
Irrationality Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"Old habits die hard. It's crazy, like just be doing this [stuff] for no reason. Like why?"
"It's hard to reason with somebody that has no reason."
"When people blindly believe in rationality, they end up being radically irrational."
"It perfectly illustrates the horrors of war, the irrationality of war."
"It's deeply irrational that we don't know who our council person is, but we do know who our senator is."
"You will start to experience dimensions of life that are beyond the rational, beyond the logical."
"You're claiming to know something that you simultaneously acknowledge you can't know, and that is the definition of irrational."
"You'll do things for a child that make no rational or emotional logical sense for your own well-being."
"The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent."
"We always need to step back and think about how absurd it is to buy high and sell low, yet that's what happens all too often in the world of trading and investing."
"Emotions might be irrational, people's thoughts might be irrational, but irrational does not mean random. Every irrational thought or feeling or emotion comes from a place."
"God is getting ready to tell you to do something that doesn't make sense."
"2020: the year things started to get really crazy when the left decided to abandon common sense and decency."
"I'm terrified that what's happened is that we've all fallen under a spell of magical thinking..."
"It just defies logic, emotion, human nature, and law enforcement instincts."
"Donald Trump represents the kind of irrational id of America."
"The laws of reason are quite often suspended in this clown world."
"Discrimination based on the color of skin makes zero sense."
"Fuck logic, what people want is a happy ending."
"The market can remain irrational longer than you could remain solvent."
"Some things can't be rationally explained, right?"
"People are messy; we don't always act rationally, and that's fine."
"Never let the cold dead hand of reason get in the way of a great story."
"I think of this story as a story about love and how irrational decisions make sense."
"Just because you're an intellectual doesn't mean you're not subject to irrationality."
"The bottom line: buying a car like this is absolutely a love thing. Love is blind, you know? It doesn't have to add up, and you don't have to rationalize love at all, right?"
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"There is nothing logical about him making the grimwalkers. It is entirely irrational and motivated by his emotions."
"Humans are not rational creatures; we are emotional moralizing creatures."
"It is clearly irrational, even if I looked at it through the narrowest Russian perspective, clearly counterproductive to Russian interests." - Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab
"People do things that make zero sense on paper, they do it out of emotions right, these are emotional impulses."
"We don't care because this law just doesn't make any sense."
"It's stupid, it's insane, it's not even close."
"Ignorance or Insanity, whatever you want to call it, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results."
"We are conditioned to do things that don't make sense for reasons that nobody can explain simply because we're told to do them."
"The most compelling horror is when there's no big bad, just irrationality."
"Remember, a defining feature of mass psychosis is that you are holding on to an ideology or a system of belief that is by definition irrational."
"You can't reason somebody out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place."
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."
"Seriously, transphobia and transphobic arguments are just making less and less sense."
"This is a death cult that exists where there could be common sense solutions."
"What was that saying? Doing the same thing again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity."
"There's something compulsive and deeply irrationally uncontrollable about how governments keep on fanning the flames or pouring the fuel on the fire."
"Fear is not only more powerful than rationality, it's also absurdly easy to evoke."
"You can't say to them just stop doing what even you know is stupid to do."
"Masteriano absolutely clearly believes it, and they are willing to put aside sanity, corruption, electability, anything else for the person that they think will... stand up against the thing they fear most."
"Fashion is a feeling. Fashion makes the rational part of your brain just completely shut down."
"The cryptocurrency space has completely lost its mind."
"This is what authoritarianism does when it gets a bee in its bonnet. It comes out with this ludicrous stuff."
"People are irrational beings driven by emotion, so if their plan actually was to buy at the bottom of the market and they just see one day in the green they may decide that it's time to buy buy buy."
"Panic can produce irrational behaviors, particularly when information is scarce or inaccurate."
"Domestic violence is just absolutely irrational and not necessary."
"I am feeling so many things and I'm completely irrational."
"People are not rational, people are irrational."
"You know, yes it may look like a completely irrational thought process to you..."
"The irrationality of love when a man is in love with a woman destroys people."
"All they had to do was not be crazy, but they also had to convince Americans they were not going to be crazy."
"We buy tuna fish rationally and we buy financial assets stupidly."
"The mob eats reason and fucking shits out stupidity."
"Every other year there’s a global drama that the media latches onto and people who don’t know how to think for themselves panic irrationally because that’s what the news is telling them to do."
"I think for the most part, as we've often seen, the left has been particularly irrational."
"Putin is operating according to a set of criteria totally detached from those which you or I would consider to be reasonable or rational."
"It's cutting off your nose to spite your face... it's so incredible that they go to these lengths."
"If we are so smart, why are we doing so many stupid things?" - Yuval Noah Harari
"The market can be irrational longer than you can be solvent."
"People like that can't be reasoned with, they would sooner throw you into the fire than give up their belief. They're gone, they're lost people, they're brain dead."
"People are jumping on these bandwagons of hysteria and it's not fact-based."
"Valuations are at levels which don't make sense."
"The fear of the unknown outweighs any logical fear."
"Fear is the most irrational emotion that you can have."
"White fear, making white folks lose their minds, and you see it, we see evidence every day, all the time."
"Who is more irrational: the guy that believes in a God he doesn't see, or a guy who's offended by God he doesn't believe that much?"
"It's madness, absolute madness because it goes against the grain of reality."
"Love is inconceivable, not rational and yet fundamental reality."
"How does that put so much anger in you that you decide that you want to attack somebody, right? It literally makes no sense."
"That's the real pandemic, otherwise intelligent people losing their minds."
"People sometimes make decisions that seem irrational and not in their own best interest."
"Sectarianism... doesn't make any intellectual or moral sense."
"The irrational hatred of any group is an exercise in closing the mind."
"I'm a true romantic, even though it's frequently irrational."
"I mean, how can it make sense? You can't make sense out of stupidity."
"There is not a mentally sane human being on the planet that would drive a van filled with tanks of gasoline into a forest fire."
"I am made of the irrational; I wade in the irrational. Irrational up to my neck." - Frantz Fanon
"Stop listening to them. This is utterly insane."
"Y'all just being stupid at this point."
"Fear and imagination can cause us to act in irrational ways."
"Irrational fears are usually exactly that: irrational."
"Because when we have an opportunity to join elite institutions, we are so enormously flattered and pleased with ourselves that we do things that are irrational."
"Sometimes it makes more sense to lash out at people than it makes sense to use logic."
"I think we're in an irrational economy, just things don't make sense around here."
"Regardless of what Mount does now on the field, the love of Mount was illogical, unconditional."
"Survivor's guilt is not logical. The guilt is not logical."
"This process of mass formation seems rational sometimes but it isn't."
"We've credentialed them in ridiculousness and now ridiculousness is staging a coup against reason."
"It's just we're so devoid of logic at this point."
"It's so annoying to me because you can't even rationalize this. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever."
"Putin is obsessed and possessed by the idea of taking Ukraine. It's irrational, it's not pragmatic, it's against any pragmatism, any realism."
"It makes no sense at all, no sense, and yet most people seem to be buying it."
"The market can remain irrational far longer than you can remain solvent."
"I'd rather be crazy and prepared than be an idiot."
"Fear of missing out doesn't make sense in a game of uncertainty."
"Fear can rot your brain, it can rot the reason portion of your brain, it can make you do all sorts of misguided things out of fear."
"Logic has no place here anymore on this planet."
"One of the things that I've learned over the years... is that people just people don't put things together in their mind in a very rational manner."
"The insanity on display here is astronomical there is no reason thought within this defamation complaint there's only bile and vitriol."
"Nothing in this story makes sense and the crime is one that shook the victims' families as much as the murderer's family."
"Markets are not rational, in fact if anything, the markets are irrational and they don't make any sense."
"Evaluating the actions of an individual with bouts of irrational behavior is undeniably challenging."
"Love makes you do crazy, stupid, irrational things."
"Love is not logical, love is not practical."
"Love is not logical; love is an experiential feeling that drives us to someone."
"It's you people who have been subsumed by this irrational cult who have abandoned the virtue of truth and embraced the ideology of unreason."
"All brothers are fools, all lovers are lunatics."
"Highly intelligent, otherwise rational investors calling me up and asking me to do the most insane things."
"If you've ever been in love, it makes you do crazy things."
"This denial of uncertainty by itself produces irrational action."
"While we have no problem with people becoming aware of the dangers of smoking, hunting down children or anyone else just to try and scare the masses onto your side is a very drastic and irrational tactic."
"Have you ever noticed that some people just get so angry that they can't think rationally and they don't see the consequences of the actions or even what their own end goal is?"
"Even if Josh just lost the demon, none of his actions make sense."
"There is something about my crazy. It's blind. It's not rational. It rages. It doesn't stop. It doesn't subside. It doesn't quit. It's immediate."
"Life itself is irrational, and rationality alone cannot encapsulate it."
"Love makes you foolish. It makes you throw every bit of logic away, do stupid things, do dangerous things."
"You're worrying about things that can't even happen."
"These thoughts are completely irrational and intrusive."
"Love is blinding. When you're in love with somebody, you are blind. Love makes us crazy, love makes us go gaga, and we are just not able to act in a way that we would if we weren't in love."
"Psychosis is a symptom of severe mental illness, people who are psychotic are irrational."
"The market can stay irrational for longer than you can stay solvent."
"Forgiveness is irrational. Forgiveness is stupid. Forgiveness makes no sense."
"An addiction is not rational. Everybody has addictions. Every single person. I have never met someone who's not an addict ever."
"Everything is sometimes heartbreaking and I get irrationally emotional."
"Romantic heartbreak is unusual because there is no other experience in life that can make a sane person act really crazy."
"Evil is unintelligible; it has no authenticity of reason; it's irrational and wicked."
"Miracles are that which there's no rational basis to believe in that's the definition of a miracle something which is incredibly irrational to believe in."
"It certainly is an irrational choice, but then if we did everything for rational reasons, the world would be very dull indeed."
"Love has a way of balancing things out, 'cause love makes you do irrational things."
"Believe me when I tell you he didn't have a reason in the world. Not a single reason."
"Love, love, love, that makes us do all the stupid [__] that we do."
"The contemporary physicist would be celebrating the irrationality and absurdity of the picture that they're presenting to us of how the physical world operates."
"People are crazy, including you. You've got to deal with all these crazy people, so assuming that people are going to behave rationally is a dumb thing to assume."
"Passion isn't reasonable, but you do it anyway."
"Sometimes we do things that literally make no sense whatsoever."
"I wanted there to be some irrational thing that you couldn't explain."
"It's completely irrational. It's so obviously controlling and abusive."
"Maybe that's the only redeeming thing about it. Maybe the irrationality is the one saving grace of it. But at any rate, it's not a word it seems that we can abolish from our vocabulary."
"A starkly irrational Humanity clinging desperately to life will find itself utterly incapable of resistance."
"All members of parliament are used to the typical anonymous correspondent, but what surprised and alarmed me was the high proportion of ordinary decent sensible people writing irrational and often well-educated letters."
"The market can remain more irrational longer than you can remain solvent."
"It just creates this really weird contorted - it just doesn't make sense."
"You can't reason somebody out of a stance they weren't reasoned into in the first place."
"It's Madness the whole thing is madness."
"That's an irrational thought that makes no sense."
"You cannot argue with an irrational person with rational statements."
"They feel like you're being irrational."
"There isn't any rational explanation for how people like him think."
"Fear has a tendency to spiral out of control into levels of mind-boggling stupidity."
"Nostalgia doesn't operate on logic."
"We don’t want people using logic, we don’t want people using their brains, or rationality - we want unthinking, irrational, obedient slaves."
"Common sense didn't seem to apply to such a monster."
"One of the key principles of behavioral science is that we're all irrational. We make decisions in ways that are not useful for us."
"Love really takes away logical thinking from people sometimes."
"If we explain irrationality too well, we turn it into a concealed form of rationality."
"The woman's behavior, her inaction, had a motive. In important respects, it was like intentional behavior and as such, it was irrational in the extreme."
"When you're in love, you do crazy things, right? Remember when you were in love?"
"Love isn't rational. It's something that happens."
"Racism makes no sense whatsoever."
"Hitler's decision-making became increasingly irrational as defeat was inevitable."
"It's a very insidious addiction. It hijacks everything that is logical and sane about your thinking, and causes you to act in the most illogical, insane way."
"Some of these fans, sometimes, I guess that's the part of the luxury of being a fan, you don't have to make sense, you could just be a fan, be fanatic."
"Sometimes people get a little carried away when they're in love, they act irrationally."
"Capitalism is not a rational system, it is an it is rational on its own satanic terms."
"They're probably bullying everybody who even watches YouTube. Bullies make no sense."
"People go to the airport and throw their brains in the trash."
"At no point throughout this discussion has anything that I've said come even close to resembling a rational thought."
"Love is weird and messy and it doesn't always make a whole hell of a lot of sense, but when it's there it's really hard to try and deny."
"I know it's stupid, but that's how it works."
"A cult of censorship and coercion is the carrier of the virus of irrationality and slavery."
"It was irrationality, it was a failure of intuition rather than kind of reasoning."
"The church is the glue that holds the irrationalities together, like an illness that spreads from the infected area to every part of your being, like cancer."
"Maybe someday I'll uncover a rational explanation that can settle my mind, but deep down I know there are certain things in this world that simply defy logic and reason as we know it."
"Fear drives people to do crazy things."
"Overemphasis on the product of cognition is the hallmark feature of irrationality."
"As we try to continue to just ramp up the intelligence in this parasitic fashion, the irrationality is going to expand even faster."
"He knew it was irrational, yet that didn't make the feeling any less real."
"Learn to tolerate that feeling of uncertainty and ignore it if it's just you being irrational."
"The fact that he can't see how irrational this is means that he thinks his thinking is rational."
"There are some irrationalities that are derailing us, temptation, lack of self-control, emotions, confusion about money."
"Rationalization is the enemy. Be irrational. Shut up and do what you're supposed to do."
"One of the ways that you measure the level of intimacy in a relationship is by how many non-rational things you do together."
"Jokes have all kinds of things which aren't rational, aren't real. You start a joke, so yeah, here's a story."
"Markets are not always rational and cool. In fact, they're the exact opposite. It's always hot, and strange things happen in the aftermath of information."
"It's rational to behave irrationally."
"The market can stay irrational longer than you can keep money in your trading account."
"Have you ever tried to reason with a drunk person? The same thing applies here. What she is serving up doesn't make sense, but people are drunk with it."
"Once you fall in love apparently, logic and common sense and reason and rationality goes out the window."
"People are irrational, especially when it comes to emotional decisions, especially when it comes to love."
"One kind of terrible thing that they're doing that doesn't make any sense for their money."
"Fears can become irrational; they can paralyze us."
"Does love really need to make sense? Love is just love."
"I am irrationally excited about this."
"Love makes us do crazy things even if we know there's a possibility of Heartache later."