
DNA Testing Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"April 2021: a significant month for you in your life. I got a DM through 23andMe, and that opened up meeting my birth families."
"The beauty of an African ancestry test is we don't just tell you that you're West African or that you're from Nigeria, but we found your actual people, the tribe that you share ancestry with."
"DNA tests cannot tell you for sure whether or not you are going to get a certain disease or have a certain trait. This is because there are usually many factors involved beyond just DNA, such as your environment and personal choices."
"We can say whether these two fragments belong to the same individual, if they do, the matching that they did is okay."
"One DNA test could solve this 45-year-old case."
"DNA doesn't lie, whether you believe in DNA or not, the courts definitely do."
"This is about me finding the DNA test, not them."
"This was genealogy, this was DNA once removed, maybe it's not as reliable as other DNA testing."
"Mitochondrial DNA testing uses the DNA contained in the cell's mitochondria."
"Some people who've partaken in at-home DNA testing have discovered more than they bargained for."
"What's more, DNA testing proved that Cassidy's new friend Miche wasn't just her friend, she was, in fact, her biological sister"
"The possibility of the DNA found on the gloves and the victims belonging to anyone else was 1 in 170 million."
"Honestly guys, whether or not you use this health test kit, just get your dog DNA tested."
"One good case here: the boy in the Box. Why was he identified? Well, he was identified because a completely random person took a DNA test."
"The DNA test result reveals Cara's biological father is Mr. Butterfield."
"Advancements in DNA testing are giving investigators the edge needed to solve once deemed impossible cases."
"It would just mean the world to me if we could just do a DNA test so that I can just put that to rest and I don't have to worry about it."
"For those of you who wonder what DNA testing is... It was groundbreaking."
"Identical triplets take a DNA test just to discover the whirring truth."
"Just to be absolutely certain, she did a DNA test for both of the youngsters, and the proof was in the genes."
"This is the percentage breakdown of each of the breeds detected in your dog's DNA."
"Where would we be without DNA testing? It propelled us light years ahead."
"Like all new technologies, DNA testing has a good side, a bad side, and as author Margaret Atwood said, a stupid side you hadn't considered."
"I love her so much. I'm going to be doing a video about her soon. We got our DNA tested because a lot of people don't think that she's a doberman so we're going to reveal those results in another video."
"The defense actually seemed to acknowledge that properly done DNA testing is accurate. What they were questioning was what the evidence actually showed."
"You almost always submit that for DNA testing. Okay, and that's what we're not seeing is a lab report."
"The DNA of the blood found on Bobby's gloves and tissue had become integral during the time DNA testing was introduced in solving cold cases."
"Now around this same time finally Paul's DNA was being submitted and tested for the Scarborough rapist case, his DNA was positively identified as the man responsible for these attacks."
"It's the DNA results. She's my daughter."
"In 1979 a masked grave was discovered they were exhumed in 1991 and in 1998 through DNA testing it was confirmed that these remains were those of Nicholas Alexandra and three of their daughters."
"Hey, Justin! Honey, come here! Help me get into the laboratory. I want to run a DNA test."
"The DNA test is complete. Now we'll find out if Eric and Britney are your real mom and dad."
"...and our producer did this on his dog and found out that she was 100%... like, you know, it's great to make you a pup."
"Familial DNA testing is often used in court cases on immigration status and paternity."
"Now when we do DNA testing, we look for something called high tumor mutation burden. If you have high tumor mutation burden, then these PD-1 inhibitors are going to be literally like a cure for you."
"The DNA test determined that Nasia is not your son."
"Here we go. The DNA results determined that Joshua is Josiah's father."
"They decided they would use DNA testing, a relatively new technique at the time, to narrow down the search."
"DNA tests have confirmed that Josef Fritzl had fathered all of the children."
"With advancements in DNA technology, the swab was sent to the Montana State Police crime lab for analysis."
"You need to stop and kind of think about why people take DNA tests."
"DNA proved that Celeste and Mornay were actually Miche's biological parents."
"DNA collected at the crime scene is tested and it's not found to match the DNA of Damien, Jason, or Jessie."
"DNA testing offers African Americans new possibilities to discover and validate these relationships."
"As DNA testing has become more of a prevalent part of family history research."
"It's mad, isn't it? Send a little bit of baby saliva off to be tested, and we get the results back, and it could completely tip his world upside down."
"I recently received my DNA test results back from Ancestry.com."
"We have tested this DNA of this creature around the world, and when the results come back, we are stunned."
"The killer's identity was positively identified in 2019, thanks to several DNA tests."
"I took the liberty of getting my DNA tested to see what exactly my ethnicity was."
"They requested for me to do a DNA test and they discovered that I was the actual grandfather."
"DNA testing is definitely bringing hard science to the process of identification."
"For a fun DNA test... I think the Wisdom Panel DNA test seems the most promising."
"You've taken your DNA test and ancestry has processed it, now what? That's what this video series is going to do."
"DNA on multiple items of evidence in a case can also be compared to known samples from individuals involved."
"She has always been a strong proponent of DNA testing, and again, an opponent of the death penalty."
"DNA testing or DNA fingerprinting... is used in paternity cases, identification of human remains in cases of past disasters like 9/11, and it also is used in organ transplant programs to match the recipient to the donors."
"It's amazing to be able to take this DNA test and all of a sudden you get close matches."
"I'm sure that Ellen would have found bittersweetness in the revelation that DNA testing proved her right."
"I'm the first person in the United States to be freed from a capital conviction based on post-conviction DNA testing."
"Take a DNA test, not only are you helping your own research but you're helping future generations."
"DNA testing should not have been about whether it should be mandatory, it should have been about why isn't it already mandatory."
"Trace your family tree as best possible, get a true understanding of where that ancestry is coming from, and then when you take the DNA test, it makes more sense."
"Where you've got DNA matches, you've got hope."
"Many members of Mary Agnes's family had their DNA on sites like Ancestry and 23andMe."
"If you've done DNA or if you're thinking about taking the DNA test, one tree is a necessity in order for your cousin matches to be able to look at your tree and see where you might possibly be related."
"Everybody takes genealogy or ancestry DNA testing for a different reason."
"The ethnicity estimate is determined by you taking a DNA test, of course, and us comparing your DNA to the different populations around the world that we have collected data on."