
"The Renaissance is a collective expression of the needs of the people of that time."
"It's like the closest version of being an artist during the Renaissance that you can have in 2024."
"The Italian Renaissance which began in Italy in the 14th century was an immensely transformative period in Western history."
"...nothing went to waste in the Renaissance."
"The construction of the Dome signified a change in human achievement for the era emphasizing the growing influence of humanism reborn in the ideals of the very early Renaissance."
"Brunner's Tempietto clearly exemplifies the influence of classical Antiquity on Renaissance architecture."
"His emphasis on the Perfection of the square and circle reflect the ideals of Antiquity and the high Renaissance."
"We're living in this new renaissance age for African-American filmmakers."
"We need the Renaissance person right to make progress in the domain-specific era."
"We're getting into like a neo golden age of comics."
"The Renaissance is often revered as the golden age of European innovation, especially in the Italian peninsula where this rebirth of culture took place."
"That's when the Renaissance began."
"Leonardo da Vinci certainly epitomizes the Renaissance man."
"Without the survival of those texts thanks for Alexandra we don't get the Renaissance."
"If there's one thing in the whole world which you can say lifted Europe out of the bolts of the Dark Ages and put it back onto the path of literacy and prosperity, it was this chair."