
Food Ethics Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Food is morally neutral and your value as a person does not change depending on what you eat."
"We have to be able to remove the morality from food and be able to talk about food in terms of its empirical value."
"Over 99.9% of animal products in this country come from factory farms. It's something to think about."
"He respects both opinions, the opinion that he's a pet and is cute, and the opinion that he's yummy food."
"Even though it may have been offered to a false deity, it is still a creature of God."
"All of us do have power, and each individual can exercise that power three times a day with the choices that you make about the food that you're putting on your plate."
"All food is zero guilt, unless you stole it from a baby or a breastfeeding mama."
"Eating is an agricultural, ecological, and political act."
"I do think that people don't realize or think about how they're actually getting the meat. But just because they don't realize that they're eating dead animals doesn't make it bad."
"To eat a pal for food is akin to blasphemy against God."
"It's generally good advice for people who eat meat to stop being so disassociated from the food that they eat. If you're eating meat, [__] know what you're doing and respect the animal that you're eating."
"It's got to be healthy and it's got to be produced in ways which don't trash the living planet."
"I'm not a vegan like that, I want to show love in terms of like pasture-raised, ethically farmed."
"Meat is disgusting. I'm a vegetarian and have been for years."
"I learned to cook out of respect to both the eater and the eaten."
"Pets are friends not food. True, true."
"If animals don't want to be eaten, why are they made out of food?"
"People say that vegan food is weird, but look at what goes into cow's milk. It is so creepy and so exploitative. I just don't know why anyone would ever want to drink that."
"To start to put virtue on restriction of food is such a slippery slope into eating disordered behavior."
"Capitalism cannibalism: kidnap sentient food, feed them to one another, line your wallets."
"Synthetic meat is an abomination... it's franken food."
"What is it about the food on your plate that you think isn't about eating other people? We are all eating other people's habitats, their lives, their labor."
"You want to eat your own feces or 3D printed steak?"
"A lot of people have an issue eating meat because of how disconnected people are from where they get their food."
"When I was about Grant's age, for Thanksgiving, my dad had me shoot a turkey. He said if we're gonna have Thanksgiving dinner, I think it's about time. If we're gonna eat meat, you should know where your food comes from."
"Be happy to pay more for quality food but eat less of it."
"There shouldn't be horse meat in a beef lasagna, and yet, horse meat can make a wonderful dinner."
"You can rest easy knowing that all of their meat comes from respectable farms and ranches all around the country."
"I fully appreciate the fact that we're eating all these different parts of the animal, that it's not going to waste."
"We care very much about that everything comes from the farm, except cheese, which we get as locally as we possibly can."
"If food is not presented honestly, it should be thrown out."
"Treating plants and animals and food with respect, ultimate respect."
"The repercussions of consuming poorly raised beef extend beyond the plate, emphasizing the importance of making informed choices about the meat we include in our diets."
"The question of meat is very, very important."
"The key is to be conscious in your decisions... to embody your values with your food choices."
"We don't want our food to be stressed. Our friend, not food."
"Food, not dogs, are friends. It's not food."
"Food for Thought really is it's the well-being of the earth, it's our well-being, and it's our well-being of communities and societies."
"Making food more humane and more sustainable is a real opportunity."
"Why do we have to make the case for healthy, wholesome food?"
"That's kind of sad that we're eating somebody's kids. Y'all ever think about that?"
"If you wouldn't eat it, then don't serve it."
"Food doesn't hold morality. Eating a salad doesn't make you a good person, eating a bagel doesn't make you a bad person."