
Standing Up Quotes

There are 235 quotes

"Sometimes you have to take sides. Sometimes stuff happens where it's just like, you know what, enough is enough."
"Workers across the country are standing up for their rights as workers."
"If you don't stand up for what is right in this life, evil takes over."
"Injustice, whether it's against you or someone you love, or someone you believe in or stand up, don't sit down on them because they need you."
"Stand for the right regardless of the consequence."
"I just feel it's incredibly important to stand up for the gay community and call it homophobia."
"People gotta stand up for what they believe in."
"I think it's important to stand up for the things I believe."
"Do not do things you know to be stupid. Stand up and say, 'Look, that's dumb, I'm not doing it.'"
"If you're going to stand up for something... stand up for your truth."
"If you don't stand up for what you believe in, you deserve what happens to you."
"Sometimes you gotta stand up for what's right."
"Not standing up for your loved ones, not standing up for your country, not standing up for yourselves in the face of horrible opposition from within or without is probably worse than hypocrisy."
"You have to kneel for something so you'll stand for something."
"Now is the time to stand up for what you believe in."
"Maybe we have to stand up like that to these bullies."
"We finally have somebody to stand up to the bullies. I truly believe that he is the only choice."
"You have enemies? Good. It means you've stood up for something sometime in your life."
"Just standing up, just saying no... that's Victory enough."
"I'd rather stand for something than nothing at all."
"A good man will stand up against evil; a nice guy won't stand up against anything."
"I am proud of her for standing her ground and standing in her truth."
"A round of applause for the story some lessons learned please stand up for yourself in the future god damn it man god damn it man."
"I don't give a fuck about standing up for what's right."
"Stand up when there's an injustice against you or someone you love or someone you believe in."
"Standing up for something is the most human thing you can do."
"If we don't stand up to this kind of behavior, young people, old people, whoever..."
"I'd rather take my stand over what I believe in."
"They were not great in number, but every member always made sure to stand up for what was right."
"If something is wrong I am going to say it and if it keeps being wrong I'm going to keep talking."
"Don't take any bullshit call out bullshit when you see it."
"My father just stood up for me in front of an adult."
"I'm standing up, I'll tell you something, I'ma do it."
"Stand up for what you believe because something is going to be kind of pushed right until your nose."
"It's like the more that they see you stand up, they know that you're doing something right."
"It takes a lot of courage to stand, especially in a small town."
"Daniel Bryan stood up for himself."
"She was going to stand up for herself."
"Always stand against the oppressor."
"I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm gonna stand up for myself."
"We will no longer be bullied; we will no longer be intimidated."
"We're not just going to stand by and watch. We're going to make a difference."
"It takes an immense amount of courage to stand up for oneself."
"It's commendable that she stood up for herself."
"What kind of man are you gonna grow up to be, Clark? You gonna stand up to bullies?"
"I actually am happy she's taken a stand."
"It is definitely good to see Karen getting finally what she deserves in my opinion you should always stand up against bullies."
"The moral lesson from the story is clear: we should always stand up against wrongdoing and injustice."
"It takes a lot of courage to stand up to a company like Grundy Plastics."
"I just did what I felt like I had to do. And it was to tell people that it’s not okay." - Gadot said.
"I find great peace in standing up for what you believe in."
"When the world tells you to shut up, you gotta stand, you gotta shout louder."
"I'm proud of what she did. That man treats everyone like a doormat. Someone had to stand up to him eventually."
"I simply cannot believe that someone would be so mean to someone who is so nice and I never let anyone talk to her like that ever again."
"This is what a bully looks like. Stand up to your bullies."
"I think it's great to stand up for your friends if they're receiving harassment."
"...stood up to bullies throughout his life."
"That's what you do. You're booked back on bullies. At the end of the day, you stand up to the bullies."
"But this is the first time I ever stuck up for myself."
"When you stand for something that is important, you're bringing everyone else along with you to give them the freedom and the strength to speak their truth."
"Sometimes standing up for yourself and for what is right can make all the difference."
"If you want to fight, man, you've got to get the gloves on sometimes, man. Stand your [ __ ] ground and fight back."
"I will not stand by while you make innocent people suffer."
"Glad I stood up for myself and didn't take this crap."
"Stand up and fight for the gospel."
"Georgia stood up for what she believed in."
"When you find bullies, you find the brave people who stand up to them."
"It's awesome that the original poster had the guts to stand up and say 'enough is enough.'"
"It felt good to stand up to a bully and see actual results."
"Sometimes the only thing you can do is stand up for yourself and make it known you're not to be screwed with."
"Courage lies with the people who take the risk to stand up."
"I hate a good many things, but I stood for them all the same."
"Are you going to lay down in fear of losing this man, or are you going to speak up and stand on what you believe?"
"Good for you for standing up for yourself and not taking this garbage for a second."
"It is so hard to be that person to stand up and say wait a second this isn't right."
"Always understand the value of respecting yourself and standing up for yourself."
"If you have anybody that's out here that's close to you who is saying that Megan Thee Stallion's lying, get rid of their asses far away from them."
"I wanted the youth to really understand that nobody stands for that."
"I stood up and I was brave enough."
"...the pain of taking a stand...people are going to be pissed off..."
"I was raised to if you know something's wrong say something stand up regardless so that's why I'm here today."
"It's easier to be a fly on the wall and not speak up. Be the first one to break through, and you'll be pleasantly surprised to see how many others are standing right behind you, willing to stand up to this nonsense."
"As long as people still have the guts to stand up for what they believe."
"Real advocacy is a pain, and it comes at a cost. And this is your moment, Melissa, to stand up for your daughter, for all the daughters."
"It's important that we stand up to them."
"We need to stand up for ourselves. It's the only way we're going to stop Asian hate."
"It's time to stand like Elijah to Jezebel. I'm not talking about a person. I'm not talking about a lady. Time to stand."
"Dipper feels bad for not being manly, but Mabel and Stan reassure him that he did the right thing in standing up for what he believed in."
"Stand up to them. Don't let the bullies win."
"I will never be okay with that, and I will always stand up for what's right."
"Good on you for standing up for yourself. That's despicable, disgusting behavior that shouldn't be accepted in today's society."
"It's a lot harder to be walked on when you're standing up."
"Honestly good for you for standing your ground on it. The whole situation is really creepy."
"I'm not about to stand idly by while I let you get away with harassing the women you work with."
"Hell, the only time Midori has ever stood up for himself and the entire story before this point was when Junko insults anime in front of him."
"When you can oppose what they feel when you can do that it renders them powerless over you everybody else it might capture but if you have the ability to stand up and say that's not what value and worth is right you become powerful."
"You really stand up for what you believe in."
"She's not afraid to get in the ring and say, look, bullies don't get the last word."
"Now's the time. If you haven't written Jim Mitchell or Justin Ringstaff or Mike Bernard, go to the website, get their web address, write them a wonderfully encouraging, prayerful, and respectful letter. But now's the time to stand up and speak up."
"This will be a fight, and it's got to be fought by people standing up. You can't sit back on this."
"This is now. Right now we're seeing this in our churches, and we need more people that will stand up and preach against it. Amen."
"...you've been duped and it's happened as far as it happens to the best of us and it takes good men standing up against bad people."
"We're called to stand up for Christ when the rest of the world wants us to sit down."
"Ovi Kabir was a true hero, standing up for his friend when she was being bullied, even though it wasn't cool at all."
"Jacques was the most light guy in the dressing room, but at the same time, people respected Jacques for standing up to the bully, saying 'enough is enough'."
"there comes a time love and everybody's life when you have to stand up and be counted"
"Maybe there's a part in all of us that wants to be like Jerry, just that one time where we can stand up to our bullies."
"Can you find that sense of freedom that we had standing up?"
"Stand up for what you believe in. Do what you think's right. Be prepared to suffer the consequences. But don't be pushed around when you know in your heart of heart, it's the wrong thing to do."
"It is about standing up for those who no longer can."
"People are standing for what they know to be right."
"If you don't want her to dance with it like, stand up for it."
"It's that when you know someone is being rude and disrespectful towards something you care a great deal about, you should take a stand no matter how important they claim to be."
"You're standing up for yourself, being more assertive."
"Punching Lyle was the first time I really stood up for myself, and I'm never gonna take that back."
"It's hard to stand up to your own mother and say, 'Mom, I don't agree.'"
"I didn't submit to him. That was really healing because he definitely didn't expect it. I turned it around on him."
"It takes a lot of courage to stand up when something evil is happening in the throes of your parish community or even within the families that you were serving."
"We're not going to take this one lying down."
"If you don't stand up for yourself, no one will."
"Every day that we live our life, whether it's for our family, for our neighbors, it's on the line. You just need courage, you stand up, you don't bow down."
"The bullies win when people don't speak up."
"It takes a lot of moral courage to stand against your own tribe and say hey no this is a bridge too far."
"I might not agree with her on a lot of things but it takes a lot of moral courage to stand against your own tribe and say hey no this is a bridge too far."
"If someone's doing something that's illegal, immoral, unethical, unsafe, you actually have a responsibility to stand up and say no. This is not happening."
"What chance do we have if we don't stand up to this evil?"
"When this all went down I reached out to Rachel and I reached out to Chris and I said you know what you did was wrong you know that like I understand there's so much more to it but um what do you want me to do to support you while also standing up for what I believe in?"
"It's the right thing to do to stand up and say no."
"Moral courage, I'm talking about what it takes to stand up against the pressures of our time."
"You did the right thing by standing up for yourself."
"This is why you gotta stand up for this kind of stuff because you think it's just Star Wars and it's just a show."
"What I did was just stand up ... I told those people that what they were doing was wrong."
"I was like, I'm not gonna let people [__] with me anymore."
"We're standing up for what we believe in."
"It takes guts to kick a bully like that. You did the right thing, Ben Parker."
"You don't foster well-being until you stand up for something that matters"
"People crush on you because you're someone who will stand up to bullies in life."
"You know, sometimes man, you gotta stand up for certain ideas."
"Sometimes man, you gotta stand up for certain ideas."
"So I stood up for what I thought was right."
"Anybody can sit. An old woman can sit. A coward can sit. It takes a man to stand."
"If you don't stick up for something now, they're going to take away something you like eventually."
"Major brownie points from me... actually stood up to Chloe."
"I'm committed to looking stupid if it means standing for what's right."
"Somebody needs to stand up and insist that this contemptible behavior is incompatible with any notion of Blackness that is worthy of being defended."
"You've got to fight back. If someone wants to steal your boy, you've got to fight back."
"I felt that I had to stand up, I had to stand up and be counted. I felt that I had to defend something."
"Standing not for the sake of religion but for the sake of justice."
"Did you stand up and get stuck? Oh no!"
"You're standing your ground with people, it's what's fair, it's what's right."
"I wasn't going to let him abuse the rest of the customers and get his food first."
"I always stand up for somebody who's being picked on."
"I think that's really respectable like taking a stand cuz it's something you believe in and not just because it's something I'm not follow I don't follow yeah I love that."
"At the end of the day, you stand up to the bullies."
"It's really about standing for what you believe in."
"There comes a point when the only thing to do is to stand up to this behavior because it destroys people and it destroys lives."
"She stood up for what she thought was right."
"I stood up to my abuser and told her I was not going to allow myself to be treated like this anymore."
"I can't stand bullies, and I'm always going to stand up for what's right against the bullies."
"Well done to Alex to stand up for his sister."
"You got to stand up for what you believe in, and you tell the other person, no, you move."
"I just need to be strong and stand up for what's right."
"Before you say let it go, stand up."
"You have to take a stand at some time for what you believe in."
"You have to stand up for what you believe in."
"Just remember one thing, all you gotta do is stand up."
"If you're gonna stand for something, you gotta stand up."
"Cancer risings are the type of people who will stand up for what they believe in."
"There comes a time in your life where you have to stand for something."
"After years of feeling used for money and being a doormat, I got enough and made my stand."
"The real heroes of today are the few people standing up saying no."
"I'm gonna stand up for what's right."
"Nothing changes if people don't stand up."
"Don't let people think that they can lie and bully you into making it up."
"You gotta stand about what you think is right."
"Our characters don't become the chosen one because some seer said that they'd be a superhero; they became a chosen one because they decided to stand up and say something or stand against whatever evil."
"If you allow the fear, the evil will win, and that's not going to happen. We have to stand for our voice proudly."
"We're finally standing up to the bully."
"At some point, you got to stand up to the bully."
"I want to stand up for what's right."
"Remember, you must stand up for your rights."
"They raised me to stand up to bullies, and that's exactly what I'm doing now."
"We're not trying to hurt nobody, but we're going to stand for something."
"What I saw was you standing up to a bully."
"Roll yourself up to standing one bone at a time."
"There are times a man can't back down; one of those times is when they're making fun of their friend's dreams."
"We need to start standing up for ourselves."
"We've got to stand up to bullies."
"We are those standing for the ability to disagree, the ability to share our views when we disagree with people."
"He sees his branch president reach out and extend rules that keep the Jews from attending church service."
"To me, this was just such an obvious choice because I saw wrongdoing."
"If we don't believe in it enough to stand for it, we really don't believe in it very much."
"I have to stand up for what I believe in."
"The name of the book is 'Why I Stand'."
"I'm proud of the way you stood up for your honor."
"I stood up for what was right, for what Cus had started."
"It doesn't matter if you get beat up... you have to stand for what's right."
"People respect knowing that you will stand up for yourself."
"I get to tell my daughter about this and I get to share with her that when you... you need to stand up for what you believe in."
"I feel like the biggest impact for me was him just standing up to them."