
Homeownership Quotes

There are 1617 quotes

"Less is good for the economy because folks are now able to buy a home, start a business, start a family."
"One of the largest determinants of wealth is homeownership."
"Don't put your family into a crisis just to become a homeowner. But also, don't say home ownership's out of reach in Billings, Montana. It's not."
"Why? Because I want you to be millionaires later and I don't want this house to ride you. I want you to ride the house."
"The census recently found that in the second quarter of 2020, Hispanic Americans' homeownership reached a record all-time high."
"Here's the thing that happens with a rent payment: it goes up every 3 years. My mortgage payment doesn't. So over the course of a 30-year mortgage, I pay way less money on my primary residence than I ever would on rent. The difference is I own something."
"If you can actually buy a home and pay two and a half percent mortgage interest for the next 30 years, that's a pretty good idea."
"New student loan payments plan could make it easier for borrowers to become homeowners."
"Around 90% of people in China own the houses that they live in, and this is one of the highest rates in the world."
"Student loan forgiveness will allow me to be able to put a down payment on a home."
"If you ever get in a situation where you can afford to pay off your mortgage, do that first amongst all things, because then nobody can take anything away from you. You have a house to live in, you can still work a bar job, you can do something, and your life is protected."
"Homeownership has some really positive effects on the community itself."
"Owning a home is how the middle class becomes millionaires."
"A house is one of the most illiquid things possible and it's not really a wealth asset, it's a place you live."
"If there is available housing and they work hard enough... they should be able to own a home."
"Where do you want to be in 5 years? I want to own a house, I want to have some money in the bank."
"This is turning America into much more of a renter nation because now you have these huge institutions buying up homes and making homeownership way less affordable."
"Homeownership still is the most popular, the most viable way that Americans can attain wealth."
"Millennials are bypassing the traditional starter home and saying, 'No, I want the turnkey property.'"
"The Australian dream: owning your own home on a quarter of an acre block, perhaps with a pool, grass for the kids to play, a patio for entertaining, a garden, and even a veggie patch."
"A starter home is more than just a first step on the property ladder; it's a foundation for future aspirations and a testament to the resilience of dreams."
"Home ownership is how middle-class Americans build wealth."
"Life is expensive, especially when you're just starting out your career, but I do believe it's possible you will be able to buy a home if you're disciplined in your career and save money."
"The American dream is to be a homeowner, but that dream is becoming a little bit more difficult to accomplish because home prices are rising so fast."
"The sense of security that you get from having permanent shelter when you're a homeowner is much better."
"Long-term home ownership stabilizes your largest line item in your budget, locks in your monthly cost to a fixed amount, and you have this large asset that is going up in value."
"We managed to save up enough resources to buy a new house."
"I want to buy a house... mostly it's security."
"Only buy a home that you plan on living in for at least 7 to 10 years."
"By 20 we were married and had bought our first house."
"I went from almost £25,000 in debt to having enough money to buy a house."
"Historically speaking, owning a home and getting a college education is the easiest way for an American family to build wealth."
"Buying a home is such an emotional decision for people."
"Owning a home is part of the American dream, and it's nice to be able to say that you're a homeowner. But it's even nicer to own a home that you can afford."
"It provides the everyday man or woman the ability to buy a home without needing a giant downpayment and having relatively low barrier entries."
"Therefore, it promotes homeownership in this country, and people can realize their dreams of homeownership without having to kill themselves in ways to save so much of a downpayment."
"A new survey was just released that found that 63% of millennial homeowners regret buying their home."
"Bank Rate found that 44% of homeowners regret their home purchase."
"Buying a home should really be done with the expectation of being a long-term plan."
"The idea of building generational wealth has essentially been wiped out because now buying a home, which gives you security and can protect you against tragedy, is so much more expensive."
"Buy a home because you want to make memories there, not because you think you can make a whole bunch of money on it."
"We must write the wrong after generations of discrimination, give black families a real shot at homeownership."
"The only reason I want to buy a house with a backyard now is so I can start cooking underground."
"This mortgage loan does not have a credit score requirement and this loan does not require you to come up with closing costs."
"Home ownership and owning real estate is the number one way to wealth."
"Buying a house is a mental, physical, emotional sort of conversation that you have to have with yourself and your partner."
"It's not just the initial purchase that can be mind-bogglingly expensive; it's also the ongoing and hidden costs of home ownership that can drain your wallet if you're not careful."
"From a purely financial perspective, is buying a home worth it? It depends heavily on the numbers for your situation."
"Married filing jointly up to $500,000 of gain is tax-free on your primary residence. So, any money you make on this house is free and clear."
"If we live in a society post the crash where it's very difficult to expect young people to be capitalists when they don't have a chance of having the one form of capital that historically ordinary people have ever had, which is to own their own home."
"I would save up for a house for my mom to move out here in Arizona."
"How does a regular 28-year-old person that got out of college, they got a job starting at 50 grand a year, then they go to get a 3 percent raise, let's say a 4 percent raise every year... How the hell are you going to buy a house?"
"You're headed towards something really good, maybe some of you, happy family, some of you a new home."
"Once you become a homeowner, you will never look at real estate the same way."
"Just last week Lenny finally found himself the home that he deserves."
"Invested in other businesses, bought a house—set for the long term."
"Only going to make my first home purchase once."
"Writing a mortgage check knowing that I'm paying for the roof over my head."
"Singaporeans are lucky enough to be able to buy these homes at a discount, giving them a vital stake in the nation's prosperity, personal wealth, and stability."
"Homeownership is completely overrated and overpriced."
"Their dream home became a nightmare of financial stress."
"The gap between white and black homeowners is greater now."
"You don't want to be a renter for the next 30 years."
"Owning a home is better than renting... arguably you could have equity at risk."
"Look at it, I'm up here on the hill and we've conquered, we've persevered, we're actually in the house finally now."
"Smart to pay off your house as soon as possible."
"Everybody moves. Just about the time you think you have a forever home, you'll discover forever is not there."
"I'm gonna be so upset like it's my house now before I was always like oh I'm just ranting somebody else's problem or I'm just uh uh living in my parents house who cares."
"Anyone who's owned a house and had pipes freeze and then had to deal with what happens most of the time when your pipes freeze is just going to pay the extra five dollars that month on water to not have to even remotely risk dealing with that."
"In total, though, it does seem that owning a home is a unique positive contributor to life satisfaction and to well-being, including in low-income people."
"Having parents who own a home does somewhat seem to increase the odds that young people themselves will become homeowners."
"42% explicitly mentioned owning a home when asked about the American Dream."
"You could go from being a renter to a homeowner."
"Accomplishing the American dream of homeownership."
"Saving is key! You need to start saving now. Seriously, if you have the aspiration to eventually become a homeowner, you need to start saving."
"Your home that you live in is an investment, it's an asset."
"You don't save money to buy a house, you save money for a down payment."
"I already had my home, you know. I knew what I wanted out of life. I had already said, 'This is what I'm gonna do. This is what I'm gonna make happen for me.'"
"We bought a house! A place to bring our little girl into the world."
"Home ownership is a key ingredient to actually Building Wealth."
"You have way more control when you own your own home."
"If you want to remodel or upgrade your home then buying is also better."
"If you don't intend to stay in your home for at least 7 years then renting is cheaper."
"These homeowners still get to put that key in the door, open the door to their home, and they come out."
"Home ownership in America is the best way to build generational wealth."
"We paid off our house three days ago, we're done completely."
"I now have my own home, I live in, I have a studio here, and that has just drastically improved the quality of everything around this channel."
"They are still paying the debt that they borrowed from a bank on a house they're never going to get."
"Owning a house or an apartment... affects your life a lot and the cost of it is not the cost of it."
"I'll probably at least buy a house for my mom, same. That's one of my first goals."
"Thanks to Sheba, I was able to complete a trade yesterday that raised me enough money to put a down payment on a house. Congratulations!"
"Buying a home is the best insurance to have."
"As a renter, your rent is the maximum you will pay every month. As a homeowner, your mortgage is the minimum you will pay."
"The moment that we actually like signed all of the paperwork and formally received the keys for our home I just felt such joy and excitement."
"The real path to the American dream is to be able to own a home."
"Home ownership is one of the best ways to build generational wealth."
"We've bought another house. That feels so crazy to say, it really, really does."
"I'm so proud of us. I mean me being a new entry level nurse and Pedro being an immigrant and look at us baby we have our first house."
"Knowledge overall that I've learned through this process, I feel like will make me such a stronger homeowner and a renovator going forward."
"The infrastructure for electric vehicles is already here if you own a home that has a garage."
"When you buy a home, it's supposed to work. It's supposed to be like your car. It's supposed to be like anything new. It's supposed to stay good for a long time. And when it doesn't, it's heartbreaking."
"When somebody buys a new home, they expect it to be something that's going to last. It is everything you've got in there."
"Years of savings for homeowners have turned to dust, leaving the populace lamenting these woeful times."
"Go homeless do not own a home go get a business and let it pay for your home."
"Your mortgage is actually going towards an investment and not just being thrown away in rent."
"The fact that I bought a 130-year-old house as my first house is kind of a bold move."
"It's so exciting to not only have the ability to purchase a house but to purchase this house that has a big yard and a lot of room for growth."
"If you're gonna live five years or more you're gonna be better off to own."
"4.7 million Americans don't have the money to pay their mortgages right now."
"Single women buy their own homes at more than twice the rate of single men."
"Patience is probably, you know, there's a higher probability than there's been in past years that patience is going to benefit the potential aspiring homeowner here."
"You're going to have a paid-for house, you have no bills."
"Home ownership is no joke, so make sure you got your ducks in a row."
"To the Hispanic community, owning a house and having a high FICO score is everything."
"I'm Shahida Hill, getting you over the hill to home ownership and helping you confidently buy your first home with perfect credit."
"I pay the down payment, I'll be able to move into my home tomorrow. That is exciting!"
"Buying a home in your 30s can be a Smart Financial move for several reasons."
"This seems like a great deal for homeowners and a way to wean Americans off their obsession with investing in crumbling piles of wood and appliances."
"I am now paying off my house in full easily and effortlessly."
"Home affordability has fallen, making it more difficult for people and Americans to build generational wealth."
"No, the American dream is to own a home. There's a difference between buying and owning."
"I am NOT taking the hammer, but I am taking back my home."
"What if they don't have capital, dog? What the [__]? Yeah, just go buy a fixer-upper dude, yeah because everyone has like uh enough money to just like rent out."
"If you're an aspiring homeowner, now might be a good time to wait."
"Visualize three years from now you're living in a nice home with a 15-year fixed where the payment's no more than a fourth of your take-home pay."
"When you finish your house and you lay that last brick, your family will never have a mortgage."
"The only way to get ahead and have sort of the stable classic American dream in this country is to become a homeowner."
"Now 31 percent say they would sell their plasma or 29 say that they would skip meals if it meant that they could afford to buy a home."
"Owning a home has long been considered the Great Australian dream."
"Having a home paid off is actually priceless. It's like not having the guillotine just kind of hanging above you."
"Millennials aren't buying avocado toast and lattes. Can they afford a home?"
"Hell yeah slay, you own a house outright, you don't owe anyone anything."
"Now that I have some money, I found my family a house."
"We've always said I'd rather just buy like our dream house."
"All the data says he's wrong. And the reason is that a paid-off home sets you free in so many ways emotionally, spiritually, mathematically, everything else, to be able to go on and live your life in a way that you can invest." - Dave Ramsey
"But here's the thing though. So marketing genius said, look, why do immigrants come to America? They come to America for the American dream. What if we're able to convince all of America that the American dream starts with home ownership?"
"We put in the hard work to make our dream of building our own home a reality."
"His offer of 8,500 was fair, and now I'll be able to give my daughter some money for a down payment on her house."
"Living tiny has allowed us to own our home and make changes with pride."
"We wanted to escape rent payments and we wanted to buy land eventually and we successfully did that by living in the Scamp."
"Owning a house in the game is kind of cool, it's fun."
"The only vehicle in which middle-class Americans or working Americans could build wealth in this country was through home ownership."
"Even an okay credit score can cost you a hundred thousand dollars over the life of a 30-year home mortgage."
"I get a lot of personal satisfaction from fixing a place up and then handing the keys over to someone who really enjoys it and wants to live there."
"If you want to cry when you get the keys that's completely fine and completely normal."
"Thanks to you I was able to purchase a home, and that boils down to being all of your fault."
"I just closed in a house this morning after years of saving and planning my wife and I were finally able to get the money together for the down payment in
closing costs."
"I wish I could just get out of the house but literally everything I had went into buying it so for now my wife and I are stuck here."
"Home ownership is the cornerstone of wealth. You want to see somebody take that first step so they can build on top of it."
"When a New York couple was told their 100-year-old plus home was built by a notorious bootlegger, they passed it off as small town legend."
"It's awesome because it's your own home and it builds character in you."
"It's been hard to spend money on this house when we know we still have a while left in it."
"Buying my first home has been something that I've been saving up for for such a long time. I've been thinking about it. It's just, if you guys watch my channel, if you guys know me, you know that this is a big deal."
"You're gonna build a house for yourself you're not gonna buy something that somebody already lived in it's not like kind of like not like what you really want."
"The possibility of purchasing, constructing, or renovating their home is very high during this two-year phase."
"The first thing I did was get my mother a house."
"My mother gave us this house we did not have mortgage payment."
"It's not that I couldn't afford to buy a place in the States, I totally could."
"In times like these, you have to get creative, not only to budget and save money, but also to find other ways of achieving financial milestones like becoming a homeowner."
"Many people dream of having their own home all their life."
"Owning a home could be one of the best investments I have ever made but it's also been the most time-consuming and the most challenging."
"It's always been a dream to purchase my own home and that is why."
"Finally, finally, finally buying our own home."
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"Once progression stops, once the next generation thinks, 'Hang on a minute, things are getting worse,' we're not going to own our houses."
"79 percent of Americans consider owning a home one of the greatest goals to achieve."
"All the baby boomers who are now mortgage-free homeowners went through paying interest rates three times what they are now."
"Home ownership is the number one factor that drives people from poverty to the middle class."
"They don't actually own their home but it worked, plebs got that feeling of ownership and it made all the difference."
"To this day I can't explain why my brain chose to have me turn and just walk away from the car."
"When you own your home, there is a true emotional, spiritual something happens when you don't have a bank in your life."
"Free VA home loan funding fee waiver... you do not have to pay the funding fee on a VA home loan."
"Thinking long term and about your future resale value... those type of things will absolutely impact your future resale value along with your livability while you're in that home."
"The average Texas homeowner who lives in their home could see a 42% cut in their annual property taxes."
"Because a lot of times people forget about this, starting with your down payment when you buy a home."
"People have equity in their homes, you're not just going to walk away if things go wrong."
"Locking individuals and families out of the one thing in this country that has traditionally been the key to building wealth: home ownership."
"I want to put down on the house. That is my next goal, so that gives me something to keep grinding for."
"Nothing beats this for having your own place."
"You have to save up, you have to have goals. I'm in the process of trying to buy a house, so therefore I got to save up to buy my house."
"Don't call your house an investment, because at the end of the term, you may have paid three times its worth in payments."
"Feels like the house owns me. I don't own the house."
"I am really, really truly very proud of this house."
"Homeownership is always I think the first key to everybody's life."
"Home ownership has long been the classic American dream."
"Having good credit... is going to give you a better score and it's going to make home ownership more affordable period."
"I don't think it's any different owning a home than renting a home."
"Homeownership is the symbol of the American dream."
"The normative way... to build wealth is to invest into mutual funds and to get the house paid off."
"I'm kind of in my feels a little bit because I'm very happy to be moving into my own house."
"She bought her house within her means so her payment is about twenty-five percent of her net income."
"We've all had this nightmare before: you finally accomplish your dream of buying a home, you feel complete with your life, you feel satisfied, you've made it."
"Owning your home and giving yourself the opportunity for appreciation is the smartest thing you can do."
"Feeling grounded, feeling stable. The key to your new home and the stars, I see this as like a wishing upon a star, achieving something that you have wished for."
"There's no better opportunity for them to build family wealth than owning the home they live in."
"People don't want to become homeowners to exclude, they want stability."
"We recently sold our little starter home in the neighborhood and moved our family of five to our forever home and property. We are so grateful to be here."
"Ever since buying this house I've made every mistake imaginable and I've learned a lot along the way." - Andre
"Everyone should have the chance that prior Generations had to own a home."
"We wanted to surprise them today and let them know that we've paid off both of their houses."