
Future Vision Quotes

There are 668 quotes

"The idea of making humanity a multiplanetary species, that idea has come."
"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind."
"The FW 46 Livery sends the message of what Williams Racing is all about in 2024: respecting the team's past but creating a new, ultra-competitive future."
"If the mobile era was defined by walled gardens, we should all work together to make sure that doesn't happen again in the AI era."
"The world needs a positive vision of the future that people can unite around, and it's got to be voluntary."
"The moment we're defined by a vision of the future, we're no longer living in the past."
"A blueprint for a magnificent future in which the world's most disadvantaged and dispossessed communities could one day be brought together under the united banner of brotherhood."
"A better, stronger, safer future is one where our youth and our communities have access to the tools and resources they need to thrive."
"William Taylor... claimed that '8973 was a time when Earth transitioned into a Utopia, a world where there is no crime or conflict and every problem has a solution."
"All of father's tests were passed by the synth, who resembles the future of the Commonwealth."
"When you start to see the future you want to create and condition your body to that future, that's when you start to really step into co-creating it."
"You are all of us together. That's what you're fighting: the fear of the small-minded who can only imagine the most boring possible future."
"The Attack Titan has the unique power of seeing into the future."
"We've built things that have brought people together in new ways. We've learned a lot from struggling with social issues and living under closed platforms. And now, it is time to take everything that we have learned and help build the next chapter."
"We can all get rich, we can all get healthy again, we can make America amazing, it's going to be this really cool country, we're going to be futuristic, we're going to have new cities, new architecture, everybody's going to love it."
"You should hope that you can see the future and have a very strong opinion about it, but that everybody else disagrees with you."
"The divine plan for the future of North America is a condition of intense activity in the greatest peace, beauty, success, prosperity, spiritual illumination, and dominion."
"A world where people are smarter, healthier, more efficient, and more at pace of progress than today; a world where we treat the environment kindly and the animals gracefully."
"These works showed us a grim visage of a dark future: metropolises flooded with toxic rain, bright neons, and an underbelly of crime and poverty."
"What really matters is that someday there's a kid living on the moon, there's a kid living in free space, there's a kid living on Mars, who looks back at the Earth and says, 'That's where we came from,' turns their head, looks the other way, and says, 'That's where we're going.'"
"This isn't just about creating a rival passage; it's about envisioning the future of global trade."
"Universal peace is the only viable future that includes open contact, disclosure, and putting the best of ourselves forward."
"Imagine a world where you don't own a car anymore, you don't need it, you have automated systems."
"Preserve the vision of who you want to be, where you want to go."
"The future paradigm is where everybody is going to be happy, strong, and healthy. And when there is happiness, there is no war."
"You need to lay out a vision of yourself as an ideal like who do you want to be five years from now."
"We come together tonight to imagine a future determined by the shining light of our hopes and values and faith."
"Jeff's vision talks about colonies that are million-person colonies in free space, rotating to create artificial gravity, and creating a trillion-person population in space."
"Six years from now, I dream of a world that is fully recovered from the COVID pandemic but most importantly where all the children and the underserved sectors will be provided with inclusive, equitable, quality education."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, then all you're left with is memories of the past."
"Despite his warnings of a grim future for all of us, Wall-E is somehow optimistic in his hopes for humanity."
"I think we can live in a better world than the one we do today, and I'd like to believe that in 100 years, people will look back scornfully at the system we have now."
"If you want to have a future where we're not oppressed or our speech is not suppressed, we have to fight very hard for that because it's such a rare thing."
"We have aspirations to basically become Star Trek."
"They don't care about humanity, they care about their idea of the potential future of their chosen humanity."
"Seeing beyond the darkness, seeing the light-filled future."
"We want you to partner with us in what we feel is a noble and necessary effort to define the future of media."
"When you hear a tech buzzword like 'the Metaverse,' it’s easy to tune it out as just another marketing stunt. But I think it actually represents a really important vision for the future of technology."
"In the 1950s, we dreamed of a better world. Clean, fusion-powered cars, robots that walk the dog, peaceful existence thanks to the wonders of science."
"A better future is possible. The challenge lies in trying to articulate one that is as bold as that offered by Elon Musk but is one in which we can all share."
"Crimes isn't quite as gory or horror-centric as some of his earlier work, but it is a much more thoughtful and strange look into the future as well as what it means to be an artist."
"We're faced with a choice, which future do you want? Do you want the future where we become a spacefaring civilization and are in many worlds and are out there among the stars or one where we are forever confined to Earth?"
"I believe we can have a better future if we have a better government."
"The end and final result will be one thousand years of building a world of peace and enlightenment."
"I'm running for president because I'm an American and a parent, and I can see the country we will leave to our children, and it is not something that I'm willing to accept."
"We're trying to put together something like an alternative vision of the future, an alternative to that kind of apocalyptic narrative that's being put forward, at least implicitly, by organizations like the WEF."
"We have years until the metaverse we envision is fully realized, so this is the start of the journey, not the end."
"It's time for us to reciprocate. It's time for us to work together to develop a world where future generations will see Parkinson's disease not as the world's fastest-growing disease but one that is extraordinarily rare."
"The future is ours... Let's not create a system just like the old system that we left. We don't have to."
"If you believe in the idea that the way you think has some effect on your life, that your thoughts produce some effect on your destiny, then the next most important question is: are you being defined by a vision of the future or a memory of the past?"
"Now that you've seen where Flutter is today and where it is headed tomorrow, let's go over some of the highlights. Flutter is expanding into the desktop and web environments, unlocking the ultimate vision of an app and developer experience that just works everywhere."
"Plus, if we win, can you imagine how good it will feel in the future knowing all your games are safe and you only have to think about whether you like the game or not? That's my vision of gaming for the future."
"What kind of culture do we want to create? Where do we want to be in 10, 20, 30 years?"
"What's the vision of our country? Where are we going to be in 30 years? Nobody can articulate that at this point in time."
"Our vision is that in 10 years everybody with a wound is going to have a wound care expert from our team assigned to managing their care."
"We are the pioneers, we are advocating the new human paradigm shift, the change that will embed in humanity and the world."
"We want to create a future where free communication is not banned by big tech."
"Join our community whose diligence and care for others will help shape a brighter future just you see."
"I'm manifesting that they happen and I'm going to look back at this video and be like, 'Oh my God, I made them come true.'"
"What kind of world do we want to live in at the end of the day?"
"One day right now in Alabama a little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers."
"A future for the United States based on cooperation, collaboration, and the pursuit of a better future for everybody."
"He wants us to create an environment where people can keep dreaming big and where the future is not limited by numbers but is full of endless possibilities."
"If I look 10 years out with all the platforms we already have and imagining those which are yet to be introduced, I just can't see a world of a dominant major label system."
"American voters must choose between three sharply divergent visions of the future."
"The future world should be characterized by multiplicity."
"We want to be on track to become a multi-pass species and a space breaking civilization."
"Achieving some kind of AI symbiosis where you have an AI extension of yourself, having that symbiosis be good, such that the future of the world is controlled by the combined will of the people of Earth."
"Investing is a long-term proposition. The most successful investors look out into the future, they see a world not next week, not next month, 10 years from now."
"Creating the next vision and kind of like where we go in the future."
"A new hope about the promise and possibility of... for all mankind."
"And 2024 is the final battle... America will be a free Nation once again."
"The legacy of Nikola Tesla is not just in his inventions but also in his vision for the future."
"What plans do you have for the business over the next five to ten years?"
"Being defined by a vision of the future instead of a memory of the past."
"We Define the future... to shape it in our own image."
"But long-term one of the things that we need to do who want to continue have a dynamic civilization and dynamic species is we need to go his the near infinite resources of space."
"You can't just imagine a better future, you can't just wish for it, gotta do something, you gotta fight for it."
"Please, please, please, maybe not in my generation, you know, maybe long after I'm dead, but the only way we're going to do this is if we become more than the sum of our parts."
"I want to live in a world of Star Trek where money, you know, the pursuits to better ourselves is the pursuit of humanity rather than a pursuit of accumulation of wealth."
"Who we are as a nation, what we stand for, most importantly, who we want to be, that's all on the ballot."
"Our task then and our responsibility dare I say is to work together to guide humanity forward into this new frontier."
"I'm running for president because I see the future we're leaving to our kids."
"I love all those little details in the design, the world-building, the confidence with which retro took this franchise and brought it seemingly into the future."
"Let's go build a better future where we don't depend on these broken systems of enslavement."
"What kind of world do you want to live in, what kind of world do you want other people to live in?"
"It's not just about the immediate success of this film and how much money they can rack in with just Dune part two, it's about the future that you see for it."
"We have a vision for the future, but you don't."
"You get to peer into the future of the man that you can be if you put in the work."
"We should want to live more in one world... nation states are not the endgame for us as a species."
"Our alliance is strong and thriving, and together we will overcome shared obstacles, seize upon shared opportunities, and build an incredible future for our country and our people, thank you very much."
"I'm not really worried about that now see go does jca future where Humanity overcomes religious and government-based power dominance."
"You won't die with this science and technology, you guys will have superpowers."
"He fell deeply in love with Arena, under Arena's influence revealed his grandiose and depraved vision for the future."
"The future will be made in America." - Vice President Kamala Harris
"He got to hype Dogecoin which he wanted to do, he shared his vision about a sustainable future for the planet, his dreams for Mars."
"I choose January 5th. I choose to push us closer towards our grand American Covenant."
"I want a future where art coexists with AI in the same way photography did with painting."
"Love the mission, love their vision for the future."
"Let's set another high target and let's go for it. Let every company in America that wants to associate itself with the future, show us their visions."
"Imagine what the world will be like if we make the changes we need to make."
"They want to move into a brighter, harmonious future."
"Overwatch's bright, hopeful, inspirational future is a setting the developer is keen to explore."
"We're never going to be content to just sit on Earth."
"Let's go build great things and grow abundant nutritive food and raise awesome animals because that's what the future is."
"Humanity is on the verge of great discoveries, one day we'll reach the stars."
"Driven by their love for, but perhaps not coherent understanding of, sci-fi, these platforms are shaping the world we live in, and what we imagine that future could look like."
"Ukraine's future lies within the Euro-Atlantic family."
"There's going to be essentially interoperability."
"Now that we face the harsh reality of trying to become multi-planetary, hopefully Elon's vision and determination will be enough to overcome all the obstacles."
"The GOP needs to be the party of doing things. The GOP vision that will have a future if it is to have a future is a GOP that does things."
"If we are prepared to imagine a different future, we can bring about that future."
"The Simca Fulgur 1958 Concept Car: a prototype of what they thought cars would look like 40 years later."
"They really saw the potential in a future with you."
"It is time to fight without shame or hesitation for a future in which what we have in common truly comes to be more important than what divides."
"Teamwork is fundamental, it's a big part of the future of a new patriarchy and a better future for this country."
"The future belongs to those who embrace human dignity, not trample it."
"We are all kind smart and creative and we will build a brighter future together."
"I'm totally going with see in the future. Yeah, I definitely like the whole concept of going full Biff like Back to the Future Biff level."
"That's what I hope for, that's the future I want for this country and for the world."
"Once Europeans stop farting around with all this equality and democracy nonsense, I think we will go to the Stars."
"The world has the chance to join in the shared objective of creating a safer, stabler future for our people and for the planet."
"The goal I propose for Humanity is the creation of a universal consciousness, a hive mind."
"The toilet of the future will capture data to improve health and fitness."
"I want an investor that aligns with my vision of the future."
"The world is one family, one Earth, one future."
"The future is all screen, it's like every commercial and music video that has the futuristic phone, it's always all screen."
"Our brightest days are just ahead, and together we will make America prouder, freer, stronger, and greater than it ever has been before."
"I want to be known as the musician who pushes the culture forward in a way that opens the door for a more broader audience for the next generation."
"How do we create a world for ourselves and our children to live in... in which we are all empowered and respected?"
"As conquerors, we're called to have an eternal perspective, to see beyond the here and now to the glorious future that God has prepared for those who love Him."
"It's simply about creating the conditions for a more democratic, better society in the future."
"Let's be the big 10-minute, let's become the 10 million person metropolis that you go that place is still Austin."
"When you look at us, you better see yourselves because this is the future for you."
"Writer Jonathan Hickman continues reshaping the x-men's past, present, and future."
"The most effective way to embody a desire is to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled."
"We can move along time's length, see the future, and alter it as we so desire."
"You really have to make big bets and see the future."
"We have to build a stronger sense of national identity, but it's going to be a different kind of national identity."
"At its best, cottage core isn't about running away from reality; it's a chance for people to find each other and imagine the future they want to sew."
"But until they can get a starship and fly it and land it and then pull it over and fly it again and land it again and pull it over and fly it again and land it again, that's going to be the revolution."
"They see a future with you; they want to be with you."
"The world is on a path to the future many have seen it for hundreds of years but here we are finally see it come to fruition."
"The idea would be to achieve a symbiosis between our biological mind and our digital mind."
"Imagine a future where we got rid of all traditional farms and replaced them with vertical farms."
"I think we should become a multi-planet civilization while that window is open."
"I feel like this is what the future human could do, it could finally instead of our fear of death being what enslaves us, it could be what liberates us."
"Hope for peace, yes. And hope for the defense of our civilization and for the building of a better civilization in the future."
"What better way to commemorate Atari's 50th anniversary than by ushering in a new era of technological innovation."
"This is an existential struggle over what life will look like in the 21st century."
"Imagine a world where energy was so clean and abundant that it was no longer a limiting factor in the growth of civilization."
"We will achieve a glorious future of American greatness beyond our wildest dreams."
"VR headsets could feel like wearing Sunglasses by the end of the decade."
"Humanity's in right now we're going to become an interplanetary civilization in a state of enlightenment and peaceful."
"The human space program will fully transition to a space industry supported by tourism."
"Imagine by 2022, hundreds of pastors preaching with the bold conviction of Jack's."
"Rapidly reusable rockets are the key to making humanity a multi-planet species."
"If EPCOT could fascinate people with a vision of the future that would inspire generations of new inventors and entrepreneurs, then that in itself would have helped achieve part of the mission of the park."
"The future should be exciting and inspiring, like becoming a space-bearing civilization."
"Even though it may take some time, even though it may be difficult, through our collective efforts, we will create a new world."
"This is what world peace is going to look like in 2024."
"Color blindness and race neutrality is our best chance at a flourishing and prosperous future."
"I hope the world gets back to normal but not the normal that we once knew, like a new and improved better normal."
"We are all time travelers turning together into the future, but let us work together to make that future the place we want to visit."
"I want the future of queer cinema to be expansive."
"She is precisely the candidate the Board needs to continue Imagining the future of Disney as we navigate a world that sees physical digital and Virtual Worlds converging."
"This vision of the future is a terrifying world where the climate we all depend on suddenly turns against us."
"Obedience to God can create a greater tomorrow. Let us follow God wherever he leads us so that we can be reborn as the people of God."
"Imagine a world where people can't hoard resources and everyone can afford to eat and live. That's where we're headed towards."
"Elon continues to talk about where he views Tesla's value going for over the long term."
"Humanity is facing a big choice. Do we choose annihilation, or do we choose enlightenment, peace, universal peace on earth and in space?"
"This embracing of every corner of the franchise also allows for the film to both feel like a love letter to what's come as well as advancing it into the future."
"I want to build a world and a country that my kids can live in, can thrive in, can prosper in, and that I can leave and be proud of."
"Fundamentally animal agriculture is an industry that has no place in our future."
"Pragmatic utopianism starts where we are but imagines where we want to be."
"Tesla is like the complete opposite which is, you know, the entirety of the world actually is going to be automated highway driving urban driving every kind of driving."
"Where it's carrying us is to a really bright democratic socialist and humane future."
"Imagining utopia helps people understand what a future world could look like."
"Our future is in our hands. Are you with me?"
"You saw the future, your future, how you become an evil deranged Batman."
"The future I would like is where we stop supporting these industries."
"It's much more about the world we want to live in in the future."
"Irish identity now can draw from many, many, many wells and we're going to build between us the island of tomorrow."
"We're moving us humanity to right direction and we'll find a way to build the better society."
"The future of space is more self-sustainable."
"We are in the future and we shaped it in our own image."
"Kids can be so creative in visualizing the future."
"All of them speak in terms of heading towards a new golden age."
"Men and women have got to get along right if we're going to have a future and you know we very often do have loving relationships."
"The future of humanity is a cooperative future, a collaborative future."
"I want a future and I want my children to have a future free from racial terror and they need an environment that can sustain life for generations to come."
"Keep going forward, what we're co-creating is coming into our reality."
"Just having clarity of identity and sense of self, I think, is the ideal future."
"I will always fight for a future like Star Trek where we take Delight in the differences of others."
"We are now at a unique point in history where you can build the world powered by truth."
"What we need is something they can believe in, a vision for a future that they actually want."
"We don't want to go back into the Freak Cove in nineteen world, we want to go back into a better world."
"We had a duty, as a government, and we made the choice of helping them."
"That's what people are telling us here. They want to celebrate George Floyd's life and look ahead to reimaging what America will be and what changes he will bring."
"With the power of robots, we will create an era of extreme abundance of goods and services where everyone can live a life of abundance." - Elon Musk