
Art Value Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"That just goes to show you that just because one person doesn't like your art... that doesn't mean that the art doesn't have value."
"The art itself isn't valuable; it's that society has trained us into thinking it's free because of platforms that want to get advertising dollars that are using the art to monetize themselves."
"Art means absolutely nothing without a viewer that has a worldview and a perspective with which to appreciate that art."
"Art has innate value to me, and while it's debatable if video games are art, they undeniably contain art."
"Guys who buy hundred thousand dollar guitars are buying art; they're not buying guitars anymore."
"The value of an artwork is rooted in assumptions about the human performance underlying its creation."
"Street art has been viewed with a newfound appreciation in recent years."
"If you genuinely believe it to be valuable and it makes you feel wonderful, it might as well be an original Picasso."
"Just because your artwork is not amazing and celebrated, it doesn't define your self-worth."
"I don't like about social media is that it makes art too disposable."
"When he does a piece of graffiti on the side of a wall, they sell the side of the wall."
"Art has value music has value and don't pay you struggle with that right now don't feel like scared - yeah - value your time and realize that it has a price and it's okay if your job is artistic."
"The value of the Mona Lisa: a hell of a price to pay for a bunch of worthless pixels."
"Your art matters as long as you care about it, even if you're the only one."
"No matter what kind of art you make, there's somebody out there who would like to appreciate it."
"It's literally art; if that art to you is worth a thousand dollars, it's worth a thousand."
"Artwork is just a rectangle with pretty designs on it and it has a nominal value based on what people agree it's worth."
"The reality of Art is that the energy imbued in it brings the value."
"People are investing in NFTs... It's a picture on the screen, well the Mona Lisa is oil on paper but what makes the Mona Lisa so special."
"Make 10 bucks off a piece of art... and your art will have bought you lunch."
"This is a picture that one could imagine at auction being worth well in excess of ten thousand pounds."
"Nancy Frank paintings like this sell for $4,000. That's what this one's worth."
"You know your art is worth more when you're dead, right? Okay, shoot yourself, big."
"The best client you can ever have is someone that appreciates that art. Someone that wants a good DJ because they know the value of a good DJ."
"Art won't be obsolete until Humanity dies."
"Paintings are worth more when the artist is dead."
"One of the values of Art, maybe the biggest value, is that it reminds you that we all laugh and cry at the same things."
"It's the point when that photo becomes a physical piece of artwork with genuine value."
"Uh why is the mona lisa the pico top of like cultural art exhibition I guess."
"If art is subjective, then how can something be objectively worth millions of dollars?"
"It's still a piece of work that most of us enjoyed."
"Your art is worth enough to be in its own art gallery."
"When you buy a piece of art, you pay more for the talent than you do the materials."
"Art is forever and no matter what price range it is, it just helps you to come alive."
"The only thing that does not depreciate is that good art."
"Art when it is a commodity that only exists for brownie points for rich people... then it is worthless to real human beings."
"You can have this museum-quality car, but if you never drive it, what really, it's just art at that point."
"Part of what gives artwork its value is the endeavour, the time, and the struggle the artist has gone through to create the work."
"Don't take art for granted; it isn't some extra bourgeois piece of chocolate you're getting in to go with your bread and potatoes, it's a necessity in society."
"This is artwork, I'm not even sure I could drive this."
"Art costs money, and good art costs even more money. Always pay your artist."
"In the future, 'starving artist' could be an old term, where artistry can be very valuable and seen as a profession and career that people would approve of."
"Money and value in art can be relative, as the quantification of desire can be relative."
"The beautiful thing about art is it only takes one; one piece of art could sell for hundreds of thousands of dollars."
"They turn bare steel into valuable artwork."
"It's not the desire to have the very best or to show off the very best; it's about appreciating this art."
"It's one of the biggest benefits of the Star Wars franchise, the ability to tell stories that may or not be canon but still have their place and have value as a piece of art."
"This painting later revealed its true value as a cover for the Saturday Evening Post."
"It was a nightmarish situation that could have dramatically reduced the value for a while of Picasso's art."