
Scam Awareness Quotes

There are 249 quotes

"Be careful of scammers. I'm not going to message you on Instagram. I'm not going to tell you to message me on Telegram. I don't even have a Telegram."
"I got scammed! I grabbed it with both hands and everything, and I got scammed."
"You got scammed, brother. You got freaking scammed."
"If you see an entertainment channel start promoting financial advice, it's usually 99.999% a scam."
"It's always the scam based on someone in trouble who plays on our goodness and our good nature."
"The truth is I ordered her flowers, and this thing just showed up. There's a lot of scams out there... I'm going to turn this into lemonade."
"I've never been quiet about getting scammed."
"I just don't want you, your friends, your family, or anyone you're acquaintances with to be scammed by someone unnecessarily."
"I want to give away [] stop [] scamming you [] [] and uh the second thing I like to say is stop getting these mayonnaise loving [] [] on these [__] e-dates on here please for once what what."
"They do make sure to let me know about it before I scam you guys."
"I hate it when people accuse others of scamming."
"Of course, anyone with even a mild amount of skepticism began looking at it for what it was: a scam."
"If you see the below ad, do not click it, do not call or attempt to contact them in any way, call the police instead."
"I don't want to talk about 18 children being slaughtered by a cowardly satanic piece of worthless filth. I have no commentary to offer on this. I have nothing but anger and confusion and I have prayers."
"It's just a scam, I was across the line you stupid baldheaded idiot!"
"So today I wanted to sit down and talk about the glorification of the scam artist, kind of some different examples and different cases, why I think it's happening, and sort of the bigger picture. So if you're interested in that, keep watching."
"What a disgusting type of person you have to be to use pictures of an innocent little girl just born into the world to try and scam people for their hard-earned money for absolutely no reason."
"If they start asking you for any types of money or gifts or anything like that, it's probably time to run."
"It's all a scam, everything's a scam, and some scams here are sophisticated, but it's also you think of it like wow, that's actually a pretty good idea, it's a pretty good scam, ingenious."
"You know what, he's calling you. I mean, you're living in a delusion. That's why I want you to know the truth about home title theft."
"Beware of the three card Monty scam and fake club promoters."
"The car warranty scam, they're like, 'I've been trying to reach you about your car's extended warranty.'"
"Scamming is illegal no matter who does it and where in the world they do it."
"Spread awareness. Remember, if you don't see a check mark next to the person's name, it's not them. If the person is not doing the giveaway, then chances are it's fake."
"Phone scams come in many forms, but officials have categorized the most common ones."
"It's a scam just like everything he's ever been involved in is some sort of con."
"What do you think should happen to a scammer if they get caught?"
"If it looks too good to be true, it probably is... don't respond to calls about your computer asking for remote access."
"It's just a pyramid scheme, dude, literally."
"Authorities issue scam warning after new cryptocurrency targets Dubai."
"I know what's up, you're a scammer. You suck. But you've been messing with the wrong guy."
"The more people are able to identify scams, the fewer people will be hit by them."
"Multi-level marketing is categorically a scam."
"Instead of a thousand dollars per bag, what if I sold you guys wholesale, 500 a bag? Pyramid scheme, I love it!"
"To reiterate if you have information or were involved in one of these rug pulls report it if you're a victim of this report it to the authorities it does work."
"Don't confuse good projects with bad pump and dump projects."
"Be very careful about scammers pretending to be me."
"In reality like you guys got scammed... After Austin McBroom just admitted on camera that he has been scamming his subscribers."
"I'm a person who would never fall for that, but that's why I wanted to call because maybe it might happen to other people."
"It's literally a scam, they've already gotten your brain."
"We're seeing how this type of industry can scam and swindle money from a lot of people."
"This is one massive scam all in the name of watching people get tortured."
"Any job that requires you to pay a fee to get the job should be an immediate red flag."
"You're paying money to do a job and then they take your money when you're done with the job."
"So I'll provide a couple interesting stories first and then I'll give you my perspective on the psychological tricks and the strategies these scammers use to manipulate people to send them money."
"Always be wary of an investment or financial opportunity that sounds too good to be true because it probably is."
"Scamming is a crime and so if we want to be honest, a lot of the reason that we don't really get off the ground as entrepreneurs is because for one we have a loyalty to our community just like everybody else."
"This is cryptocurrency 101: buy, sell, and trade for beginners. There is a course in here on how to watch out for scams and how to avoid major mistakes in the crypto space as well."
"Everybody that gets scammed is because there is an element of hidden pattern."
"This is just horrifically dumb scamming right here."
"I also want you guys to be aware of all the scams going on in crypto right now."
"If it claims to cure everything, it's probably a scam."
"I will never ask you for credit card details and I'll never ask you for personal details either, so if anyone masquerading as me asks you for anything at all please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"This amazing Etsy seller not only sent me a screenshot of the scammer's email, she also continued to play along as if she totally bought the scammer's con."
"Always remember to be youthful inside and out, be a critic and a skeptic, and be aware and afraid of influencer scams."
"It's such an impressively designed pay-to-win scam."
"The dark web has become a cesspool of absolute scams."
"That's an immediate red flag where I call scam."
"Stay away from scammers, they're just trying to take your money."
"If anyone reaches out to you pretending to be Crypto Jeb, saying they want to give you financial advice, they want to trade for you, that is not us."
"Anyone telling you there's a way to make money without any effort, without any setup at all, they're either scamming you or just blowing smoke up your ass."
"Please do not fall victim to this very obvious scam."
"I don't want these kind of people who don't deserve it to get scammed out of money."
"The absolute last thing that I want to see is anyone out there gets scammed because I literally hate scammers with a burning passion."
"Beware of scammers pretending to be me in the comments below."
"I like it when people take a perspective and have balls enough to say this is my opinion this is my perspective and I stand by it."
"I hope that I've warned people, and like I said, if I can stop just one person, just one person from being scammed, then that'll at least make me happy."
"We don't want people getting scammed, so make sure you share this video."
"Some of these alt or meme coins will try to take advantage of you by designing their tokenomics in the following manner."
"Do not be afraid y'all are the last people that should be afraid the people that should be afraid are the scammers."
"So, if anyone masquerading as me asks for anything at all please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"I don't want to listen to a scam artist tell me what's wrong with my life."
"I genuinely didn't know where this was gonna go at first, but as I was talking to the other two scammers as well, and they were trying to do literally the exact same scam..."
"Assume anyone you are talking to online is a scammer and protect yourself accordingly."
"Your car warranty is not expiring, nor do you need to give any money to that company cold-calling you under any circumstance."
"But who are these cruel scammers and just how much money do they make from these scams?"
"If you can watch that without your stomach churning and not feel like you're being scammed, good for you, you're a willful dupe."
"Man, the scammer getting scammed, that don't make no sense."
"I feel like people need to learn how to be technologically literate, knowing when to see a scam or when something is for entertainment versus when it's real."
"Please warn people about that Catalab scam, guys. There are so many scams in the cryptocurrency market. Please, please, please be careful."
"Remember go into to crypto knowing that 98% is a scam and people are there to mug you all right only invest in pristine assets with leadership teams that you can trust and they're smart and they're experienced all right very important."
"I just hope if anything these videos have prevented at least one person from also getting scammed."
"Don't reply to weird telegram Pokerev accounts or like WhatsApp or all that, it's not me."
"Anyone can be scammed, including me and you."
"Don't ever throw in the towel. Don't hit endgame. It's all a scam."
"Now I know what you're thinking, obvious scam right? But wait..."
"Be suspicious if you have to pay any money to get something free."
"I'm surprised people don't see through that that you don't need to provide the government with gift cards to alleviate your legal troubles."
"Be careful do your research shop around don't go to one and let them sell you because they're bigger criminals probably and I was then you go."
"Protect yourself please do not get fooled and anytime something seems too good to be true like this mint that came out of nowhere do not click on the link verify the information."
"This is Bro You with Scammer Payback. Now, I like to educate folks as much as possible."
"It's not just Africa that people are getting scammed at. It's a worldwide issue."
"Your money is gone, rerouted to the scammer's wallet never to be seen again."
"There's almost artful levels to this scam, a great string of insane promises without even the slightest grounding in reality."
"Be careful of scams down in the comments guys... if it sounds too good to be true, it is."
"What can prevent other people falling into this scammer's lies."
"Be aware of the scammers, okay? I love you. I don't want to see you getting scammed."
"I am a very smart lady, well educated. I fell for a scam."
"You're talking to scammers right now... turn off your computer as quick as you can."
"Big companies or other official agencies like Microsoft, Amazon, the SSA, or Geek Squad will never call you nor will they send you voicemails similar to this one."
"The obvious one two punch of a scam on social media right now is stating unrealistic profits in a short period of time and then being asked if you have a crypto wallet."
"Be skeptical of any get rich quick schemes or deals that sound too good to be true."
"Beware of lace flowers being sold on the road or given to you. That's another tactic being used."
"So you are in Mississippi? What are you doing in Mississippi, scamming?" - Kamie
"It doesn't have anything to do with intelligence or business savvy or even financial literacy. When you're a victim of a scam, you're a victim of a scam because the right person at the right time with the right pitch caught you at the bad time."
"This is gold, this is how these scammers are."
"It's literally just, it's just sickens me man, it makes me so sad 'cause there's actually kids out there who are getting scammed by these fake giveaways and getting exploited."
"I feel it's a scam because these guys are deliberately putting these vague [ __ ] statements."
"I have never seen a worse display of absolute crookery scammer II."
"No item scamming. True, it still holds up. Never accept any offers from strangers for something that seems too good to be true."
"Just watch out for the WhatsApp scammers down below in the comments, you guys. They use my name, they use my logo—just know that is not me."
"Not every scam bait can end with a face reveal or a police arrest but that shouldn't take away from the importance of exposing the tactics and tools of deceit that these scammers use every single day."
"If you take people's money and you do scammy things, you deserve to go to jail."
"Please do not join Q Sciences, it's a pyramid scheme."
"Accounts I would appreciate it if you could just report it because they're just scummy like they're just scummy people trying to scam other people out of money."
"Invest AKA make an upstream money and get stuck with useless crap MLM scam mentality."
"Definitely want to do a video today about scams. This happened, it happened to Hoovie and it can happen to you. Be very, very careful."
"Please beware of any individual, entity, or organization who solicits your money."
"Scammers are about to pertain to be me and lots of other tarot readers."
"When the scammer connects to my computer, I can show one hundred percent of the time you're trying to steal money from me."
"Hang up the phone, ma'am. You need to hang up the phone right now, ma'am. That man on the phone, he's a scammer."
"It's no jumping off the porch to scam, bro. Booy knows damn well never in our life have I come to him with a scam."
"Despite my best efforts, the scammers are still at large."
"Scammers are out in full force. Just be safe, as scammers have no morals whatsoever."
"Don't invest more you can afford to lose, everything's a scam, and help her otherwise don't leave anything on exchanges."
"But we've got to start protecting investors and protecting people from uh you know scams rug pulls the whole nine yards it's a very complicated process though but I think that's the way to do it yeah absolutely."
"So, sir, you need to go to the Walmart and you need to get the security key card of 200 and it will be refunded back to you within two to three working hours."
"These people tried to scam my subscribers... I literally can't sleep at night knowing that."
"Even the smartest of us get tricked into doing stuff like transferring your entire life savings into the account of a total stranger."
"Unfortunately, these scams can really hurt people."
"If anyone is claiming they can make you money that involves sending them money, installing software, or clicking on a link to sign up for a product or service, they are a scammer."
"If anyone masquerades me, asks you for anything at all, please report them or ignore them. It is a scam."
"It's disgusting how pushy and how persistent these scammers were."
"Bitcoin's market cap is about five percent lower than publicly advertised because everyone's a scammer. But that doesn't matter. Why not just measure it accurately?"
"Coffeezilla's commitment to exposing these scammers through meticulous research extends beyond just the CryptoZ case."
"It's a scam that's become so normalized that we don't even realize it's a scam anymore."
"Bitcoin in the cryptocurrency sector is crazy and honestly there's a lot of scammers out there."
"Be careful out there, it's easier than ever to create a scam persona."
"Please help spread the word about scams, particularly to any elderly relatives."
"If the IRS wants money from you, trust me, they're not going to call you."
"These guys are savvy, but I'm not going to give up until I can expose these scammers once and for all."
"When someone calls you and says they're representing your bank, be aware that bank employees will never ask you for your account information."
"If someone asks you for your account information, best hang up and call the bank on your own."
"Bank employees will never ask you for your account information."
"I indulge in scam baiting because I personally have been scammed before. It wasn't a good experience and I do this to spread awareness and also as a little personal payback for what I felt all those years ago."
"So every time I do a giveaway on YouTube we always have those scammers so please please if someone reaches out to you in the comments do not give any personal information don't give any money."
"I feel like you need to get scammed once and then you don't do it again because you learn your lesson."
"You usually can tell how somebody's doing financially when they can't understand how anyone ever fell for a scam... because even if you're a smart guy but you're struggling, you can understand why people fall for this stuff."
"Please do not give your money or any information out to scammers."
"Trust no one who calls you. Say, 'I will call you back,' or get your bank card and say, 'I'm going to call the number on the back of my bank.'"
"What's wrong with us? Are we that hard up, that lonely, that a random text from somebody you don't know can come to your phone, spark conversation, convince you again, this is a person you don't know, convince you to move $700,000 of your dollars?"
"If anyone's promising you like quick money, girl run the heck out of there. Don't fall for it because every single network marketing company takes actual work, so if there's a quick money thing, they are scamming you."
"Just a friendly reminder guys, there are a lot of fake bots that comment on the channels and on Instagram. David and I will never ask you for crypto or to invest in forex or to message us on WhatsApp."
"This is the number one way that people get scammed out of their crypto."
"Life's a big old [ __ ] Ponzi scheme, so why not accept that and control what you can, choose the way you do get scammed?"
"Listen, listen all right, um, again, y'all be aware of the scammers out there trying to use my name to get y'all to send no money. Don't send no money to nobody if it's a, if it ain't me, okay?"
"I made the conscientious decision to help my sister and wasn't falling for some sort of scam."
"I actually take responsibility because I should have filmed this video a long time ago to get people in the know and keep them abreast of some of these scams and some of these scammers and their shenanigans."
"The moment they ask for money, put your fear aside, hang up, go to the police."
"That's a huge risk for the scammer."
"This is a scammer confrontation unlike any that we have ever experienced."
"We work hard for our money and you don't want to go and get scammed on something that's potentially not real."
"With peace and love, MLMs are the biggest scam you'll ever come across."
"Above all, don't send money to anyone."
"When anybody tells you they can give you a guaranteed one percent per day on an investment, they are lying to you."
"If there's an actual MLM and scam being made, then we need to talk about this because other people need to avoid it at all costs."
"The longer that you talk to them, the less opportunities they have to receive calls from actual victims."
"All the scammers, if they are listening to this video, please stop it, and if you will stop it, you will feel good."
"When you're signing up, there are banners and warning signs that say don't ever send money to somebody you don't know."
"If you're not already subscribed to the channel, please do remember to subscribe for more scam baiting and scammer takedown content."
"The Staten Island Ferry is free to ride, but beware of scammers trying to sell you tickets as no tickets are required."
"We want to make sure that you guys don't get scammed out there."
"I love you all; don't get scammed."
"It's not worth taking your life over, it's a scam with a global reach."
"The call centers have it down now to where they can convey this urgency. Your account has been hacked. Your personal information has been hacked. If you don't do something now, all your money's going to be gone."
"Don't think that if someone messaged you saying they can triple your money, it's me. I can't."
"The truth is, these scammers are getting smarter and more sophisticated."
"Multi-level marketing companies are scams that depend on a mathematically impossible endless chain recruiting scheme."
"The vast majority of people who used to be in an MLM left for a good reason and are happy to say, 'Yeah, that's a scam.'"
"If you've received any sort of comments or reply to your comment or an email or message apparently from me saying that you've won some sort of competition or prize, please ignore it, it's scam, it's not from me."
"Legitimate companies won't send you text messages in order to get those personal or financial information."
"What happens when you bring a scammer face to face with his worst nightmare?"
"Despite the massive emotional swings involved, nothing can compare to looking a scam victim in the eyes and hearing their story of heartbreak."
"I feel like across our life we're gonna run into one scammer at least."
"Don't send anyone money, like if somebody says give me 500 in Bitcoin and I will give you ten thousand dollars back in Bitcoin, it's a scam."
"I just want to make sure you guys don't get scammed out there and you guys are getting the product that you deserve."
"...scammers emotionally manipulate people, especially those that are older, that are suffering from grief, loss, depression."
"...check on your parents, check on your grandparents, make sure they're okay and make sure that a filthy evil scammer like this one doesn't have control."
"You're doing your best to create a better financial future for yourself, so don't let a scammer take that away from you."
"I will never contact you on WhatsApp, I will never ask you to email me, I would never contact you to try to buy something ever."
"Your family really loves you, and these scammers want you to lose everything because all they want is their money."
"Never in a million years did I think I could get scammed."
"When you start learning how to make money, once you start searching for opportunities and not saying everything's a scam."
"Watch out for scammers in the comment section."
"Be aware of scammers in the comments."
"Yesterday I almost got scammed, but I was too smart for that."
"The whole reason I started doing these videos was due to an elderly friend of my mom's who did get scammed."
"Be the best, don't forget any stupid phone calls saying you owe money or anything."
"Be on the lookout for this if you get emails or calls from someone saying you made a purchase or you are due a refund."
"If someone is in the comments pretending to be me and want you to Whatsapp them and send them money, it's a scam."