
Millennials Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"The Millennials are facing extremely high pricing of houses as well as similar high disparity between poor and also extreme all-time high youth unemployment."
"The economy is horrible, and Millennials are definitely feeling the pressure."
"The long-suffering generation of millennials are now set to be significantly poorer than both baby boomers and gen X’ers."
"Although there are some observable differences in political and social attitudes among Millennials in comparison to the previous two living generations, it seems that there is a consternation, not necessarily with what Millennials think, but primarily with the behaviors and attitudes and activities they engage in."
"Millennials as Digital Natives, have grown up with modern communication technologies at hand."
"I call it the language of the millennials... memes... it's just the way that we communicate."
"The next decade we are going to see more millionaires made in the millennials and in Gen X's than any other time in history."
"My vision is to help millennials and minorities avoid debt and to build wealth."
"Nearly half of [millennials] had at least 25% of their portfolio in cryptocurrency."
"Millennials are the largest portion of the US workforce, but own just 5% of the nation's wealth."
"Millennials aren't not having kids or buying homes or saving for retirement because they're just lazy and entitled and love avocado toast."
"The Millennials were faced with all-time record property prices, all-time record equity prices, all-time record credit prices... Then 2020 came along and it changed everything."
"Millennials are obsessed with charcuterie boards. I think it's because we grew up putting Lunchables on a pedestal."
"The Millennial Generation is a game-changer generation. They have come into collapse one way of doing things and to rebuild a new way of doing things completely."
"They are the generation that is meant to see the shadows and change them."
"Millennials are absolutely obsessed with freedom."
"Millennials might be going from the poorest generation in recent history to the richest generation of all time."
"Millennials were raised and told to do things. They did it, they took out loans, they went to school, the loans buried them in debt."
"Millennials are getting hitched later in life than people in prior generations did."
"Millennials are the biggest generation, and we just didn't build any homes for them."
"A lot of Millennials did buy in 2021... a lot of them have a ton of buyer's remorse at this point."
"Millennials are going to become the wealthiest generation of all time."
"Almost half of all millennials have a side hustle right now."
"62 percent of Millennials are living paycheck to paycheck."
"The only frustration for millennials is how their potential for teamwork, their strong ability to band together and do collective things, has been completely untapped by older generations."
"Millennials set the new standard of what it looks like to age."
"Millennials are not interested in buying hideous, cheaply made McMansion housing."
"Millennials are just generally not that interested in buying all of that absolutely hideous, cheaply made, way bigger than necessary McMansion housing stock."
"Millennials are much more savvy about making the most of what they have and demanding that their financial services companies work for them."
"We've killed a lot of things... Millennials in general... just, you know, products not existing or failing."
"Over half of Robinhood users are first-time investors, with 70% of its assets held by millennial investors between 18 and 40."
"She is addressing issues that matter to Millennials, like healthcare and college debt."
"Millennial young adults make more money than Gen Xers and Boomers did at the same age."
"Millennials now account for over 50% of all home purchase loans."
"More than a third of Millennials approve of Communism."
"Millennials might be the unluckiest generation when it comes to economic growth."
"Millennial millionaires have invested half of their wealth into crypto."
"You only need $1,400 to be richer than the average millennial."
"All of his nostalgia is tied to brands Millennials have a branded Nostalgia all that they Pine for from childhood are corporate products and content."
"Just be cool, be nice, be a nice human being. It's worthwhile in the long run."
"Millennials are a generation that faced more uncertainty than any other generation before them."
"Millennials are treating pets like their first born child and it's causing problems."
"Millennials now outnumber every other generation."
"Important and my generation you know us millennials and Gen C we are dismantling these narratives within our households."
"Maybe the era of truly accurate authentic Millennial representation on screen is still yet to come."
"The vast majority of millennials are financially screwed when it comes to retirement."
"It's a new day, millennials and gen zirs are politically savvy and not going for it."
"I think millennials are the superior generation."
"Millennials in their 30s have racked up a historic 3.8 trillion dollars in debt."
"All the effort, toil, money, and labor invested in millennials' education was more or less for naught."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"Millennials may be having less sex than the boomers or xers but they're not the prudes their grandparents were."
"The millennials are a failed generation by every objective measure of human life."
"The Millennials grew up with the Internet, that's gonna be like a nuclear weapon politically."
"Old people in power don't understand things, Millennials take over soon."
"Millennials are smart people. I think it's gold."
"Who is using JP Morgan Chase more than ever before? Young people. Millennials."
"Those blue arrows in the U.S... those are pointing towards the Millennials and they are the people who will save us all."
"It's not too big of a surprise that millennials and the generation that is following it are closely connected to the Internet."
"The Millennials are gonna be the engine of the economy between 2020 and 2030 as they hit their peak economic years."
"We're here to change banking for millennials."
"The economy for most millennials and most young people entering the workforce is completely broken."
"Are millennials lazy? No, they've been lied to and manipulated."
"Crypto is supposed to be an asset class that helps a forgotten generation in this case millennials and gen z when it comes to finance."
"The people of my generation, the Millennials, have been enjoying quite the toasty bath in the warm water of our own nostalgia lately."
"Millennials want their home to be an embodiment of who they are."
"Millennials are going to be married longer and happier than the generations before them."
"Millennials are exceedingly frugal relative to generations before them."
"Millennials are crazy psycho Killers because of video games but they're also all soy boys and they're [ __ ]."
"Millennials just like things to be expedient, you know what I mean? Like gratification, yes, like if a video on Instagram takes like four seconds too long, they're like on to the next."
"Physical media is just another thing that Millennials have killed right next to dress codes and answering the phone."
"I am the prime demographic for this because I am a millennial, so I grew up with Pokémon cards, and there is nothing more that I want in my life than my dog Moose as a Pokémon."
"Community is a great way to draw in Millennials who want to feel part of something and don't want to feel lonely."
"Millennials introduced ghosting to the world as a way to end a relationship."
"Millennials are buying houses because of their dogs, not their children or marriages."
"Whilst Millennials and Gen Z really made a strive to support more environmentally friendly brands and brands that align with their own political views."
"Millennials are already pushing some major changes."
"Determined to set their own traditions, Millennials are pursuing fashion online, at independent boutiques, and on Instagram. But in malls, not as much."
"And how millennials are killing the dying from a giant monster industry or some bullcrap like that."
"All millennials already don't care about cars as much. They're just transportation. So, the car hobby, we might be on the precipice of the cliff of death, huh? It might be, yeah, you're right."
"I'm about to start shooting season two of the show. I'm gonna call it Millennials."
"The average Millennial allocates 177% of their investments to gold."
"I wish this existed. I wish there was a publication that spoke to millennials for millennials."
"Millennials are lazy Boomers ducked up the environment and economy for us to deal with."
"Blue is literally healing generational parental trauma for like Millennials."
"Millennials are treating pets like their first born child."
"66 percent of millennials said the reason we dropped out of church is because American churchgoers are hypocritical."
"Millennials aren't doing what you want? It's your fault. You actually have to make changes in your leadership style to adapt to this attitude that's coming your way."
"You're millennials, you're gonna get fat one day too."
"92% of Millennials don't trust banks."
"Millennials are the largest single generation ever in history."
"If Millennials put 10% of their savings flow into crypto, that's a two and a half trillion dollar rise per year in crypto."
"Millennials literally did this exact same thing with Gen X with jeans."
"I think Millennials are so hungry. They're so hungry. But the second thing that's so striking to me is how little they've been given by us."
"Join the Millennials who are committed and determined to achieving unwavering Financial confidence."
"Thank you so much for listening to The Morning Toast, the millennial morning show where we deliver the fast-paced stories that you need to know every Monday through Friday."
"Millennials are so motivated they are taking classes to learn the skills older Generations failed to teach them. Millennials are so helpless they are taking adulting classes to learn how to do things like sew a button."
"It truly felt like we were fortunate in that regard and flexed on all the other millennials who had not become homeowners at that point."
"All you got to do is say 'Hey guys remember high school' and the Millennials will beat down a path to your door screaming please take my money."
"If there's any fault that Millennials we were just born in the wrong ER and so getting to my point when it comes to the conversation of Millennials not having children I think there are five reasons when we're talking about economics and the cost of living."
"Designed for Millennials although it'll probably be mostly like 60 plus but it's fine."
"You suddenly have this rush of Millennials in positions of seniority."
"Lots of people are collecting mainly millennials and younger folks are collecting costume jewelry."
"You triggered my trap card, millennials."
"If Millennials just didn't buy Starbucks, they could have NASA toilets. They'd be able to own homes now."
"Millennials... they're comfortable moving from job to job... they like to be challenged... and they like to work for institutions that have a broader meaning."
"We can set the example, but I think you can also find a little grace, a little forgiveness, a little understanding, and appreciate that Millennials are gonna millennial, man."
"Vigilant, yeah. Millennials tend to be the best at spotting scams."
"Good morning Millennials, happy Friday."
"70% of Millennials would rather go to the dentist than go to the bank."
"As of right now, nearly half of all millennials in the US have at least one tattoo."
"Millennials are starting to look at Victorian design again."
"Welcome back to my channel, the best place for millennial professionals to bring positive change to their careers."
"New polling data shows that Millennials are more enthusiastic than older generations about radical efforts to save the planet and create jobs."
"CNBC found that 53% of Millennials would go into credit card debt to attend a friend's wedding."
"Wikipedia says that people born between the year 1981 and 1996 are part of a group called Millennials, and I am a '96 baby."
"I never feel more proud of my peers and my generation than when employers just can't deal with this Millennial workforce."
"Millennials are dropping like flies when it comes to faith."
"Millennials go from like the early mid '80s until 1996."
"Millennials and Gen Z are their children and grandchildren; that's all part of their legacy."
"The expansion of our megatrends lineup today reflects the power of the millennial and rise of the self-directed investor."
"The generations... moving into young adulthood, the Millennials... they value this idea of teamwork writ large."
"It's going to be a world of much more built for and by Millennials."
"The millennial historical timespan perspective that is now in focus reveals for the first time when the most important events took place in the past."
"Millennials are not lazy, in fact, they are having to work more hours than your generation did."
"One of the largest voting blocs tonight will be millennials, and that'll be a big change for America."
"The Millennials are the bosses now, and we're open-minded as far."
"We've been through enough, like the list of things that us Millennials have witnessed in our time is insane."
"Millennials are more apt to invest in cryptocurrencies. I actually see it as an opportunity."
"Hi millennials, I had no idea you guys were here, but it's a pleasure to have you."
"We are finally producing a generation of people we call the Millennials who are no longer willing to put up with this; they're walking away from organized religion in droves."
"Good morning, Millennials! Welcome back to the toast. Happy Tuesday!"
"Millennials spend over two thousand dollars a year on coffee."
"Feedback is super crucial as we all know it and it is a great hit among the Millennial workforce."
"Millennials, we don't look as old as we are."
"The Millennials, my generation, have had so many causes that they've been patted on the head for."
"Good morning to all our Millennials out there."
"Good morning, Millennials! I dare anyone to try and get a word in."
"I'm a millennial, bro. I was born in '95."
"Morning Millennials, welcome to the Morning Toast."
"For the next decade or two, the Millennials will all be rolling through their midlife crisis."
"Considering that the average millennial invests about 7.5 percent of their total income, I like to think that this is something of a step in the right direction."
"The 1990s was certainly an unforgettable time period for us Millennials."
"The millennial generation has shown the ability to collaborate and to share their talents."
"83% of Millennials say they would be more loyal to a company that helps them contribute to social and environmental issues."
"If you're an open-minded Millennial... I'd like the correct instructions to life."
"Millennials, welcome back to the toast and happy Tuesday."
"More and more Millennials are choosing to travel via rail and public transportation than automobiles."
"Avocado toast went from food blogs to artisanal brunches to t-shirts to the reason why Millennials will never be able to buy a house."
"Deep resets... a defining characteristic of the Millennials in their 30s and early 40s."
"Maybe just maybe, myself and fellow Millennials might have a way to look into the future and be optimistic."
"Bitcoin could become the new gold for the Millennials."
"Millennials have a troubled relationship with alcohol."
"40% of all Millennial TikTok users say the platform helps them discover new things."
"Millennials trust UGC (user-generated content) 50% more than what you as a brand have to say about your own stuff."
"Millennials in Norway are seeing a 13% increase in disposable income."
"Good morning Millennials is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't matter, I don't mind."
"The millennial generation has the potential to be a heroic generation."
"Good morning, Millennials. How you doing today?"
"On the other hand, the internet is as my friend Justin says, 'assisted living for millennials.'"
"Good morning, Millennials! Happy Friday, we made it here."
"I'm a millennial in my 30s desperate to go back to the '90s where it's simpler times with less obligations and stress."
"...the Millennials are the ones who are coming with their children but what surprised me is they said lots of Millennials come without their children."
"I'm a millennial, so one of the best strategies for Millennials specifically is by starting house hacking."
"It's very popular with the millennials and the project was a complete success."
"I do see a big difference between Gen X and Millennials in terms of a kind of Stoicism, a kind of dealing with stuff."
"60% of millennials making over a hundred thousand dollars say they're living paycheck to paycheck."
"The number one priority of millennials is to save for retirement, the number two priority is to buy a house."
"Most millennials are more well informed in their choices and decisions."
"Life is hard, and it's hard for millennials because they grew up in a world where everything was a lot easier."
"The millennial Morning Show where we deliver the fast five stories that you need to know."
"Creating meditative soothing spaces to alleviate anxiety is particularly important for Millennials and Gen Z."
"We're very rational thinkers, the brightest group of Millennials I've ever seen."
"I think the Millennials are fantastic actually, I think you guys are the most compassionate generation."
"Millennials are willing to pay more for products that are more sustainable."
"The millennial generation have upended the traditional relationship between life and work."
"Millennials actually work harder than older generations, they put in more hours per week on average."
"I truly think if you were born between the years probably '95 to dare I say the year 2000, we are a part of our own generation."
"Millennials work with their energy levels rather than against them, resulting in more productivity in the long term."
"Nine out of ten Millennials are willing to switch brands to one associated with a good cause."
"...most sixty-five percent of Millennials want an opportunity to make a difference in their country, in their city, and in society."
"The best place for hardworking millennials to bring positive change to their careers."
"If you just don't buy avocado toast, you can buy a house."
"Millennials didn't kill the economy; the economy killed the Millennials."
"Good morning, millennials! Happy Wednesday."
"Absolutely brilliant, Millennials just did it better."
"How can the Millennials, the most educated intelligent generation ever, face an economic crisis?"
"Millennials, we do things differently."
"The top concern for Millennials is global warming."
"These Millennial prosecutors are getting more clever and creative."
"The perception often is that Millennials do not want to work hard. I haven't found that in my experience."
"Millennials' desire to connect to passion and purpose has dramatically changed the marketplace."
"92% of the Millennials today do not trust centralized financial institutions."
"These dolls scream early 2000s and I think will warm the hearts of many millennial collectors in particular."
"The success stories of Millennials far outweigh the challenges; this is a generation of pragmatic idealists who are changing and will change the world."
"This flies in the face of everything that everybody has told you about millennials and money."
"Build top-notch web experiences, do it for the Millennials."
"Becoming a YouTuber is one of the most desired jobs amongst Gen Z and millennials."
"The investment gap closed in the millennial generation."