
Emotional Exploration Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"In their dreams, they feel more safe to express and explore their emotions."
"I need you to go under my surface, deep into my pitch-dark underwater ocean, and search for life."
"This is really a beautiful opportunity to reflect on how they're feeling, maybe what they are going through, and reflect on your own feelings and your own journey as well."
"Did it sort of feel like that you could finally have permission to go there and do and talk about those memories?"
"Fear... Kendrick taking you through the different stages of fear... it gets a lot more violent as consequences go through... my favorite hip-hop song of all time."
"Your person's gonna come, they know how they feel and they want to explore how they feel about you."
"Because of the way Drake navigates the highs and lows of his very existence, this allows the album to flesh out its concept in any way that it desired."
"Feel those emotions that you've never thought you had."
"Give me more of this - seeing how a character deals with their feelings."
"Rewatch, redraft and explore more than just how you felt."
"Now is the time to explore uncomfortable feelings, reveal, heal, and make space for new stuff."
"If you guys have a Gemini moon you should most certainly try like just right and see what comes out right what you're feeling right."
"I enjoy pretending for a living, so I'm thrilled that American Horror Story touches all those little insecurities and then you can let it go at the end of the day."
"Illuminate where you are in love and why and how you feel about it."
"This film isn't a violent or exploitative affair but rather one that explores themes of grief loss and regret in a disturbing fashion."
"And in the end, Midsommar is satisfying because it bluntly drags these uncomfortable emotions that we might usually repress or deny out of the shadows and into the daylight, with a knowing smile on its face."
"Actors are encouraged to feel their way through a part."
"It's kind of like a reading someone's Journal as they're falling in love and trying to work out what their feelings are."
"Loneliness in games: a chance to safely experience."
"Our show is about what it's like to be a human being on this planet, feelings and development have been a very rich garden for us to harvest." - Cheryl Wagner
"Your neediness might increase because you're trying to be more authentic, and I actually want you to experience what that looks like."
"Your superpower is that you're not afraid to delve into darkness and light."
"Declutter videos allow us to dwell in the material space of these questions to feel our feelings about too muchness and not enoughness."
"Turn towards that which is most repulsive to us—our sorrow, grief, despair, our loneliness."
"I love the big themes in life, love, bravery, fear, war."
"I liked that it was a movie about trauma and I liked that it explored it through generations."
"Love doing your dreams because water is about goals and dreams as well it's about your emotions how you feel about things so I."
"The Last of Us Part II: An exploration of grief, anger, and trauma."
"Giovanni's Room is not really about homosexuality; it's about what happens to you if you're afraid to love anybody, which is much more interesting."
"Ask yourself, do you love yourself? Whatever comes up, experience that because how you feel on a day-to-day basis will change."
"I think the performance is really good and I think it is a great sort of exploration of loss."
"What are some of the questions that we want to ask ourselves when we're creating our barbarian? Why are you so angry man?"
"I had these unanswered questions and these deep feelings that I just couldn't quite place."
"Holding space for your emotions and really journaling, engaging in articulating how we feel and exploring that rabbit hole can be very helpful for deeper self-understanding."
"They want to continue to go deeper and deeper with you."
"It feels like a kind of unhappiness or taint melancholic and kind of lonely too."
"Try out love and see what that does for you."
"Your soulmate may be different from your usual type. There are romantic feelings here, someone has developed for you, they're real and worth exploring."
"I want to know the dirt, and I want to see like I want to know you had a bad time."
"What is right for me? How am I feeling about this?"
"There's no other point in life than... love trying to feel it, trying to give it, trying to share it, and trying to understand what the [__] is going on in this world."
"Love can be found in all kinds of places, all kinds of spaces."
"Curiosity about love may lead to new connections."
"If you like brilliant storytelling and human conditions, watch Portrait of a Lady on Fire."
"Doom didn't create new anger in me, it let me see what was there, confront what it meant, and explore it in a harmless, really fun way."
"Mass is a brutally honest examination of human beings' desire for catharsis."
"It's okay to explore your emotions. You don't have to be afraid to say I miss my twin, I long for my twin."
"She wants to kind of feel us out, she wants to know our true personality."
"Embrace your bitterness, find the gift in it."
"I love the person I am today because I've done some work and dig into these emotions and these feelings of the rawness."
"Deep thoughts and feelings going through my brain recently and I'd love to open this conversation a little bit."
"Open yourself up to love and allow yourself to express and explore and feel all of that a little bit more."
"The film is a tragic look at grief and loneliness and the things that people will resort to in order to cope."
"The song explores themes of love, longing, and insecurities in a relationship."
"These feelings are so universal and so well explored that like a five-minute conversation could completely upend some of these people."
"I took an axe to a willow to see how it wept. I took an axe to a salmon to see how it leapt."
"You are not a superwoman, okay, you're not a Superman, and you deserve to explore all of those feelings and emotions with pride."
"It's about exploring your emotions, exploring your heart center, and allowing yourself to feel."