
Human Element Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Creativity is being sometimes talked about in a secondary sense to things like AI and data, and we're losing the human in things."
"The importance of not losing the human element in our lives, despite the optimization driven by data."
"This is existential to us... This is a really human industry, and we're really bad sometimes at showing developers what they're worth and showing the players at home that we care about them."
"My belief is that balance is extremely important... we're representing a bit more of the yin energy, the human element."
"I think, ultimately, you really can't rely on technology alone. You have to consider the human element."
"It's the wonderment, that's what V'Ger is missing... It has all the knowledge in the universe of facts and robotics and technology, but it's the human element."
"The law is not just a bunch of letters that self-interpret on a sheet of paper, but it involves a human aspect."
"A human touch in their otherworld existence."
"Drama is like the human aspect to everything."
"The human piece is what's going to save your ass."
"Again it is still a human at the end of the day who ends up doing it."
"The Last of Us ultimately tells one of the most hauntingly human stories in the genre to date."
"I still think we always want a human element of everything."
"Superhero movies may be about gods and technology and amazing abilities but they don't fully work unless they're about people."
"That there's still people behind all the things that we love and are passionate about."
"Human life is nothing but people all the way down and the idea that we're going to automate people... would you want to read or watch media that had no human anywhere in the chain?"
"No technology is any good without a person behind it."
"It's never the machine, it's the humans that built, employed, or deployed the machines."
"What's the point of art if it loses that human touch?"
"The human element still trumps everything else when it comes to numbers."
"There's somebody coming in and bringing some humanity into whatever it is that they're doing."
"Football is a people business, it's a people industry and game."
"Behind every one of those numbers is an individual."
"The human dimension of the story remained the critical or maybe the decisive."
"The human element is propping up something that's psychopathic."
"The greatest strength of Batman is that he is human."
"Organizations don't innovate, people do. You cannot take an innovative organization, remove the people, replace them with different and get innovation. That's just not the way it works."
"The face of war in the future in BattleTech will be as human as it is now, for in the setting there has been nothing that can or will replace the organized human soldier in any army."
"It's not just the factory, it's the men and women working in them."
"You're a doctor, you're not a machine; think, use your brain."
"The story of Sadie and Virgil isn't just what it means to be a human in this war; it's a story about what it means to be a civilian in this war."
"The videos added a human element, we weren't just this untouchable elite crew of skaters, we were silly and we fall."
"Engineering requires a human element."
"CEOs are human and companies are built of humans."
"There is no security system that can't be bypassed. There's always a human mind and a human hand activating it."
"I think the beautiful thing about any sport is it's not played on paper, it's not played on a simulation on 2K. There's the human element, there's the tactical nature of sport."
"The weakest point in risk management is the human element, where errors, biases, or wrong intentions can pose significant risks."
"Machine learning is a human endeavor. This is a tool for humans to model the real world from actual data."
"AI is great and all, but it's still boils down to the user, the person."
"You can have a perfect system that's able to know the optimal answer but there's some human element that's missing."
"The real story is the men much more than the machines."
"Persona 4's social system: Human element captured perfectly."
"Persona 4's writing: Capturing the human element."
"Do you see a future where some of that human element is maybe taken out of the process?"
"Just another human having a rough day, stuff's not working out, and like giving them the benefit of the doubt that they might be a little frustrated and be like The human element of personal relationship is going to be key for a long, long time to come."
"... Formula 1 is a sport about the humans. We want to tune in and see the drivers, see the strategist. Human error comes into play."
"There's a human element to that thing as well if you really want to succeed."
"Because that's kind of his friendship love language, it's something that adds a very human element to this character, and I think that we can all identify with that in one way or another."
"These Epic Adventures with these strong human elements and also these exciting Blockbuster Big effects type of moments."
"One of the toughest things about work is that humans are involved."
"The chat GPT model makes use of sampling technique so the same words aren't always generated verbatim. It adds a more human element or aspect to it."
"You can't build that into technology, it has to come from people."
"A computer didn't make this. A person thought of this. That's our advantage."
"Absolutely not, there's humanity and emotion in certain works that AI can never imitate."
"...OK Computer was more grounded Kid A felt very otherworldly and Cosmic but both of them were 100 human and I really enjoyed that."
"No, it's not a machine that goes through it. This is an actual person that will physically look through your resume to see if there is a fit for the role."
"You're watching a human being playing pool right here."
"We're all human, but he plays an enormous role in the war going forward."
"Behind that technology are people, Bell people, using technology to solve all kinds of communications problems and provide a wide range of new services."
"It's the human element, it's like the humans interacting and stuff always shows up that wasn't there before and that's what makes it tight and that's what makes it magical."
"Chat GPT is not perfect; it needs that human touch, that human element to it."
"It's different for different people, for me it always has been the connection and the human behind it."
"The human factor is tantamount to any success that we can have."
"In the 21st century, infrastructure isn't just steel and concrete, it's people."
"The best games will still have some humans in the loop."
"The Bible is a thoroughly human book that speaks God's words to his people."
"The jobs which are never going to be taken by technology are those which are inherently human."
"Hollywood rightly recognized that it was an easy way to add a human element."
"The precise recipe is closely guarded, but the extra special ingredient here is the human touch."
"It's a sense of scale when we see a human figure we all can relate to that, and it adds to the overall drama of the photograph."
"Behind every statistic, there is a beating human heart."
"It's not machine against machine; it's person against person."
"Nothing evokes the human element in film quite like the costume."
"You can never ignore the human factor."
"Prompt engineering is a very human thing."
"Companies are companies, yes, but people are who run these things."
"Performance isn't just simply numbers on a spreadsheet. At the end of the day, there is a human being on the start line."
"People describe the city, the city is not just a bunch of architecture, they're full of people."
"The human element is more important than the hardware or the software factor."
"That heartbeat gives it the human touch."
"Often it's not about the science of the game, it's about the people and the characters."
"The human element there actually carried the story even further, and it mattered."
"We believe that the human element across our global teams is what allows us to continually evolve."
"All the equipment in the world doesn't make a news team, Mary. You've got to have the people."
"He may have certain skills necessary for running a company, but he forgets too often about the human element."
"Cameras don't take pictures, people take pictures."
"You want to make sure and take people pictures; they help give you a sense of the place and the experience."
"If you could make movies like Iron Claw, just give me the human element story."
"No matter how complex the technology gets, it is unlikely that humans will ever be left out of the weapons loop."
"The human part of the equation is, you know, to me, terribly important for us to emphasize."
"Real estate is not about the house, but it's about the people inside it."
"Behind every one of these attacks, there's a human being sitting at the computer terminal."
"AI may replace some workers, however, the human touch is still required."
"We're human, not robots; work could be tough at times, but we all need each other to make this work."
"Advertisement is probably not the sexiest thing... but it's a really fascinating, surprisingly human part of our business."
"The workplace was more complex than previously thought; workers were not just extensions of machines."
"I really like this because there was a human element that is, I feel like it's hard to get."
"There's a place for empathy in business."
"Teams, collaboration, people, this is really what it's about."