
Workplace Dynamics Quotes

There are 290 quotes

"It's very easy to drive people crazy as a manager, and you may have experienced that with your managers when they don't let you have autonomy."
"There's a personality trait known as agreeableness. Agreeable people are compassionate and polite, and agreeable people get paid less than less agreeable people for the same job."
"Efficient workers get punished with more work."
"Teams are more productive when they are gender-balanced."
"Importantly, I really wanted to help a daughter learn how to succeed in what is still a predominantly male world of work."
"People above you make decisions that affect you without your consent... So you should always be looking out for yourself."
"The workplace bullying Institute found that women bully other women up to 80 percent of the time."
"The queen bee is usually a woman in a senior position who is cuttingly unhelpful to her female co-workers."
"Like Chris Rock said in his pretty awesome stand-up special, if someone wanted your job like 10 to 15 years ago, they would just outwork you. Now, if they want your job, it seems like they're gonna wait for you to say something messed up and then try to expose you."
"What a super satisfying story. New boss comes in, knows nothing about how anything works aside from numbers, ends up losing great employees over his idiocy, screws up everything beyond belief, and gets canned for it."
"I can't imagine not being in a co-ed work environment. I learn so much from men. I'm a guy's girl."
"I moved pretty fast and so one day I heard the boss telling somebody, 'Don't get in Stanley's way, he'll sweep you right out of here.'"
"I was making a bet that I would be better off not having to beg all these people to come back once they've moved on to other professions."
"No two people are alike and that makes the job a lot more fun."
"It is a risky move for a boss to mistreat their employees, especially when they are in charge of opening the store."
"I spent so much of my career trying to be one of the guys... so that they wouldn't try to flirt with me at work."
"Dan was telling an important asset to his company, Dan Plan, that he's just a disposable unit, easily replaceable."
"You should be the boss at this table, and you should be comfortable in that position."
"If you're lucky and you don't have a micromanaging boss which he has this vision and he'll push it on you but as a director you need to take a step back and let people express themselves."
"Human Resources is not for you; they're there to legally protect the company."
"Women are literally abandoning their femininity because of feminism and because of that women are less feminine they've had to get into the workplace so now they've got to develop some of their masculine energy."
"It was an entirely positive experience. People got on well or they didn't, but not for ethnic reasons."
"I think the fans of Barstool would idealistically assume these guys are buddies, but you don't have to be best friends to work together."
"So, for example, if I'm at the office we go out and you know some of these discussions just happen naturally..."
"Seeing Linda and Jaclyn together at the lab was the first red flag."
"If you don't like it, if you don't like the way you get treated, there's 15 other people right behind you that'll be begging for the opportunity."
"I don't like the drama but the truth is the truth. He is not a boss. He's a nice guy ultimately that is a detriment to the company." - CM Punk
"So what I'm learning from you is that I could break and say if someone under me did it."
"I wonder if I'll end up being known for angering my superiors to death."
"My life became a hundred times better when I found a way to support myself without having to look in the face of some condescending white man every day."
"Your job is not to sell the product to the viewer. It is your job to make that marketing guy look good to his boss."
"I'm the boss so I can do whatever the hell I want."
"Call him your colleague, they're not your friend."
"Now everybody's usually for themselves, but that's how you keep it going, right, and keep a nice flow going with everybody."
"He's been a breath of fresh air at this place."
"Companies do not value cashiers as much as they probably should, especially considering cashiers are the ones who interact with your customer base the most."
"I love working together, we make great work fellows."
"All of these co-workers were gone, what could it mean?"
"You're only here for the people that are working with you."
"The boost we've seen... could be the result of more than a year's worth of pent-up resignations."
"If you didn't get it in writing, the next thing that's gonna happen is they're gonna start treating you cruelly."
"It's embarrassing oh my God Faye is definitely the scary boss here she's the one who pushes people screams at people."
"Nobody likes delivering critique, but it's necessary for improvement."
"You are in charge of nothing. Everything is told to you. You live in a work dictatorship and you're not the dictator."
"People are no longer struggling to find places to work; workplaces are struggling to find people."
"You're literally doing your career as an only. You can't be talking sh."
"I want you to cry because somebody is yelling at you. I want you to fix the problem so you never get yelled at again."
"You're so bossy, D people who have been with the company for a long time have the right to be bed."
"The easiest thing in the world is for somebody to come in the room to tell you why something won't work. Yeah, happens every day."
"Do you know when a bully is sh in their pants? When they suddenly send you elaborate emails of goodwill and telling you they're elated by the company's new direction."
"Just treating him as a normal human being allowed me to work there for years."
"Excellence wasn't rewarded. What was rewarded was loyalty."
"You have to know how to work with people because you don't work in a silo."
"He hires you for your ideas and wants you to take ownership of it. It's really inspiring to work with someone who's accomplished so much and is the tip of the pyramid and is still turning to you and wants your ideas and opinions."
"If I don't give you that, I make your job harder."
"I was promoted to store manager shortly after his termination."
"Gen Z revolution starting: the first generation born into an online world is now entering the workforce and compelling other generations to adapt to help them not vice versa."
"Jaime finds himself in a space suit while his boss calls him out."
"You're lucky my boss ain't here man because you know my boss would do. He'd be saying I know my boys won, even though we don't win."
"We're all colleagues, and what's good for one of us may be good for another person."
"What if you've hired a load of people who hate what they were condemned to die the day I realize you weren't a man of your word."
"The only reason they're doing any of the stuff they're doing now is because their jobs are on the line."
"The worst performers in each of these jobs were the givers."
"Picked Bob J Peck... allowing himself to be Mao Mao by woke employees."
"Confidence and competence are not the same; however, because bosses are often very busy, they often mistake one for the other and just go with the person who appears to be more confident."
"There's always a culture of safety, but you want to get things done."
"When you have to learn your place, you probably shouldn't be there."
"When you hire incredibly experienced people... sometimes they don't care about you."
"Power, it always will be about power... but workers are sort of reflecting and reevaluating the power that they do have."
"This person will likely never leave your team."
"Women invest more in something. They just get more in-depth into the job, take more responsibility, take it home with them, and it pays off."
"It's crazy when the mistakes of one business get in the way of the livelihood of 20 people."
"Pam’s role as the Office’s human glue, a sounding board, an emotional support worker, the provider of gentle nudges, is a classic example of someone taking on the lion’s share of emotional labor for a group."
"Trust is all well and good, and in a perfect situation, it would be enough."
"Feeling like you're part of a team, working well together."
"Don has to be careful how he speaks to people. I know he's a boss but in the long run his reputation for being a bully can jeopardize his career."
"Yeah, Don clearly masks his own insecurities by acting tough."
"Employees leave managers, they do not usually leave companies."
"Jen would go on to blow up at her at the end but it was a well-needed talk that leads into Caitlyn vouching for her in front of Jen's new boss."
"It's shocking to see how people turn, how these people that you collaborate with for 15, 16 years, there's no humanity."
"We are not family at work... be very careful with that because they're probably trying to manipulate you on some level."
"2019 study found that 27% of American men now avoid one-on-one meetings with female colleagues."
"Anyone can cook. Yeah, the only guy here with an attitude problem is the head chef."
"Two things can be true at once: Nickelodeon can be super disrespectful, but that doesn't mean the people that work on it don't care."
"You don't snitch on the guy paying you millions of dollars."
"I'm the boss here and you don't deserve to be here you should have at least tried to do your work well"
"It's just real ballsy to come in day one and be like, 'I'm better than this and you should be so lucky.'"
"We're running a business now, fun isn't it? Exciting."
"You don't do your job, I'll shoot you." - Ace
"There will be Rebirth of your career, workplace, and enemies."
"Josiah vs. Rachel. Analytics vs. HR... Place your bets now, loyal Theorists."
"I really hope that I see Josephine leading her staff."
"It's a good thing. It keeps everyone on their toes."
"You must be something more than just a worker bee to have such chivalry."
"I felt no pressure, because I judged everybody from a pretty practical, 'do you show up on time, are you nice to be around?'"
"It's like imagine if you worked in a corporate office and you had a breakup and every time you come in the office all your co-workers are just like bombarding you about your breakup."
"If I'm passionate, like arguing my point across a boardroom table, don't dismiss it as an angry black man."
"Malicious compliance is now the main course in a delicious meal seasoned with the tears of a bitter incompetent CEO."
"Everybody ain't cut out to work for their oppressor."
"Just because you leave a job doesn't mean that you're going to leave on bad terms."
"It's so good to see that they got let go because they were not a good manager in the slightest."
"Responsibility without authority: you're just the useful idiot."
"People need to be trusted in what they do because that's the reason why you're collaborating with them."
"It makes a guy work harder... someone else is just waiting for him to make a mistake."
"I would love to see my character have to do like an internship or like work in like a Korean office because of her personality and how she like is very she likes to be in control."
"A good boss knows when to step in and get his hands dirty."
"It's the very second they're trying to replace you by younger and cheaper."
"I think working with other people is amazing I think it's really undervalued."
"Someone is going to come in and try to look over or talk over your plans, but you're going to be stronger and say not today and not at all."
"Watch for fatal love attractions in the workplace."
"If women left the workforce tomorrow we would have no HR."
"Your boss gets to judge you for the mistakes the boss made."
"It's a testament to Toby's strong work ethic, great training, and underlying humanity that he still wants to help the man who's cruelly bullied him for years."
"A smart satire on race and the modern day workplace that will keep you guessing until the very last twist."
"The bitchiest thing I can do is not stand up for myself because then I'm gonna get worse work."
"Stop letting people trigger you in the workplace... you have the power to start your own lane."
"This is what I do: I film, I film, I know, but you got a boss that you call a daddy."
"Here are some things that are not actually signs of an abusive workplace: being fired when you're not doing a good job, some people getting the job due to pre-existing friendships, not getting an explanation why you weren't hired." - Sam Haft
"There's that saying that people don't quit bad jobs, they quit bad managers."
"But everybody's job at Lucasfilm was to say, 'Genius, George, perfect idea, George, wonderful, George, we'll make that happen.'"
"I couldn't do my job without him, nor he without me."
"He stole my channel Gareth has been part of this team for only five months which is crazy because as many of you know he's fit right in."
"Let's get into the juicy bit identifying problems and working together to help solve them."
"Just focus on your job, don't worry about this hater co-worker."
"My job is to just sit down and see what they've been able to put together as a team."
"Your chief might be a little confused about what this is. It happens. I'm not putting them down."
"People are going to be your biggest problem. They require empathy, respect, and purpose."
"The soft skills become really, really critical."
"Russell is just a jealous co-worker and that's it. That's the movie."
"They say the better the company the darker the conversation."
"For the first time, workers are actually in a position to have a tiny tiny bit of power in the workplace."
"Your role isn't evolving... managers will intentionally keep you in a position because you are so good at it."
"It's nice when Alyssa takes charge like she did with OSHA and gets it handled."
"Now the team is working as it's supposed to work again."
"Price's law: The square root of the number of people do 50% of the work."
"He's selling all the fun employee toys to assert his dominance over the company."
"I do make his job harder, I do agree with that. I think that's true. Social media for me has been very important because it gives me a voice."
"It's not whether there are bosses under socialism. The question is who is your boss and what motivates your boss."
"You're the [__], there's no way a 25-year-old has the experience and institutional knowledge of an older person."
"Nobody in the company is there to kind of appease other people's..."
"Creative differences are fine. It doesn't have to be toxic or reflect badly on somebody."
"They've taken away the respect. You have to let them do their job. They'll do it well."
"I don't give my input on things usually. I tend to just let the executives duke it out. But they genuinely for a moment seem like they had dropped the ball and that was strike one."
"You don't want to be a tool for your boss to just offload workloads."
"Artemis is a real thing, some of you have this spirit at work."
"The scene in which Kevin from Mesa Verde is disappointed in Kim and contemplates firing her and she actually reverses the entire dynamic by turning the blame on Kevin was pure excellence."
"This conversation is gonna be above your pay grade."
"Don't suck up to your boss especially if you're not very good at it because it's just not gonna end well."
"I saw him from across the room, this man had his shoulders back the way he walked, and it was at work, everyone wanted this dude and the way he carried himself."
"She is definitely gonna get to the bottom of this and it I think she's gonna take some of her co-workers down a peg in the process."
"Bravery takes you through the most unimaginable."
"The more I presented facts and examples, all with a professional smile, the more he became condescending."
"One of the best instances of malicious compliance I have witnessed."
"Stop fighting the people, stop talking about the boss, stop talking about the dude over there."
"I've been there, Ted. Oh boy, I didn't have people working against me internally, but oh man if Harriet had secretly been out to get you for some reason."
"It's simple. I could be your best friend in this company or your worst enemy." - Chris Jericho
"If you ever override your people, you take their power and they'll never do great."
"Navigating the different personalities in your business can be a tedious task, but once you understand what drives and stresses those you work with, you can better interact and steer those same people toward productivity and success."
"I've been working for Margaret Tate for 3 years. Six months ago, we started dating, fell in love, I asked her to marry me, she said yes."
"She was like, 'I don't have a boss, how you come downstairs?'"
"Douchey had been fired and frog marched from the building."
"The world went crazy when Will smacked Chris. This is a person pulling a whole gun on a comedian in the confines of their job. It's really a weird situation when they hate you that bad."
"Your boss could definitely be low-key attracted to you."
"Your boss can even be stressed out."
"Would you rather be falsely accused of inappropriate flirting at work OR have all of your partners (past and present) publicly rate your bedroom performance online? Let us know in the comments section below!"
"The world is changing and if you look at the workplace right now feminine energies actually give you a Competitive Edge."
"Some of these comics that you guys work with, they're running around with different people in the workplace gang stalking you, talking bad about you. Those are gonna be the same people that throw them under the bus to get a promotion."
"And I love Julie I think she's one of the most remarkable executives in the world I love Kevin I think he's one of the most remarkable executives in the world neither of them made me feel welcome."
"They drove Rick into burnout, then fired him."
"You might have just been a young kid grunt on the preload, but you got equipped with the power to take down a manager that everybody at that place hated."
"We first met when Felicia was transferred to my salon that I was the manager at."
"I discovered that superheroes were real and that my boss was actually a supervillain named Argento."
"...she tried to get me fired by calling the big boss and he had no idea who I was or what I do in the museum."
"If I left the office for something and was transcribing a case, she would go in and make some changes in the text to make me look bad."
"That incident should have been my warning. She did much more, and when my six months through the agency ended, I was supposed to stay around, but after a discussion with her father, the lawyer who knew what a bee she was, he decided that he couldn't keep me."
"What better way is there to deal with a micromanaging boss than have them demoted to a position the same as the one they were trying to undermine? That is freaking poetic."
"My manager ended up getting fired as well and I've never been happier to get revenge on somebody in my life."
"Jane realized that HR was not working for her best interests."
"He confessed that he didn't like Karen either and that she's had multiple complaints about her within the first month of being hired."
"Some men may have trust issues with you, possibly due to intimidation, especially in the workplace where you're seen as capable and worthy of the top position."
"When your most trusted colleague leaves you for the good guys."
"They perceive you as having a really grounding presence about you but it's almost like you're hiding out from the toxicity in a sense and maybe not wanting to have the spotlight on you because of the external circumstances that are happening in the workplace."
"We’ll never know the real answer but my theory is that Mike Scully, in his final year, decided to cash in his remaining political capital and stick it to the writers room by bringing him back."
"Bad leadership is a sign of a toxic workplace."
"Rapid employee turnover is a big sign that things are bad or about to get worse."
"After that meeting, I never saw Ray again and I reckon he must have been kicked out after HR issued a warning against him."
"...many of them patronized Paradise just because of Carla so when they heard that she was fired they didn't take it lightly at all."
"Can you ever imagine saying it to a coworker? 'I would not date your husband because his job sucks, Lori.' Why don't you like me? I'm rich, I'm good-looking, my dad owns the company!"
"The smarter you are, the more likely you are to be bullied by your colleagues who are jealous, unless you're a giver."
"You're the hot person that really raises the vibration of that whole workplace."
"Any employer-employee relationship is better if they're cordial to each other, and Bobby probably really valued the relationship he had with Vern and Greg."
"People don't quit jobs, they quit bosses."
"Not everybody in the wrestling world is going to like each other. Not everybody in the locker room who works for the same company has to like each other."
"Naturi dealt with it for a long time but after a while, as they became more demanding, they realized she would have to get the boot."
"The worker eventually became frustrated and started to eat the food in front of them and even threw some in their car."
"Somebody at your job knows that you want to leave the job."
"...if we have not healed our traumas, we're going to carry them with us into every workplace relationship scenario."
"It's just funny how around these appraisal times, it's always really interesting. I don't find some of them funny at all, no."
"I just saw his bare ass as he pumped into Jen from Finance over and over again."
"Maria shook her head and took a step away from him. 'I'm good at my job, Mr. Harris. All of my clients love me, and my evaluations show top client satisfaction. You're being a sexist pig,' she accused."