
Dynamic Programming Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Dynamic programming is one of the most powerful algorithmic techniques in computer science."
"In dynamic programming, we solve the sub-problems recursively and use the optimal solutions to construct an optimal solution for the original problem."
"In dynamic programming, the value at each cell represents whether there's a match up to that point, considering both the text and the pattern."
"Dynamic Programming is a powerful way of solving complex optimization problems."
"At each stage, we're making choices—include the item or not include it."
"Dynamic programming provides an optimal solution."
"Dynamic programming is a method for solving complex problems by breaking them down into simpler overlapping subproblems and storing solutions to these subproblems to avoid redundant computations."
"...we can actually use a very simple dynamic programming technique called caching in this case."
"Dynamic programming... can therefore discover optimal policies, policies that are better than all other policies."
"Python has some advanced features with parameters like variable length arguments, we can pass as many arguments as we want to make it very dynamic."
"JavaScript is designed to be used by HTML page authors and enterprise application developers to dynamically script the behavior of objects running on either the client or the server."
"...dynamic programming lets us solve complex Problems by doing two things: it basically breaks them down into sub problems and then it puts those sub problems back together to solve the overall solution."
"...dynamic programming is very widely used... it's used in scheduling algorithms, string algorithms for sequence alignment problems... it's used for graph algorithms like if you think of shortest path Al algorithms these are essentially dynamic programming algorithms."
"...we're going to try and solve them using dynamic programming... luckily MDPs satisfy both of these properties... the special properties which MDPs have are basically the Bellman equation... and the value function."
"If you're in an MDP that's ergodic and just goes on forever, dynamic programming still works; it will still find the optimal solution."
"Dynamic programming is probably the most powerful algorithmic design paradigm, very general, can solve lots of problems."
"The idea of a dynamic programming algorithm is it's a form of recursive optimization."
"The key method for dealing with such problems is dynamic programming that goes back to Bellman."
"Dynamic programming is a technique used to solve complex problems by breaking them down into smaller manageable subproblems."
"The concept of decision trees... illustrate, I hope, visually, some things related to dynamic programming."
"Dynamic programming is not the only time we do that. We've solved a lot of problems that way, in fact, by trading time for space."
"Dynamic programming is broadly useful."
"Whenever you're looking at a problem that seems to have a natural recursive solution, think about whether you can attack it with dynamic programming."
"This problem can be solved with dynamic programming."
"Dynamic programming is just an impressive name for some really basic ideas."
"Optimal substructure should be familiar idea because it's essentially an encapsulation of dynamic programming."
"Everything in recursion, everything in dynamic programming will become very simple for you guys."
"The key thing in dynamic programming is you're looking for a situation where there are overlapping sub-problems and what's called optimal substructure."
"We will use dynamic programming to cache previous optimal solutions."
"Now we will see how dynamic programming can be used to solve the coin change problem."
"The dynamic programming principle states that if we can solve smaller subproblems, then their learnings can be memorized to solve the larger problems."
"This problem can be resolved by using the dynamic programming paradigm."
"That is why dynamic programming is a better approach than recursive programming paradigm."
"We will first analyze from a dynamic programming point of view and then find that we can take a greedy algorithms approach."
"Matrix chain multiplication and typesetting both illustrate a slightly more advanced use of the dynamic programming technique."
"By using dynamic programming, we can solve this problem in Big O of n times W time."
"Dynamic programming, good. What a surprise!"
"That's the idea of dynamic programming. And of a lookup table."
"The main trick of DP is we're going to be solving problems recursively via the recursive method of breaking down the large problems into smaller subproblems."
"We use the answers of the smaller subproblems to build up to the larger subproblems."
"All we care about is where the paths end, we're allowed to only compute an answer for an ending cell once because that answer will be the same answer no matter how the rest of the path will be."
"DP is kind of just a strategy for thinking about problems in a certain way."
"I personally like to describe it as a mindset."
"The dynamic programming aspect of the solution is that I am storing the solution to every sub-problem that I solved."