
Natural Talent Quotes

There are 261 quotes

"You guys are natural manifesters. Oh my goodness."
"Once you do that, you unlock this incredible potential because you're not obsessed over the things that you are not naturally gifted at."
"I think one thing that I've learned throughout my career is that if there's a certain subject or topic that flows naturally out of you as you write, that tends to be your best content."
"Magic is a completely naturally occurring part of the person who wields it from the day that they're born."
"She took to it like a duck to water, and her colleagues said it was like she'd always been there, part of their team."
"Wow, that is a natural frisbee dog right there."
"He's got that ability to just kind of, he's got a nice feel for the game."
"Some people are naturally blessed with the hustle's ambition."
"He's extremely proficient, his natural ability, and maybe thanks to his spiritual strength."
"Kate has shown an instinctive flair for her role as Duchess of Cambridge."
"Daniel was one of those people that was just naturally gifted at everything he did."
"She was better than all the others—she was a natural."
"If you look at Jones and his career, he's been a freak of nature athletically since day one."
"None of that appears to be a chore for him. It happens in a very natural way."
"Luke are so high on what Justin Fields can do, you can't coach this, this is just something that your natural ability takes over."
"Effortless, it just comes so easy for Jalen Green."
"She's lovely, just natural footballer, pure natural ability."
"This sport was literally made for this dude right here."
"There's a certain magnetic quality to you that just comes naturally and you can't help it."
"Her greatest talent was that she did all of that in a way that made it seem like she wasn't performing at all."
"She had the quality of seeming immediately there on the screen, open to possibility, unrehearsed, unstudied, natural, appealing."
"Some people are just naturally good at games."
"Luke Skywalker has a natural ability with the lightsaber, even more so than with the Force itself."
"Just a fight, man, it's what I was made to do."
"You're stepping into that skill, you're just like a natural at something."
"Some people are just born with those instincts."
"When you put the light on the creatives, they're gonna naturally do what they need to do."
"I didn't choose to be born funny, you just were."
"It's like smooth power, super powerful but at the same time, you have the feeling as it would be, like a natural power evolution."
"It's like true bare knuckle, god-given talent."
"Given his looks, his likeable persona, his natural talent, and the fact his family has show business in their genes, Robert Downey Jr.'s path to stardom was inevitable."
"I felt like this is the natural style I get to play."
"He has a god-given talent for the game of basketball."
"You can't teach people to run like that, you just have to have that instinct."
"From a young age, he demonstrated a natural talent."
"I've heard kids preach right, and you can tell that they've been coached... But you got it, man."
"He attacks like he's been here his whole life."
"Seth Rollins has been cutting fantastic promos for years... he's just a natural at this."
"You have a lot of natural gifts... a skillful energy."
"It never goes away when you're naturally gifted at being an athlete. It never goes off."
"He was placed on planet Earth to play chess. This man was quite simply a phenomenon."
"You are a natural successor; you are a natural leader."
"Your secret sauce is in the things that come easy to you."
"He had verbal training more than he had physical training but he was just a natural and got it and could do it."
"Randy the natural Couture was truly a natural when it came to winning championships."
"Playing with millions at eighteen, it felt natural."
"You can be successful without learning to do this; just ask Mozart, Einstein."
"It's easy for you it comes to you just from the heavens right um the."
"With his amateur background and athletic ability from an early age, it seemed like Owen was just too good not to wrestle."
"Just make it so simple like it's something too complex but you have a skill like you just have a natural talent I feel to break it down simply."
"Marques is just naturally good at everything that we do and it's really annoying sometimes."
"Art is still in some way just a hobby and something that should come naturally in a certain way."
"If something comes natural to you, to me that's god's gift, go ahead and go for that and no matter what nobody says."
"You have a very natural talent especially with puzzles."
"Your light just shines so brightly, you ain't got to do much because something comes to you naturally."
"Feels like he was born with an AWP in his hand."
"What he had, you can't coach: the instincts, the speed, and the vision."
"It's not an X Factor; you don't have to activate it; he just has it at all times."
"They were naturally gifted great writers and comedians."
"You are quite the natural storyteller."
"Flying seemed so natural to him," Tiffany said.
"He's going to go to visit you've got to do this you've got to go in there and say this is the gimmick you wrestle Savage as Savage you wrestle rude as we you it's a natural for you."
"You're a natural-born leader and you do it with a lot of grace."
"The adaptability of your work is maybe a testament to how natural it is for you, maybe."
"He's naturally funny without even trying to be a thing."
"You're like a natural born leader."
"...it's just so it sounds funny but like it's just so easy because it comes so naturally to me."
"Moses Malone was given two gifts that he didn't have to work for: he grew to be six foot ten and he had naturally quick feet."
"Things like this will come to you naturally especially when you're least expecting it."
"Funny is natural, you know? You can't learn how to be funny."
"You are a brilliant human being with natural strengths and talents, and while certainly imperfect, we all have something to offer the world."
"Something phenomenal happens when natural gift is empowered by Holy Spirit to become spiritual gift."
"Some people just got it, man. Some people are just very good at dressing."
"There's something about being on stage with a mic, it just felt more natural."
"Every person has some sort of natural proclivity towards something."
"I truly believe with practice, the rest of this is going to come natural to you."
"Winning comes effortlessly to you. You're a natural born winner."
"Charisma is something that you can't fake. You either have it or you don't. Some people are just naturally always on, and that was Pat."
"Genius without education is like silver in the mine."
"If you can just do what comes naturally to you, you're going to be fine and you're going to get there eventually."
"You have an instinct that cannot be taught, a capability I'm impressed with."
"It's pretty amazing that's your first time; you seem very comfortable on stage."
"The entrepreneur's spirit was just natural."
"Inspired to do something that is higher than him and did it so naturally."
"He's like Picasso or Michelangelo, it just comes naturally."
"My first big job was so easy in that you read your dialogue and you know it after one pass because it was so exactly what you felt and what you knew."
"The tempo of Angel's stroke has always been beautiful, it's kind of a very natural athletic move."
"You can't coach size; he's got elite size on the outside."
"You're doing awesome, bro. You're natural."
"I've always believed one should play one's natural game, especially at this level."
"It was pretty rough going, but I'd have been lost but you're a natural at it."
"The best things just sort of come from what comes naturally to you."
"You've got a gift, right? That's undeniable."
"They were genuinely born for this, just give the right musicians very little to no oversight with this project and they will do incredible things."
"Sometimes your body is built a way that it makes you better, it gives you advantages."
"He didn't really have a theoretical knowledge of music, which was to his advantage."
"There are very few really great melodists who just produce melodies the way that a fruit tree produces fruit."
"One of the most natural finishers that the English game has seen in recent times."
"When you talk about Caleb Williams, he's a natural thrower of the football. I love his ability to improvise."
"Some people are art just naturally."
"This kid had the chemistry; he had that rapport with the people. This is something you can't be taught; this is something you're born with."
"Music is really just people love to hear something that came out that's good, that's natural."
"He had found a natural talent; he found someone who he wants at any cost."
"It's just all feel, something you can't teach."
"From the mechanical stage, eventually you move to what I call the natural stage."
"Playing guitar and music was just like eating or walking, it just came naturally to me."
"Those are instincts that can't be taught."
"It was natural for me to write, as natural as it was for me to read."
"I've never practiced guitar, never practiced bass, never practiced recording; it just came naturally."
"I'm kind of lucky in that it just kind of comes naturally to me to be curious and motivated."
"It was so natural, the way he sees the game, you know he's so intelligent."
"Sammy, you're a natural gardener; you've grown new plants."
"You are the best, you did such a good job, you're a natural."
"It's really just, in my opinion, a god-given gift and talent that you have."
"I am a decent writer; I seem to be a natural as a child, a gifted writer."
"The thing that comes naturally and easily to you is what you're meant to be doing."
"Played such a natural manner, doesn't clutter his mind with thoughts of technique."
"He is naturally funny and his humor is very much underrated."
"He's just so smart at it, like he just knows, like he's just one of those cerebral, like knows where the ball goes where they'll pay, right now you can't coach that, this kid's got instincts."
"If you are doing something you're naturally suited for, you're going to be a lot more comfortable with yourself."
"Don't coach a great thrower, let him throw the ball naturally."
"Finding what you're naturally good at is the key because you're naturally going to be able to do it more with ease."
"Natural talent is insane, everybody who knows him and seen his video parts."
"No object in the world looks more natural than a basketball in Michael Jordan's hand."
"The easier it's done and the more naturally it's done, the better you do it, the more confidence you build."
"You're such a natural healer and you're also such a natural helper."
"He's got an uncanny aptitude for pool for such a young person."
"Needless to say, Camille is just an absolute force of nature."
"All I'm going to do is just keep on playing my natural game, and the results will come."
"He took to it like a duck to water, he's having a blast back there."
"The natural Brio that they give to us is amazing; they're just willing to work all the time."
"Some people are just born to look good."
"You've just got it, and you are just one of those people, you're a natural-born performer, and your voice is super sexy."
"Natural Born leaders, we natural at this, nobody taught us this, ain't no college for this."
"You're not only a natural, you're one of the best I've ever seen."
"You need gifts, you need athletic gifts, you need a sharp mind, you need a passion for the technical aspects of the game."
"When you watch good West Coast Swing dancers, they look so natural."
"I admired them, they have a way of playing that's natural to the way they're brought up."
"I felt like it was what I was born to do, like it came so natural to me."
"I've been singing my entire life... it was just natural for me to go into music."
"The type of sound that comes most naturally to this violin is the type of sound that I just have in my head."
"She was a born actress; she never stopped. She was a natural."
"You can be an absolute freak naturally."
"You have a natural ability to speak and to see things from all angles."
"This boy has god-given talent, he was put on this earth to play ball."
"This was the thing that John Lennon did naturally... he just had a natural sense of timing."
"Winning to her is kind of a natural thing."
"I did Jiu-Jitsu last winter. I wrestled all growing up, so Jiu-Jitsu kind of came naturally."
"When the gate drops I've still got that instinct and that first lap speed where it's just a natural thing."
"You can become the best in the world, natural."
"He was born with more athletic ability than everybody in the match."
"You're naturally going to be the best at what you do."
"It's like she's not even thinking about it; it's just coming out and it's just happening."
"The sweetest swings there seems to be come simply so to me."
"With his talent, standing out and being the center of attention comes naturally to Jim."
"She looks like she was born to ride that horse."
"If you want a fast way to build an audience, it's going with what you already have available to you rather than making it difficult for yourself and trying to do the things that just aren't natural."
"Whenever you can do it naturally, you're very very lucky."
"He was not a trained actor, he was just a guy who had a ton of charisma."
"You don't want to coach athleticism out of this game."
"Mastering your stock ball and getting the ball to do things from that spot naturally is very important."
"He's just taken to it like a duck to water."
"You are the ultimate natural for them."
"She's freaking born to be a therapist."
"What comes easy to you and harder to others, that's called your gift. Package that up."
"If you practice the things you're naturally good at, you will develop your own style."
"He creates separation like he's rolling out a bed like we breathe air; it's so natural for him."
"The game seemed to flow just naturally and effortlessly through them."
"The potential benefit of actually deliberately trying to stretch your skills can swamp any sort of natural differences."
"You can't teach that, it is absolutely incredible hockey."
"Dude, that was first try. This kid's a natural."
"With his talent standing out, being the center of attention comes naturally to him."
"She's so clever. How do we teach you to be such a genius? I'll never know, or maybe you're just naturally born like that."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with just continuously putting yourself to the test with whatever comes natural to you and seeing where it goes."
"Everyone knows you're a natural leader."
"Throughout your first day, you are excellent at things that have taken students years to master."
"The spark is just something that's natural."
"He's naturally very spiritual, naturally very psychic."
"Once he sort of sat in the Formula 1 car, it was a little bit surprising how he just... it was like he'd been there all his life."
"He's a natural. It means the person is able to create really cool works of art and they don't have a lot of training."
"Everyone has such inclinations; this desire within you is not motivated by egotism or sheer ambition for power, it is instead a deep expression of something natural, something that marked you at birth as unique."
"Always play your natural game because it's there, you know where the golf ball is going to go."
"You have a gift. We all have a gift."
"It stifles our creativity, and we forget how to use your natural gift to find a way in the world."
"Regardless of strength, this all comes natural to him."
"He's kind of the kind of guy who's just naturally crafted for Survivor."
"He had instincts; it's not something you can teach."
"I love camera, and everything that I do, I do it naturally."
"This feels natural to me like second nature."
"So good at being a redneck, comes natural, must be in the bloodline."
"You steal the show without even trying because it's simply in you."
"He just makes the game look so easy."
"Your superpower is just really close to you and comes easy to you because it's natural for you."
"Art came by me naturally. I've always been very visual."
"Sometimes the instinct gets coached out of the athlete."
"Things that we do naturally or instinctively... really they are special."
"That's pure talent, I'm not gonna lie."
"...as if they were born to dance together."
"John is such an entertainer and I know he was born to entertain."
"I don't try to be funny, it just comes naturally."