
Public Awareness Quotes

There are 1074 quotes

"More information does not equal a more informed population."
"The general public and hell, many YouTubers are grossly uninformed and misinformed about these systems."
"What's the big secret? Everybody knows it's happening."
"The king had chosen to go public about his prostate treatment with the aim of encouraging more men to get prostate checks."
"The king and queen were resoundingly congratulated on making his diagnosis of an enlarged prostate public... it's resulted in a vast increase in men... asking doctors for advice and getting to have themselves tested."
"I get the sense that this is the most dangerous of the existential risks because it doesn't galvanize anybody into action. There's no smoke in the sky, there's no incoming asteroids. This is the kind of existential risk that creeps up on you year by year, generation by generation, and when they do, it is too late."
"The American people may not read Aristotle every day... but they get it and they know hypocrisy when they see it."
"His stories from the front line meant that for the first time people back home could read about the immense bravery of the bloke next door."
"The only goal of these videos is to educate the public."
"Proper hydration is mandatory for organ function and continued life. Up to 75 percent of the populace is dehydrated every day."
"We're going to learn a lot about the inner workings of the media and why we experience lies and manipulation."
"If you think the stories that we're gonna hear right now about corruption and media are very important and people need to know about it, share this with them."
"Child predation is the universally scorned activity, and Matt was doing his civic duty by alerting the greater public."
"This young woman appears broken, brutalized, and really quite seriously injured and is brave enough and courageous enough to share that story in a public forum to speak her truth."
"Part of the reason that I wanted to do this is because I think there's a big stigma around mental illness."
"The 1964 Surgeon General Report found a resounding connection between smoking and lung cancer. This would be the first time that the federal government specifically declared that tobacco use was becoming an epidemic."
"We have to educate the public as to what the real problem is because you cannot solve a problem if you do not know what it is."
"It's insane to me how many times Randy publicly stated he was going to harm himself or others without anyone noticing or caring."
"The American people in my humble opinion are not on board this train. They just don't know the game that they're in... When they see those [facts], I think I know something about my fellow Americans on both sides of the aisle... they are being abused."
"I want people to be hyper aware of the amount of propaganda coming at them."
"This coronavirus thing, this ain't no joke. I hope you're taking it seriously now."
"In many cases, you need a demonstration before people take things seriously."
"What many people do not realize is that that activity waxes and wanes."
"This is the perfect example of the kind of story that people ought to know."
"When a problem is served up on a platter like that to the public, generally it's because there's also a solution that's being suggested for people, no matter how unpalatable or totalitarian that solution may seem."
"I believe that people should be able to see for themselves what politicians that they may or may not vote for."
"It is now conservatively estimated that smoking kills 480,000 Americans every year."
"John McCain in 2000 made corruption a central part of his campaign. The state rallied to John McCain in 2000 because people here get it, and they have gotten it for 20 years. They understand that if we don't find a way to fix this democracy, all of the issues people are talking about, all the dreams, these ideals, these hopes, are just hopes."
"The American public have seen... how so the substructure of this economy is so damaged."
"I appreciate that a Mr. Beast video can highlight for millions of people the flaws in the Healthcare System."
"Why are you saying bad words? I have Tourette's, I can't help it."
"The sustained outcry over Mr. Floyd's death has compelled many white Americans to acknowledge the anti-black racism that is prevalent in the United States."
"Scientists should be aware of the possibility but ultimately it's the responsibility of governments and citizens to think about it and to prevent it from happening."
"We need real information, people need to be told what is true."
"There are so many things that have not surfaced and the public doesn't know yet. And if you think you're in shock now, just hold on."
"I hope this opens up a conversation of how little press coverage typically missing people of color get in the media."
"The shocking reality is that the horrors of MCC have existed for decades, hidden in plain sight."
"Texting and driving can make more people suffer, and that's why it's not okay."
"I'm hoping is that there's not a lot of vaccine reluctance. That people, when they realize how impressive these results are, they'll be very willing to come forward and get vaccinated."
"Flood the people with news, give them so much news they can't remember what was going on yesterday, let alone this morning."
"There's a lot of misinformation, conspiracy theories out there about the coronavirus... they are nothing but distractions."
"Sunlight is always and everywhere the best disinfectant."
"We would like the country to realize... we have to start taking seriously what you can do now."
"Remember that while the risk to the average American of contracting the coronavirus remains low, the risk to senior citizens with serious underlying chronic health conditions is very significant."
"I mean he's really creating a lot of awareness around mental health issues consciousness mindfulness relationships deep connection and it's just unbelievable."
"Please take care of yourselves, stay informed, and stay free. Thank you."
"People honestly don't realize what it is; they've lost touch with reality."
"Once the public knows about it, the narcissist loses."
"Public sentiment is slowly changing... people begin to sense that something's not right."
"I think this mission raised some awareness of that side of going to space as a private citizen."
"The purpose of this channel is not to raise alarm but then again it's not to hide our heads in the sand either it's to be as realistic as possible."
"We have to make sure that we are telling people exactly what is going on."
"Privacy is increasingly this topic of conversation. People are becoming aware of how valuable their data is."
"Two things can be true at once: monstrous cover-up by the Catholic Church and child abuse in public schools."
"Overall, I am glad that this has been brought to light because it is an eye-opener for people who weren't aware in the first place as to what really happens to these kids especially in the dance industry."
"It's a platform to explain the importance of the issues I'm trying to bring up to the attention of the public."
"This is the Smoking Gun of all smoking guns."
"And people were really connecting with his story, because this wasn't the first or only conversion therapy program in America, nay nay."
"Western writers have been quite successful in establishing the terrible wave of mass socialization committed by Soviet soldiers in Germany in Poland towards the end of the war as general public knowledge."
"Every 40 seconds in the United States, one child goes missing."
"There are a lot more people infected than the government reported... 100%."
"The reality is that we know there's been a pandemic, we know people have been affected, that is a fact."
"Project Chanology was actually very successful in making the general populace more aware about what Scientology is actually about and shifting public opinion more against them."
"It seems the US government has verified the real... objects moving in the sky that we cannot identify."
"Thankfully, these attempted attacks and dividing people are starting to backfire on all these websites and the journalists who cling to them like flies on people are waking up."
"If someone's shitty, you should expose it. People should know."
"The president's focus here is just making sure people understand that while the numbers grow, there are people that come off the list because they get better."
"Five companies control ninety percent of what we see, hear, and read."
"The leak finally showed the American people the reality of war."
"No one's gonna hear it, I mean, here's the crazy: why did he drop out of the race?"
"Children are not supposed to die, and 400 is a huge number for a respiratory season."
"Covet has exposed the awesome power that can be misused by government officials."
"There's a pattern here... people need to pay attention and not listen to anybody who says Donald Trump has softened his position on abortion." - Former US Senator
"We have seen more broadly disinformation being put about especially on social media."
"I don't care, I just want the viewers and the readers to know the truth."
"We felt like shocking truths, absolutely shocking, which are hidden need to be stated so that people can make a rational, educated, informed decision about their Lifestyles."
"This is a real crisis, it is a real emergency, and you have many thousands of people like thousands. This is happening all the time."
"Brave medical whistleblowers have decided to come forward so that the public can know the truth."
"This is just another one of those things that really would be an existential risk."
"People need to understand there's not a single law that is passed that can't be eroded if the courts rule a different way."
"The more people that hear about Tesla and sustainable energy, the faster we change the world."
"The risk of spread in the United States is increasing."
"The people are finally seeing through the lies."
"Now is the time for people who haven't been paying attention until now to actually do so."
"The fact that it took so much work to make people accept and understand that the racial and sexuality dimension of this case was part of why McArthur was able to continue what he was doing for so long."
"Thank you so much for having me absolutely and thank you for helping to get the word about about this to a whole new audience of people and keeping it in the public eye because like I said that's the only reason they didn't kill me."
"The harm that social media does to the developing minds of children is clear enough to anyone willing to look."
"Showing people these clips, showing people the flat earther clip and saying this isn't just a random person."
"Just because it's not in the news cycle it doesn't mean that these things go away."
"People become educated and aware of how it works in real life."
"Something is very wrong and this narrative needs to get louder."
"It takes unfortunate things to happen to these children before anybody wakes up right before mik staer happened with the with the H situation right nobody really knew this was a big deal a couple people were talking about it."
"Because of you guys and the awareness of kind of knowing what was going on and delivering that news to the public for so long, you gave it awareness to all of them, and because of you, I honestly think you guys saved my life in a way."
"Make it hard for them to do it make it so that they know when they go home that night what they did and every other judge know that the whole world's gonna know over time what they did."
"I think the important thing that we know in this room and the growing number of Americans are realizing that the worst thing we can do is remain silent."
"A recent study came out talking about constipation."
"I know where this is heading and I think a lot of people are starting to realize where this is heading."
"I'm going to do whatever it takes to raise awareness in the public domain."
"Once we're told World War III has started, that's just the public statement about it."
"There's a lot to be said from society's perspective for monogamy being the state that is the best that is the most compatible with the values that we all share..."
"The best thing we can do right now is bring awareness to this girl and to her case."
"What do you think of keeping killer whales in captivity? Do you think SeaWorld is hiding the truth from its visitors?"
"Americans will feel the impact in the coming weeks of these rounds."
"We just want animal rights to literally be on the table for discussion because until it's in their consciousness we're not going to change anything."
"It strains credulity to believe that the Justice Department didn't know about this letter." - Austin Evers
"Did Edward Snowden not happen? Did we not listen to the plain fact that the agencies that you fund through your taxes are spying on you all of the time?"
"The United States has almost 6 million confirmed cases of the coronavirus and has suffered nearly 200,000 deaths from the pandemic."
"People need to wake up and realize the tactics being deployed are in direct defiance of the Constitution."
"Most people will look at the headline and then that's it."
"None of that can happen if year after year lethal strikes are hidden from view."
"Stop watching the mainstream media, they are lying to you."
"This is what is happening now so the things that are going on in the world to the vast majority of people they really do not understand at all what is going on."
"It's amazing that nobody thought that any of this was an issue."
"As intense as it is, it's important to also talk about crimes that happen with animals too."
"The biggest threat that we face is that people will lose trust in fact-based information."
"Fair warning, this is an intense call to hear. You can hear Travis screaming in the background. It's wild, but it's important to understand the gravity of how this went down."
"The revelations surrounding Epstein's crimes have exposed a disturbing underbelly of society."
"If you sit back and you don't say it, you don't tell people to push back against this, they won't know."
"These worst things are still undeniably happening because they are happening out in the open."
"For every two homicides committed in the US, there are three suicides."
"We need to show people that these are not the individuals that we need to be trusting."
"Public confusion over the availability of autonomous vehicle technology is also a problem."
"Desensitizing ourselves to all this bad news, we lose sight of just how far we've come."
"This is what your government is doing, regardless of how you feel empathetically."
"Regular people realize how broken the whole system really is."
"Trilogy Media in the house, we are addressing all 57 000 members inside of this tech support Kolkata Delhi group that you've got going on orchestrating thousands of people to scam innocent people all over the world."
"This is the actual logo, for those listeners out there that is not seeing this, that is quite literally a backward swastika."
"Motivated reasoning is the tendency to find arguments in favor of conclusions we want to believe."
"It's better to be safe, please be safe with public Wi-Fi."
"Now we're in the face; people are sounding the alarm."
"The vast majority of people are not getting access to good information that is also really relevant to them."
"The truth will get out there regardless of whether folk want to hear it or not."
"Nobody believed it. It was so unbelievable it didn't make the news."
"I just want everyone to think more about the media that they consume."
"I think people who think that the UFO issue is a distraction, you know they really need to read up on the literature and understand that this is really."
"Unless the people wake up, we get the third world war."
"I'm sick and tired of ordinary people being fleeced."
"Our weave has had an underwhelming performance in the last bull market leave only towards the end where nft infrastructure was picking up people were noticing are we but still many people don't know what RV does to this day."
"There's no doubt what happened here and no doubt that the medication did this."
"Trafficking doesn't always look the way people would expect it to look because of the way it's been portrayed publicly the reality is very different."
"The story about Area 51 got out anyway, and I remember in the beginning, man, everybody made fun of it and made fun of me. But eventually, as we'll talk about, the whole world beat a path to Area 51's door."
"I think we've got a public that is much more in tune with science and getting rid of this virus by these means."
"People should know about this and those responsible should be held accountable."
"Hopefully, people learn from it. This was her objective, to put this out there so others can learn."
"We wouldn't be talking about George Floyd if it wasn't for social media."
"It's important that people know... It's amazing, it makes a big difference."
"It's about getting the truth out there and letting people see for themselves."
"Hey, it's about time people are taking this seriously and also wait a minute, what happened?"
"Listen, look into her record, she's a domestic abuse violence victim."
"Arming the public with knowledge about not just how these scams operate, but how common they are."
"The whole world has just woken up to the fact that banks are vulnerable."
"The US government is realizing that they can't keep this a secret anymore."
"How clear, how blatant, how blunt, how shameless does a con man have to be before people wake up?"
"We need to tell the world's people the truth. That's disclosure now."
"If we can make sure we bring this message to the masses, if we can go mainstream with this message, then this is what it's all about."
"We're all at risk of getting sick but let's be clear we are not all equal risk of getting sick."
"Mainstream media... starting to take an interest... a good sign."
"In some ways, this is positive. Many people are now far more aware of scientists' fallibility."
"They would rather the controversy of this discussion of this racial [__] than that but yeah, but it didn't work, it actually spotlighted it."
"Having a scientifically literate general public is one of the best things that this world could have."
"People need to understand that this is real for us."
"People need to stand up and say something, let the freaks know you know what's going on and won't tolerate it anymore."
"A lot of the time people don't really know what is in their best interest."
"It's kind of crazy that we just see it all happening right in front of our faces, the corruption."
"Russian influence reached 126 million... imagine what they're doing elsewhere too." - The New York Times
"You're a higher risk even if you exercise. The message needs to get to the public."
"Everybody knew it already that this was a disease that could go into reverse."
"Make sure your friends and family truly understand how dangerous Donald Trump is."
"If it could happen with to high profile people it could happen to anybody."
"The public need to be armed with the facts when they meet these hucksters and these extremists."
"This is bigger than the president. It's a symbol of our complacency."
"Remarkable how few people realize this capability exists. Many think it's five years away, most people think it's 20."
"It’s gonna create a new image. You’ve probably heard of this thing."
"Pressure bursts pipes... once we the American people see with our own eyes the evidence... doj will have no place to go but to indict them for their crimes."
"Symbolic figures call attention to important issues."
"We have a world where our government is corrupt, we know it's corrupt, just visibly corrupt to all of us and yet we have to live with it and pretend like it's, you know, it's just the way life is."
"Lady Franklin appealed directly to the British public to raise awareness."
"Johnny Depp speaking about how he was abused... spawned a lot of men coming forward to talk about their own experiences of domestic abuse."
"It's so important their interest doesn't just end when the video does. The aim in covering so many unsolved cases is spreading the word..."
"The details of this case are just absolutely horrendous..."
"Usually has disastrous results but no one seems to have picked up on this yet."
"If the people knew what the banking system is up to, as Henry Ford said, there would be a revolution tomorrow morning."
"The excess death toll is much bigger than the official death toll."
"Everywhere you look, there are signs of the ballot battle ahead."
"I think ultimately what you'd really want is for the people like just regular folks to fully come to terms with what actually happened the fact that they were lied to the fact that they were manipulated."
"I've spent 15 years of my life fighting for the truth about this case to be made public."
"Massive news, I think a lot of people don't realize how big this actually is."
"They've put a huge mirror up to the British public talking about unconscious biases, this kind of toxic relationship with the media."
"There's not enough education around why fiber is so important."
"How do they go about this knowing that there's literally coverage of the guy 24 7 and unless you've been living under a rock the past six years I mean you have to acknowledge this guy in some sort of way."
"There's a majority who understand that something is going awry... my book is now a bestseller for five months already in Germany."
"Sanders campaign did their job, but the media didn't pick it up, they did not inform enough people."
"I'm super happy to see all of it being brought to the public attention now."
"Now she's using the unwanted attention of all this to bring light to her and her colleagues' struggles."
"Remember this when this happens: when you turn on your TV and every single channel is covering the same thing, it's you. I hope you're going to remember this."
"The only way to truly protect our freedoms is to stay informed folks."
"There's actually a lot of stuff going on right now where there's new investigations, actually some pretty major findings and rulings that I don't really see being covered."
"Every year a staggering number of lives are claimed by the inadvertent consumption of these toxic substances."
"I have a dream that one day black people will be as upset over the death of three hundred per day from heart disease as we are the one death per day by the police."
"It's spreading really, really fast. Here's what we know: it's spreading super fast, according to The Hill."