
Authentication Quotes

There are 748 quotes

"Let me scan the tag... It says this item was authenticated by our experts on January 23rd, and I believe I received the shoe on January 25th. Not bad, two-day shipping from eBay."
"Officers on duty authenticate the codes, and if they are authentic, they fire."
"MFA is going to be the answer to pretty much any question you see about needing to have strong authentication."
"A big focus is always MFA and things that can drive that stronger authentication when we're going to access things."
"Supabase... includes authentication and some other stuff. It is completely open source."
"Usually, 80% of them come down to a lack of two-factor authentication."
"What's the best way to authenticate those though impossible defects?"
"These are fantastic. They does all of the heavy lifting with the authentication of users."
"For now however the best way to protect yourself... is enabling two-factor authentication."
"I can verify that's real because there are hundreds of independent operators."
"Any form of two-factor authentication is better than passwords alone."
"There's an additional security feature added to our authentication, making Quicks a very secure environment."
"If you get the hash, you don't need authentication anymore."
"Authentication credentials are not provided."
"No passwords, no authentication, industrial control systems online."
"Hadith checks on many ways of verification, not just one. But any one of them that would have a break of unknown narrators would be totally rejected."
"You should go to any of your important accounts and look for something called two-factor authentication."
"Two factor authentication with a time-based one-time password is a strong, effective, simple to use mechanism."
"It's official our painting is by Francesco montemezano."
"Multi-factor Authentication takes away the weaknesses."
"If you care about internet security, this here, it's not gonna Focus, this is the Titan key, it's the best form of two-factor authentication."
"Some of y'all are really enjoying it, and some of y'all just complain even if someone handed you a million dollars."
"Authentication provider is something responsible for doing the actual authentication."
"The user is stored on the client, so no matter how many servers you have, authentication is seamless."
"Physical security Keys provide a strong form of two-factor authentication."
"Pass keys are the same level of FIDO2 authentication that have been available on the YubiKeys for years."
"Da Vinci's drawings were found to contain a lot of human and insect DNA, fungi, and microbes."
"We believe that any broad deployment of synthetic voice technology should be accompanied by voice authentication experiences that verify the original speaker is knowingly adding their voice to the service."
"Wouldn't it be cool to literally have this one single device like this pair of glasses that does everything for you including authenticating you everywhere?"
"Invest in hardware keys or use TOTP for multi-factor authentication."
"And that's all there is to implementing JWT authentication in Node.js and Express."
"Authentication is just difficult to do properly, and a third-party solution has thought about how to do it."
"Multi-factor authentication is when you have to prove in more than one form or way that you are who you claim to be."
"Single sign-on can provide a single point of authentication through an identity provider."
"Non-repudiation is the guarantee that no one can deny a transaction."
"Single sign-on means a user doesn't have to sign in to every application they use."
"Enable two factor authentication whenever possible."
"Digital signatures provide more security benefits; it's an encrypted hash of a message encrypted with the sender's private key."
"Strong passwords and PINs with six or more characters are going to be very important."
"Multi-factor authentication is by far one of the safest ways to authenticate yourselves in the cloud."
"...two Factor authentication it's really simple...if you can get that right again you're making yourself so much more secure."
"Face ID and passcode are where all your security lives."
"Touch ID is incredibly safe, reliable, and very hard to replicate or hack into compared to say a password."
"Non-repudiation: proving that a message came from a particular source and no other."
"If the hash matches, then we know that our data is intact; it's authentic, it hasn't been modified in any way."
"If people are using JWT for authentication, we should at least show them how to do it correctly."
"Azure Active Directory is an identity provider for the cloud, and it's not just for Microsoft. Many third parties can leverage Azure AD as part of their authentication to give me single sign-on for my various users."
"We're all used to the idea of a password, but we're really trying to move away from password as much as possible."
"The MSAL library talks to the v2 endpoint for Azure AD and supports multiple platforms."
"Authenticity is about being able to prove that something's legitimate."
"Wow, I mean of course it has to be like authenticated but I would bet my life that this is authentic."
"You might also want to authenticate using a public key instead of a password."
"Role user was not found or was not initialized."
"This method will take care of the whole authentication process."
"Clerk authentication, my absolute favorite authentication. It is so good, it's unreal."
"Passwordless is the best. Let's get rid of the password completely."
"I'm leaning towards believing the authentication that required 10 cameras and a lot of AI."
"Conditional access provides an extra layer of security before allowing authenticated users to access data or other assets."
"Multi-factor authentication is more secure than a single authentication factor."
"Digital signatures provide authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity. They positively identify the sender of the email and ensure the message has not been modified or corrupted."
"When you digitally sign an email with your private key, you cannot deny that it was you."
"Azure AD joined is the full bonanza, essentially full single sign-on into Azure Active Directory."
"Passwordless authentication combines convenience with high security."
"Identity Providers create, maintain, and manage identity for users across multiple separate identity management systems."
"Managed identities allow authentication to services without embedding credentials in code."
"That photo almost certainly has added to the value of it because that is proof of the Providence."
"You could shop eBay they've really stepped up their authentication practices."
"It's far better to only make them MFA if we detect an anomaly, we detect some heightened risk, we detect they're trying to elevate their permissions. That's really what the guidance is."
"When you think about it, once you have that man-in-the-middle proxy in place to intercept the username and password, the addition of an ephemeral second factor adds very little to the user's actual security."
"The inflection point was you can either do this at very high levels of security and authentication or you can do it at scale but not both."
"This type of multi-sig script requires both parties to sign."
"The Key Distribution Center (KDC) is the heart of Kerberos."
"...digital signatures provide a mechanism for ensuring both the Integrity of transactions and non-repudiation."
"Authenticate errs allow the user to authenticate to the service and the service to authenticate to the user, mutual authentication and tickets."
"Privacy.com is PCI DSS compliant, uses military-grade encryption to secure your information, and they offer two-factor authentication."
"Multi-factor authentication combines something you know, have, or are."
"Authentication proves identity, while authorization grants access rights."
"Implement user registration backend logic with password hashing using bcrypt."
"That would prevent that because you used your badge to be able to do that so that is a very good question to use a very good challenging problem if you're someone who has to maintain security of the output"
"A signature is a very good multi-factor characteristic for someone trying to determine is that you or not."
"By using Cognito, you don't have to worry about storing passwords, encryption, or security."
"Trust me, this is what we need to understand so we know how to connect data to authenticated users."
"It's using reverse proxy, maybe that's why it's not forwarding the authentication header."
"All APIs that contain sensitive information should have some mechanism to authenticate users."
"Authentication related vulnerabilities typically occur when an API provider either doesn't implement a strong authentication mechanism or implements an authentication process incorrectly."
"Authentication is about people carrying valid account or valid ID."
"Authentication protocol relay attacks are when the credentials are captured from a victim resource and then they're relayed to another target resource impersonating the identity of a victim."
"An authentication protocol relay attack is when the credentials, the authentication credentials are captured from a victim resource and then they're relayed to another target resource impersonating the identity of a victim."
"Single sign-on, identity brokering, and social login... log in with your GitHub account or your Google Facebook Instagram whatever it is and you'll be able to use that account to actually log in to all of your local applications which is pretty powerful right."
"Brilliant we've now got single sign-on with portena using key cloak."
"We definitely want to be prompted for a password so we don't get unauthorized access."
"You can be sure that this user is authenticated because once GitHub authenticates this user, it means that the user's account is real."
"If you're using password authentication, you're doing it wrong."
"If you shake it like a Polaroid picture, it actually really messes up the film."
"Kerberos provides stronger encryption and mutual authentication."
"Single sign-on allows users to authenticate once for multiple apps."
"Can our investigation prove that a painting found on eBay is really a lost work for King George III?"
"The whole point of the whole OAuth flow going over to the authorization server coming back to the client the point of getting of doing that whole kind of dance back and forth is to get something called an authorization grant."
"Authentication and authorization solutions are key."
"Multi-factor authentication provides strong security."
"Dynamic knowledge-based authentication is more secure."
"OpenID Connect adds something called an ID token."
"Your signature is very different than another person's signature and it's very difficult to exactly duplicate someone else's signature which makes it although a very weak type of authentication it is indeed an authentication."
"Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol is more secure than password Authentication Protocol and is used to pass client credentials securely over a public network."
"If you sell one NFT to someone, the technology has it so if you duplicate the original, the barcode would automatically be different, so you can copy it, but everybody can tell it's a fake because it's since it's its own fingerprint."
"Multi-actor authentication adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that only authorized users can make payments."
"Now, a great way to make sure that your accounts are protected against these types of attacks is to make sure you enable multi-factor authentication."
"Once the logout is done, then we need to make is authenticated user to false."
"Cognito lets us add user sign up, sign in, and access control to our web and mobile apps quickly and easily."
"And there are multiple ways to authenticate with Vault, but we don't have all of this enabled right now."
"Pass keys provide a secure way to sign in to your favorite apps and websites without a password."
"While it may be possible for someone to forge or fake one document, it is less likely that they'd be able to reproduce two. This is why most facilities require two forms of verification."
"Identity proofing is the process of establishing a reliable relationship that can be trusted electronically between the individual and the credential."
"Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) 2.0 is a standard for exchanging authentication and authorization data between different security domains."
"Identity as a Service (IDaaS) provides single sign-on (SSO) capability which allows authenticated users to access multiple services without having to repeatedly supply credentials."
"User verification has been completed and what we saw here was an important transition. We don't want a user to have to use their phone every time they're signing into something on their laptop or their tablet."
"So if all goes well I should be able to log in and go back over to my application."
"Passkey aims to make FIDO authentication more usable and available in the consumer space."
"Your account is 99.9 less likely to be compromised if you do use multi-factor authentication."
"Pass keys eliminate the need for passwords."
"Pass keys offer stronger protection than most two-factor methods offered today."
"Pass keys are a more convenient and safer alternative to passwords."
"Pass keys work on all major platforms and browsers."
"Duo enables high productivity by only requiring authentication when needed."
"It just works it does not make me use the Authenticator app does not force me to receive a text message or anything like that Tony has that ability so as soon as this says stage 3 is completed I could simply sign out and sign back in and Tony now could manage these objects."
"OpenID Connect is about authentication, whereas OAuth 2.0 is about authorizing applications to do things."
"Azure Active Directory allows us to log in with external providers like LinkedIn and Facebook."
"So, how do I know that Bank of America is actually Bank of America? How do I know that this is not a fake site set up by somebody who's giving me coffee shop Wi-Fi to make it look like it is the real Bank of America?"
"The backup authentication service is able to, in an absolute disaster scenario, continue giving you access to services you are already talking to."
"If you've ever logged in with a username, a password, and then you had to put in a code that was sent to you via a text message or you have an app on your phone that presents to you a special code, that is an additional authentication factor."
"Multi-factor authentication makes it very hard for someone to break into your account."
"Why should I make them remember an extra password if I'm going to rely on another service for authentication anyway?"
"This is the way authentication should be done in my opinion: pragmatic, straightforward, zero dependency."
"Using password authentication is the most boring solution we covered and the easiest one to get started with, making it the clearest recommendation."
"By implementing 2FA, even if an attacker manages to obtain the user's password through brute force methods, they would still need the second factor of authentication to gain access."
"OAuth 2 is commonly used as a way for internet users to log into third-party websites using an existing identity."
"The access control triple - you're going to know that it's definitely Clark Wilson."
"Kerberos is essentially an authentication protocol. What that means is that it's a way to prove that a user is who they say they are across the network."
"Multi-factor authentication is a preventative security control for multiple attacks, including phishing, credential stuffing, and brute force."
"This technology is continually improving and it'll make it much harder for these reports to be faked."
"Currently, we don't have any authentication in our application, but just for here, we can use the random uid to create a user."
"My only gripe with NE is that their software authentication on the website does need a major rethink. Seriously guys, it shouldn't be that difficult."
"A VPN uses mutual authentication, meaning that the endpoints in the tunnel must authenticate to each other before the secure connection is established."
"Digital signature is an extremely powerful way to provide non-repudiation."
"SSO stands for single sign-on, a very useful feature so I can sign on one time and then have access to any resource I need."
"So based on those conditions, I'm going to either allow or disallow access. So in this case, I'm going to grant access but require multi-factor authentication, except from trusted locations."
"I always always always recommend to get your items authenticated even if you are getting them from a reputable seller it does not matter."
"The authorization code Grant type implies one more call to get the token."
"I thought it was amazing that they were able to get some of the items photographed, authenticated, and live on the website in about a week."
"...your passwords are kept up to date on the latest work factor configured for application as users log in. It's all totally seamless."
"Passwords alone are becoming less and less secure when it comes to authentication."
"Generic messages such as 'your username or password is incorrect' prevents attackers from knowing whether they have a correct username or not."
"It frankly baffles me how many platforms still don't prevent brute force attacks on their login pages."
"Options for access and authentication provide flexibility."
"Anything between the opening closing brackets of the Authenticator will only show if you're logged in."
"The communication between your Authenticator and the authentication server, that is through radius."
"...if the MAC address does not exist it moves ahead from authentication to authorization."
"You can SSH in using just a password or you can SSH in using key-based authentication."
"Allowing biometric authentication will seriously improve your security a thousand percent."
"Same sign-on means users can use the same credentials across multiple directories."
"It's a good idea to have two-factor authentication if you can on your admin accounts."
"So, if you lose this key, then you just go ahead and log in through your backup codes."
"For less than fifty dollars this hardware authentication device will protect access to computer networks and online services."
"It's worth using two factor auth for anything security sensitive."
"So the shorter the access token lifetime, the higher the security because you've reduced the window in which it might be giving you the wrong answer."
"Gmail doesn't actually ask you to enter your Google password."
"How many times a day do you see your phone ask you for your iCloud password?"
"Because there is no code instead of needing to type in a code you put in your username and password like normal."
"Two-factor authentication codes do add an additional layer of security to online accounts."
"Even if it's not a big name, it might be worth authenticating."
"A user digitally signs all emails sent to another user."
"And if it's valid, it will let you in, if it's not it will not let you in."
"Service account authentication, essential for seamless execution."
"Let's call the first one OAuth2 login handler."
"Authentication is the information about who the user is; authorization is the information about what the user has rights to do."
"It only responds to user verification, such as a fingerprint scan."
"Web Authentication API provides a standardized way for using strong authentication on the web."
"Security keys cannot be fooled by phishing."
"...every API is different we're not going to explore authenticated today but um you know keep that out if you want to see like how I turn the lights on and off."
"Conditional access is awesome at adding an additional layer of authentication mechanisms."
"The ink used for printing money is special too. It won't rub off the paper or fade in the Sun. And that's not all. The ink has secret additives that can only be seen if you look at the money under a special light. This helps protect people from fake money."
"Let's set up our NextAuth credentials provider."
"...you can connect to GitHub, Google, Twitter, whatever you want in terms of authentication. You can do it right through here."
"...hopefully, that covers every single possible scenario that at least I could think of when it comes to basic authentication in an xjs app writer application."
"Next auth is just a library, it doesn't actually have its own authentication service. There are a bunch of authorization providers that you can connect to using next auth."
"It's worth the 30 or 40 bucks to pay to get them authenticated."
"Two-factor authentication is just a security layer that protects your account from bad people getting into your email or contacts calendars."
"The whole concept of two-factor authentication is there's two fences the bad guy needs to cross over in order to actually get into your account."
"Tokens, specifically called JWT tokens... it's pretty industry standard for exchanging information about users."
"It's a simulator and later on, we're actually going to look at how we can simulate authentication with it, which is really difficult to do locally otherwise."
"I've got just enough credential from my repo to authenticate to my main vault, and then I can get all those secrets that are managed by policy."
"So, essentially, now I used an app registration in one tenant to gain access to another tenant."
"Authentication is key. There are three methods: basic HTTP, token, and OAuth. OAuth is becoming more standardized."
"Now, that basically uses OAuth, ID Connect, OpenID Connect login to do all that stuff. Now, I can come here and on my function app, I can try to access the URL and it should actually open, but before it opens, it should actually prompt me to log in first."
"It will also get a refresh token, which will be used to keep renewing the access token."
"Remember that photo is all about delivering strong authentication with an outstanding user experience."
"There needs to be an invention that's like an AI authenticator because if there's just something that you can run a video clip through and prove it, like damn near like a diamond tester."
"So now I'm sending this. But what does this do? This proves authenticity."
"An authentication system like Firebase authentication helps you to Grant access only to the users who own the data."
"That's all there is for the authentication user model. That's going to be what we use during the authentication process to say, 'Okay, this user has given us the credentials. Is that valid?'"