
Marijuana Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"No one should be jailed for simply using or possessing marijuana."
"West Virginia is officially legalizing recreational marijuana in July."
"New Orleans police say rats can't stop eating marijuana in evidence room."
"Marijuana should be legalized all across the country and those people should be freed."
"It's like, why should marijuana be illegal? It just doesn't make sense."
"The history of marijuana being illegal is insane to begin with."
"Voters approved legalizing recreational weed everywhere it was on the ballot."
"Some of the revenue from legalizing and taxing marijuana will certainly go into research, go into treatment, go into support for people struggling with challenges."
"I am a pothead... marijuana offers a world of nuanced delight and inspiration."
"Cannabis, another of the great and powerful teacher plants."
"Cannabis is a performance-enhancing drug... helps me elicit flow States more readily."
"I think with the decriminalization of marijuana and the states now legalizing it, I think you're finding that people are gravitating towards alternate routes of healthcare."
"Legalizing marijuana recreationally but keeping people locked up for it is hypocrisy." - My Angel
"I bring to you HB 149 it decreases the criminal Penal for simple marijuana possession."
"Marijuana cannabis is much much less dangerous than alcohol in fact it's not dangerous at all there isn't even a lethal dose of cannabis."
"Four states vote for legalizing marijuana for recreational purposes."
"Marijuana can help people get off of it, they can help their withdrawals."
"Marijuana is a drug and just like any other drug, it has negative consequences for a sizable portion of the people who use it."
"You can have a healthy debate all you want to about alleged benefits of marijuana but there's no debate of the criminal Behavior that's associated with the traffic digital skill."
"Less than 1% of stoners actually use it this way."
"Could marijuana be legal all across the country soon? The answer is yes."
"One in three Americans already live in a state where marijuana is legal."
"We're still arresting people for marijuana in this country at a mass insane level."
"It's really exciting to see... the building momentum towards nationwide legal pot."
"Legalizing these other drugs, including marijuana, I don't think is the answer."
"The Biden administration's Department of Health and Human Services is recommending that the DEA significantly loosen Federal restrictions on marijuana."
"The smell of marijuana is everywhere in the air."
"Legalizing marijuana to make money, that's the latest version of an argument to legalize marijuana."
"Marijuana has been a thing for a long time and now it's becoming legal everywhere because people see the benefits of it and it is used as a treatment."
"Every time you get high today, it's Russian roulette."
"Congratulations, weed has given you the opportunity to do something that you otherwise couldn't do: cope and avoid."
"It's like proof that smoking weed doesn't make you an idiot."
"Every producer in my career I've been dying to do music with."
"I smoke weed like every day. Smoking helps me with my anxiety."
"We're gonna legalize marijuana in every state."
"You know when you smoke weed you get all these amazing ideas and you're like 'oh my god I'm in this creative space but then the taking action part doesn't really come.'"
"If you think life is weird when you smoke weed wait until you stop."
"Marijuana is not just what makes people high; it's medicinal. You know, it's what you can use to treat arthritis, the leaves can be used to make clothes, it can be used to make ropes."
"That dude that always smokes pot gives me amazing feedback."
"Oregon marijuana sales 420% stronger along Idaho border."
"Completely descheduling marijuana should not be a scheduled drug at all."
"Three-fourths of Americans think that pot should be legal."
"Biden pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana."
"If you want to monetize something, marijuana is the best way to do it."
"Marijuana helps so much to not feel that stress."
"What do you think about weed being legal? Of course, it should definitely be legal."
"I don't smoke marijuana, but the war on drugs is rude. Marijuana doesn't kill people like crack does."
"Marijuana will be legalized federally by 2025."
"No one should be in a federal prison solely due to the possession of marijuana."
"I think this has something to do with the new legalization of marijuana." - Larry
"Marijuana for personal use should not be a criminal offense."
"Decriminalization though, you could smoke weed now, go to jail, you grow weed, you know, go to jail, it's kind of lit."
"Marijuana contains anti-inflammatory antioxidant and probably anti-cancer compounds."
"The evidence in this record clearly shows that marijuana has been accepted as capable of relieving the distress of great numbers of very ill people."
"The Biden Administration plans to reclassify marijuana, easing restrictions Nationwide."
"Marijuana is a picnic in the park compared to this synthetic crap."
"Weed is from the earth. God put this here for me and you. Take advantage, man."
"For many people suffering from chronic pain, weed has been a godsend."
"Who needs reasons when you've got weed?"
"Marijuana will help you attain that."
"I definitely will make marijuana legal."
"Marijuana I don't even think it should be a drug bro."
"Weed should be in the packs and the cigarettes at the store."
"Pot makes you feel fine with being bored and it's when you're bored that you should be learning some new skill or discovering some new science or being creative."
"The feeling of being high comes from the main active component in marijuana: THC."
"The Drug Enforcement Agency is said to be moving to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug."
"Marijuana does help, it's just taking the elevator instead of taking the stairs."
"The reason that marijuana is a problem is not because it's harmful, the reason that marijuana is a problem is because it's helpful."
"Becoming a stoner allowed me to be like, movies are just something I also do."
"I've quit every [__] thing I've done, and I'll tell you what, I don't even think about quitting marijuana."
"Do not smoke weed on the come up if you aren't experienced."
"Between the age of 16 and 19, I started smoking marijuana."
"I don't know if you read Marine Dow's column when Colorado legalized marijuana she had an entire edible ended up she thought she was going to die that night she didn't know that was going to happen"
"Damn, bro, I'm way too baked right now."
"Smoking marijuana causes less injury to the lungs than smoking tobacco cigarettes."
"I cannot believe they kept CBD from us and the marijuana products like this the amount of people I know who are like getting help from CBD and all right it's crazy"
"The stoner was right. The guy that smokes weed all day was right. Huh, it's crazy, I know. You gotta stop thinking we don't know what we're talking about just 'cause we're high."
"If you smoked weed, you will get high. If you study, you will get educated. If you smoke weed and study, you will get highly educated."
"I'm not advocating marijuana use. I don't smoke marijuana myself, but if it's legal and people smoke it, this is the thing you should do when you're stoned: you should read this paper."
"The real sticky icky residue, the residue."
"I try to communicate to people because I think it's under appreciated is, you might be fine smoking pot every day for 10 years, 20 years, maybe even 30 years, but eventually it will come and bite you in the butt and then it's gonna be really, really ugly."
"Marijuana elevates levels of dopamine in the brain."
"Marijuana use dulls one's attention span, delays decision-making, and impairs signal detection."
"A quarter of the prison population are people who are picked up with marijuana in their pocket."
"I smoked weed in Montreal Canada and that wasn't uh that was just a place where sorry about my cat oh who do we got here who's that let's see see cookies yeah."
"And marijuana actually extends your life expectancy."
"We’ve finally passed the recreational use of cannabis."
"I knew the guy that took it. He wrote it to my house and exchanged it for like four grams of weed and I kept it that night."
"Man, I dream of marijuana for breakfast." (laughs)
"I'd rather take a couple hits of weed and calm the [ __ ] down about some [ __ ] anyway."
"Marijuana is completely legal in Canada, but in some American states it's still illegal."
"I literally think I would overtake the world if I did anything other than weed."
"Pot is one of the least destructive things you can do as a way of coping."
"I started smoking pot, took me several times to get high"
"Weed is an addictive drug... anyone who's ever smoked weed before knows that if you start smoking weed on a regular basis... you're going to have to smoke weed that day."
"Contemplation is the very best intention that you can apply towards the ingestion of marijuana."
"Jake The Snake was my friend Eddie's buddy in LA. That's how we got our weed."
"420 first became associated with marijuana back in the 1920s."
"What about using it constructively? If you're sort of like, say my kid's a little artistic, I was artistic when I was a kid and I know that when I smoked weed a lot did not help with the creativity."
"Marijuana doesn't make you lazy, just makes you realize that what you're gonna do ain't worth doing."
"Marijuana was the perfect thing... it kept us so that we were sane believe it or not."
"I hate to talk about marijuana or any illicit drugs because, you know, basically that's how we lived our life in fear, oh God, it's a government from persecuting people for using plants."
"No one ever committed suicide on marijuana."
"Weed does not make you violent it makes you mellow."
"Hernandez was known for partying and his marijuana use."
"I can tell you right now, I've smoked marijuana since I was like 14 years old."
"So in medical marijuana dispensaries the THC level may actually be up to 25 of what you're taking so that's really psychoactive."
"He loved the weed man he loved it."
"Are you a marijuana person at all? Am I no I've never really been into it it just makes me sleepy and paranoid it doesn't do the good sex thing for me."
"They've been lying to the American people for 75 years that marijuana has no medical use whatsoever."
"Obama came out and said last week marijuana is less dangerous than alcohol."
"I owe my life, my latter golden years, to marijuana."
"You have to admit, God made marijuana because it was here before we were."
"Are you high right now?" "Yeah, I'm high all the time."
"Does the use of marijuana affect the healing process? No, it does not. There's no nicotine in it, therefore patients often find it beneficial to use that in terms of nausea or pain relief, anxiety etc."
"Blueberry kush is [__] the truth bro."
"The only smoke you want from Mike Tyson is if he passes you his joint."
"The reason I smoke marijuana to write comedy is that I'm funnier when I feel good and marijuana makes me feel good."
"This is just a marijuana type of day today guys."
"Weed doesn't cure boredom, it makes you content with being bored."
"Senator Cory Booker is proposing a bill that would both legalize marijuana at the federal level and encourage states to legalize it locally."
"Once in a while, smoke weed still, yeah. Here and there, yeah. That toned down a lot though."
"Honestly, I used to smoke pot, and like, that to me looks like something I want to be, like, want to be that relaxed."
"All this just for the sin of smoking pot."
"Treat marijuana like we treat alcohol and tobacco. Yay!"
"I would never smoke marijuana if that would, that's that's too big a chance. Still, because it's so small, I think like .02, but crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy coincidences always happen that defy all odds in this universe. So it's like like us existing."
"Oh man, that dank kush... that's all I'm about."
"A lot of people complaining about so much weed out there."
"Smoke some gange, get a little lifted, shift it, get higher than the ceiling, and ooh what an ultimate feeling."
"Marijuana loosens you up, gets your brain running in different ways."
"Marijuana is so much better with pain."
"I want people to feel the same thing I'm feeling after one joint and going on stage"
"I told her I said, 'You know what? I'll do what you want me to do for now, but today I get off probation, I will smoke weed till the day I die.'"
"I don't know man, this blunt has been gone for a while and I might be feeling it now."
"Smoked about a pound of weed and pulled up some Michael vocals and made music."
"If you're young and you smoke marijuana, you will probably never find a job, if you do have a job, you'll most likely be fired, if you're enrolled in school, you'll most likely fail out."
"Research published in My Page Today found that marijuana ease tremors and improved fine motor skills in patients with Parkinson's disease, I am not lying, it says it right there."
"With marijuana being legal in so many parts of North America now, it's raised a lot of concerns about side effects like hallucinations and short-term memory loss. And I could tell you as someone who's used marijuana, those aren't side effects. Those are the effects."
"Germany legalized marijuana for recreational use."
"There are real concerns about people using this product recreationally."
"Because they do exist, people who are taking recreational marijuana are typically taking strains that are much higher in THC."
"This strange report saying that marijuana has no medical utility whatsoever."
"Technically, he sells me pot. He sells you marijuana? Yeah, yeah."
"Marijuana is frequently thought of to be a synonym for cannabis but it's not."
"Federal law in the US says marijuana is illegal for any purpose in all states yet twenty percent of the states have flat-out legalized marijuana."
"I would say that I've noticed the same, not that I've broken through with DMT, but I think weed is a very powerful psychedelic to some people and it's overlooked."
"Possibly one of the main uses for marijuana is for relief from anxiety. So if you're about to free solo in HC, like, yeah, I don't know if I would be doing anything mind-altering before doing that."
"To make marijuana against the law is like saying God made a mistake."
"It's gonna be less fighting. Nobody wants to fight after you smoke marijuana, so positive."
"Out of all drugs, marijuana is probably one of the safest drugs anybody can use because it's not one thing you can't really abuse it."
"I had my bong at home because in my head I thought, 'Oh if I'm using a bong it's got water, the water's cooling the smoke, it's not so bad for my lungs.'"
"The only reason that marijuana was ever illegal in the first place was so the rich could get richer."
"Cigarettes are killing you, marijuana makes you live longer."
"Smoking weed is undeniably a less risky form of pain relief than opioids."
"I still do smoke weed, but I don't smoke weed regularly."
"Natasha is currently vaping marijuana, and I'm currently working on my audiobook voice."
"Weed makes you content with being bored. It doesn't cure the boredom."
"No seriously dude, I'm too high for this."
"A little puff of weed maybe too huh."
"Weed is from the earth. God put this here for me and you."
"I've healed my relationship with marijuana, I actually love marijuana now."
"Legalizing marijuana is a win-win for them."
"No one should be sitting in a prison cell just for anything related to marijuana."
"Marijuana today is 25 times stronger than in the '70s, '80s, and '90s."
"Nobody in their right mind believes that Jesus would condone smoking a joint."
"Marijuana does impact a driver's senses and nobody should attempt to drive after smoking."
"Had a lot of people, a lot of friends go to jail in Korea for literally ridiculous amounts of weed."
"Marijuana made her happy, it helped her feel better."
"Decriminalization of marijuana seemed incomprehensible when we first started working on it."
"Long-term marijuana use lowers IQ permanently."
"Decriminalizing marijuana could very well help the economy in absolutely daunting ways."
"It breaks the whole system to have a class one drug be something as commonly available and non-destructive as marijuana."
"The house passed the bill that federally decriminalized marijuana."
"Legalization of marijuana has been a hot button issue for probably decades at this point."
"The vast majority of people believe in the recreational use of marijuana."
"The majority of Americans are starting to see that pot is not as harmful as people have made it out to be."
"The pros vastly outweigh the cons."
"The benefits I feel like really do outweigh the cons."
"It's almost unbelievable that people go to jail for weed."
"No one should be in jail just for using or possession of marijuana."
"The legal status of marijuana is way more interesting than we thought when we first started looking into it."
"I just gave her my analysis on ways to make money off of marijuana and to keep it legal all the way through."
"She's fighting for legal marijuana; sixty-two percent of Americans want legal marijuana."
"What percentage of Americans support the legalization of marijuana?"
"Marijuana: a plant originating in Central Asia, a pharmaceutical agent, a street drug, a political battleground? Full credit: all of the above."
"It's my hope that patients everywhere are able to utilize marijuana as a first line of defense in their medical treatment instead of it being a last resort."
"The primary medical effects of marijuana include pain reduction and seizure alleviation."
"THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana that produces that sensation of euphoria."
"The NBA probably gonna start going more lenient towards marijuana."
"Marijuana turns people into Dorito craving people who pass out on the couch watching Rick and Morty."
"The legalization of marijuana makes sense for not only income reasons for the government but also it removes the dangers of dealing with drug dealers."
"Two out of three Americans support marijuana legalization."
"Making marijuana legal at the federal level is the smart thing to do; it's the right thing to do."