
Visual Design Quotes

There are 449 quotes

"In short, I love the aesthetics of this world."
"Lines and shapes can create effortless movement around the image."
"The thumbnails are really important. We find that bold graphics with bright, strong colors and high contrast usually draw people in."
"It's one of the most visually striking games in the past few years, and it shows just how much can really be accomplished with relatively little."
"If you want to create depth or a dynamic feel, think about finding colors that are complementary."
"A visual anchor is a bright, bold shape or object that attracts the eye, reducing the chaos in a scene and creating a starting point for the viewer's journey through the composition."
"Reflections can alter the reality of a scene, creating cognitive dissonance or introducing asymmetry to break up symmetry and add energy to the composition."
"Make sure that everything that we have here, we can see. Color and contrast very important."
"The game's distinct look and surprisingly impactful story did a lot to help it stand out."
"Big shapes are going to visually communicate the personality of the character... giving you a sense of stability, trust, and stubbornness... friendly, bouncy, soft, welcoming, warm, and happy."
"Vanillaware's games are focused on making the player happy... rewarding and enticing players with sheer beauty and spectacle."
"So what I did was first I made a style scape for Vistara's current branding itself because I wanted to understand their current visual language."
"Color theory teaches us the relationships between colors and how they relate to each other in a composition."
"There are kind of like three basic colors you're going to need: primary, secondary, and a neutral color."
"X and Y are bursting with color and creativity at every turn."
"Primary colors make superheroes more popular."
"I was just blown away by the way it looks, and I think it's one of the most confident and assured titles that we've seen in a long time."
"Ghostwire Tokyo's Tokyo is stunning... it's just cool to see this place rendered in the way that tango works have done it."
"The new doom is spectacularly colorful and exuberant."
"The costumes, hairstyles, and makeup worn by the characters of Black Panther are incredibly impressive."
"It's such a simple thing that gives this game an incredibly striking and iconic visual flair."
"There's no muddy brown and gray color schemes. Every color scheme is bright and well chosen, and it looks so smooth in motion, too."
"The variability in color and landscape design in Mad Max is done really well, offering a variety of hues and environments beyond just the desert."
"Bloodborne overall, I would say, is a dark game visually."
"There's a uniquely feminine quality to this game's visual design that I believe makes it stand out in a really great way."
"The game itself looks great, I like that visual design."
"If you're someone who's starting out in UX design, the one thing that can really make you stand out is having good visual design in your case studies."
"I love the shadow mock-up... it helps kind of create the vibe and the lifestyle."
"Making an image interesting is... about how you design the elements on the page."
"Visual hierarchy is crucial for effective design."
"I really wish an anime adaptation would go balls to the wall more with hair colors."
"Try to use bright colors in bold fonts so that it catches the viewer's attention when they're scrolling through Amazon."
"The losses on the right side have been reintegrated so they no longer stand as distractions."
"When we talk about a visual puzzle, that's what I'm talking about. As I dive deeper, 'Oh, that's ah!' and it creates a feeling, you're mind, that 'aha' moment, the lightbulb goes off."
"Rayman is a beautiful looking game, stylized extremely well."
"Using red as an accent brings a much stronger emphasis."
"The visual design is top-notch... felt like a development in the Star Wars universe."
"Mega Man 11 though did fairly well and I really enjoyed it, it controlled like a dream and has a great look to it."
"Everything about his appearance embodies his environment and his role so well, it is a fantastic design."
"But when you look back at the visual design of that original game, it's clear to see how much work went into crafting 'Rogue Legacy 2's own visual language."
"Apex Legends was built off Titan 4 3 and the Apex we have today is most likely more visually similar to what Titan 4 3 would have looked like."
"As always, in Stranger Things, the attention to detail is amazing with a ton of 80s era branding in every frame."
"Each of Night City's mega buildings has a unique color scheme."
"It's all about subtle variation, subtle contrast in color, shape, value, all that stuff."
"You got the bio mech elements just right. The contrast you got from the monochromatic background, and then those red elements in the foreground, really gives it a punch. Overall good work."
"If it's important to this character that they're outgoing, you should show that through visual design."
"I think it looks really cool, aesthetically I think it looks sweet."
"I also played it, and I loved how colorful it was... presentation was awesome."
"The trees and bushes here are colored white because they're meant to be covered in snow."
"The night level in world 8 features an awesome visual style that outlines scenery in black and white."
"Take time to create good channel art. It's your 30 seconds to get their attention."
"This does not look like Minecraft. This looks like a work of art."
"I'm putting a call out right now to all the Ultimate Warrior fans all over the world, all the other warriors, to get behind a movement that is positive and inspiring men and women who desire to be the best of the potential they have, not the worst."
"Each one of those is so appreciating how much work they put into the visual aspect."
"You can see that the text title here is red."
"Code Vein has my interest mainly because of the aesthetics and the story."
"Phoenix Rising offers a significantly improved color palette with rich greens and deep blues that really pop on the screen."
"The magic has been done and just take a look at how ridiculous this is gonna look."
"The visuals for the game are probably the best part of the game."
"It's all the grotesque Gore that people desire from this type of game."
"The art style in this game... felt like a true natural continuation of halo 3 with elements of one two three and four mixed in there."
"I love the design of the aesthetic in general actually for this game it's really, really nice."
"The characters now look like they are trying too hard to be realistic and the once celebrated art style has been replaced with a mismatch of uninspired visuals."
"Until Dawn doesn't have to hide its monsters or its actors because it looks incredible...it's not much of a stretch to call it the reigning champion."
"HDRP gives you a lot of power to customize lighting and visual results."
"I was roped in by the impressive visual design and top T animations but I stuck around for really interesting approaches to narrative combat and progression."
"Your visual identity includes your logo, the fonts that you use, and your brand colors."
"Love this diagonal aspect... make it look more dynamic."
"The visuals captured the look and feel of the movie in every way."
"The deviants looked great, they looked phenomenal."
"Seeing Halo look like Halo again is genuinely mind-blowing."
"Adding these sorts of details is a great way to add a lot of visual interest as well as visual storytelling."
"It's a perfect blend of 2D and 3D, perhaps the most critical piece of this visual puzzle."
"You've got floating islands with trees, you've just got like just this magical looking zone here."
"I think this is the biggest update visually to Mac OS ever."
"Whichever person on the dev team was doing art direction for this, you get an A-plus."
"It's like living art, it's like making cool paint jobs."
"Adjusted lighting and character visibility for better overall visibility."
"Louisiana makes simple look good, curved over the fleur-de-lis."
"The hair in this show is such a part of the flow."
"Games had never looked like this before. They would never look like this again."
"3D terrain... anything like that that just makes the game pop a little bit more showing the different kind of terrain that's on the board is cool."
"Parasite Eve was visually stunning, even the most critical reviews of the era noted the impressive cutscenes."
"Why are demons flying? This is also one of my favorite graphics."
"Now we can see those look like lego pieces again."
"This is going to allow us to change how our materials look here for this rendered view."
"I love the way there's gone ahead and influenced the way that your government buildings kind of show what the faction is within your empire."
"Skeletons really got to nail how Necromancer summons look."
"It's so simple but it utilizes a silhouette in a way that just... it's beautiful."
"The visual design in this game is timeless somehow."
"Elden Ring is so full of really visually striking and unique moments that are completely missable."
"Remember the importance of contrast, scale, alignment, and visual hierarchy."
"The artwork is gritty, edgy, full of thick lines and lots of shadows."
"Create backgrounds that match or distinguish from the platform to stand out." 🎨
"It's the little details that really start to stand out the most."
"The visuals, probably my favorite thing about this game."
"The animations and visuals of the cat are astounding too."
"Red Dead 2 marks Rockstar's first full foray into physically based rendering, which has become increasingly popular this generation."
"This redesign didn't take too many passes before I settled on a look that I was really happy with."
"It's just a beautiful balance between the size of the display and the resolution."
"Bungie has put some serious work into its sequel to create a richer, more beautiful world to explore."
"Details painted on there like the blue gem in the center, the gold there, the white is laid on a little thick."
"The rad roach, the power armor, the radiation bear. It looks amazing!"
"These impact frames are very underrated but tie everything together."
"Scorpion is visually the most recognizable character in the Mortal Kombat cast."
"Implied shape is a shape that's not really there but is implied." - Ted Forbes
"We need some foliage on the right side of the tree to create a sense of balance."
"The visuals should be inspired by the story."
"Now if I turned off the signature S Pen color it'll actually switch it to kind of this like white or grayish color it's kind of boring you can't really see it as well the yellow pops out much more."
"Look at this so I love the entrance I love the flags coming up we've got a moat kind of situation okay I kind of low-key absolutely love this."
"Once you know these skills, you're going to be able to create badass visuals on the web."
"Leading lines draw the eye to a specific place in the scene."
"It's not about features, it's about directing your eye."
"Beta Ray Bill, looks phenomenal, love the character."
"Black Cat, one of the favorite female characters, cool model."
"Adding a spark of color can be a great idea for your slides."
"This is key and contrast. Now these are two terms that normally you would hear separately but once you start thinking of the two together as a pair, that's when it starts to make sense."
"I like the fragmentation of like the robot right there too it looked really really nice."
"Loved the visual design of it, loved the sound design of it, I thought that was rad."
"I think we can improve the overall look a lot by not changing the polygons."
"It's a perfect blend of excellent art direction and attention to detail."
"From a visual perspective, I think the procgen stuff fits in just fine."
"Do that and not only will your game be more accessible - but also help out players who are playing on a smaller screen, or squinting to see their TV in a sunny room, or playing on a phone in battery saving mode, and so on."
"Find one picture that absolutely embodies what you want to do, what you want to capture, just love your house to be that way."
"I accidentally stumbled across this version. It's kind of the same thing, it has this concentric circle kind of idea underneath, but it kind of uses Voronoi and it just looks strange and I really, really like the look of it."
"Donkey Kong's World is visually spectacular, with a cart-driven economy."
"Applying visual design principles will make your work more professional."
"Having that clear representation of how you want your film to look makes a big difference."
"Strawberry, fuchsia, and teal to make them really pop against the ocean backdrop."
"I'm pretty happy with the way that this actually turned out... I think this looks really good."
"I hope this ended up looking something like what you wanted it to look like... I'm pretty happy with this so far."
"It has a wooden ships on there, it looks like there's a lot going on in it."
"This is perhaps one of the most visually striking games of the generation."
"Those are 10 text animations that I often use for that sleek and dynamic look."
"This looks so good, it's like a grid format - man, this is absolutely mad!"
"Ross has a great eye for composition and character design."
"This is like the bee's knees in terms of supers... it's absolutely a 10 out of 10."
"This is the best looking barrage super in the whole game... I think it's great."
"The new covers are incredible, the story holds up so well, I loved every single second of it."
"suicide squad the original concept for incubus was quite something it was visually striking and instantly memorable while inspiring"
"The color modulation will really color that streak effect."
"To me, this whole area with the tree texture wallpaper, the facade of a house on the wall, the random old-time farm tools that just look slightly geometrically off... this looks like the exact way older 3D video games..."
"Rage 2 has a much more eye-catching color palette than the previous game."
"The animations of the characters and the world around them was simply incomparable."
"The action is fast and smooth, the visuals ridiculously detailed, and the control is simply perfect."
"The frost bomb effects are maybe my favorite VFX."
"It's gotta be one of the most artistically gorgeous and truly breathtaking games I've ever played."
"Love the animation, how it like appears you know like it's not just like there, it's like it's almost like it operates. It is really quite beautiful and that."
"The character models look fantastic, the environments are richly detailed, and the lighting design with the help of ray trace reflections really helps deliver something remarkably good looking."
"Exquisite city designs, refreshing cartoon art style, and night and day weather cycles make the game great to look at."
"These paintings are possibly my favorite piece in the pack I love them they serve as a tile they look so good when you sights them up the frame isn't too big that you can't and they look really good together as a set so nice."
"Here is an example so you can see now the background you have both shaper and redeemer on this that has like nice blue hue."
"For long-range weapons, they are basically just longer and have a more yellowish tint."
"Dice absolutely nailed everything with this map on a visual level."
"The ores actually physically look different. Diamond has the OG ore texture and the other ores, especially gold, look completely different."
"The fishbone shirt is another basic shirt but i again really like this color of blue and it has fish bones which are the closest thing to dry bones in any of these costumes."
"I think it’s indisputable that the art direction they chose for the remakes was definitely jarring, and came as a massive surprise to say the least."
"There's an infinite number of variations on how your gradient can look."
"Now this is pretty cool we have this really nice large dramatic kind of planet sitting in the background we have some very very interesting intense lighting we have a nice asteroid field and we have a nice kind of space environment."
"I feel like when I put the paper texture over it and the characters are moving, I don't want it to be too complicated." - Simplifying complexity for visual appeal.
"And the gold plates around the mouth visor and shoulders makes it look so boss!"
"I think Ariel's my favorite. I think she looks the most like what she is so I can appreciate that."
"Make sure your thumbnails are good. You can have a super good video and a bad thumbnail and people are not even gonna understand that your video is good because the thumbnail is bad."
"The world draws you in with its lush aesthetic."
"We're gonna have this nice little summer background image."
"If it's a winter scene, make it feel cold. If it's a beautiful sunny day, make it clear as day."
"Crystal Isles, a map filled with, you guessed it, crystals."
"The design and art style chosen for this game can be just beautiful at certain points."
"I think this is one of my favorite skins from this season without a doubt."
"Foreign key art for the upcoming Wakanda Forever Black Panther movie and it looks fantastic."
"Small details like walkways, lampposts, and railings can bring your scene to life."
"Adding variation not only adds visual interest but also makes your scene feel more realistic."
"You just want the hair to read as a shape, and all the detail is where you want your eyes to go."
"Wolf's default appearance in Smash Remix is largely inspired by his design for Star Fox 64."
"Conker's first color scheme changes his fur color to gray and gives him a pink hoodie."
"Mewtwo's first color is obvious: a bright green referencing his shiny sprite."
"The orange really brings it together and just to bring it to life that little bit more."
"Considering the eerie imagery we have of him and his statues, it makes sense for the writers to utilize him."
"Housemarque has created what I think is a genuinely fun, engaging, challenging, wonderful, trippy, visually mesmerizing experience."
"My favorite shot of the movie: Gwen walks upside down on that bank building and the sunset flare disappears and then reappears upon the rotation. It's so beautifully designed."
"Subject 002 an experiment gone wrong the young lady looks like she has been through a lot."
"It's just surface level. We keep making fun of like bad movie posters."
"Create stunning designs and effects with modern CSS techniques."
"From the first moments you lay eyes on them, their zombified almost mummy-like skin and unnatural body design make them appear otherworldly."
"The movie benefits greatly from an art direction as spot-on as this one every small detail adding so much to the overall mood with an atmosphere that feels truly Fantastical."
"It's a super pretty Kingdom, and all of the themes in this game are just so diverse."
"But in Mario Sunshine they put forth the effort to make every Pianta look like a different person."
"The primary color used throughout the game is red, often used to represent passion and the fire in the Phantom Thieves' hearts."
"This is an absolutely beautiful looking skin, like splash art. This is super super super pretty."
"The glossy pink palette and rating system world was one that definitely made an impact."
"The immediate thing that catches my eye about Iris 2.0 is how Red Juice adapted his art style."
"I really didn't like the way that my transitional areas were working so I spent a good amount of time there to improve those shapes."
"The shadow really is what contains the internal idea of the form."
"I want to say one positive thing about visuals and Pokemon."
"Just because it looks cartoony, don't think that it's not a complex game. It does have depth."
"Create a focal point, like your shower curtain, to draw visual attention to a single place. Make your shower the most attractive thing in there."
"Wait until you see how much our next character stands out in her grown-up version."
"Resident Evil 4 once again revolutionized the games industry both mechanically and visually."
"Expressive character models stretch and squish in both cinematics and gameplay while gorgeous per pixel motion blur accentuates every movement."
"Just by doing that we have our rock here, now it's time to add some lighting and effects."