
Drug Use Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Why do we do the stupid [stuff] that we did as children? Okay, because we were high."
"The lesson that we failed to learn was that, yes, these drugs have an ancient lineage, but look how they were used."
"If you're using drugs to just get by or to escape, then I think that puts you in a really bad spot."
"This idea that they're bad and they're dangerous and anyone who uses them deserves what they get... it's amazing how little empathy people have."
"Drug use is normal. 90% is non-problematic. The problems are caused by the drug laws."
"You can't use drugs for a dietary disease and hope to do well."
"I'm taking benzos right now to cope... Addiction runs through my family."
"Now like I said I think LaRon initially took whatever performance enhancement drugs he took to take advantage of his healing properties but being a workout worried that he already is I think he got addicted to the benefit."
"Sometimes I do drugs, not hard ones, just ones that change my mind up."
"Alcohol is the most widely used recreational drug and one of the few that is legal in most countries."
"Marijuana is a drug and just like any other drug, it has negative consequences for a sizable portion of the people who use it."
"The misuse is the problem, no matter what the drug is."
"Ivermectin is not FDA approved for COVID treatment, but it's an essential drug for many reasons."
"The thought of kids thinking they have to do drugs makes me sad."
"MDMA lends itself to a range of different uses... from a massive EDM festival to a calm indoor or outdoor environment."
"If people can do that without becoming drug fiends, then I don't think there's anything wrong with that."
"Xanax being this really huge focal point of youth culture is so weird to me."
"I started using when my oldest son was shot and killed 13 years ago."
"San Francisco's public intravenous drug use."
"If you haven't done drugs before, you don't enjoy them."
"It's the people that are desperate to be elite right now who dive into a reckless drug protocol."
"Definitely not taking performance enhancing drugs."
"Pissing on acid is a very fun fast past time... let's just move on to the next drug now."
"Caffeine's never going to make that right, um, you know the adderall stuff, no one's popping that without a medical exemption anymore, it was never big in Europe anyway."
"These conversations about drugs and the things that lead people who use drugs, the way people are treated and kind of try to break down the stigma, it does make a really big difference."
"The more we can have these conversations about drugs and the things that lead people who use drugs, the way people are treated and kind of try to break down the stigma, it does make a really big difference."
"I don't think there's anything wrong with using drugs as long as they don't have negative effects on your life."
"I've been seeing therapists and one of them told me literally gave me advice to consume certain drugs because it could help get me through this period."
"Caffeine is one of the few drugs that almost everybody takes just to feel normal."
"Anybody who's transparent about their use, you know kudos to them."
"I'm not even cool, I'm just one of those girls that can do a lot of drugs and not die."
"Don't do drugs kids... unless someone offers you them for free."
"There are literally like teenagers who have been led to believe they have to take drugs to get in good shape right which is like obviously a pretty disturbing scenario."
"If you want as an adult to smoke a joint or maybe use cocaine, you should have, in my view, the right to do so with appropriate safeguards in place."
"There are serious scientific studies that show that for a lot of people... ecstasy, MDMA, ketamine, or LSD... can profoundly help mental health."
"I'm just trying to help people who are already doing this be more safe. That's one, two."
"Drug Use for Grown-Ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear."
"Where do you think the red flag was um where do you think things kind of uh picked up and he started blasting or just getting on whatever it is that you think you're going on what do you think the red flag is what do you think he's taking?"
"The vast majority of people who use illegal drugs are not addicts, are not heavy users, and they're not posing any kind of threat to other people, nor are they harming themselves."
"The glorification of drug use, the celebration of violence."
"Trend is often over abused in my opinion and it is a very effective drug at what it does but it's certainly not necessary for the majority of individuals who are even performance-enhanced athletes that are trying to push the envelope."
"It is literally the hottest drug in the country right now."
"I find that really interesting because what we're talking about is like switching out certain drugs for other drugs."
"He's conscious of the struggles we're all going through, and that's why he does steroids for us, for us mentally ill people."
"We're all broken by sin, but the answer is Christ, not drugs like this."
"I just realized that I didn't need to be high all the time, I just wanted to have like a clear mental space."
"And then on New Year's when I took the drugs, I felt great."
"People who are white and middle class can enjoy safe recreational drug use, while working-class individuals face harsher consequences."
"If you're training, you know, the most, most, in fact, all total bodies, they're all on drugs, right?"
"A microdose seems to improve the overall function of the organism."
"This documentary is a really interesting watch, it highlights how widespread performance-enhancing drugs are in athletics."
"Dying is like dropping acid, don't do it unless you're in a good headspace."
"Know your substance, know your source, know your dosage."
"Don't take substances from people you don't know in random pill form."
"Approach it with humility and respect, and with some sense of the wisdom of cultures who have a much longer experience of these chemicals."
"Kids, if you're gonna use cocaine, make sure it's from Whole Foods."
"The decision to trip on acid or to really try any drug lies with the individual."
"Everybody's high. That's a great way to control everybody, isn't it?"
"It was like I had been waiting for that moment my whole life, euphoria, complete euphoria."
"While certain recreational drugs can be taken occasionally without any serious consequences, particularly when it comes to drugs like heroin, it's all too easy to fall into the pit of addiction."
"Drugs are great. Don't do Coke. Do every other drug that they're fucking also putting fentanyl in. Spun live your life, have a great time, don't fucking fuck up with deadly shit."
"I made a split-second decision to try a drug."
"There's a lot of other things they could do to improve their performance other than take more performance dancing drugs, yeah."
"Harry's revelations in the book include accounts of his use of class A drugs."
"I just started being more decisive man like I stopped doing so many [ __ ] drugs and [ __ ] and started like doing more shrooms and just weed and chill [ __ ]."
"Alcohol, everybody will be taking drugs and alcohol, one of the signs."
"And if they snatch your herb up and let you go, it's because they're gonna smoke it."
"Your art makes your customers completely euphoric. That's because I put a really thin layer of cocaine all over it."
"It's also pretty cool that this drug happens to be safe in pregnancy."
"People are human no matter they use drugs or not, they're human and they're peoples."
"...the history of warfare and the history of drug use are inextricably linked..."
"If you want to party, but don't--I'm saying no to drugs. But if you're depressed and you don't know any better, that's the one you go for."
"So I take one of the pills. I'm not really sure what it is, but I take one of the pills. And then I read the j--and it fucking-- it's like a sweater for your insides. It's magical. It levels me out. I'm like, oh, my God. This is amazing."
"For most people, drug use is a response to trauma."
"The weekend's music serves as a cautionary tale, shedding light on the dark and often destructive consequences of drug use."
"I've never been so high when I get high."
"After a period of cessation from opioid drug use, a previously tolerated drug concentration level may become toxic and fatal."
"Another thing that's happening with the buzz type drugs like cocaine is people are taking them to feel great and feel happy and feel witty and interesting."
"...I never did coke before I know what it did to people I didn't know exactly I knew it made people talk a lot and I knew it made people make weird faces because I knew it made people make little [__] gestures with that [__] filthy little hands so I said what do I do..."
"Another time, me and my daddy had bought some work and he used to test it out 'cause he SN powder."
"He's so high like he would probably be the smartest guy in the room if he wasn't so coked up."
"They call cocaine Britain's Open Secret. Who do you think is consuming it?"
"If you're going to be messing with these drugs, you've got to mess with them the right way."
"Fentanyl poisoning is real and that every time you try something, you're playing with your life. It is pill roulette every time you try it."
"Oprah Winfrey broke down and cried this week, saying she had once smoked crack cocaine. You know, I don't know what she's crying about. I mean, some people in this world never get to smoke crack cocaine. Ridiculous."
"Each of the premises had residue and traces of period of drugs on the walls and air-conditioning vents, window sills."
"The only type of people that need drugs are the people that need help forming their own vision."
"So, we riding through, Vonte gonna be like, 'This ain't for me.' Well, I guess to roll freebase."
"Micro dosing is what it is. It's a really small dose, just to do it. I'm a really big fan of it, I think it's amazing."
"we need either a safe monitored dosing schedule or a clean safe prescribed alternative"
"...DXM is definitely not for everyone. You have to be strong-minded and sane or you might end up ballooning at the State Mental Institution."
"I just wanted an easy high at the time. To sum it all up, I think I've finally found the peace that I deserve and have suffered for all my life."
"The rest of the day we went on a few more rides and my friends found places to take hits from the pipe before going on them."
"I love smoking I love getting [ __ ] high."
"So fentanyl's a daily drug, one hit I take could kill 10 people at least get your body so conditioned yeah those conditions so used to it just said we have a steady habit every day."
"I love it. He waltzes in and takes all my drugs, and then he tangos out."
"You're a [__] freak! What, are y'all on [__] ketamine right now or something?"
"I didn't actually pop my pill. I'm pretending. In fact, mate, I could do with a few pointers on how to be a druggie."
"It's not fair having them at a Sunday night meeting... see you next Sunday that's not fair... and if they take drugs again which they almost certainly will they won't want to come back."
"I smoked weed, I've done acid, I've done shrooms."
"Be very aware of overusing drugs, illegal drugs, even medicines."
"Officers are searching a man who admitted to using marijuana right before boarding his flight."
"We smoked a joint from the [__] toad."
"I smoked a little weed before we got started and I'm starting to see shapes."
"...it's okay to watch it to be like okay yeah little Shah he means well and then pass them to blunt but but after a while that same drug affected me differently than it affect grown men."
"If I'm going to smoke crack, I might as well sell it."
"They had all gotten nose blind to them over the week and a half that they lived with his corpse, easy to do when you're higher than the Burj Khalifa on stilts."
"Is he actually going to get high on his own supply?"
"You get stoned, you don't feel like going out and stealing nothing. It's not a violent drug. It's not as bad as alcohol is. Alcohol is worse than pot as far as I'm concerned."
"He's the real deal. He loves drugs and he loves getting down."
"I'm microdosing, which celebrities do. Pete Davidson microdoses."
"Eagerly injecting the drug into himself like it was a narcotic."
"I think it's time for you to try some Street variations of what you're trying to accomplish...just heroin...I'll never do that Aran I'll never do that."
"People feel like they're Superman because they're taking it."
"Your friends are going to love you if your friends do drugs and you're doing drugs with them."
"Baudelaire was among some of the first Western writers to write about their experiences using psychoactive drugs such as hashish and opium - I believe but definitely hashish with Gautier they eat it with coffee eat it in like a paste they didn't smoke it."
"It's a real tricky situation when you start getting high with your kids, you know what I mean?"
"Out of all drugs, marijuana is probably one of the safest drugs anybody can use because it's not one thing you can't really abuse it."
"If somebody wants to smoke a little dope or drop a pill who's the victim?"
"But what really worries me is this, look, I'm over 50. And it seems to me if anybody's going to try LSD, if anybody's going to take pot, if anybody's going to need alcohol, I say it's probably somebody in my age group."
"If you never took drugs or experienced anything I don't think you can play for them you know but on the other side you also can talk to them and then tell them about your experience that they not do the same mistakes."
"It was laced, man! Cuz I got messed up. Nothing's [__] laced, nobody's lacing you up."
"I'm not doing mushrooms just so I can enjoy his music. I'm doing mushrooms and then in the middle of it I'm like let me listen to some music. What should we listen to? Oh, Kid Cudi got some."
"If you've never really gotten into drugs like that before, and you start doing [ __ ], it can bring out some, like, underlying mental issues."
"Even if I sit here and face a whole blunt, I'm not going to get as high as you get when you hit the dab."
"But sometimes I want to get that high, yeah, and realistically even if I sit here and face a whole blunt I'm not going to get as high as you get when you hit the dab."
"Bines has been open about her use of marijuana from an early age and her experimentation with drugs like cocaine and ecstasy."
"I'm not gonna snort cocaine, okay? Call me whatever, yeah, I'm a nice, square Jewish boy, okay? But I'm not putting anything up my nose."
"It's not just about drug use and doing it recreationally. It's really like a spiritual journey to maybe unlock something in themselves or something that they've been dealing with or something they want to like get to the next level with, so I respect that."
"Only take drugs to enhance reality, don't use it to escape reality."
"Absent the drug use in Solano, and even then, I still tried to be a good example."
"Teens who use marijuana: really, really poor idea."
"If you have a history of mental illness, regular marijuana use will accelerate your plunge into mental illness."
"Stigma is our real enemy here. Nobody wants to have a conversation about drugs out of fear of the stigmas associated with it."
"Another application for the drug that has received some attention is in cases of coma and brain injury."
"You're never going to stop drugs, so if you're going to do it, you might as well do it safe."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as you see fit, even if that means you use drugs in the pursuit of your happiness, so long as you do not impact others to do the same."
"Understanding pharmacology and when to use certain drugs is key to the art of anesthesia."
"Providing clean needles to drug users is not the same as putting out a bowl of chips at a party."
"We have this increase in inequality that sees people kind of join gangs for status; we have rising drug use because people basically are trying to escape the drudgery of their lives, low pay, long hours, all these sorts of things."
"The reason most of us do drugs is because we don't want to face reality."