
Fragmentation Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"And societal divides, both old and new, play out in repeating circles getting more and more entrenched and leaving a society that’s fractured."
"This is the story of our times: the story of the family, once a dense cluster of many siblings and extended kin, fragmenting into ever smaller and more fragile forms."
"We're in the middle of a new phase in the culture war that first started in the 1960s, but instead of left against right, now each side has fragmented into different tribes fighting amongst themselves."
"The idea of a single worldwide web is now on its way to the ash heap of history."
"Essentially, your consciousness has to fragment, in order to deal with the fact that on one side you need that need, and on the other side, you need to cope without getting it met."
"The beginning of the fragmentation of geopolitics, if you will, is also the beginning of de-globalization."
"We are facing a polarized and fractured society."
"This is part of the splinter net and the decoupling... It's already happening."
"I hate seeing so much fragmentation within sub-communities."
"Well, the 2020s was this weird time where it felt like we were all living in our own different worlds all while our institutions crumble."
"America is basically breaking into two or three kind of balkanized countries within it."
"The outcome is not going to be a victory... Ukraine is likely broken into pieces."
"Fragmentation can happen in two ways gradually, and then suddenly."
"Fragmentation divides up an object, creating symmetry or adding another subject." - Ted Forbes
"The loss of electoral college will fracture this country into a million pieces."
"From each Astral Era, and every Umbral Calamity, the lore is as fragmented as the world itself."
"...he's been dismantled. I'm actually in pieces right now."
"so what happens the people within the so the group gets bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and what happens it starts to fragment"
"There's this part of you that feels fragmented, that feels broken."
"Spiritual bypassing is really a form of fragmentation or dissociation because you have to remember that whenever I am unwilling to see a part of me, I fragment inside."
"Somehow we've become a culture that is fragmented, rationalizes selfishness, and is fundamentally unsustainable."
"Social media... tends to fragment people's both attention and also their feelings of commonality with others."
"But that's where land is going. I mean, these parcels are just constantly getting broken up and broken up and broken up and broken up and eventually, instead of the average guy owning 80 acres, the average guy's gonna own 20 because that's what a parcel is."
"Brother everybody's fragmented people only come together when they could use each other there is no Brotherhood there is no people all cutting their fingers and [ __ ] like that."
"...I think that it really, let me put it this way, I think that it fixes one of the primary things that has always been wrong with Linux, and that is fragmentation."
"The suffering is that we pull away from our whole, we fragment, we don't have contact with an integrated whole sense of being."
"The varied visions and driving forces in different directions just got to be too much and the center fell out."
"It's become so fragmented and so convoluted that people are just checking out."
"Everybody is torn. This is a fragmented world."
"There's so much going on here but it actually breaks it all up."
"It's almost like the pressures are breaking that centralization apart."
"Communities become more fragmented."
"In psychotherapy, we struggle endlessly with the fact that most people live fragmented lives." - Carl Whitaker
"I think long term it is the case that you're going to end up with decentralized and fragmented media. You're not going to have Center Court at Wimbledon with all the elites in one Coliseum like dunking on each other like you do on Twitter."
"How do you split your soul into pieces? By an act of evil."
"I really think we're not in Nazareth. We're in Nazareth and Antioch and Constantinople and Madrid, and you have a splintering out of evangelicalism that doesn't recognize the splintering, and I think that's part of where the danger comes in."
"Unity is a sign of maturity. Disunity, being fragmented, is a sign of immaturity."
"There were four main ones across the peninsula but over time they all sort of fell apart."
"The Bible itself is now this sort of fracture Point very visibly very publicly."
"The United States is fractured, its lands divided between Mexico, greater California, New England, Quebec, and the Republic of America."
"Benefit number six: fragmented owners, the mom-and-pop effect."
"Our world is fragmenting as never before."
"At the end of the day, this deep fragmentation of identity has come down to now where we have multiple identities warring within ourselves."
"The problem of fragmentation in our world is not a problem of diversity. Diversity itself should be a source of enrichment."
"These are industries that are highly fragmented, chalk full of very innovative or very hardworking entrepreneurs."
"Human beings are destined to fall into fragmentation, destined to fall into sin, destined to fall into narcissism."
"Everything's fragmented now. All of these things are able to coexist."
"Thought is fragmentary because it has separated itself from the thing it has created."
"We get this fragmented terrible mess of complexity."
"In this world of everybody's interconnected, it's really actually fragmenting us from one another."
"How can the knower know anything, when the knower himself or herself is a fragmented person?"
"Life is the story of a singularity of one seamless entity splitting into parts."
"It was a strange fragmented time."
"India needs to reduce the fragmentation of agriculture."
"Life cannot be known by breaking it up; you cannot know life by breaking it into pieces."
"There's a move towards fragmentation and fluidity."
"Reality is whole, words and concepts fragment reality."
"Spectral splinters of a soldier's worn and tattered soul."
"One of the big ways that humans are having an impact on the planet and changing life on the planet is by fragmenting the landscape."
"All countries should aim to limit geoeconomic fragmentation that prevents joint progress towards a shared Global Prosperity."
"This could really bring the country together in a time when we're very fragmented."
"...the mid-span fragments are in the middle of the blade tend to break up into smaller lower energy pieces..."
"The erosion of the mainstream across categories news and politics and celebrity media has turned culture into a portfolio of Cults."
"Science will split and fragment into different disciplines using different paradigms which are incommensurable to each other."
"So now, big pieces will then crumble into more pieces as they hit the ground."
"The empire was starting to fall apart with an increasing number of centrifugal forces working to carve out their own portion of the Empire."
"Once we reach modernism, much of this coherence seems to break down."
"Our democracy is broken; it is fragmented."
"Everything falling into chaos kind of feels like everything is falling apart, shattering into fragments."
"I had fragmented my soul into pieces."
"We're completed perfect spirits, but our soul is broken into million pieces."