
Vibes Quotes

There are 986 quotes

"No drama here, no beef, just vibes and nuance."
"The atmosphere has been positive and good. I think we come here with positive vibes and an optimistic feeling."
"They're dreaming about you, they definitely pick up on your energy and your vibes."
"Trust yourself; you know when the vibes are off."
"In hindsight, everything gonna be all right. It's a vibe thing, y'all."
"You guys are just on the same wavelength like you vibe, it's just total vibes bro."
"Trust the energy, trust the vibes, they never lie."
"Think happy thoughts, think good vibes, be good vibes, so you can help others around you be all of that."
"If you're reading this, it's too late. I already sent good vibes your way; they're coming. There is nothing you can do to stop them."
"Spread good vibes, give you guys the facts as much as I can."
"It's more about the vibes. The vibes have been extremely low in this card over here."
"You guys are natural healers, here to help people uplift and raise their vibes."
"Trust your vibes, trust your deeper knowing."
"It feels so good to spread positive vibes all over the internet."
"And then we're just gonna aggregate the good vibes for Chili."
"Happy Christmas Eve indeed! Picture the vibes."
"Trust the vibes you get, energy doesn't lie."
"It's all about the vibes, it's all about the energy."
"I mean come on it's The Vibes right it gives you the Vibes"
"This is very Mad Max, I'm getting Mad Max vibes."
"Love those vibes, love those vibes. When it's still dark in the morning and like nobody is out, vibes."
"Good vibes only, we're putting that out there like positive vibes."
"It's all Vibes, you know. You could tell the energy."
"It's a lot of trial and error so if it's like hey if you didn't feel the frequency of that person let it happen with the other one so I would say just take your time send people out and stick with the ones who you really vibe with."
"Remember what you put out, you get back. So just make sure you're putting out good vibes so you can get the good vibes in return."
"Maybe they'll actually date because of how much vibes they felt this day."
"He's really more charm and charisma bro, like he playful, he bringing the vibes."
"Sagittariuses are the best because they are a product of Good Vibes."
"I think it is all about good vibes versus bad vibes."
"Life is good. I can feel that. I'm always trying to give off good vibes."
"You need to trust your vibes. I feel like your vibes are guiding you."
"It depends on a person's uh the vibe I'm getting from the stranger yeah right."
"This show is music that's funky, it's soulful, it's fun, fun energy and good vibes."
"I'm really big on energy and vibes and stuff like that."
"Nothing but positive vibes here on this channel."
"I want my next relationship to be built off genuine love nothing but vibes."
"When you have a certain vibe and feel with somebody."
"Absolute best, good, and positive vibes only, boys."
"Let's continue to spread this energy. Let's continue to spread the positive vibe because you guys deserve it."
"There's a lot of luck and definitely your vibes here as well."
"Most of the time left here, we're gonna be more chill vibes."
"Vibes speak louder than words, trust what the vibe is saying."
"Challenge accepted, let me see if I can generate some really good vibes."
"From here on out, nothing but positive vibes."
"I feel like her energy is so up my energy vibes."
"Basket bags... they just give me those sort of happy summer sort of going on holiday vibes."
"We will be your regular dose of Positive Vibes online."
"Vibes more than anything is the base of this show."
"Energy is real, and the vibe is real."
"I'm going to do it for the vibes."
"We only want good vibes; we don't want any bad vibes."
"I want the vibes to be beiges, greens, Earth tones, plants, like woods, you know?"
"I'm an energy person, I really do think that like at the end of the day sometimes you just gotta feel the energy out."
"I'm gonna do a little quick 12-3-30, you know the vibes."
"The vibes that the trailer gives."
"The good news is it's vibes, right?"
"If the actual economy is improving and people don't feel it, that means a lot of it is vibes."
"Lots of love and good vibes only."
"If you want to see something like more evening wedding, evening fall wedding vibes, let me know."
"I'm getting 2017 Vibes, I'm getting 2020 vibes like that pre-explosion energy."
"What about just connecting with someone for the sake of connecting... what about vibing?"
"The whole house, although clearly older, was comfortable and had good vibes."
"You're like Barbie vibes; I'm funeral vibes."
"I could hang around Nomad Lounge all day just for the good vibes and riverside views alone."
"He seemed nice enough but as soon as we walked inside I told my husband that he gave me a really weird vibe."
"Nice Vibes, I'll be mean to break."
"The vibe is so good and the passion and the chemistry is freaking amazing."
"It's going to be nothing but good vibes and good energies going on around here"
"This next set is giving me all of the quiet luxury vibes."
"The vibes out here right now are freaking awesome."
"Your vibes speak louder than my words."
"Good Vibes in this AR City by the bay."
"I wonder if this is going to give me like Uncharted Vibes like the video game."
"...this is giving me all of like the 1950s retro Vibes."
"That's my 2023 F1 grid on pure vibes."
"This Spider-Man gave me more Batman vibes in the sense of his parents dying, we got to see his early childhood life. He's got more of a dark vibe to him."
"This feels so fun and retro. It's like definitely leaning 60s Twee Vibes."
"I'm trying to go like snow bunny vibes with this makeup look."
"No bad vibes, we've got angel numbers on her so she's basically a blessing but in disguise so no one will know."
"They want to be more than friends with you because they see you as very high vibrational. They know how you think and that you do good for yourself."
"They want to be like you because you're a vibe."
"It's just the Vibes. It's just how people feel. When people feel good about what's going on, they spend money. When they don't feel good about things, when The Vibes are low, they stop spending money."
"Good vibes only, that's all we want."
"It's all about the vibes, man. You get good vibes, you get good shots."
"I think that that bag's got a bit of a bad juju with it. I don't want bad vibes in your life, only good vibes, only good vibes."
"...they all just give different Vibes of beach day so that's like a girls beach day like we're just laying out tanning taking cute pictures."
"Men bring nothing to the world. Literally not. The Vibes, just everything."
"This place is absolute vibes. It's unreal."
"The movie is insane, it's disgusting, it's horrifying, it doesn't even make much sense at all, but it's just so cool, you know? Like, I hate this word, but it really is just like Vibes the movie."
"This one really gives me powerful and sexy vibes."
"I just feel like it's cute, wholesome vibes. Like, I'd rather that than go on a night out."
"Hope your personality vibing right now."
"You just can't beat good vibes with good people."
"Timmy doesn't really like Chloe right now because his Vibes are just kind of off."
"This room's pure, man. Nothing but good vibes over here."
"Just make sure you're not bringing somebody with bad energy."
"Just bring out the good vibes man, that's it."
"Supreme big like painter pants vibe."
"No analysis, no real [ __ ], just vibes."
"Not a single logic process in my head. Just vibes."
"My outfit is so whack right now, I feel like I'm giving leprechaun vibes."
"Sending good vibes into the universe."
"Good Vibes, good food, good good good good good good good good."
"You can't date someone if it's not vibes. Like, my thing is, I don't drop games. I just do vibes. And if the vibes run, then the love can't done."
"I'm going into 2022 with positive vibes for myself and for you."
"Clear your vibes. Take care of your energy."
"This game is just all about strictly Vibes."
"I personally believe mirrors carry energy. They feel different. Some mirrors just creep me out, while others are lovely."
"They're taking a recap. Wow, I got all these positive vibes coming."
"I'm really excited about how this turned out today it's giving me like cutie summertime vibes."
"Dude, it's all about the vibes, man."
"Anybody who got good energy, good vibes and make dope [__], hey, dopest [__], got bad babies though, you gotta ignore that."
"You could enjoy it and feel the vibes from it."
"One of them is not in that type of vibe. There's almost like this game playing, that could be a player."
"Do boys know straight away whether you're girlfriend material? It depends on the vibe, where you meet them, how you interacted with them."
"I just want some good vibes honestly."
"The vibes are high, it's kind of the best part of the day."
"Cooking isn't about recipes or proportions or ingredients or time, it's about Vibes man. It is cooking just Vibes, you gotta Vibe and flow through it."
"Positive affirmations, positive vibes. Amen, I mean everything, all of that, all of that. Bye!"
"...they give off Gossip Girl Vibes."
"...if you're into like country aesthetic Sweet Home Alabama Vibes."
"I want everybody to be positive, positive vibes only."
"I'm all about vibes, dude. Good ones and avoiding the bad ones."
"You're welcome to the industry. Uptown is here, the vibes is back."
"You give off wifey vibes or hubby vibes. There's so much warmth in your energy that I feel like you just give off long-term relationship energy."
"Everybody is just Good Vibes around here."
"I feel like Good Vibes feed off each other."
"I'm about spreading good uplifting Vibes."
"People are nervous to approach you, so if you're thinking like, 'Damn, why am I so unapproachable?' like, what the [__], like this is where that 'looks good but it's not good' type energy comes in."
"It's old man Vibes, I like old man Vibes."
"When I enter the room, you instantly hit me with good vibes, like I have good vibes for days now because, you know, ENFJ overload."
"...just here for the Vibes and the food TBH."
"Spread positivity, laughter, cheerfulness. No bad vibes over here. None. All good vibes."
"Good vibes today, the sun is out."
"I didn't really go for looks, more for connections, vibes."
"It's weird, it's like kind of an understatement too, but it's just the vibes that it gives off and the things that have been happening in there."
"Bleach Opening number two... I don't know what... it's just feel good vibes man. It just feels really good."
"I'm getting Love is War vibes from the look of this anime."
"It definitely is giving me like Love is War Vibes."
"It really does just give me like feel good anime vibes."
"Talking about vibes, make sure to check out the Discord server, the Vibe House. It's already in the description down below."
"We just had a game night, another one coming up very soon. So much good vibes, very fun stuff over there."
"I want all the light and Good Vibes that I can get."
"Cheers to us and we're going to get outside and we're going to have a lit time. We're going to have great Vibes because that's what we do."
"I'm very very surprised with how it went because the Vibes were Immaculate."
"Wow, tons of really famous people were considered to play Satine and Christian: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Heath Ledger, Hugh Jackman. I got major Hugh Jackman vibes from our boy Ewan. Oh, wow."
"I kind of like it for Easter. It just gives like springy Easter Vibes to me."
"It's just giving me vibes, you know? Confidence to be more fun."
"I love vibes, good vibes, good energy."
"Nothing but good vibes and messages in the sand."
"Your energy just vibrates differently."
"It is literally 82 degrees out right now, the vibes are just so good."
"I guess it's time for the real turkey. Yeah, be right back. Yeah, but there's no real turkey or what if I hit him with a turkey joke and then they all laugh and then it's just vibes."
"Yeah, it's very [expletive] hard to find decent people or people that just want to [expletive] with you just because they like your vibe."
"Your future spouse really gives me those City Vibes, like they live in the city."
"That was creepy stalker vibes in my opinion."
"Good Vibes genuine people around genuine people and we going to turn up the [ __ ] up you feel me"
"Papa Roach and crab Cor sco spoke to us at the core with Moody style dark and angsty Vibes."
"I'm planning to go to uni, Plymouth University seems like really nice vibes."
"I left today with a good vibe, that's all that matters."
"You've got the Vibes down to a science."
"It's just good music that you can dance and vibe to no matter how sad the messaging is like it's a Vibe for yeah A vibe for sure you can't help but dance to this album."
"The Vibes in Mama Melrose for sure. Italian Vibes in here."
"Laguna Beach, located here in the heart of Orange County, you're going to find shopping in downtown Laguna, great sunsets here, 1,000 Steps Beach, and overall outstanding Southern California Vibes."
"She's just feel-good energy, always."
"Oh, I like this already. This gives me like punk vibes."
"Guys, lovely vibes, lovely vibes, I love this, I love this."
"The Renaissance Fair is immaculate vibes."
"That's cool, he's giving like Zeus Vibes."
"So, I'm very happy I can't say that I miss the city but every time when I come to the city, you know, I always get like a overall good vibe."
"If you getting creep vibes, if you get entailed from the crypt vibes."
"Good vibes. So angry Friday, I love it."
"Goodness is what I call summoning triangle for good vibes and fresh oxygen."
"I sense good vibes and I like that for the Frank GS."
"Good vibes only, my guys. Look at this."
"I'm just letting you know, and I'm letting the people know, it's just vibes, let it be."
"I do like him. It's good vibes, good energy and I feel like this could go somewhere."
"Vibes are so high when you're that far removed from society and you have to have a sense of normalcy. There's nothing more normal than having beers with the homies."
"You're a high vibe, you have a healing energy, they're jealous of it."
"It's about energy. Listen to how they make you feel."
"Attack of Panic should be number one because when we heard this song, we were like, this feels like something that would be played in like a Berlin club."
"Vibes are everything. It's so much fun to shoot in the summertime, but miserable in the winter when there's nobody out here."
"You don't give off bad vibes, you're not out to get people."
"I kind of feel like it's giving low-key Disney Channel 2010 vibes."
"Monster High gives me the same vibes as when I watch the old Monster High movies for the first time."
"I really love the Vibes I'm feeling so positive"
"Skateboarding's real energy, shared vibes, always real."
"This is just vibes, isn't it? I'm literally loving life."
"I'm not even mad. I can't even be mad. It's just a Vibe."
"I don't go for the looks. If I like your personality and how you make me feel more, I like this vibe."
"I wanted to make this kind of that vibey thing."
"Giving all the fall vibes, giving all the pumpkin spice lattes, giving all the crunchy leaves, eating all the autumn vibes. I love it."
"We give goddess Vibes around here."
"She's continuously giving me amazing vibes."
"You're throwing very mysterious vibes with Scorpio and Pisces energy."
"Lisa Frank Vibes, y'all. Like, come on."
"It's given me huge 'Journey Vibes' mixed with the 'Breath of the Wild' art style."
"Vibes are high, time for a snack. You guys know my go-to is this Abraham's red pepper hummus, and then I'm gonna cut up some cucumber, and it's the perfect mid-afternoon or honestly evening snack now."
"What a beautiful day it is. The weather is nice, the vibes are immaculate."
"The vibes are immaculate, the weather's stunning."