
Personal Destiny Quotes

There are 314 quotes

"Change your thoughts and you change your destiny. You become what you think about."
"Every good thing that God wanted for you is sealed in you right now."
"Decisions, not conditions, determine my destiny."
"You alone set your own destiny. Remember, you are the captain of your ship."
"It's the ultimate individualist philosophy because they're saying there's something in you when you're born that you were meant to achieve."
"The beauty for me of America is it's a place where your destiny is constructed by you."
"Most people with my views just want to be left alone to be able to pursue our own destiny as we wish, to leave everyone alone to pursue their destiny too."
"I think for me, it was part of my Dharma... it was my life's purpose, to be honest."
"You guys are meant to do something very big in this lifetime."
"God gives us all the ability to envision and achieve our destiny."
"My destiny, dream, and goal was not just for me."
"God's timing is impeccable... it wasn't my time to fight for the championship then but it is going to be my time on May the 18."
"Ultimately, you have what it takes, what you desire out of your life at this time, it's not just made for other people, it's made for you."
"You are creating your own destiny with the power of your mind."
"No one can take the adventure of life away from you; it's your destiny."
"Take action on your creative pursuits; that's where you'll find your destiny."
"Take control of your destiny. Don't be scared to say that."
"I was destined to be an heir, like to inherit a throne or something."
"The voice of God has radically changed my destiny."
"I was finally starting my real destiny as an American hero."
"I hear God saying there are possessions that have my name on it."
"You have truly taken your own destiny into your hands."
"What is right for you will never pass you by, especially with this good karma."
"Mommy and daddy died for us, you can become this."
"We don't have time to waste our energy in things that are not congruent with our destiny."
"Life is not completely dependent on the whole; it is largely dependent on an individual's will and determination to pursue the purpose and destiny for his/her own life."
"There's some kind of autonomy that you have some control some say in your own destiny you create hopelessness."
"We're truly realizing that we have the power to change our own destiny, to create our own visions for ourselves and in our lives."
"The anointing upon you can be multi-faceted - it's going to determine your audience, who likes you and who hates you."
"It's really about your destiny, your personal destiny."
"You may be a Hollywood actor, a musician that God's called, but there's a saint living on the inside of you that knows you were called for such a time as this."
"You are meant to be here, you have spiritual work to accomplish."
"It's almost like you feel left out of the universe, but the universe is going to give you a surprise."
"You are a magnet, and what belongs to you will be yours."
"If it is desired by me, it is destined for me."
"YouTube is just a starter. It's to get you where you need to get. It's like, it's not that it's just something that gets you to what God really wants you. He wants you to be more."
"I think you've come to the conclusion with that previous or current lover that it's not your destiny for that situation, and you're ready for something new."
"When stuff like that happens I feel like you also needed Libra as an answer. This is actually the North Node, so it's also about following your true north."
"Destiny is malleable, believe in your own beauty and embrace the rebirth."
"Whatever is fair and meant for you will come to you."
"You know, you've got a great destiny, you know it you know it you know it."
"You're capable of having a great and big destiny."
"You're meant to be in that position of authority."
"If they happen to when they conjunct at the end of this year to trigger a planet in your horoscope you're gonna play a huge role for society or an important role for the next twenty years in your life into society with that planet as well."
"I have a greater destiny to fulfill myself and for god; now I have many new traits too."
"Let them be the fools. You're destined for abundance."
"I believe in Freedom. I think that everybody has should have a chance to determine their own destiny and not have to live under a boot."
"What's meant to be will be, and even if you hurt some people down the way, you disappoint people, because when I go to sleep at night... I'm just like, 'God, help me make this decision.' But Your will be done." - Marlo
"What's meant to be yours will be yours and it's yours for a reason."
"The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think it is clear we can expect great things from you."
"This ain't about boats, this is about Destiny!"
"We have control of our fate, we're in control of our destiny."
"You are in charge of your relationship destiny, not a man."
"I'm allowed to do what I'm meant to do in the world."
"Catriona Gray was just 13 years old when her mom had a dream that she would become Miss Universe walking along the stage in a red dress."
"Your soul's purpose or your soul's calling is going to be very, very loud. You're being called to."
"Nobody can take it from you because you're in charge of your destiny."
"You were born to do something great in your life."
"You guys are breaking free from that and understanding I can create my own world, I can create my own destiny."
"When you start to believe that you have some grand destiny that is elevated above and beyond other human beings, you're in a lot of trouble."
"Your destiny is to shine and stick out from the crowd."
"They know that you are their destiny, you are a true empress."
"This is my moment, I was born for this, made for this."
"Whatever's meant for you, nobody could take it from you."
"Oh yeah, what's that now there's a fat in donuts anybody know what that's called? Trans trans fat that's right some people in Chicago know what a donut is some people avoid it some people eat a lot of it."
"She felt like she wasn't like the other kids, she was just destined to do more in her life."
"What is yours will be yours you'll what you get in your life you'll know that it's yours it's mine."
"I give myself permission to be the author of my own destiny and create a life that aligns with my deepest aspirations."
"The universe is really putting this spark in you because this is who you are destined to be."
"You have the ability to see something that's unique."
"This karma, it's like something destined, something is coming towards you that is positive."
"Somebody knew you was a king or a queen... you were destined for greatness."
"Humility is the key to destiny. It's the accelerator."
"You were born to shine, you were born to be a star."
"You're meant to do something pretty big in this life."
"Your destiny is being created by you. You're destined for greatness."
"Belonging to a dominant tyrannical empire, joining the freedom fighters, and forging his own destiny."
"Every single path led to the same inevitable location... both paths converge to the same thing, and that same thing is you."
"When I walk into a room, the room either has something set apart for me or it's not the room I'm supposed to be in."
"Imagination lifts the invisible into sight, transforming all in mind to beauty, love in the garden of the mind, as it reflects as habit, character, and destiny."
"See ye first the fourth dimension and the perfect plan of your life will come to pass."
"Finding yourself, stepping into your own destiny, stepping into your power."
"You've got strong energy. You're meant to be something in this world. You're incarnated here for a particular purpose."
"The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation."
"He interpreted surviving the shooting as an indication that he had a higher purpose in music rather than crime."
"You're the master of your destiny. Don't let anyone stand in your way."
"You're being brought exactly where you're meant to be for your highest good."
"The vision is gonna come to pass. It's your time. You bout to blow up."
"You guys are the masters of your own destiny."
"I just feel like I was kind of made for this."
"I am in complete control of myself and my destiny. I create as I speak."
"You were born to win and you are equipped with all the powers of God within you to make you master of your fate and captain of your destiny."
"There are measures and realms of triumph and victory that you were born for."
"Men are not in charge of your relationship destiny, you are in charge of your destiny."
"You're the one God's chosen to change the generational pattern."
"He felt that he was literally called to a career in science. '...so strong was that imprint [of the night sky] that I'm certain that I had no choice in the matter, that in fact, the universe called me.'"
"Our destinies are different, so the things that we need for our destiny, if it's either dragging me behind or helping me move towards my destiny, I'll keep it."
"What if my desired future reality was really there waiting for me already?"
"I ignored my destiny once, I cannot do that again."
"He loses his dream but he lives his destiny."
"Kiss my ass! I won't be defined by chance, I will take control of my destiny."
"The judgment: There's someone that's coming in faded for you, it's your destiny, and maybe it's with a lover, maybe you're dealing with a Gemini, if not, this could be a lover, this could be a friend, it could be a family member."
"Trust in the divine plan; everything is as it's meant to be."
"There is a specific will of God for your life and there is the general will of God for your life."
"I've been wondering when it would happen. I always knew that I would be in this police building though."
"We are what we think about; our minds control our destinies."
"God's glory is destined for our world and more specifically your life."
"Nothing is better than controlling your own destiny, your own finances, in your own future."
"I feel like I was made to do this. I've been in this game my whole life."
"Gives you control of your own destiny, something that everybody wishes they had more of in life."
"Destiny isn't the path given to us, it's the path we choose for ourselves."
"I have within me the bloodline that will allow me to one day bend the world to my will."
"God has been giving you a sign, a confirmation that you have a great call upon your life."
"Be who you are and take create your own destiny."
"Something big-time is being arranged for you."
"It came back to me, it's destiny, it's okay."
"You have a purpose, you have a unique destiny."
"Your destiny is much bigger than that your destiny is not in the hand of one man."
"You're meant to have the ten of cups in your love life that has been destined for you, that is the blueprint of your love life this lifetime."
"This is your time. You are being truly rewarded by making these decisions to step into your own destiny."
"I did feel like this role was one that I was sort of made for. You're the person that is meant to kind of carry that."
"Understand, people of God, that in life there is a giant with your name on it, a giant that you are called to defeat, a Pharaoh that you are to overcome."
"It was very clear to everyone that Shanda was destined for greatness."
"External circumstances do not dictate the ultimate destination of your life; it's an internal game."
"I don't think I signed up for this job, I think I was called into this job."
"You're not meant to be with just anybody. You're a star, an Earth Angel."
"It's your destiny, it's your journey, and the minute we release those people and those situations, bam, just like that, like lightning, your whole life shifts and changes."
"Assuming your own destiny can be a lonely process, but the only image that you must live up to is your own image."
"You are exactly where you are supposed to be."
"What is coming your way is going to be a perfect match for you, it's going to be... heaven sent."
"The Matrix's victory in the end isn't merely winning a fight but taking back control of his own destiny."
"The whole message of psychedelics is self-empowerment. Trust yourself, seize the tiller of your destiny. It is your life, your body, your mind, and your world to remake as you choose to reshape it."
"You are the creator of your own destiny, creator of your own light."
"Whatever is meant for you will never be held from you."
"We each have an assignment, a unique role to play, but you don't decide your path, you discover it."
"It's like if your last name is Pain, what are you gonna do with your life?"
"God has the best for you; it has your name on it."
"Trust your heart's calling, for it resonates with the rhythm of your destiny."
"Realize at the end of the day you, the final say with your destiny. Your free will is your power and what you choose to do with it will determine your life outcomes, not a pick a card reading on the internet."
"Let the sorrows of this era not become your own," he advised, a poignant reminder that they had the power to shape their destiny.
"First of all, you just told me I'm a prophet, and then right after you told me I'm a prophet, you say your people are gonna run you out, which is unimaginable."
"Break every curse off of you, you have a destiny."
"You need to open your eyes and take responsibility for your own destiny."
"Lean into the dream that the universe has for you."
"You get to be the master of your own fate, the captain of your own soul."
"Step into your destiny that God gave you, called you, appointed you, and anointed you for this time."
"What is meant for you isn't going to vanish or evaporate and get away because it's all about timing and your manifestations."
"He was always destined, even when I was acting, we were working together on that thing."
"Once you claim your power in this situation and realize you are the creators of your own story, then the ending can be anything that you want."
"It's already yours, what's for me will be for me."
"You're destined to be with someone that is going to make you happy."
"They know you're destined for happiness, fortune, stability, all the great things."
"It was a fitting end for someone who wanted nothing else but to just be another French soldier before his life was completely derailed."
"Life is choice-driven, destiny is decision-based... Your life will be a direct result of the decisions you make."
"They feel true love and they feel like you are their person."
"If it's for you, it's for you and nobody can take that from you. Period."
"He's got a destiny for you. And there's somebody out there that needs to hear your story."
"Your soul is destined to be seen by the world."
"We must have an end, Shale. May yours be one of your own choosing."
"Listen to your heart, follow your dreams, follow your destiny. You're right here, you're on the brink of who you're meant to be."
"Some of us are meant to be amazed, and others are meant to be amazing."
"They told me son you're special, you were born to do great things."
"Don't let nobody steal your life, you the children of the promise, doc. Stop operating in fear."
"I just hope those boys are ready for the challenges. This is what I was born for."
"You are destined for greatness... You are destined to make good money."
"One vision and one decision can change your whole Destiny."
"When you walk the path that only you can walk, know that you're living the life that you were meant to live."
"We can alter our destiny, it's not written in stone."
"Her heart would guide her in a future she has yet to see."
"You're the chosen one. Your destiny is not only yours, it is the destiny of the whole universe."
"The time will come when the destiny of you and the whole universe will overlap."
"Your destiny is unfolding, be patient and focused."
"I'm the living scripture of your gift will make room for you."
"Ask me about the things to come... concerning my sons and the works of my hands."
"God has a plan for your life that is fantastic, perfect, and perfectly suited for you."
"Your destiny, your personal vision for your life, all three cards were exactly the same to me."
"Taking charge of your destiny, one decision at a time."
"Somebody was already chosen to be because they're strong enough."
"Destiny is forged by your actions, and now more than ever we must fight to seize the opportunity that we have created for ourselves."
"They feel like their destiny on this earth is to be with you."
"You are definitely meant to have a lot of life lived, a lot of experiences, a lot of wish fulfillment."
"If God assigned me to it, he built me for it."
"You are a child of God, with a divine purpose and destiny."
"You were born to conquer and live every promise of God."
"Authenticity, real truth, even if it's really sharp, cold, hard truth."
"You cannot be defeated, you will not be intimidated, you cannot back down because you will move forward and accomplish the purpose that he created you for."
"Each human being is the smith. We forge our own destiny."
"Turn back to God and let his light shine into you to show you the treasures buried deep within your destiny."
"Your destiny lies in going to a distant land, attaining education, and fields related to computer engineering, New Age technology."
"Your luck factor will improve, your destiny will start to get stronger, the more hard work and effort you put in anything, your destiny and luck factor will help you to reap those rewards."
"Some men are born great, others have greatness thrust upon them."
"The power to change our destiny lies in our own hands."
"Follow your heart and recognize that you're magnetizing the opportunities that are meant for you."
"You Are Destined for a Breakthrough, Believe in Yourself."
"I just felt so right, like I was supposed to be there."
"Your future is in his hands; he knows things about you that you don't even know about yourself."
"Your destiny is never tied to someone who will walk away from you."
"Your Divine Light has led you to a unique path that you need to pay attention to, man. Let me repeat that: Your Divine Light has led you to a unique path that's only been open for you. Nobody can walk through that door but you."
"Your soul will recognize the things that it's meant for the things that it's meant to have the things that it's meant to receive."