
Financial Aid Quotes

There are 454 quotes

"Let's continue increasing the Pell grants to working and middle-class families."
"I wouldn't be standing here tonight if it weren't for low-interest student loans and Pell Grants."
"The European Union has decided to give another 55 billion euros to Ukraine."
"33 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail containing $200 that they can use to help pay for prescription drugs."
"This folks, is what Congress is up to while we're all waiting for our stimulus checks."
"Andrew Yang has partnered with Jack Dorsey to donate $250 to twenty thousand dollars to individuals and families in need."
"Finally, for low-income students getting grants, those grants will be doubled from $3,000 to $6,000 going towards, meaning depending on what province you're in, you might end up having your tuition near free for the year ahead."
"The overall objective is to make sure that those who are currently going without income, they have lost their job, they have lost all ability to pay for their expenses, including for food on the table, these are covered."
"The stimulus check is $1,400 an individual, $2,800 a married couple, $1,400 a child, $1,400 an adult dependent."
"If we don't see that 120 billion dollar aid package go to restaurants, we will see an extinction event of about 65 to 70% of restaurants that just won't make it."
"Problems of family breakdown are not going to be solved with a check."
"Put money into their hands and it actually makes it so that people are better able to protect themselves."
"Bernie's plan: every American will receive direct cash payments of $2,000 every month."
"I pretty much eat sleep and drink stimulus checks."
"Every dollar helps, every bullet helps, every shell helps."
"Prisoners are included to receive the $1400 stimulus check."
"One man is holding up checks for over 153 million Americans."
"Just send out the checks... people are desperate."
"The only way to prevent social unrest is to provide a financial flow."
"Help is on the way as congress passed his historic spending bill."
"They're offering €3,000... to any couple that decides to move there and stay for good."
"New waves of money are going to be coming out."
"We need some money to get in the hands of the American workers during this recovery."
"Maybe we should stop sending countless buckets of money to the most corrupt nation in Europe"
"That 40 billion aid package for Ukraine passing Congress and going to President Biden to sign."
"If you're serious about this national economy, then you give small businesses interest-free loans."
"This is an immediate solution they're trying to come up with right now to get that money to people who are already hurting because of this."
"We need money, we need investment, we need support, and not only without interest also if countries can donate us, being based on our priority and our necessity."
"For any of those need-blind schools or need-aware schools, if your annual salary or family's salary is less than $65,000 for Howard and MIT, they would even maybe cover your flight ticket or maybe your housing."
"All together today's new security assistance with humanitarian funding amounts to 2.2 billion dollars in additional support for the Ukrainian people."
"It's a mistake to not give people the resources they need. A $2000 one-time payment isn't enough."
"Call them up, see if you qualify, because you can thank me later if you get ten thousand dollars or fifty thousand dollars in free money from the government."
"It's a grant. It's free money. It's money to you. You don't repay it."
"Governor Larry Hogan from Maryland also passed a statewide stimulus for residents of Maryland."
"Literally, if President Biden's proposal is enacted, possibly in this fourth stimulus check package, eligible families could receive monthly payments for literally years."
"Now, as I said, this 250 to 300 per month per child is going to start going out in July."
"So here She is again so she's really emphatic how much she loves Ukraine and how Germany will stand with adding more money and more weapons to Ukraine."
"This is a staggering amount of money, and as we were saying everyone, both sides of the aisle, they want to do something to influx this amount of cash helped Americans most affected also to help send a strong signal to the markets."
"President Trump says, 'I want the money getting to people to be larger.'"
"It's looking like that two thousand dollar payment is sort of dead right now."
"The CARES Act will provide money directly to Hawaii residents. Individuals may receive up to $1,200 plus $500 per child under 17, along with increased unemployment benefits of up to $600 per week for up to four months."
"Economically, it makes sense to send bigger checks."
"The purpose of the financial aid office is to provide financial assistance and eligibility awareness."
"Financial aid is money that helps pay for the cost of Education."
"More direct stimulus checks to individuals and families."
"Putin is not rational, and we shouldn't be giving as much money to Ukraine as we are."
"Pick up the phone and call today; I know you can call City Hall, Sea House Authority, County Hall, County House Authority, State Hall, State House Authority, and get that big money."
"If you're in need of financial help and someone offers it to you, you should take it... You should never feel ashamed about accepting help where you need it."
"He remains committed to supporting HBCUs and supporting them financially."
"We might have a fourth round of stimulus checks."
"Straight cash. Money is the most effective way we can help people improve the situation for their families, their communities, and themselves."
"Direct stimulus to the American people could be exactly what they're calling for."
"The Actors Fund has literally saved my life so many times..."
"The IRS would be tasked with depositing checks worth $300 every single month per child younger than six."
"Grants typically don't require repayment. Yes you heard that right, this is free money, money you do not have to pay back."
"There's going to be a second stimulus check... that is confirmed."
"PPP was a huge lifeline for us...it was an absolute game changer."
"Having a few thousand dollars may not seem like much to a lot of people, but to a very small business, that can really help them get through the next two or three weeks."
"You need a stimulus check to help you live in a life of dignity."
"Student loan forgiveness within the US might still happen."
"Grants are like the Cool Cats in financing... free money that you don't have to pay back or owe anyone."
"LegalZoom has teamed up... to grant ten thousand dollars to small business owners."
"This long past time to get the post office the 25 billion dollars in emergency funds it needs to keep running."
"The forgiveness plan [was] expected to wipe the slate clean for roughly 20 million Americans."
"The government is taking significant action supporting every family with 900 pounds this winter."
"Ask your boot terms of their living stipends that's something that has come up and if you live in Atlanta I think San Francisco Denver you might be eligible for some living stipend."
"Another portion of this program is covered by Vallastal, which I don't leave there as a staging device. I actually use it. They support us both literally and a little financially."
"Stimulus money going out... very good news for you guys."
"Two thousand dollars would not only give people enough money to provide for themselves today but they also have a little bit left over."
"There's a good chance you could potentially see the $1400 stimulus check for yourself and your dependents this weekend."
"If you didn't get your $600 yet, when do I get my $600? The $600 was a part of the 2020 tax year."
"If married filing separately and individually made less than $75k, you would qualify for the full $1400."
"Japan provided Ukraine with a 550 million support from the beginning of the war."
"There's a considerable difference between people having the freedom to do whatever they want with their own money and basically the government's setting terms of assistance when people come to the government."
"It would be a huge help because this would allow them to retain those workers."
"For those that aren't gonna get PPP or don't have a big payroll, it's not gonna help you much and ERC is gonna be a better bet."
"Over 100 billion dollars has been sent to aid Ukraine in total."
"Your dollars going into the GoFundMe really do still help immensely."
"Multiple stimulus checks... until economic conditions improve."
"The majority of those who are going to have these loans forgiven are making at or will soon make above the national average."
"A little bit of money really goes a long ways to helping a lot of people out there in need."
"On stimulus checks: 'Yes from Deborah Marker, we need reoccurring stimulus checks.'"
"$1,200 check going out to some Americans... people do need money."
"Crypto just opens up a whole new can of worms to really help a lot of people."
"This is not the case this time around. There's a huge emphasis this time around to get funding to these smaller gig type workers so if you have any kind of contract service you should absolutely apply."
"Maine, 850 dollar direct relief payments, full-time residents with a federal adjusted gross income of less than a hundred thousand are eligible."
"Wouldn't getting $2,000 every single month be really nice?"
"Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes."
"If everyone felt that way or thought that way, well, we wouldn't have a lot of these delays with different people that really need that money."
"MIT Romney just suggested sending a check to every American."
"If you make under $125,000 a year and you received a Pell Grant, you'll get an additional $10,000 knocked off that total for a total of $20,000."
"Beings live in the darkness to keep us fighting so that maybe one day we can find the light."
"So that's what went wrong with the first round of small business loans and hopefully the Treasury Department's new rules for the second round of money will ensure that the loans go to the companies that actually need it the most."
"People showed up for her, donating $172,000 to make sure she has the financial security to start fighting back."
"The whole point is like if you can't earn a living you should be able to get access to these funds that are designed for that purpose and the process is terrible."
"People are dying out here, don't you know? That's awful, how dare you."
"The federal government is so incompetent that even when they want to give people money, they screw it up."
"It's not about a stimulus check. It's about salvation by the blood of the lamb."
"Charles requested financial assistance from Oxford and Cambridge universities, leading to Cromwell's first military action."
"I also announced that more than 35 million Medicare beneficiaries will soon receive a card in the mail with $200."
"It's clear that there is a great deal of need for assistance."
"Democrats have also some Democrats have also suggested this idea about a $2,000 per month stimulus plan or maybe even giving people money retroactively Lee for the last few months - how as a way to sort of help stimulate the economy..."
"Throughout this pandemic, the federal government has seemed extremely reluctant to provide aid directly to individuals."
"Now this ninth set of stimulus check payments includes nearly one million more stimulus checks."
"I'll throw away my freedom and just wait on a PPP loan."
"This will likely mean that next year, there will be more billions in aid, which, short of everyone shaking hands and making some deals, is the best outcome."
"Congratulations, you have done it! You're getting a $1400 stimulus check, you have done it, it is now in place."
"The incredible great news starts right now as third stimulus across the country will become a reality tomorrow."
"Stimulus checks are going out but there's more exciting great news as well."
"Mitch McConnell, let's go ahead and keep sending money towards Ukraine because that's where the real issue lies."
"Here's a guy who's taking his money and he's going to be offering a recurring monthly stimulus for the American people."
"Stimulus checks could payments turn into monthly guaranteed income."
"Imagine if you were given $1,000 and you're homeless, that is going to be a game changer for you."
"I've been listening to your show since March. I've told my friends and families that, and they are now getting food and mortgage assistance."
"No one should be evicted before they have a chance to apply for rental assistance."
"When checks get into the system, they help people. They help businesses. Trickle-up economics."
"Putting conditions on this aid package is putting lipstick on a 14 billion dollar pig."
"500 billion dollars for the black community is a lot of money and is well needed"
"The president has dedicated one billion dollars to the Social Security Administration fund to ensure that you get your checks faster going forward."
"I'm on SSI SSDI, will I get the second stimulus check?" - Darian
"Sony Corp as a whole is starting a 100 million dollar relief fund so for the medical field, things like that. They're just doing their goodwill as a company."
"We all have the power to help, that if you please can donate anything five dollars."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it can really help."
"It'd likely be highly focused on the low income, the fixed income, the people who really need it right now."
"Twelve hundred dollars was already a joke, six hundred dollars is just begging for riots."
"You'll never know what it feels like to have to fill out a FAFSA."
"A transformational impact of VA loans." - Charles Carrington
"The most immediate thing we need to do is a relief packet."
"The suffering is real, and we have an opportunity in this emergency relief bill to give financial aid directly to those Americans."
"New spending rules issued this week say that states and local governments can use their federal COVID-19 relief aid for hazard pay for essential workers."
"Money can certainly help alleviate the horrible prospect of being a man in late-stage capitalism."
"We need another stimulus we need direct payments in the hands of the American people and businesses or we are going to enter and stay in this great depression for I think as long as the CBO sees it."
"He took this proactive step to sign the executive order in an effort to try to provide some of this funding to the Afghan people."
"More than 20 million dollars in rent assistance is available in Tucson, Arizona."
"Chicago, Illinois, will provide up to 15 months of rent assistance for renters and landlords impacted by the pandemic."
"Dallas renters can now apply for up to one year of rental assistance."
"Dallas, Texas, renters can apply for up to one year of rental assistance."
"The big kahuna of money is the money for reoccurring stimulus checks."
"Thanks to your donations, the foundation has given nearly seven million dollars in emergency aid to more than seven thousand performers and their families."
"The White House kept back four hundred million dollars military aid for Ukraine."
"This is the stimulus check that seniors have been waiting for. We need this $1400 stimulus check to take care of seniors, to take care of those who are on SSI and SSDI."
"Give us a lot more, give us some money, give us a lot more."
"China comes to the African continent giving low interest loans... it comes with no conditionalities."
"The European Union is set to boost Ukraine's defense against Russia by transferring 4.5 billion euros."
"One of the things you did, Andrew, and I think this country owes you debt for, is normalizing cash relief."
"It's actually the biggest increase in the Pell Grant award sent in like 12 years."
"If you qualify for the eidl grant or loan this means you also qualify for a forgivable paycheck protection round two loan completely forgivable you can think about it as a grant if you spend it on the correct things."
"So i just want to say i've been the first one to say this i would not be surprised at all if the president swoops in again with a 1200 stimulus check."
"We're going to keep sending tens of billions of dollars no matter what anyone says, and it's bipartisan."
"We need seamless checks and unemployment boosts now."
"If it hadn't been for the kindness of friends and strangers, she would have been on the street."
"If you don't have anything to eat, if you can't make ends meet, you need this $1400 check."
"It's putting his livelihood in jeopardy, so as a detailing community, someone put together a GoFundMe page. If there's anything you can do to support him and help him get back on his feet, it would be absolutely amazing."
"It really looks like the fourth stimulus check is absolutely still a possibility for us."
"That's why the government needs to give people money during this time."
"If you vote for the Democratic senators you will actually get the two thousand dollar check."
"Providing direct flexible aid to cities is the most efficient and immediate way to help families and their communities who have been suffering for way too long." - 400 Mayors
"Governor Ned lyman's Administration mailed out nearly 248,000 checks to low-income households this past weekend."
"Each eligible school-age child will receive a letter and each eligible school age child will receive a pebt card."
"SoFi has committed to paying off $100,000 of student debt for 10 people."
"This stimulus is critical, almost for, say, it's a lifeline in the U.S."
"The child tax credit: $3000 per child, $3600 for children under the age of six."
"Many people are struggling and need this stimulus check."
"I think a $2,000 stimulus check is much more important to get to the American people than a $1,200 stimulus check."
"Universal basic income or a guaranteed income of like 500 to a thousand dollars per month for certain families to qualify if you're new to the channel make sure to subscribe down below."
"You will receive the money that you need and God is in charge of how that will happen."
"I graduated without any debt at all. I didn't just like it didn't cost me money and I got a grant in a range of ways."
"We're fighting the covet War, we're locking down your business, but here's a couple of pennies."
"Find smaller churches in the community that are week-to-week barely making it and help underwrite them financially."
"President Biden will unveil a 1.8 trillion dollar stimulus package proposal, the American Families Plan."
"Cash payments like this make a huge difference in the life of working families."
"Special shout out to our community members who live in Maryland, let us know if you got any of this grant money the first time around."
"Lawmakers are accepting... more money to people with children... child care tax credit... up to eight thousand dollars per child per year."
"The last estimate is it will be a 900 billion dollar total package with the possibility of six hundred dollars in direct payments to Americans."
"The president has dedicated over a billion dollars to SSI and SSDI the Social Security Administration to ensure you get checks on time going forward this is for stimulus fifth stimulus and your benefits checks."
"If you have been struggling for finances, I know some people have been, of course. If you have been, then there may be somebody who comes to your aid or a friend who reaches out and tides you over."
"Put a flat $2,000 check legislation on the floor, pass it."
"Why is the market not responding so far to the help that the Fed gave it today?"
"Why don't we just give poor people money instead of having a snap program? It's brilliant in its simplicity."
"If on the way, I can help make some people some money, that's what I'm here for."
"We think that the four and a half billion dollars in that program that's rebate program is actually going to help electrify a million low and moderate income homes in this country."
"Are we helping other people make money, are we helping other people fulfill their dreams?"
"...there are so many like random scholarships that don't have that many applicants so it's not that hard to get them..."
"The most common form of assistance are Cash Grants - often through platforms like the Federal Home Loan Banking system - paid to buyers directly for making a larger down payment, reducing loan closing costs, or paying anything else linked to buying your first home."
"He's like, 'I got deferred,' and she's like, 'I got scholarships on scholarships. I'm not gonna have to pay a dime.'"
"It's actually more affordable than traditional therapy and financial aid is also available."
"He even paid off all their debts, including the massive study loans they had."
"It's more affordable than traditional offline counseling, and financial aid is available."
"I've been getting financial aid for four years I'm a senior now and um the checks would be mailed out to his house in your name um yes um he would deposit the checks in my account."
"I still can't believe they gave me more scholarship money."
"Getting mayor of scholarships is honestly the best thing ever."
"Harvard provides very generous financial aids to all of its accepted students."
"I'm looking for a hospital or a program or a clinic or something that says, 'I'm willing to pay a good chunk of Marissa's tuition.'"
"It's more affordable than traditional offline therapy, and financial aid is available."
"Many donations were gathered for the family, totaling thousands of dollars."
"The administration is committed to ensuring that students have access to the maximum financial aid possible."
"The good news is that if you have already filled your CSS profile, you can import that data into PFAA."
"He recognized the need that people need help getting into these places financially."
"As long as you like the type of work you were doing, I think we can arrange something along those lines to get you out of your financial difficulties."
"Most people think that the students who go to Stanford are all rich, but like 70% of them have huge amounts of financial aid."