
X-Men Quotes

There are 394 quotes

"We should hope for the best and prepare for the worst. I think the world needs the X-Men."
"Disney is reviving the beloved X-Men cartoon from the '90s with a new series that follows that one."
"The X-Men... it's always going to come down to... the power of empathy and how it can kind of heal these wounds that turn people against each other."
"All fans wanted from the X-Men '97 Revival series was more of what made the original show so beloved."
"X-Men: The Animated Series would debut on the Fox Kids network and become both critically acclaimed and a huge commercial success."
"To me, my X-Men. Now that is the line the professor always uses to call the X-Men together in combat situations."
"Having Cyclops use the line not only shows that he is the leader of this team but also that he is saying I am willing to take the professor's place and protect this dream."
"Maybe this show, X-Men 97, is giving us a crucial backstory leading into the Avengers that we're going to see in Avengers 5."
"The X-Men...serve as a really robust metaphor for lots of real-world groups."
"Days of Future Past is what I think is the best X-Men movie."
"I think Cyclops is the glue of the x-men universe."
"When it came time to introduce a new generation of young fans to the x-men in the early 2000s, the answer was x-men evolution."
"The relationship between Charles and Magneto is absolutely love. It's just old school strategy, never personal."
"Casting Henry Cavill would immediately put Cyclops on the same level as Captain America and prove that the X-Men are not messing around."
"Sinister is the highest profile X-Men villain who has not made it to the big screen. He would be a great starter villain before the X-Men move on to fighting and then befriending Magneto."
"Mutants matter. Magneto was right. Welcome X-Men."
"Oh man, that would have been awesome, right? Don't you think like that would have been better than any of the [ __ ] we got after X-Men First Class?"
"Storm should be the main person who you're looking to on the x-men for like leadership should be storm."
"X-Men could and should be really current and really relevant."
"Feige was similarly vague when discussing the X-Men."
"A lot of the X-Men began to defect away from the Phoenix Five."
"The X-Men animated theme song when Charles rolled up had me geeking."
"With Messiah Complex, this was kind of a culmination of like eight years of reworking the x-men."
"Humanity looked at Magneto as a necessary evil, in the sense that with the rise of the X-Men, mutants would replace them."
"I definitely had a lot of fun diving into these X-Men movies."
"The X-Men series was unique in its adult stories."
"Wow, this was amazing. I truly love the X-Men franchise."
"X-Men in my opinion does that way better than Marvel did MCU."
"Welcome back to New Rock Stars, I'm Eric Boss and oh my stars and garters we need to talk about Hank McCoy beast and how good his VFX look for Kelsey grammar's return as the mutant in the post-edit scene of the marbles."
"He's a true scientist like this is a nerd's delight at this point no one has day jobs they're just full-time X-Men now."
"He has gone on to eventually join the ranks of the X-Men."
"It's only a matter of time before the X-Men make their debut in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Wolverine is single-handedly the most popular X-Men member."
"Jean Grey is one of the most badass X-Men in X-Men history."
"There is no way you could have an X-Men in the MCU and not have Professor X."
"The X-Men inherently are a socially charged group. They always have been."
"It's necessary for these characters to be done right in order for the X-Men to work as a team."
"Marvel phase four... genuinely excited about is doing the whole thing again with the x-men mixed in..."
"Marvel girl is one of the greatest and most powerful x-men members out there and really no powerful x-men members list can be complete without her."
"Wolverine fighting these scary future Sentinels alongside the rest of the characters from the original trilogy would be so cool."
"The X-Men are stand-ins for oppressed groups in the world."
"The X-Men stories are perfectly suited to the long-form character-driven narrative."
"But what makes it even more weird is that Jean Grey seemingly died in 2003's X2."
"Of all the X-Men movies, 'Days of Future Past' works."
"You can't ask for anything more from an x-man story."
"If you want to be an X-Men, you gotta get that telepathic resistance. That should be like a requirement."
"The x-men characters are ridiculously iconic."
"The X-Men are superheroes, but they're defined by one statement: they protect the people that fear and hate them."
"To say that the X-Men are a massively significant part of Marvel's history would be a huge understatement."
"Jonathan Hickman revolutionized the X-Men Universe."
"House of X and powers of 10 became one of the most powerful and important X-Men stories of all time."
"He saw the X-Men's potential to basically create a soap opera."
"Telekinesis and telepathy. No doubt, this is the ultimate X-Men superpower in the movies."
"I really think this was the best X-Men trailer to date."
"Raven Darkhome is one of my favorite characters from the X-Men comics."
"Are you brown and queer? You're perfect. Here's X-Men."
"Becoming the leader of one of the two teams of X-Men is such a beautiful journey Storm deserves like an a Trilogy."
"I loved it, it made me like the X-Men storylines a little bit more."
"Promote and create content that will bless you all."
"He's my favorite x-man already look at that right."
"I think X-Men approach this head on... this is life, this is what happens."
"One of the greatest X-Men stories of all time."
"Every time it looks like Magneto was right, and there is just no way humans and mutants could ever share the world, there is always something that gives the X-Men a glimmer of hope."
"It's doing a lot of what the old X-Men show did naturally."
"Nightcrawler sacrifices his life to save Hope Summers."
"The team dynamic, that's what sells the X-Men. It's not about just having the female characters, just having the male characters, or even just about one character."
"If you give us the X-Men, literally everybody of all makeups is going to be able to relate to the characters and relate to the character's plight and their arcs and their growth."
"All of us are waiting on the X-men with baited breath."
"He is a fighter for mutant kind until the very end, the quintessential X-Men."
"Sentinels are easily one of the most well-known things in the X-Men universe."
"Essentially TR Sentinels that he created to defeat the mutants backfired on him and now they want to enslave humanity and be its Masters."
"...it's going to be a ton of fun seeing what these Sentinels are really capable of when in action..."
"...which Sentinel do you like more the Box Sentinel or the Stark Sentinel and are you excited to keep getting new versions of Sentinels..."
"The X-Men were rigorously trained, the majority occurring in a special facility called the Danger Room."
"Having witnessed his leadership potential, Professor X named Cyclops the field commander of the X-Men."
"I seriously hope she gets rebooted in the new X-Men universe."
"I personally think this is a brilliant move for the X-Men."
"I'm excited to see whatever they figure out for Fantastic 4 and getting the X-Men into the mix."
"I genuinely love talking about the X-Men."
"X-Men '97 did a better Secret Invasion than Secret Invasion did"
"Some of the best X-Men stories include the Dark Phoenix Saga, Days of Future Past, and Avengers vs X-Men."
"The X-Men have always been of the position that only through embracing the humanity of mutants and humankind alike can you redeem both sides."
"What a magical time and also totally breathe fresh life into the X-Men line when it needed it more than anything."
"Absolutely at the top of that list is X-Men."
"There's more pressure than ever on Marvel to get this right. The X-Men are without a doubt the most anticipated characters to join the universe in a long time."
"The X-Men are incredibly important to a lot of people myself included and have deserved better for years."
"What is an X-Men or Avenger story without a moral quandry?"
"X2 still think it holds up still think it's the best X-Men movie."
"But yeah X-Men 2 if you've never seen it I don't know what's wrong with you definitely see it."
"The Dark Phoenix saga is probably the most iconic x-men comic event in history."
"X-Men 97 is everything I could have asked for."
"X-Men 97 has provided the MCU with several guideposts."
"X-Men 97 is giving fans a mixture of the familiar and the unfamiliar."
"Avengers versus X-men... they might just go all in."
"'I always thought x-men was a little bit, you know, gendered or whatever. So we are x-force.'"
"People were right when they said that Hugh Jackman is the Tony Stark of the X-Men Universe they're not wrong guys."
"an X-Men film that everybody unanimously says is one of the best in the entire series as well as perhaps almost everybody's favorite."
"The X-Men are going to need a powerful villain to fight...Mr. Sinister is a master of both genetic engineering and rocking fancy capes two very important things in my book."
"Our Story begins in the 90s X-Men was the biggest comic book series in the world selling millions of copies on a monthly basis a success that was so massive that DC literally had to kill Superman to beat their sales records."
"The man has proven time and time again that he's the most badass mutant in the X-Men franchise."
"The mutants' arrival in the MCU could lead to Wolverine becoming a liaison between the X-Men and The Avengers, ensuring smooth relations between the two teams."
"The X-Men must unite to face a new threat for part 1."
"...mutant Mayhem is the best X-Men movie ever made."
"...it is the best expression of the idea of the X-Men in one package on screen."
"Looks like Emma Frost is going to play a pretty big role in this season, which is fun cuz I really like Emma Frost."
"I do think it's going to change the timeline of even the live action though I think they might be like let's move this along X-Men are hot we need all this Goodwill."
"What a great end to the X-Men series."
"...I feel like this is a perfect... it's probably the end of the X-Men franchise... the perfect way to end everything."
"I love hearing that X-Men theme. It's one of the coolest themes we have in comic book history."
"Despite all that, somehow people are convinced and enraged anyway. They're making the X-Men woke."
"The X-Men were always woke in that original sense, responsive to the dynamics of marginalization. Mutants as a minority is textual from the beginning."
"The X-Men's journey from cancelled sea listers to one of the bestselling American comic book series of the 20th century was due in part to stories about identity, exclusion, and social material systems that limit or define our experiences."
"The X-Men often fight to avert hate and fear, which has doomed not merely Earth's mutant population but its human one too."
"I know, right? With Wolverine and Deadpool on their way, hi, the X-Men are inevitable for the MCU."
"They could make the X-Men and the Fantastic 4 period films, set in the 60s in that sort of Camelot era."
"Krakoa's future rests with the X-Men."
"Marvel's essentially [ __ ] three things maybe maybe four it's Spider-Man, Spider-Man, and the X-Men."
"I feel like X-Men gets the pass to be like, 'This is Andy and his power is drawing.'"
"Do not be surprised if, given all the drama that's happened recently, Marvel starts to pivot heavily towards X-Men."
"The coolest members of the X-Men and Quicksilver go in Genosha."
"I kind of love that they're kind of doing this weird reset of expectations of like hey this is how we a lot of us remember you know the X-Men in the 9s I kind of like starting with this I feel like this will really indicate how they bring them into live action."
"The X-Men are every rebel teenager wanting to change the world and make it better."
"The X-Men should be cool. They're at their best when they're cool."
"So what they did was this kind of forgotten story arc that takes place before issues 10 and 11 of Adjectiveless X-Men is Shattershot."
"It's the epitome of what an x-men story should be."
"Kevin Feige said he's doing a creative retreat for the next 10 years that is X-Men based. X-Men are coming, huh?"
"The X-Men don't just get one villain shelf they get two."
"That's how they're going to introduce the X-Men."
"Logan is the only X-Men movie for me that didn't feel like a superhero movie, a relatable drama piece."
"Dark Phoenix Saga really is I think my favorite X-Men story to this day."
"Jonathan Hickman's X-Men Saga is marked by its grand scope, intricate world-building, and meticulous plotting."
"The Fall of the Mutants highlights the exploration of the moral dilemmas faced by the X-Men and their allies."
"Who are we, X-Men? Are we simply what others want us to be, or can we evolve?"
"...I do think that after the Multiverse Saga is over we probably won't see any of the fox X-Men characters again in the MCU afterwards..."
"What TV show's intro song is an absolute banger? 'X-Men: The Animated Series.'"
"The success of X-Men became this runaway train of success."
"Insert himself, then you've got Jean Grey who's going to be sat on like 'What the [__] is happening?'"
"Magneto runs a safe land for mutants in this movie known as Genosha."
"Days of Future Past was such a big step for us, bridging the two casts, managing both past and future, rewriting in some ways the landscape."
"Bianca would grow to become a revered member of the X-Men."
"The x-men are probably my favorite group of heroes of all time."
"If you are not a die-hard X-Men fan or a team builder then this set is not for you."
"I'm reviewing this set for me because, well, one I wanted to but mainly because I love X-Men and I love this 275 team as this was on my wish list of teams."
"It's a rewarding feeling to complete this team and if you are a hardcore X-Men fan like me then you're going to love the way this TEAM stands out in your collection."
"This might be the last film we ever get from the 20th Century Fox version of X-Men before it goes over to the MCU or whatever Disney decides to do with it."
"Dark Phoenix, God, especially as a closing chapter to this X-Men franchise, just a huge disappointment all around."
"This was honestly, I would dare say, probably the best X-Men book out right now."
"The X-Men are the gold standard for Marvel's merry mutants."
"I'm doing an X-Men retro re-watching all the Fox movies, preparing myself for Deadpool and Wolverine. I will rewatch X2 again for sure."
"And the reason I wanted to split it up into two parts is because I know with my X-Men stuff I went on and on and on."
"Stay healthy and safe out there make mine X-Men."
"The X-Men are basically just gonna sit this one out, Tony."
"The first X-Men movie doesn't feel like the X-Men, it feels like a good mutant movie."
"The emotional maturity of the X-Men is mighty impressive."
"The big one obviously is Nightcrawler, no mention of Mystique though."
"Can the MCU keep this momentum going for its X-Men?"
"The future of X-Men in the MCU is bright."
"One of the most iconic X-Men crossovers ever."
"To me personally, Uncanny Omar, this is my favorite era of X-Men because they are so broken, so torn away from the world, so far, far and distant from everything they've known."
"...the first issue in the X-Men Days of Future past story arc."
"It's just great to see the X-Men come back in this way."
"To me my X-Men." This phrase comes with extreme 9s nostalgia.
"He knows how to pull at my heartstrings. He knows what I love about x-men and damn is he a fan first in a writer second and it shows."
"Fans of the X-Men related movies and comics now patiently wait to see how these superpowered beings will emerge in their new home in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"They should have just stopped making X-Men movies after Days of Future Past and Logan, that's all it needed to be."
"Blue costume Angel or Archangel. That's the Archangel that I grew up with, familiar with. That's the Archangel who got his wings broken by Sabretooth, who went and got the Crimson Dawn for Psylocke. That's my Archangel and I want him on my shelf."
"A chance to see what is future X-Men, what does X-Men 10, 20, 30 years in the future look like."
"She's a great character, everybody that read X-Men at this time loves her."
"So, first things first, like people may be unfamiliar with the X-Men, like, nearing off the entire run of the X-Men and virtually every piece of X-Men media has dealt with the struggle of the X-Men and mutants in general to be recognized as human."
"Jean Grey is the only class five mutant I've ever encountered. Her potential, practically limitless."
"We all have a Magneto inside of us as we also have a Charles Xavier."
"I'm the best villain the X-Men ever had."
"I'm really liking how everything's kind of coming together for it. Let's go people, it's time for the X-Men to assemble and to make their final stand."
"Changed everything about Marvel X-Men."
"And then a final piece of dialogue from Jean that sets up audiences for one of the most famous storylines in X-Men comic book history, the Dark Phoenix."
"This is often cited as the best of the X-Men movies as the sort of low-key masterpiece of all of them."
"The X-Men are Queer as hell. They're a group of people who noticed that they were different sometime around their adolescence."
"The X-Men have always been woke. The people who are getting mad about it now just didn't notice it before."
"Prove me wrong if they're gonna do that, at least do it naturally and do it with X-Men. I mean, there's practically X-Women for a while, but I don't think anyone minded."
"Extinction Agenda is about the Genoshan government seeking revenge on the X-Men for disrupting their sovereign mutate-driven economy."
"Rogue was not only a beloved member of the X-Men animated series cast, she was also one of the central characters."
"This pack is definitely made for the hardcore and true X-Men fans such as myself."
"I feel like the existence of Pyro guarantees the return of Rogue and Iceman."
"Here is what I believe will be our final member of that original x-men box set with beast and pretty nice beast actually we have not gotten enough beast in his more human form."
"Let's start off with 1991, the original X-Men."
"The film would open with the X-Men discovering Jean Gray's body alive and well in a river near New York and then shortly afterwards the Phoenix corrupts Gene and she starts to wreak havoc as the Dark Phoenix."
"There are going to be people who watch X-Men 97 and don't like it simply because they don't like it."
"Logan is one of my personal favorites of all time and that's why it's on the all-time tier list for me it is the best of the best in terms of x-men movies"
"Thank goodness finally we're starting to build out our x-men shelf."
"It's time for the X-Men to kind of create their own nation. Cyclops decides, you know, I'm tired of just fighting all these bad guys. It's time to start our own utopia."
"The Phoenix Force is coming to Earth... reshapes the lineup of the X-Men."
"This actually features the part where spider-man actually gets into a relationship with Kitty Pryde from the x-men."
"Ultimate Spider-Man issue 121 featuring the X-Men. Wolverine looks like he's let himself go a bit since they switched brains."
"If you're a big X-Men fan and you have the space and the money, this is something you might want to add to your collection."
"Super excited for the next X-Men films."
"So while X-Men Chronicles showed you the past of the Age of Apocalypse, the X-Universe showed you what was going on with the rest of the Marvel Universe during the Age of Apocalypse event."
"The darkness and encroaching hate the X-Men face is present even before the X-Men learn of the Massacre."
"The show isn't afraid to get in touch with what the X-Men is, the darker aspects and the lighter aspects."
"One of the worst kept secrets in comics as of late was that Gail Simone was going to be F in X-Men after the whole fall of X era comes to its inevitable close."
"When you grow up loving the X-Men books and now you're making an impact on the X-Men books it's kind of self-sustaining it's all you need for a long period of time."