
Relatable Quotes

There are 224 quotes

"It paints its picture of dystopia in dark, cynical brush strokes that can sometimes be a little wild, but yet still often manage to stay relatable."
"Work's finally done for the day, my back and legs are relatable."
"I think it's super realistic, likable, and relatable."
"Relatable, try if you want, tactical nuke ready for launch."
"The thing about his writing is that it speaks to you at every stage of your life."
"This is the funniest thing, this resonates so much with me."
"I think a lot of people can relate to having a bad neighbor."
"Me looking for the last Pringle in the tube."
"History Goto AKA Bocce is so relatable to the point where it scares me."
"It's supposed to be relatable, it's supposed to be part of the grounded fantasy."
"Lost in Translation is one of the most relatable films I've ever seen."
"I try to make the type of music or the type of art that can reach anybody, that anybody can relate to."
"It's always fun, like I love the content because it's really like it's relatable."
"You just have a really dope energy that is very mutable, relatable, and fun at the same time."
"...the Belchers feel more like a real family who know each other and love each other and could exist in the real world..."
"...when you've got a family of people who are flawed humans that communicate like flawed humans, it's gonna be way more relatable from the audience's perspective."
"Everyone we know has had eating problems."
"There's just something so funny to me reading about Book Lovers because they're just the most relatable characters for me to read about."
"Carrie can be insufferable and relatable at the same time!"
"Chi & Alberto is just so touching. I really related to it too."
"Ben Savage played an every man, every boy. It was comforting to see yourself on TV and see the perils of being a teenager portrayed so vividly and realistically."
"...each character has their own struggle that they're going with each of those struggles seem like things that could actually happen to people and are things that have actually happened to people..."
"The horror of someone you only half knows saying, 'Oh, I'm getting that train too.'"
"So I hope this video was an encouragement to you in some form or fashion hopefully it was relatable."
"If you know the feeling, you know what I'm talking about. Like, there's just nothing like it."
"It was just like having a conversation with friends."
"The lyrics are deeply relatable and like specific."
"This one just really connected with me on a personal level."
"I just feel like I'm just relatable"
"tiana from the princess and the frog who's a pretty good disney princess overall"
"For me, 'The Spectacular Now' is pretty great; it's not perfect, but it's incredibly relatable."
"People want to see something real, they want to see something that can relate to."
"Use vivid imagery... paint a picture... make abstract concepts feel real and relatable."
"The original charm of the series was how grounded it was and how relatable many of the scenarios were."
"This is one of those movies that everyone can relate to."
"I love how relatable that is and how vulnerable she's getting."
"I think people were so drawn to it because I kind of represent the every person outside. I'm not super good at this stuff, I just really enjoy it."
"Who doesn't love a strong man especially when that strong man is Hercules he's got charm he's got muscle he's got relatable social awkwardness what's not to love?"
"I love the direction that's taken because it's like I want you back but it's like I know all of this but I still want you back and I think that's a particularly relatable concept and feeling absolutely."
"It's like when your pants come... It's like this thing where you're trying to get your key in the door when the phone's ringing, it's like that kind of panic, you know what I mean?"
"It was just such a well done 90 minutes of lots of different aspects of humanity that you could relate to."
"The underlying theme of her intrusive thoughts playing out in front of our eyes is ultra-relatable."
"Wouldn't it be more relatable if I just showed real life?"
"He is so relatable, he's so wonderfully real and raw. You see so much of Simon in the stories about him in the gospels where he puts his foot in his mouth and he jumps ahead when he should have held back."
"This was a film that you can relate to. It's a film about humans, and that's what makes it so relatable."
"Don't read this book like 'I'm reading the words this guy wrote,' pretend I'm talking to you."
"You feel sorry for her and you can relate to her because she's doing some of it out of just not knowing what to do."
"He's kind of relatable, I accidentally made a relatable character."
"...scares come from something grounded in real that we can relate to..."
"The real reason why High School Musical was so influential, it was largely because the story is just so relatable."
"This is such a crying in the club type of song."
"That's so [ __ ] relatable. I have the same family, to be honest. I'm Kevin. That was me."
"AJ just left to go to the gym and I said that I'm not going with him I'm just so like does this ever happen to you guys am I the only one ruining my carpet somewhere over there."
"Life's a funny thing. Do what you want to do. Be what you want to be. Relatable."
"I'm not a professional cook, I'm the complete opposite of professional, but you know I think that's what makes the channel relatable, right?"
"Eating out of the sink, why are you so relatable?"
"This movie is very relatable and a truly underrated comedy."
"It feels very real and it feels very much like things that a lot of us have experienced before regarding grief, regarding regret, regarding that love that you want or a love that you can't have, or complications with friendships."
"So, I hope it resonated with any, even a single one of you. If it helped one of you or if you can relate to the story and know you're not alone, then that's even more important than the van."
"The fly is one of the only relatable movie Monsters out there."
"A series whose characters are interesting, relatable, and likable."
"I think if anybody's ever been through that kind of hurt, like it's highly relatable."
"It was a tangent it was good which is good because yeah yeah I think it's very relatable and there's a lot of different um topics that people are interested in when it comes to this stuff."
"I just feel like it's like relatable and like the way I like the way he views things even though they're very dark and twisted usually."
"Cyril Gane is a very relatable guy, he's a humble guy, he's a nice guy. There's nothing crazy about him."
"This poem is funny but also deeply relatable."
"This manga is truly laugh out loud funny and especially if you're over the age of 25, it's the kind of relatable humor that can get old after a while but somehow never does in this series."
"Pearl just wants to be loved and that's a relatable mood."
"Inside Job is the most relatable show I have ever watched."
"these are interesting characters enough and you put them in situations that everyday people can relate to"
"When food be real, real good, I be about to cry. If you could relate, comment down below."
"Everybody's story is important because sometimes when you hear that story, you can see yourself in the story."
"It's literally me when I'm filming every video. I just blank out."
"I find his criticism refreshing because I find it actually more relatable than than the professional approach"
"Punpun is one of, if not the most thought-provoking, painfully relatable series that I've ever read."
"I want people to relate with what I'm saying, regardless of the background. That's just good material."
"It's got to be relatable, it's got to be easy to use, and you've got to treat the customer still as if they are the most important person in the world."
"Yusuke works as a protagonist better than others because he feels like an actual person."
"It's just great music that you can sing along to and relate to."
"It's such a human and relatable story."
"My neck, my back, my anxiety attacks. So flipping relatable."
"There's a million girls looking at you going she's me and if she can come from where I come from and have this look and become this Superstar and become Cinderella that's something that is rootable."
"And you tell the story with a big smile on your face, the ones around you laughing so hard they ugly cry because your experience was so real and relatable, it could have happened to them just as easily as it happened to you."
"I think that is exactly what it was all about because it was three ordinary blokes who were not pinups in any way."
"It was a show for the ordinary men and women at home presented by people who were relatable."
"Yet relatable because I too am haunted by regrets and constant running over by trucks."
"There was something about dads texting, which really resonated with me."
"...the way that it does best really is capture some of this experience of growing up in a fundamentalist religion specifically having like a teenaged experience around that there were so many moments that I found incredibly relatable and well captured."
"He just says the things that come to all of our minds, like he genuinely will ask the questions that we all have in our head."
"He's a relatable guy, he doesn't have an ego."
"Music is a very big inspiration to me. I think a lot of people can relate to that."
"Henry of Scarlets is the most interesting character I've ever played as, and it is precisely his ordinariness that makes him so likeable, so relatable."
"I think we all related to Middle Class Fancy on Instagram because everyone was like yes, yes, yes, we all feel it, we all see it, and relate to it so deeply."
"What made Ellen such a great character to me is that he was a normal guy. Unlike most of his friends, he had no magic to help him. He was just a man doing his best in a mess of a world, and I liked him for it."
"You guys are always speaking on stuff that everyday people can relate to, you know, some stuff that's uncomfortable to talk about like Mental Health, financial hardships, the challenges of fatherhood, stuff that regular people go through."
"I love telling stories in music that people can relate to as well. That's just real life."
"A people's princess is relatable, authentic, and often an underdog."
"I thought this made him seem nice and relatable because he pets scorpions."
"Relatable family moments, hashtag relatable."
"That's just too relatable for people to not enjoy."
"She seems so just nice and human and so relatable, and the empathy just glows off of her, and I'm all for that. So just as a human she's already won me over, and that's without even really having dived into like interviews of her and whatnot or her music at all."
"Reality TV: the only thing reality conceptually has going for it is that I'm watching relatable real people go through something."
"Everything builds up to a point that you can fully relate to, and as a bonus, if you like Silent Hill, this film will make you want to just go back and play the first game all over again."
"I find the story of a man in his mid to late 20s who dedicated years of his life to a job slowly accepting that he's found happiness elsewhere I find that story to be deeply relatable in a rather uncomfortable way."
"There's definitely moments throughout this book where I was literally laughing out loud I was like wow that is actually pretty realistic like I would be thinking or saying the same exact thing as her and I love that"
"It's weirdly relatable in that way."
"The characters feel like real people that we may seek to be friends with or want to be just like."
"I honestly just like for me mental health is like my main like platform and like what I talk about and I feel like we relate so much on a lot of things."
"I remember seeing this movie with two friends and being like, 'That's us.'"
"We focused a lot more on lyrics and a lot more about really relatable topics that have not really been touched upon enough in music."
"He's still the same dude that I met you know, back when in college. Wow, still an idiot. So...but like so down to earth and so relatable."
"And this is a lot of the things these are a lot of the reasons um that people don't understand when it comes to Vader and why he's I think he's such a dynamic and cool character and so relatable because he is flawed."
"...it's impossible not to relate to at least one of the March sisters."
"It's a story we can all find ourselves in."
"Be able to talk about the news like a real regular person with a life."
"That's relatable. I hate waking up and forgetting a dream."
"Honestly, I never heard such a relatable line in my entire life."
"Hopefully, talking about things like my own financial goals that I'm working towards and some of the mistakes I've made along the way can help make this content feel kind of more relatable for anyone watching."
"Everybody can relate to being stuck in traffic."
"Those feelings don't go away. They're pretty universal."
"...I think this is probably a very relatable topic for a lot of people listening."
"There's a bit of all these characters in all of us."
"I felt ex a little unhealthy as well, and there was something about 'Don't Tell A Soul' that I could relate to on a personal level."
"I was that kid, my parents left me at home, I did actually have to fend off robbers, this movie really spoke to me."
"But what makes Randy the perfect audience proxy isn’t just that he asks the same questions we do while watching safely at home; it’s that he can also be wrong."
"When your mom comes back and you've just realized you haven't done any of the things she's asked you to do, that is so relatable."
"Bluey is one of those rare shows that not only entertains kids but adults as well with its relatable characters and stories for the adults but funny moments and games for the younger ones."
"I mean, even bad pizza is pretty good."
"When you drop your phone in between the car seats and the center console, oh that's the worst."
"This is the most relatable moment of the whole movie."
"Oh, I can relate to daddy issues."
"It's an expertly shot drama with very relatable characters."
"I lost weight and then I found it."
"I'm happy and I'm sad, but you know the feeling."
"I am much happier just to be photographing couples that are just a lot more like myself."
"The show has been praised for its relatable characters, stunning visuals, and overall cozy vibes."
"The strength of these realistic, relatable characters is just part of what makes these films Timeless Classics."
"Showing that this is an unconventional army but one which is relatable to the demographic they are targeting."
"It's a frog on the toilet checking his phone, just like me."
"The years are getting shorter; it's a theme that all of humanity can relate to."
"You guys know how it is when you lose your wallet, it's literally the worst thing in the world."
"The most relatable thing Frodo's ever done."
"Nana... it's timely, I think everybody can relate to it."
"It's hard and it's difficult, but the idea of continuing to move nonetheless is so relatable."
"Serial experiments Lane is unpredictable, unusual, but also strangely relatable, which makes the whole experience all that more unnerving."
"I love this so much, I guess everybody could relate with it."
"Me checking my alarm before waking up: 'You've got about an hour.' Me after closing my eyes for 2 seconds: 'You've got about 5 minutes.'"
"What's good about this is that it's definitely relatable, I imagine pretty much everyone has been in a situation like this."
"He's supposed to be the most grounded superhero."
"Spider-Man is one of the most relatable superheroes out there."
"The best moments in reading are when you come across something... that you thought peculiar to you."
"I heavily related to this book it made me cry it made me laugh again it inspired me."
"It doesn't feel like I'm watching a show sometimes because I could recall so many of the events that happened in this series also happening in my childhood."
"This is the kind of stuff that really touches home to me."
"I actually relate to this character so much."
"He just talks about everyday life, which we can all relate to."
"It really do be like that sometimes."
"He seems like a down-to-earth guy."
"Ash Ketchum is a very easy protagonist to understand and relate to."
"He's just so goofy, anyone who's met him knows that he just brings a really weird energy into a room and I love it because I relate."
"Peter Parker's life is much more relatable and digestible for anyone born in the past 25 years."
"John Green has this way with words where you read it, and you're like, oh my god, like he understands how I feel."
"I think we all relate to that because honestly sometimes I only organize enough space in my craft room so that I have room to work."
"Does anybody else do this thing where they make a coffee and then they completely forget about it?"
"I would be rich if I had a dollar every time I walked into a room and forgot what I was getting in that room."
"Me reading a PDF for my exam, me reading 900 comments of two strangers arguing on the internet."
"It's quotable, it's relatable, it's emotional, it's deep."
"Come on, man, yeah, you know, yeah, I think it's just human nature."
"It's so much more down to earth, so much more relatable."
"She's so shy and anxious and socially awkward, and I really resonate with that."
"Again, a simple message something that everybody can relate to."
"It's so emotional, but it's amazing because I've just felt so seen reading this book."
"I'm not scared of spiders or bugs, but if I see a tarantula, he can keep the house."
"You know how sometimes you wear jeans and then you get home and you can't wait to take these off?"
"No matter when you are born, you can relate to it and its messages still hold up."
"So today, I aim to do this seemingly impossible: follow the diet of a supermodel but like, make it relatable."
"It's emotionally very affecting; the lyrics are very transient and anybody can relate to them."
"History stops being dry facts and starts becoming a personal journey."
"The First Act is about trying to find a place to have dinner, relatable."
"It feels really down to earth, which makes it really easy to connect to."
"I just love how relatable he is and so imperfect."
"This book could honestly be set anywhere and could be following anyone because the true root of this book and story is truly the human experience through and through."
"We've got three great topics everyone could relate to."
"I'm allergic to mornings, but it's fine."
"Arthur is a show that kids and adults can understand."
"Everyone's got some sort of story with one or about one."
"Big moment in our life, and tell me if you can relate."
"I found it quite gripping because you can relate to her character and relate to the story."
"You can't get me out of the shower. I'll have to add a 'Oh, 20 minutes'."
"This zoo is a hundred percent pure havoc, sweet kinda like my life; I can relate on a spiritual level."
"It's one of those movies that everyone can relate to."
"I think this is the first time I've spoken to anyone today, so my voice feels a bit... you know when you just don't speak to anyone for hours because you're by yourself all day at home? Relatable."
"It's big picture, it's big sound, it has incredible relatability."
"If you can relate on Christmas morning, you unwrap everything then you carry as much as you can upstairs and just throw it on your bed, throw it on your floor."
"I'm trying to talk about the stuff we all experience in ways that's my whole album is an attempt to talk about stuff we all experience."
"It's a pretty accessible story that I think everybody can appeal to."
"Everyone can relate to that sort of thing; everyone goes to a nine-to-five job and gets annoyed at their boss from time to time."
"We do it in a way that if we were just chilling watching TV or watching a movie, we would have said the same comments."
"It's also super relatable with the pressure of going to university, making it about mental illness."
"Do you ever get them days where it's like it's only Tuesday and I woke up ready to go back to sleep?"