
Aesthetic Appreciation Quotes

There are 1649 quotes

"In short, I love the aesthetics of this world."
"It's a very, very, very pretty engine bay to take a look at."
"Flora's bedroom is definitely one of the prettiest ones, in my opinion."
"In terms of art, this is the best in the NFL; in terms of colors, it's the best in the NFL."
"This is something that you would see definitely at Hobby Lobby or Kirklands. It's stunning. I love it."
"I'm really happy with that. I think that that looks great."
"I absolutely love this thing. I love looking at it. I love driving it."
"It's the most beautiful car Ford ever made and it could be tremendously valuable someday."
"It pairs so nicely with pompous grass or florals...and it really just gives off such a modern look."
"But this isn't just nice aesthetically sometimes it's actually important to understanding a character's motivation."
"I prefer sunset or post-sunset to beautiful days and what I really like are days like today, which was, you know, really diffuse light."
"Visually, it starts to not matter because this is just so pretty."
"Big old king-size bed. Ooh, this is beautiful. I love this room. Like, I love the way that they styled this, right?"
"It's a beautiful display, and I thought it's probably one of the best bands I've ever seen from any company."
"I'm such a sucker for anything covered in fabric."
"It's the drawing people into the beauty of a form of life."
"I just love everything about this wreath especially the simplicity of it. It's just clean and cool and I don't know, it just makes my heart happy."
"I absolutely love how this turned out. It's kind of funny seeing a fall piece in front of the swimming pool but it was so beautiful outside."
"I love it, it's giving me very much Glade vibes."
"The Shorty looks pretty nice, I like the look of the Shorty."
"Doesn't look Space Age... just seems to be very well done."
"So pretty and the little straps I also really love the back of this dress."
"I love that his shell is just like this big glistening pearl."
"The show was incredibly cute and I remember it being very satisfying to look at."
"Lavender's just gorgeous, it's just so good!"
"Jesus Christ this [__] goes hard. This costume looks amazing in my opinion."
"These buildings are really pretty actually, I really do enjoy how that looks so that's a plus, that is definitely a plus."
"I feel like one element of like organic or oval or circle would really really be nice."
"It's awesome walking in here for the first time after everything's been put together."
"Money buys you beautiful and interesting things."
"The animations just make everything look really nice and graceful. Gackt has this weird elegance like a ballerina in the air to him. I love it."
"I really love it. It's got like this Tim Burton vibe."
"Price truth, beauty, love, seeking harmony with the infinite."
"The complex specified information found in living systems gives rise to radiant beauty that has depth to it."
"This feature is just beautiful, honestly, truly remarkable."
"Cleaning the glass is not something that I do a ton in our home but it does look so nice whenever you can see through these French doors."
"I just love the way the snow cities look at night."
"Beauty is anything that makes you say or feel like wow."
"I just fell in love immediately with that big blue bulging hood and those beautiful mirrors."
"Ion Fury nails everything you would hope for in this genre tight controls, smart level design, killer boss fights, tons of variety, gorgeous pixel art, and a killer soundtrack."
"The most beautiful motorcycle out there, in my opinion, would be the XR 750 flat tracker."
"Well isn't that a beautiful starting screen, holy shit."
"Ryuken's design is one of my favorites, I think it's a top tier design in the series."
"Science enriches your life, it's much more like music in the sense of the aesthetic appreciation of music."
"Love this color story though, it's stunning."
"I'm gonna keep this one because the color story is phenomenal."
"With this guys everything just looks lovely. The interior design is just gorgeous. It's just, oh, it's awesome. I'm so excited to try everything."
"Minecraft has that kind of romantic charm... those beautiful sunsets."
"Controls fantastically looks great for a 2001 PS2 game runs as smooth as butter."
"One of the better aspects of Ruby that I've enjoyed is the character designs."
"Islamic art inspired great joy and achieved great sobriety."
"Damn these colors are just looking so nice with one another."
"It was gobsmackingly beautiful. It was so pristine, the color of the light. I sound really like whacked, but it was like nothing else I'd ever seen."
"Isn't that color beautiful? This is definitely one of my favorite shades."
"I think this just looks so pretty, the way that it's sitting like this."
"Just the atmospheric tone, you know, just awesome."
"It's a great mixture of like this sort of desert terrain Forerunner aesthetic palm trees what more can you want uh it just it looks fantastic."
"For me, visually, it's the prettiest map in the game."
"When these things come together, man, it is beautiful."
"It's exciting to go inside and find the real you that's everywhere."
"It just looks fantastic, it looks right." - Sam
"It just feels cool, gritty, edgy, that sort of vibe."
"It makes me want to throw up how cute it is. Because it works so well. It doesn't come off as cheesy."
"It was beautiful, the atmosphere was perfect."
"It's just beautiful, it's just really, really nice."
"Tell me that doesn't look amazing, look at that!"
"Wow, that looks great just like that! That looks absolutely amazing!"
"I'm digging the flat black fully functional in the center."
"Doesn't that look absolutely amazing? I love how this one looks like where he's screaming right there."
"So it's one of my favorites for a native tree and now some of your big going are very pleasing."
"This is the best-looking show on TV. It is right up there with Soul Eater's best stuff, and that's good."
"And the writing is just stunningly beautiful."
"Nobody walks into a room with fresh flowers and says I don't like it there's something here very natural beauty an organic beauty to the scent of flowers."
"That is the PlayStation 5. That is a tall but also kind of nice console."
"I love the style, I love the look of this thing."
"I love how super chats look, they look so [ __ ] nice. I can't get over YouTube's chat, it looks prettier."
"Black Ops 2 Zombies is beautiful because of its flaws."
"I love the warmth that this room has... at the end of the day, this is really Tan and Rob's bathroom."
"I think it looks really cool, aesthetically I think it looks sweet."
"Whether you love them or hated them, you have to admit they were beautiful, totally cool, super fun, and would have been a welcome addition legitimately as a legit item in the future."
"Visually, I think they did really, really well."
"There's something so elegant about this leaf and the way it's thin, you know, it has the red bottoms."
"We need more different materials and textures in cases... I love that the Cougar max behind me looks like it's metal but it's not."
"The outside still has that '70s color scheme we all remember so well, and that bit of originality is the icing on the cake for me."
"This is magical. Isn't that just one of the most beautiful dresses you have ever seen?"
"Texture is one of my favorite qualities in a piece of clothing."
"Libras are very romantic, they love art, they love beauty."
"I love that they have zest and it looks retro. That's a nice touch."
"I like that guys, I think that looks pretty good. It's nice and simple, it's not too over the top, but it does the job."
"Jolteon and Espeon both get to stay because they're both kind of quite nicely designed, quite cute."
"Mazda did a fantastic job with the look of this car."
"I really like the gold trim on oblivion's ebony armor."
"It's cute, it's cozy, I like the color scheme on it."
"It's so peaceful, it's so pretty, and it's just been such a comfort."
"The Chrome has kind of transformed into this little tasteful accent and it looks really beautiful on this car."
"They've got very impressive hats by the way. They're incredibly cool."
"We're trading for Bobo. Now I feel a little bit more confident going into this season."
"That shot was stunning, it's like a desktop background."
"The Z4 seemed weird in 2004, look at them now, it seems clean and beautiful."
"Big bold styling out of the Toyota is a pretty good-looking truck."
"That's a move. That's sick. That's a move. Lily James, the left is... She looks... Left is so good."
"I'm shocked honestly that those really wrinkly ones pulled through but yeah super super cool."
"It's so pretty so soft just like such a lush like yeah just fluffy feathery plant highly recommend that one honestly."
"Teletext: A counterpart to the internet, thriving with renewed interest for its aesthetic."
"It just feels and looks real though which what I can't get over."
"There's something so special about it, this red interior is so vibrant and just puts a smile on my face."
"The game really has just changed so much and they've done so much with the same map."
"When you hover, it's going to work. Beauty. Beautiful."
"The legendary super saiyan transformation sequence was beautiful and scary."
"Magical realism presents its magic alongside its realism as equally beautiful and worthy of marvel."
"This game is looking like it's going to have pretty damn good cinematography."
"These are so cute, I can't get enough of it."
"Yeah you know what I think this actually looks cool I like this."
"I'm mesmerized, I really can't take my eyes off of it."
"I'm very excited for the new look of everything."
"This is one of the prettiest swings in the game."
"It feels refreshing to see something new that actually looks good and doesn't feel out of place."
"In the end, Shadow of the Tomb Raider is both a great game and a great looking one."
"What do you guys think? That looks really good!"
"Undeniably, the Brege Classique evokes the old world charm of a refined pocket watch."
"I actually love the way a clean fridge looks like."
"Most of us live within blank walls begging for this trifecta to adorn the spaces surrounding us so that we can tap into the deepest parts of our souls and show others pieces of who we truly are."
"I love this poster. It looks great. I love the color scheme of it."
"It looks pretty friggin cool, let's be honest."
"I very much love this, it's so simple but so pretty."
"The Phantom of the Opera aesthetic is gorgeous."
"I love the way this looks, feels, and works in hand."
"He truly appreciated the beauty of circular forms."
"I think what the movie does really well is, I mean, it's the best movie sets I've ever seen in my life."
"There is so much beauty in what is going on here."
"This one is such an upgrade, I love it. I love the browns, oh my god is this, do you hear that? I don't know if you guys hear that, dude yes plus, it is a gorgeous skin, dude."
"Back to back S plus, this skin is gorgeous, the light white and the light blue with the grays and then they want to color key me in these skins they always bring it back they always want me talking in the skins."
"I love the finish of this guy and when I wear this when it's like hot and humid and I'm sweating I find it actually doesn't move and it still looks really nice."
"It's so freaking pretty though you guys, it's so pretty."
"This whole first section of the trailer is so beautiful to look at."
"Protect black women and has a beautiful design."
"Oh my god it's so beautiful, I love it and I don't want to use it because it's so pretty."
"It was just beautiful, it was just absolutely beautiful."
"It looks so nice, everything looks so nice, oh my god, it's so nice!"
"The rosy tones in this one are just so beautiful. The formula is amazing."
"Revolvers rock - especially when we talk about the second kind of cool."
"This is insane. I've never seen such a beautiful office."
"When it comes down to the definition of art for me personally it definitely hits the requirements of skill and to be appreciated for their beauty."
"Capturing images of Earth from space isn't all about the great screensaver potential."
"This is such a lovely design. I love this. I love this game."
"I just love the colors of it, it's just stunning."
"Wow for an epic skin I'm giving this s to your man I'm giving you this s tier right like dude even an epic can go and get the S tier spot."
"Kazuya is one of the most beautifully designed characters. So is Hiyachi. These are amazing [__] characters."
"This is beautiful, I mean it's beautiful right?"
"It's remarkable... there's an iridescence... absolutely stunning."
"Finally, there's cool factor and this one is undeniable I consider it one of the all-time coolest vehicles and it gets a 10 out of 10."
"Modern architecture pales in comparison to this very old style of tower."
"One of the things about gardening to me, we just finished up our early garden, and I mean it is full-on, I mean we've got everything set up, it's beautiful."
"Styling i love the centenario i think it's surprisingly gorgeous and distinct from the aventador."
"It's an incredible picture like this is desktop background worthy."
"So this is our room. It's so cute, so pretty."
"I love those designs it looks absolutely amazing."
"Everything comes from something else before it, whether consciously or subconsciously."
"Venus will trine Mars as well, which is so beautiful on the 8th and 9th of January."
"I absolutely love bootleg. Something about them makes me want them more than the actual brand."
"A heightened sense of elegance in its line and a perceivable swiftness of foot."
"Denny's... I really like the design of it as well."
"God rays from all the sun coming through... that's how cool that does."
"There's just something I find so appealing about this 2.5D effect."
"This mount is real, really cool looking overall."
"Graphically, Final Fantasy XIV is beautiful."
"It was kind of pretty to be honest, like romantic pictures. It was like very poetic, it was like kinda scary in the right way."
"Magnets, how do they work? I don't want to talk to a scientist, all they're doing is lying to us."
"I love blush on the nose and it's just really fucking cute if you ask me."
"This is beautiful, this is so beautiful, perfect."
"They're absolutely beautiful in the white there."
"This piece is so sick, I love love the shades of kind of jade green and red."
"That's cool as hell, I love how the target is silver just to fit like on that brick wall with that whole aesthetic."
"It is so super cute. I really love how this one turned out."
"I absolutely think this turned out so gorgeous."
"Very nice, I like the snow... That's a lot different from the other ones, he looks like he's been out in the cold for a long time!"
"How good does that car look... I love the matte black with those details and the carbon fiber."
"Love the way they brought that little gold finish."
"Whoa! This is so cute. Wait, I'm obsessed. I love that."
"It's without a doubt one of the most beautiful games I have ever played."
"It's almost like a necklace, hung for a purpose."
"I find it really pretty because it's a different kind of like, and even it's kind of very interesting and different and I really really like that for me the way it looks like it's really like my own dream house, thank you."
"Can the modern eye learn to see beauty in a well turned ankle?"
"This might be the most gorgeous printer ever made."
"This is very golden, perfect. Okay, yeah, okay, I agree. Yeah, I like this color quite a bit."
"Dreamland is Whimsical and wonderful and I'm impressed at the effort that was made to make this game look and sound as gorgeous as it does." - Gerard the Completionist
"He fits with the body type of all the other humanoid characters I like his little dangly feet all the right colors."
"I think it looks so gorgeous and I think this is gonna grow out so beautifully for her."
"The graphics are really cool, I love this style. Angry Birds always had a great style and I think they've really translated it nicely."
"Persona 5's aesthetic elements are top class. It deserves praise, and Royal only served to polish the grime."
"This is what we need to see... It's cool, it's kooky, and it's a fashion moment."
"I like the look of all three of them. I really, really do. It's been a great start for our team."
"I love the colors. I love the fade from that meat color to the potato."
"It's a really simple design but I think he's really cute."
"This car is proving that simple is beautiful once again."
"I actually think it's the prettiest cat around you combined yeah I think there's a pretty I don't get better prettier than FP yeah that is a great space yeah."
"The best looking Sonata that we've ever seen."
"Urban Decay all nighter setting spray was my water no late and always has been."
"I wish I liked coffee, it looks so fun and aesthetic."
"The trees make all the difference in the world and I absolutely love that."