
Reusability Quotes

There are 352 quotes

"SpaceX, introducing the idea of reusability, changed everything."
"Another man's trash is another man's treasure."
"In functional programming, it's about decomposing a problem into a bunch of small, reusable functions."
"By having a fully reusable system you vastly increase capabilities and reduce costs."
"This is really the first reusable capsule and the first reusable rocket that has transported astronauts, and no private company has ever done that before."
"If aircraft were not reusable, how much would an air ticket cost? It would be very expensive... so that's what needs to happen for life to become multi-planetary."
"First mission for Relativity, they're already working pretty seriously on Taran R, will be fully reusable."
"Functional programming is really susceptible to arity, and so what I mean is when you produce small functions, you can really quickly feel how they become very composable and very reusable."
"Partial views are like small views that we can reuse on different views."
"With full reusability, a mission with this Behemoth could cost less than an original Falcon 1 Mission."
"You can use that one stone, whether that be glass or quartz that's been dyed, and you can reprogram it as many times as you need for it to work to your advantage."
"You can laminate it and you can get it to the point where you can write on it with dry erase markers and make it into a really useful way to show stuff."
"Methods are used to break down programs into smaller pieces that you can reuse... that's critical."
"It's cheap because the Starship's intended to be cheap because it's intended to be fully reusable."
"This rocket doing such an amazing thing, it's gone into space, delivered its payload, and now coming back to earth to be reused again."
"In order to make a rocket fully reusable you've got to basically create a rocket that can do about four percent if not more than four percent of its mass to orbit."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, honestly that's a really good explanation of the controversy."
"SpaceX made it so that Rockets are actually being able to reused."
"This booster will certainly fly again assuming everything goes well today."
"The space shuttle program ended for a lot of reasons but its core idea of reusability is more popular than ever."
"Starship can be extremely reusable while still offering performance that even a similarly sized expendable rocket couldn't even begin to compete with."
"Partial reusability is what we consider the Leading Edge of launch technology."
"The key to making Mars economical is the reusability of rockets."
"The Holy Grail is 100% reusable but affordable reusability."
"Reusability is the key to affordable space travel."
"I wouldn't put it past them to be able to fly a booster 40 times."
"Reusability will become so prolific and so the norm."
"We need the ability to turn the rocket around quickly, reuse it again, bring down the cost of access to space."
"They are essentially replacing the first stage of a traditional rocket with an easily reusable kinetic launch system."
"Making the user interface reusable is crucial."
"Rapid reusability is obviously a big part of that."
"SpaceX wants to certify all Block 5 Falcon 9 first stages up to 40 flights, which is insane."
"This is Bob and Doug's booster so I think it's super important to get the cruiser back."
"Starship will be more important for its ability to deliver large amounts of mass to low Earth orbit and be fully reusable. That's the real transformative power assuming they can pull it off."
"Boosters 1058 safely on Just Read the Instructions, the second successful landing for this booster."
"Components are elements that can be reused and they function on a master child system."
"Reusability is core to our mission here at SpaceX."
"One person's junk is another person's treasure."
"The purpose of the service files makes it so that if we have any type of reusable code that we want access through all of our components then we can create a service out of it."
"Services, basically think of them just like special components that are reusable throughout your app."
"Our challenge right now is to refly a rocket within 24 hours. That's when we'll really feel like we got the reusability piece right."
"Starship will take reusability to the next level, bringing the cost of getting mass to orbit right down."
"The entire vehicle is intended to be reused and rapidly reused so you just literally land it, fill it back up with fuel and take back off."
"That's the real game-changer with Starship is that the entire, yeah the entire vehicle is intended to be reused and rapidly reused so you just literally land it, fill it back up with fuel and take back off."
"SpaceX has figured out how to autonomously land and reuse the first stage of their rockets with a very high degree of accuracy and success."
"No one has ever built a rocket that can be fully reusable."
"Using something and putting it in something new is creativity it's just an ingredient."
"Starship is totally reusable with this design the booster won't need Landing legs which would have added extra weight and added technological complexity."
"What will happen during the first orbital Starship mission after lifting off from Star base near Boca Chica the booster will detach make a partial return and splash down in the Gulf of Mexico."
"These wiggles wire connectors are the best, they're reusable, they're easy to use."
"Reusability is a critical part of our goal of making life multiplanetary."
"Every mission provides valuable information on repeated launch and reusability."
"Functions allow us to create reusable code in Javascript."
"Starship is what shuttle always hoped it would be, a rapidly reusable heavy lift launch system."
"It looks like a proper spaceship that can carry stuff into space and be reused."
"If you make a really, really good blog app, for example, you can reuse that over and over again."
"I could reuse this so many times as long as I take good care of it."
"You can save any workbook as a template file if you want to reuse it."
"That's the beauty of methods, we basically extract some functionality, give it a name, and we can reuse it numerous times."
"Although brazing is considered a permanent joining process, it actually does have the benefit of being able to reheat that brass getting it to go liquid and having the parts come apart."
"The great news is after I put stickers on these, which are like 3D foam, they're reusable for other things."
"The ability to split up your UI into reusable pieces is just so important for a good developer experience."
"In React, everything is a component, so we can create reusable components."
"Everything in React is a component, making it easy to break down complex UIs into reusable pieces."
"But just it changes the way you think about things because you can just take it off and reuse it."
"Starliner has been engineered to be a reusable spacecraft."
"So it was more practical to have them modified. Do the cuts, add the wires, add the components, and then you can still reuse them."
"The other cool thing about gouache too is that you can rehydrate it."
"A component is an element that can be reused. So designers commonly work in things called Design Systems."
"A component is simply a reusable element that you create, and it has a number of advantages."
"This is not a one-time setup and one-time throwaway; it's something that you're going to be able to reuse again and again."
"Components have this wonderful bit of reusability. If somebody needs to edit how dots function across our entire application, they go to our dots component."
"...this is not a component library, it's a collection of reusable components."
"A lambda is an unnamed function that is not going to be reused like regular functions are."
"...all the components are composable they're reusable they're testable in isolation they're single responsibility all the good stuff."
"Components enable us to build reusable controls, reducing the number of controls on screens."
"...how rereadable is it, how rewatchable is it? This is the most rereadable ever."
"My belief is that to dramatically lower the cost of space, it's all about reusability."
"It sounds like a no-brainer that reusing a spacecraft would make it cheaper. As it turned out, the real 'ti feature made it more expensive."
"They're reusable. You can just melt it down and microwave and then let it reform."
"I think when you look at the economics of launch, the economics of full rapid reusability are so powerful that there's really no other future end state."
"We can now reuse this class library this data access library in Razor Pages, MVC, WPF, WinForms, console applications, services, worker services."
"But what distinguishes SpaceX is its quick reusability."
"Finally, let's export that class so we can use it outside."
"The point of functions is to make a reusable block of code that does something specific."
"That's why this component is good and why it's reusable."
"With the composition API, we can easily create reusable logic and code."
"Custom hooks in React make data fetching and state management reusable and clean."
"JavaScript was very useful with class components, but hooks make reusability much easier."
"Once you create the nested scene you can use it over and over and over again and it will always look great."
"No problem at all reusing rigs whatsoever."
"I absolutely love the recent direction that LEGO has gone in, and by recent, I mean in the last 10 or 15 years where they've really started to focus on reusability and adding more details and more parts that are more universal."
"A lot of this stuff you only have to do once. You're building an environment that you can use for multiple projects."
"Maybe we can take what we've built already and see how much of that we can actually just reuse."
"If you want to have a table that has things such as passing in the colors and passing in the paddings etc without having to implement it all yourself in CSS, it'd be so much better to use something that already exists than to implement it yourself."
"...maximize the reusability of the idea of a herd of information that represents a car, right? That's the kinds of stuff we might think are interesting about ours include these things..."
"Design patterns are kind of like object libraries. It gives you a chance to reuse thinking."
"With the help of functions, you can avoid rewriting the same logic or code again and again in a program. In Python, you can call functions anywhere multiple times in a single program."
"User-defined modules organize code and promote reusability."
"One of the key benefits of class-based views is the way they allow you to compose bits of reusable behavior."
"Reusability of test scripts is a key feature."
"Classes allow us to reuse styles, and the concept of reusing is great because it saves time."
"You have the opportunity to automate it, have it Version Control, and you can also reuse these configuration files."
"Packaging doesn't necessarily matter for everyone but if you want to reuse a calendar this is a great option."
"Unlike most rockets, it took off like a plane and landed like a plane."
"The whole point of it was to be a reusable and cheap ride to space for both people and cargo."
"They're called wax tablets and they're a sort of infinitely reusable ancient notebook."
"Reusability is an important key factor to almost all of the design patterns."
"We're now in the age of the reusable rocket."
"The fact that right now a Dragon flies to the International Space Station with cargo, the astronauts fill it with garbage, it returns back to the Earth, it gets filled back up with more cargo and sent back to the International Space Station on a reusable Falcon 9 rocket."
"Cloth napkins are just one simple example of how people are replacing paper towels with something that they can use time and time again."
"The promise of a fully reusable two-stage rocket is valuable."
"They enable code reusability which is a major advantage."
"That's the benefits of creating a small, distinct piece of functionality because they can be reused."
"The aim of the project really is to make the code as reusable as possible."
"Rubber in so many areas is something that can be reused; it can be sanitized and it doesn't lose its ability to do its job as a seal."
"We have this one component that can be reused in many situations."
"This is very important when you do code reusability."
"We're going to design it in a way that it can be reusable throughout our application or for other future applications."
"Reusable sets of instructions, that's what functions are."
"Will React make the front end easier? React makes more complicated front ends easier and makes your code more reusable."
"I got these holiday straws which I will 1,000% like reuse and reuse and reuse."
"There's no reason you could not create a fully reusable first stage that could be fired over and over again."
"The goal of modules is to be reusable."
"The rocket recovery system is vital because it returns all of your hard work to the ground, to be flown again."
"So functions are great, because we can reuse the code that we write inside the function."
"Rapid reusability calling it the holy grail of space flight."
"The turnaround time to refly each booster to be as little as one hour while a ship would be ready to launch again within six hours of landing."
"We've now got a reusable view that's going to generate Fibonacci numbers."
"Another hack for packing light is to wear on repeat. What items can you re-wear over again?"
"Inheritance, together with polymorphism, gives you the reusability, and that's what's making object-oriented programming so successful."
"They were designed to be rebuilt and used over and over again, instead of just being thrown away and replaced when they wore out."
"Demonstrating that we could launch it, it can perform a mission, and then return, and then we can recycle that and do it again."
"Just because you're no longer getting value from something doesn't mean it's a piece of trash; someone else might get value from it."
"I like things that are classic and simple and I like patterns that I can use over and over and over again."
"It's not garbage time, it's recycling time."
"This is not only the biggest and most powerful rocket ever constructed but it is also the first rocket that has ever been conceived to be fully reusable."
"Not only are these Rockets reusable, but they are designed to be rapidly reusable."
"If you own a Blu-ray, you could watch it as many times as you want, and then if you didn't want it anymore, you could sell it."
"Functions allow you to start small and then as you begin to accumulate more and more functions, you'll find that coding time will decrease because you're able to reuse code a lot."
"This here is the Swift Sweeper Cover and it's neat and it's practical and it's something that you can use over and over."
"You can reuse those models throughout the development cycle."
"Services allow you to reuse the logic, reuse the functionality into different parts of application."
"Each bottle is estimated to cost only about two US dollars, and should be fully reusable many times."
"This will be a pretty basic tool, and it'll be able to reuse it."
"Building a component, the main purpose is to build something that is a base unit that you can then reuse."
"Components are elements that are going to get reused."
"Combining components and Boolean groups together means that with icon design, we have the ability to reuse elements across icons that share a similar base."
"A code library is essentially a collection of helpful resources, and they should be reusable."
"Props are the reason why components can be reusable in the first place."
"We would write the component once and then we would reuse it several times and simply change the props that we passed to it."
"It's very clear how we can write code once, reuse it in several places with props."
"It's a really nice way of creating reusable interfaces or definitions of what these classes are going to be."
"One of the biggest benefits that you can gain from React Native is the advantage of code reusability."
"The ideal launch vehicle therefore is not just one that you can use again but also one that comes as a single vehicle."
"That's the beauty of templates; you can use them over and over."
"Building a web server from scratch as a library of small components allows me to reuse those components in future projects."
"The key to all certification flights is that the rocket needs to land in re-flyable condition."
"It is one of the crucial parts to keep our code clean and reusable."
"It's not one time use, so you can take it off and you can put it back on."
"The essence of the shuttle is its reusability."
"This is great for this project, but it's also another useful SwiftUI component you can use in other projects too."
"I love the idea of something that is useful, a package tag that also has life beyond being a gift package tag."
"That allows us to make this a reusable component potentially that we can use later on in a different part of our application."
"We will create a service and I will tell you how to connect a service so that you can reuse the code."
"You could pretty much copy-paste and use in any of your other Django projects."
"This stuff is reusable, which is amazing."
"The company also boasts over the pad's ability to be reused and left in systems for indefinite amounts of time without risk of composition breakdown or expansion."
"It won't cost much more than typical compounds, it won't break down over time, you can in theory use this thing over and over again."
"Every mode of transport that we use, whether it's planes, trains, automobiles, bikes, horses, is reusable, but not rockets. So we must solve this problem in order to become a spacefaring civilization."
"You can keep this mold forever, or you can just put it back in hot water, reconstitute it, and use it over and over again."
"Working with this mold maker, it's wonderful that it's a reusable product; the more you use it, the better you'll get at it."
"Enzymes are reusable; they can be used over and over again."
"This one T Seal sheet can be used up to about 500 times too, so you're buying one but it's less than a penny every time you do use it."
"Encapsulation... reduces code complexity and increases reusability."
"Reusability is a great thing; templates make it easy to reuse your code."
"You can create components and these will be your reusable artifacts that all your app makers in your tenant can leverage."
"You can really customize it, and the best part is you can reuse again and again and again."
"This is extremely reusable and extremely easy to use once everything's in place."
"The best way to make content reusable and redistributable with Ansible is to include a submodule or another file in your playbook."
"Having a really simple function that can be used with other functions to make more complex behavior maximizes the reusability of your code and also makes it more testable."
"Maximizing reusability is a big goal."
"The only way to operate a permanent outpost in orbit or beyond was to have reusability in the supply system, in the transportation system."
"By using references, we can extract these atomic decisions into their own tokens and then reuse them."
"A component is a reusable, self-contained block of code."
"Ideally, I would just want to do it in one place in one card that I'm reusing for all of these different tiers."
"The main idea here is just putting UI controls together so that we can reuse them."
"Part of the design of this system is to let you put your components in packages and reuse them and share them across projects."
"The reusability aspect is the great upgrade from the previous code we looked at."
"Best thing about flock is that it can be reused."
"A function is just a block of code that we can call that's reusable."
"Functions allow us to keep our code DRY; we don't repeat ourselves and reuse things that our machines can do over and over."
"The spacecraft was envisioned to be fully reusable, capable of carrying payloads into LEO and returning to Earth."
"It's not a waste; it's a useful output."
"With Tailwind CSS, you can just reuse your style."
"At any point, you can create this as its own slice of that email, again for reusability."
"Focus on creating simple and reusable package APIs when building exporters."
"Instead of creating a locator multiple times in different tests, we store it in a page object model once and then we use that everywhere."
"They are bits of code that have been wrapped up and given a name that we can then call again and again."
"We have made a reusable chunk of code that is not only reusable, it's not the same thing every time."